Will a magnet concentrate the particulate if you place it beside the glass or specimen cup?

After I realized we had been shed on back in June 2021, I did many impromptu experiments and I found that what I was urinating at that time was magnetically attracted. So much so that if I took multiple magnets and placed them strategically around the glass, the particulate would permanently suspend in strange twisting shapes due to the overlap of the magnetic fields until I removed the magnets.

I have been trying many (Many?) reduction methods since however and my wife and I are no longer measurably magnetic and my urine no longer separates with a magnet.

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Did you ever do the MAC address test on your self or your wife , because not everyone has a MAC address, and if it’s Bluetooth driven technology then it will have a hard time self assembling,

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Bluetooth is a bidirectional biometrics vector, so this does not have anything to do with assembly. The assembly happens regardless if the 'constructors' have the raw materials (cadmium, yttrium, titanium, etc), so without remediation a mac address is in your future. This is why chelation and reduction are important. If you remove the materials from the house construction site then the constructors can't do much about building the house. They can wait for an opportunity however.

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Without assembly there is no bluetooth... bluetooth is not a simple signal, its a network protocol and there is a time period after someone is vaxxed before they begin to emit a MAC id, it takes at least a few minutes to hours.

One of the videos out shows someone testing their aunt or grandma right after the jab with the right app and she does not have a MAC, then a couple hours later they do it again and she does have one. They are of course shocked, blah blah blah.

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The protocol used for nano routers at BT 2.4ghz would be a form of BLE.

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Thank you sir ,

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There is a however. The however is that once the bt nano routers are active, since it is a bidirectional vector, the mechanisms can then receive outside code and instructions. I'll leave it at that

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I've seen MAC address spontaneously start showing up in non-vaxxed individuals. I also think that they will disappear when people detox and remove wifi. We've seen both.

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I suspected that obliteration of the metal contamination would destroy the nano routers but it is very gratifying to hear actual reports of that happening. As for the observation of non-injected victims having nano routers, this was also expected in the case of no conscious remediation. If they act as if there is no war then they will lose the war.

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It's hard to know. We saw that when the unvaxxed who had MAC addresses went on vacation to the beach, when they came back, no MAC address. But I think since then, they started to display them again. Maybe there was just some disassembly. I do have a vaxxed friend who had horrible symptoms the last two years now (spontaneously) have improvement. I suspect she has detoxed out much of the metals. We have to be constantly open-minded, since we are reverse engineering.

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This is great information, have you got a substack?

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We never developed a MAC address nor have I personally ever found an unvaxxed person who did. Perhaps others have, I dont know their methodology but I myself have not.

But yes, back June 2021 I walked all around at 1 and 2 in the morning and found many newly vaxxed had MACs. I took screenshots and looked them all up in bluetooth sig databases but they are unique.

I used to use this technique to test whether someone in a small store or gas station was vaxxed and potentially shedding before it became inevitibly unavoidable.

I also used it at the Amish store frequently for over a year, they are shed on daily but never developed MAC ids... never a single bluetooth signal if it was only the amish and us. Perhaps it requires bodily fluid exchange.

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I think the building blocks which we are getting via air, water and food + EMF = MAC address. The Amish go home to no EMF. Or at least a lot less than the typical American.

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Probably due to no grocery store exposure.

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Hi - can you share the method for testing for MAC’s? Would really like to start checking this myself and seeing what’s out there

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I have android and the app I use is just called Bluetooth Scanner and the developer is Ethay Tam. Its easy to use, make sure BT is on before you launch it and it will scan for any available BT devices/vaxxed.

Some devices will announce what they are, like SonyTV etc but some will just be the 6 digit ID. Sometimes you can look those IDs up in a bluetooth vendor database and see who makes it but I have never found one that seemed to be a vaxxed person that came up in any database. I used to think the vaxxed signals were always the ones constantly fluctuating wildly but now Im not sure. It can be interesting if you are away from all people like in a forest or field or cemetary or amish store or driving down a deserted highway and watch it blip as cars pass but I no longer use it to try to detect anything in the city or around many people like at a big store because the range of BT LE is like 200 feet and these days the infected are everywhere.

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Download the app Bluetooth Scanning IO for iPhone. It is free. It will show you all the mac addresses in your viscinity. Go to a large field away from people and see if you are emitting. Scan classrooms.

You can take the mac address and look it up online to see if it is registered.

I took a walk in the forest and was able to get mac addresses from some and not others.

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The rGO in contact with living cells becomes magnetic is in the scientific literature. Hence, most vaccinated people become magnetic. This magnetism passes from the site of the puncture to the chest and back, and then rises to the head using the central nervous system. This material, rGO, likes eminently electrical organs: heart and brain, mainly.

I have done tests with electromagnetic field meters that have been positive. Likewise, vaccinated people emit binary data by measuring it with a special device. I verified it in my father and in other people.

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To call this amazing work is an understatement. Thank you! Are these particular samples vaccinated or un-vaccinated urine?

P.S. I just realized that this gives a whole new meaning to pee-pee tapes :)

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Karl, how long before we can replicate this solution you have?

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Wow, your microscopy pics are the bomb Karl. Even though its like ugh "I can't believe this is in us!".

Can you smell the difference in your urine from highly contaminated to cleaner?

I still haven't put my finger on what the smell is...

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Nice work Karl. Can you please provide links to the # in your other stacks? That way peeps can access and reread any previous articles in the series.🤗🙏🙏

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Wonderful research. These little dots are also seen in covid inocula like Pfizer or Moderna. This microtenology is possible in all types of injectables, as it has also been found in dental anesthesia, heparins, and serums. Therefore we must assume that it is in every injectable. Under the microscope we can clearly see rGO ribbons, rGO filaments and rGO flakes. They create much more complex structures over time.

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Karl - you're tagline - Man Against the MICROBES - tends to suggests that natural biological entities are what you are investigating and opposing. I have an alternate tagline recommendation that seems far more accurate and appropriate :

Man Against the MICRO-BORGS

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Karl, did you check your urine before starting on the solution? If so, can you post a picture of it?

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Thank you for helping humanity Karl!😀

I am with (David) on his question how long before we can replicate this solution you have??

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This might be good. It can be excreted. Sodium Bicarb, baking soda every day, balances the PH for elimination.

See Dr's Sircus and Robert Young. Get your ph strips.

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The suspense is building. I hope the answer is something really si-fi.

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I just want it to be simple. I like the KISS principal.

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