To say you and your work are amazing does not do you or your work justice...Thank you so much for the blood, sweat, tears (and urine, etc.!) you put into your work for the good of us all.

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Funny stuff! Thank you, I appreciate the support and love people have been sharing. I want to save my butt and everyone else's. So do a few other people like my good friend David. We care.

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It would be a much-improved world if the love, we as a people have for each other, colored even a fraction of our decision-makers' choices.

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I have no "decision-makers..." I withdrew My consent from the psychopathic legal/governmental system and stand sovereign on Ethical ground. Alone They can bully Me, but when We stand in aggregate as sovereigns, They will have no power.

Dear AnyOne, I Am Not in Your Jurisdiction (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/dear-anyone-i-am-not-in-your-jurisdiction

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I admire your ideology and agree with your ethical stance, however; unless you have your own fuel, water, food, etc. and live on an isolated island of your very own making and choosing, the decisions of the parasites in power greatly affect our options.

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You might want to explore My work aiming to strip the psychopaths in control of Their single tool to power. And also consider what would happen if even 30% of Us stood in aggregate against bullies. What if 70% did...?

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

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Magna Carta. (which our Constitution 1901 is based upon,) Article 61 "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes Duty" This is Lawful Rebellion"

This was put in the M.C. for us, to protect us, "We the people".

Learn to say "NO" people.

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Long live humanity!

And thank you! ❤️❤️

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Thanks back you and everyone else

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An extraordinary presentation you amazing odd-balls. All four of you.

So glad you upgraded your scope and camera Karl. It certainly makes a difference.

And the light-hearted humor is so appreciated also. Nothing like a good chuckle to smooth out the bumpy ride we're all on. I think that as we rise in optimistic spirit to meet this challenge we'll actually alter the physics driving it. The perspective of our consciousness is a powerful thing. Namaste, in its true meaning, to you all.

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We truly have psychopaths in control on Our planet. Your work is awesome and shows the evidence of that psychopathy. My humble work is to offer a solution to psychopaths in control. May We aggregately stand against Their machinations and take back OUR planet!

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Great work Karl (ad others).

With all these changes to your (our) RBC's, I would like to know if you are experiencing any changes personally, or is this simply IOB?

Maybe crazy questions but pertinent I feel. Any changes such as:

- Is your blood still red in color when obtaining a sample? Is it blue, green?

- Has your skin feel and texture changed?

- Do you feel any different mentally/cognitively?

- Can you lift a car with one finger?

- Has your eye sight deteriorated or improved?

I haven't had any deadly shots or swabs.

I personally am being 'pinged' from wireless devices whenever my brain activity drops below 4-5Hz (when falling asleep and waking up), it's an electric shock. Do you now experience this also, with confirmation of your blood alteration?

Have you noticed any observational changes yourself that you are willing to share?

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Woah, on the electric shock stuff. Myself and my partner have been getting what we think are static electricity shocks at a particular supermarket, when touching the freezers, trolleys, even a packet of frozen vegetables!

Do you mean pinged when touching wireless devices, or do you mean not even touching them?

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No, unfortunately my 'pings' are wireless based directly to the back of the neck (base of the brain) through to the shoulders. They are not static electricity as in your case.

I can audibly record the ping, deflect the pings and somewhat shield from the pings as I have now done. I can see where they are coming from and what external changes makes them increase or fade in intensity.

I suspect with a high degree of confidence now these are the BLE mesh network 'advertising' hand shake pings, and most likely the shot people. Why me? I do not know other than targeting.

I have not had any poison shots, but do still have amalgams which I am working on removing myself. The amalgams make us all easy targets.

I recall many years ago watching an episode of Here's Lucy I think it was, where she could jokingly pick up radio stations via her amalgams. They were even telling us way back then.

All EMF sensitive individuals may be in a similar boat.

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Yikes, sounds awful. You can see where they’re coming from! I don’t know what to say about that. I really don’t know enough to comment on what is happening to you.

I had amalgam fillings, but years ago, my teeth got so bad from sugar, I had the whole lot taken out and got falsies. They don’t fit very well any more though.

My husband has bad teeth, but won’t go to the dentist. He hopes to get bad teeth out on his own. I don’t know about that.

Trying to get amalgams out yourself sounds hard enough!

I hope things work out well for you!

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Apr 22Edited

In case someone else happens to stumble across this thread this may assist them also.

I am in otherwise in quite good shape. I heard of one other instance the same, where in 2020 they received (what I did), in the middle of the night what I can only describe as an aggressive electric shock to the brain stem and shoulder region. A very loud Ziiiiiiinng! Since then I haven't slept on that side of the house, which is very close to the neighbors smart meter and taken multiple steps to counter the shocks.

I can literally count the pings and can tell how many sources there are, which just happens to match the number of modems and vax'd people (nieghbors) either side of my house.

Piecing last info together, my most current thoughts on this is the origin is actually Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Mesh Network from these vax'd attempting to connect with metal in me. The latest BLE Mesh Network can go up to approx. 200ft. This what I surmize most vax'd are operating on now and don't even know it.

There is not much left of my amalgams now, just enough, but yes I will pull them myself. Dentist will be worse than a doctor now. Porcelain and Composite fillings contain Plastics and Aluminum, so not much benefit.

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Karl....i been using bee venom to shed this stuff n beef up immune but how do i get it outta house n laundry?

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Just ordered some sodium citrate

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https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=794800635891717&rdid=OWpqO5tsdxbIofiG Explains about body sensors in us, using graphene oxide. Sabrina Wallace. They are using our bodies as data transfer devices.

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Apr 16
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They are pawns I guess. Probably told them they are cool because they are in the investment club. Rule number one......... Get rid of the smart ones afterwards. Dumb asses.

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