The structures in the images of your blood are very similar to what I pull out of my skin though I don't need a microscope to see them.

It's all about the blood. Well, perhaps not all, but the blood cells of the host are the building blocks.

Carnicom's latest substack speaks to this as well as my personal experiences for the last fifteen years.

Thanks for showing us these. Your work is very good. God Bless.

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Thank you, I think you are right there. It is likely all about the blood since Clifford's work does explain alterations and production of RBC's. The blood is the river of life, and if everything is changed here it feeds to everywhere else in the body.

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Clifford says that what he calls CDB are actually capable of producing artificial rbc's in which the CDB are enclosed. I tried asking him whether the rbc's contain human hemoglobin and if so in what oxidation state the iron is found in thinking about whether or not the alleged/presumed artificial hemoglobin is capable of carrying as much oxygen as human hemoglobin (he did not reply). If this is transhumanism as opposed to depopulation, it is difficult to imagine why the perps would want to replace human blood with an artificial substitute that is less rather than more capable of transporting oxygen. Do you know if Clifford or anyone else has plotted an oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve for the artificial blood?

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You hit the nail on the head, as a fellow morgie, mold is a problematic exacerbater. Wifi accelerates the growth of mold in our environment and in our bodies. Long term foward thinking, recognizing the plan is to put a million low orbiting 5g satellites above and a billion land ocean cell towers, to gain control of this mold monster, 5g will have to be stopped or society will suffer to extinction. To overcome doubt regarding the safety of nonionizing emf, i encourage all to put a plant infront of a smart meter or put a jug of water infront a smart meter and water a plant, take before and after pictures...the plants die. Now think about the long term affects of a million 5g emf radiation satellites planet wide. We must spread this message and stop the wifi mold accelerating fuel. The role of black mold in the equilibrium of life is decomposition and death...why feed a death accelerant? To return to balance, all wifi must come down....period.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Much appreciated work. Those images are amazing. Hope we find what the organisms are.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Shocking Indeed!!!

It's like another world complete with it's own lifeforms

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Excellent images Karl. Relevant as ever, indeed!!

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Karl.C

thank you for sharing.

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Oddly enough... I am not scientifically trained at all, but have been investigating all aspects of the police/government/military/corporate corruption, targeting, abuse of power, harassment, morgellons, V2K, HAARP frequency, Cell Towers, (‘Power Towers’ as I have fondly nicknamed them!), and also how the police and military in UK are working together on not only the official ‘fucking us all over’ program, but also have little side-line businesses going for themselves using all the equipment they have access to for huge financial ventures that involve targets being broadcast live on internet websites that generate fan bases and millions in revenue.....

On the subject of this Mycelium type fungal network running through our bodies..... I too came to the same conclusion that this must be what is forming the network building blocks for the nano tech to be spreading so prolifically throughout our bodies and brain tissue.... It is everywhere controlling every single aspect of human function. Tissues, muscles, sinew, tendons, cartilage, bone, bone marrow, cells, blood, hormonal systems are controlled, blood flow is controlled, muscle spasms, nerve pain and also nerve damage and numbness...especially genital areas are a favourite target point for these freaks to play with... mine have been almost completely numb for over 2 years, preventing any sexual interaction. It is apparently a favourite way, amongst many others, for these freaks to play with us for their website content... We are all effectively being used for ‘virtual reality game play’.... I will be posting articles from my own investigations and research conducted over the last 4/5 years... I have identified those involved in the UK and some in Florida. I’ve even traced the money men investing the profits from this ‘private’ business....

It seems the military have spent years/decades perfecting a mix of bacteria and fungus that will interact together to carry the nano tech through the body and ‘live’ within it... It seems to feed on a high sugar diet..... I believe this is why our food industry changed so dramatically about 20 years ago and an obese epidemic began..... First in the US and then worldwide.

I tested my theory on myself.. Cutting out every food stuff that had any sugar in it at all made a massive instant difference to my weight, my hair, skin, finger and toe nails, appetite, teeth, eyes, concentration levels, and all within 2 weeks. I lost 2 dress sizes in less than a month and my skin no longer flaked white powder... I also combined it with Epsom salt baths daily, and stopped using conventional shower and bath products. I swapped for turpentine soap, and used ‘hibiscrub’ anti microbial wash for a few weeks daily.

There is a guy on YouTube lookoutfacharlie I have posted some of his video links... he talks extensively about various chemtrails additives that are affecting our internal and external systems and indeed our planet as a whole...

It’s all linked ... He didn’t mention Mycelium but I feel it is definitely a strong contender for what the military have created to infiltrate and live within our systems... and that of all creatures on earth now... even plants. I am certain it is the distribution method for the nano tech to thrive within us.... I have evidence to show how this stuff has taken over every conceivable bodily and brain function. Major health conditions are being triggered by this tech controlling hormone function etc. The implications for not only mutilation, but genocide, modern slavery, torture, control and physical and mental manipulation are off the scale.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Karl.C

They have been dropping nano tech and organisms since the 90s in chemtrails, Operation NANO domestic Quell. Secret government project to infect us all with nano tech running since 2010. Vectors include Coke, Pepsi, all Nestle Products, and city water. There are no pure bloods. I confirmed with Dr. Young, he has been seeing nano tech in blood samples for over 20 years. https://redemperorcbd.com/operation-domestic-quell-and-the-covert-samson-option-by-agent-midnight-rider-9-3-2023/

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Author

Dr O young needs to stop stealing others images and claiming them as his own, same with his science papers. I've studied up on him as I was initially a fan as most are at first. Unfortunately when I read his science papers which are not science at all and followed all his other stuff i found he was just repeatedly taking info from others previous peer reviews and naming it as his own. Also he claims some images of blood clots as his work, they were animated photos hop stock images. For most of us who know of the sciences he speaks as his own and where that all comes from it leaves us concluding that he is on the gravy train like many others. I was tempted to write an article quoting all his supposed work and all the original references in science literature just prove a point so people can start learning who to trust better these days. But that's not my job, not in my interest, and certainly leaves me feeling a bit petty when those of us who Are familiar with what he speaks about and the origins of that info already know he's just another live blood analyst trying to milk it. I hope for his sake nobody writes a blog on him with all the references, it would be far too easy to discredit Dr O young. Gotta love how he travels to the INTJ and other places for an Interview, puts his white jacket on like he's stepped out the lab just to brainwash followers into the I am a super doctor thing. Hilarious. Don't trust men in bow ties, and don't trust doctors who fly half way around the world to do interviews in their lab coat. That's proper acting at its best. He's not the only one that does that and none of the real docs or scientists will do that. They interview in suits unless they are in a lab of course 😂

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Karl.C

So, why are you bringing him up in this conversation??? You show your true colors when you attack the messenger and not the message, Dr. Young risked his life to bring you the contents of the vaccine before anybody else and your worried about somebody copying images and wearing lab coats??? While 5 billion people took a bioweapon, and 100 million Americans are scheduled to die within 5 years. GOT IT.....Q-

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Author

I am just going to elaborate my anger here. I just managed to buy a used leica scope, new industrial Camera, and more off of the small amount of donations i received recently from the very kind supporters here. If it wasn't for those wonderful people i would not be able to continue my research however useful that may turn out to be. So far it clearly has. i Have discovered certain features and made some suspiscions almost a fact. When are people like Dr O'young and others going to stop compiling our efforts into their own discovery and start doing what we are doing. When people think they are working on stuff and pay them money to do nothing but steal others work that money doesn't reach the source of that work so more can be done. I sometimes wonder if that is the plan and it is all a psyops to strangle those making real efforts. I am practically homeless now and do nothing but this. i have no life, i don't socialize much at all anymore, and i find it hard to survive or get what i need to do more at times. I am not the only one, others who have contributed the most are also struggling and many suffering the effects of warfare like myself too. For some of us life is not fun as it should be.

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Author

I did not bring Dr O'young up, you did ! Anyway you mean him and his team which claimed one of David Nixons images as work done by them, among other statements belonging to others yet again. I am refereeing to those claims too. He was by no means the first to do anything, he is just claiming such as he does with EVERYTHING. He is not the only big name doing that, and people are beginning to talk about it rightfully. We can do that too for everything, but i would expect it to upset some people who did that hard honest work, want funding to do more, and cant because someone else is making a mint off of it drawing everyone away. Ooh look at me, give me money, i am so special i steal peoples work, give me money. That is not helping in my mind. yea sorry dude, i dont get it one bit, its just wrong. if i donated money to someone i thought was helping us all because they actively working on something and then found out they were stealing others work then i would certainly feel like i had been deceived fraudulently ( that is in effect what that is known as). We have a problem that needs solving and its a very complex one. Support those doing such so we all have a better chance. People like Ron D Norris, David Nixon, Shimon Yanowitz, and many others ARE working everyday on finding solutions or trying to reverse engineer the tech just as i am. Screw listening to people who want attention for others efforts in order to profit. Anyone who says who cares they are spreading a good message clearly is not thinking about all the problems this causes. I find it hard to justify intellectual theft and everyone who has been doing work on this stuff i can tell you is getting tired of it. Why would they not, they are trying to help and intellectual property thieves are diverting funding to their own personal benefit. hmmmmmmmmm yea, no biggie. at least they are spreading the message while stunting and slowing the efforts where it counts, and where essentially that source of their money comes from. Our priority is clearly not to fix the issue before time runs out ! I get you. If someone can argue my logic they are not using logic to do so. It is not a complicated issue, it is very simple. It is known as intellectual property theft in most countries. I hate the system but i have to agree with the logic there. And such that is exactly how i see. You cant relabel a sh#t as a saint. The saying where i come from is 'Call a spade a f###ing spade'. Also 'If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck'. But i admire your desperation to defend certain people due to conflict of interest. Respect to you though, you do post some good stuff and i have no gripe with anyone except when i see dishonorable behavior. I only wanted to make clear to others that Dr O'young is proveably no saint and is dishonoring people who deserve credit for their own work, i wont support that. FYI i don't see the difference in many ways between Dr Ariana love and Dr O'young, funny they were associated in the beginning of all this too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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I concede to the point that I did bring up Dr. Young first. I missed that. MY BAD, The reason I used his name in that example is because I know that he was doing microscopy word long before COVID started. I had no idea that people are saying he is stealing their work. I will have to look into that. I spoke with Dr. Ruby once and she mentioned the same thing. I don't think he does it maliciously, I post other people's pics in my blog. but I always link to the source. sometimes I forget. it doest it means its nefarious. We all need to work together to solve this problem my entire family took the shot including my two oldest children. My only motivation is saving their lives. I don't think Dr. Young is in it for money he offered a 5 million dollar reward out of his own pocket if anyone could prove aids existed. remember?? Couple of things you might not know about Dr. Young, he retired at 28 year old a multi millionaire as a proffesional tennis player. He was worth over 100 million before the government attacked him for curing cancer and hit him with a bogus 110 milll judgement. The same thing they are doing to Trump with illegal bogus charges they did to him. Its real I know because they did it to me in 2014 after my business got robbed by the DEA. I just dont agree with your assement that he has any motivation for money he could have kept his mouth shut and walked away a multi millionaire a long time ago if that was the case.

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Reasonable, i don't think hes a bad guy. But i have done DEEP investigation into his work and claims. I would say rewording so much material you found elsewhere as your own constitutes as being out to make money. That is the only motive for such efforts. I am very sure he is a good Live blood analysts and likely a good homeopathic Dr. However he is no scientist and often tries to imply that he is so he gains extended merit and reputation. Unfortunately take all those great discoveries he relabeled from others away and you just have a good live blood analyst and Homeopathic Dr. There are millions of those. If your honestly intended and not out to make money why would you make tonnes of ridiculous go nowhere papers, put on a show with your white coat for interviews, and poach others work often ? i give merit where merit is deserved. I merit him for his actual skills, but i minus him points for dishonesty, dishonorable conduct and desire to profit from those things instead of continuing to just be a modest Blood analyst and Dr. look at Kelly Bacher for example, Kelly has been in the media, she posts her blood images and work but is not making false claims. She is a blood analyst and homeopathic Dr, she behaves as such. She is not writing dodgy go nowhere papers, making claims without backing any of them with lab notes, and she is not pinching peoples work to monetize either. I think it would be almost impossible to say that Dr Oyoung is not trying very hard to monetize. That doesn't make any sense given the facts mentioned, and i would not mention it if it wasn't easy enough to back over his work and claims, then go find where those things are mentioned first and see he did not discover most of these things. Once you realize he does this it is very easy to go proving it is the case. I think he is very brave to leave himself open to that kind of scrutiny since once so many people clock on to it then it is only a matter of time before people start writing entire blogs showing all the evidence for the case and it is fairly easy game to prove these things were all discovered prior by others.. Then it all works in reverse for you and your reputation quickly implodes. a risk i would not take myself to be honest. He does provide good facts and info too, but which Dr does not. It is just concerning when you step outside of that. honesty is vital these days with the world not knowing who to trust, and i have issues with those choosing to use any form of deception. If your product is good then you don't need to lie to sell it, if your product sucks you don't lie and inflate the stats to sell it. The best thing to do is sell another product. in other words if you want credit for certain things then do the work, you will gain appreciation as i and others have. Your reputation will remain intact forever, your business steady and your karma good. that was my model when i ran a business. Anyway keep posting the truth dude ! good work. I just see you referencing Dr Oyoung everywhere and it concerned me given he is growing a rep for intellectual property theft as such. Someone else i know was pi##ed to see that he claimed there images as his own work. People pay him based on those claims for his good work. technically that is fraud.

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what intellectual theft and pictures are you referring too, I'm going to ask him about it. email me at sales@redemperorcbd.com if you can.

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Oh no …trump with illegal bogus charges really?? I hate to tell you mr. agent rider but it’s all about money. Specially with that loser Trump but those are not bogus charges. Trump has been a crook his whole life, and he always gets away with it. He belongs in jail and anything you have to say is irrelevant now.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you for your research. This structure reminds me of Groot from the guardians of the galaxy movie. I wish I could upload the picture...

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Funny I watched that last night as you messaged this lol I never watch TV either.

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That is funny and creepy all at the same time 😂😂. Glad you had a reference in real time!

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In February 2019 I was dragged from my parked car on the edges so a naval base here in Cornwall... Everything was in full view of base security staff. Police officers who had been harassing me for over 2 years travelled 50 miles to commit the crime of kidnapping me. They then delivered me to a disused building 15 miles away, terrified and thinking I was going to be murdered.... Inhad gathered voice recorded evidence against one of their senior colleagues and his relative who lived next door to me in Port Isaac at that time. My two traumatised chihuahuas were ripped from my arms screaming in agony and fear and I was told they were going to be ‘destroyed’ as officer 30665 Dodd walked off with them. I was then dragged screaming for help down a set of steps and locked in a room. There I was stripped naked and tortured for over 8 hours and it was all filmed and watched by various police officers and others throughout the night from the window.

I was raped and genitally mutilated. I was for fully injected all over my body and in between my toes which I now know to have been done to ensure the contents went straight into my nervous system. The foot injections caused permanent nerve damage on 4 toes.

Long story short, I had my blood examined under a microscope by an engineer some 6 months later and my red blood cells were all deformed and there were masses of triangular shaped pieces everywhere. I still have that sample. I have nowhere to take it to get it properly looked at as yet.... But I kept a sample of that blood.

I belief it contains nano tech... but different and supplemental to what is in the covid and anaesthetic injections.... I’m certain I was also forcefully and illegally injected with the covid shit...pre the COVID fakery pandemic a year later! The sample will tell once I find someone to identify its contents.

This is just a small sample of the myriads of different evidence I have against these monsters for what they have been doing to people for over 7 decades with all this different tech.

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I am so sorry to hear this. I too have had some extremely sick games played with me but this makes me feel lucky now. I hope you are okay now. Please stay strong, and keep safe. It's a scary world once you realise what these people actually do to others behind closed doors. Most will never believe they do such horrible stuff. And yes I know about the florid connection I believe you are speaking of. Another person in Scotland referenced people in florid as being connected to their terror. I think it is the ex head of the FBI who runs that business and they even advertise vengeance for hire and nefarious services onlline. They can target and arrange nightmares of the worst kind for anyone anywhere in the world. They work with the elitists obviously since they have access to all tracking services and can then have all kinds of short or long term horrors set upon you. A very powerful. Network indeed.

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Yes... my nightmare was bought and paid for by my extremely rich ex husbands family.... following my obtaining full custody of my daughter back in 2001. They slowly picked apart my life... not very noticeable at first, but in 2010/2011 everything changed and it was full on destruction of every aspect of my existence until I had almost nothing left...

It was after the events of 2019 that I finally realised what was going on and who was involved... They made some fatal mistakes with me and used people I had known from my teenage years and my twenties.... Some of them were police officers , one of them I was seeing for a while and he is now very heavily involved with this ‘side line business’ in torture and revenge for money... He is one of the top level men. Lives in Abergavenny , Wales now. Running dodgy businesses and lying to the locals about what a fine upstanding and honest man he is! He’s a middle aged rapist and pervert whom I shall be fully exposing very soon!!!!

These men are a vast network working worldwide... If you have the right amount of money you can pay them to do unimaginable things to others... They have vast teams of people who spend their days in 3 shifts working around the clock... thinking up story lines and bringing people in to ‘act’ scenarios out... Your entire life is taken over and controlled on every conceivable level.

Sick sociopaths. At least I can be a part of the big exposure of what these monsters have all been doing to everyone... There are far too many of us now all coming forward with evidence for them to continue getting away with it... there are many more of us than there are of them!… It’s just a shame so many still feel too afraid to fight against their tyranny. I would rather suffer a little more and know I was bringing it closer to an end rather than let it linger on slowly forever...

The ‘Power Towers’ are the immediate key to stopping the torture... no communication equipment = no torture games! The sound shit, the physical shit... all gone without the means to ‘connect’..... I have so much information on how they set up their teams... who those teams consist of and where they are etc. I even know how they are paying them... from the ground level up... I’ve been a busy girl! 🤗🤓🌺

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Wow, I m extremely impressed. You go girl. I know this is all likely a very true story you speak of because it all sounds very familiar with what happened to me which is also a very long story. I still have a mark on me as they never remove you from what elana freeman was telling me. These people operate just as you say, in large networks and will often pay people you know to help screw you. It is frightening. These people are a very special kind of sick mutants. They do not deserve to walk among the good people, they are mentally broken psychopaths who believe themselves to be at the top of a food chain and have no problem selling their soul for it. I too managed to scrape a little evidence together but only enough to convince my family and friends that I was not crazy when I came back from the USA in distress. Not enough for a lawsuit and police clearly didn't want to help me because of instruction not too. Jeeze why would they when the FBI, and more were involved in doing it to me. Or was it them, they could of been FBI vehicles parked outside my house and where I was staying but actually they might have been modelled to look that way. And the guy that drugged me one night did have my phone plugged into his laptop when I came around , he later actually told me he was a criminal hacktavist so maybe i thought I was talking to the bank, and maybe I thought it was the bank who blocked my bank of America businesses accounts but really it was something to do with him. However I doubt that was the case since clearly the police didn't help me, other than telling me I could get on a plane and run to my family just leaving everything behind. I had to, I was too ill, and now I was frightened what would happen with no friends or family to watch my back there. Since I've been back here in the UK I've noticed the same abuse from the police, NHS, etc. I got assaulted and was initially told it was brutal and without any reason after checking CCTV. Next they try trick me into signing a pre written statement I wasn't aloud to read while in hospital with a brain injury. They claimed I was a regular offender in that area for a long time, I threw my US citezen card on the table and said I had oy been back 6 months or so and don't live in that area (he was so pissed off, priceless moment lol) Then they call me weeks later to claim I broke a window on another venue earlier that night, had 2 witnesses and camera footage. The whole thing got cancelled off because my lawyer could not get them to provide any evidence they claimed they had, it didn't exist. This would of made me liable later for the assault on myself, and the car that was written off by my body being launched into it by some pretty big doormen who were working illegally. Nothing happened to them. Any time I visit a hospital I get lied to, not aloud to see scans or anything. They supposedly lost all my last scans so i couldn't see them. When I had a cancer tumor they said it was cancer and then later said it was a syst (solid hard white lump on tongue, didn't need a scan lol). Told me I didn't have Lyme a while after I showed them my microscopy and initially confirmed it was Lyme spirochets they clearly saw in the video, so I said what about NICE guidance I have the migrans where I was bit and had complained about all the same symptoms, they told I did not have the marks when I visited. Funny because later they phoned my brother and said the video was of a spirochete but that I had taken blood from diseased cattle. My brother was mad and could not believe how obviously insane and sick these people were. If only over night all the people could be exposed to us all, I'd like to see them panicking for their lives and begging for mercy.

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Fuck me they did a number on you..... you were being set up for sectioning.... you are very lucky to have escaped it... when they set this kind of scenario up they rarely fuck it up. We must talk about this in more detail. I can more than likely fill in all missing gaps for you and the sea tails you give me mat enable me to pinpoint which particular ‘team’ is handling you.!🌺🇬🇧🤗

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how would one find their handlers? i kind of was sectioned for 9 days, told it would be 48 unless i took the pills, the pills poisoned me severely to the point of permanent damage. I still have those pills and indeed they contained off label contents, this is interesting. I just go about assuming that any gov services will try to screw me/others, and watch my back. At the same time i express ignorance to it in ways so as not to fear it or have my own agenda influenced by anything they may do or have done. I am stubborn and stick to what i believe in. :D No surrender ! I will not comply ! LOL

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There are particular ‘Teams’ of operatives that are in charge of your ‘daily routines’... These teams work certain areas, often covering very large geographical areas and several counties. They are always headed up by senior police officers, military personnel and intelligence services personnel. Police play a HUGE role in this game.

Virtually all private investigators firms in the UK at least, are now run by these men... always ex police and military. They all work together for these teams to harass, surveil, follow and torment the targets. They will often be hired to damage your property, vehicles, gardens etc during the night. As will neighbours and people from the vast networks of ‘sitters’ they hire to operate close to your home environment.

I will be posting articles on here soon on my own Substack page for people to clue up on how it all works and what to look for when deciding how you are being targeted.

These idiots stick to scripted and well trodden procedures with most all targets... they rarely deviate from well used scenarios. They will often spend months preparing whole ‘storylines’ for targets lives, employing shit loads of people to,act out certain scenarios to ensure a person is herded in a certain direction through their reactions to people and events...

It is planned with military precision and often as much as years ahead... This program, once you are targeted, can go on for decades. There are different reasons for being targeted... as I will explain in my future posts... I don’t have time to go into it all now as I’m falling behind with coursework for my degree and I only have 7 days left to compile my assignments for assessment for this module!

It was easy for me to decipher exactly who was involved with targeting me and who the man at the top of this team is due to all the mistakes they made... it seems the UK has a ‘branch’ of this business and its headed up by both serving police, serving military, serving government, and also retired... the ones still serving are there to make sure nobody ever gets any legal help and also to ensure the ones coming up in the ranks behind them are all fully on board with the agenda for future targets... Police will often be promoted as a result of fucking you over if you have enough evidence to get others arrested and they prevent you from getting anything done!…

I personally had previous knowledge in my personal life of one of the top tier men involved in this business... and that’s what it is... a business and a very lucrative one.

I recognised his voice..... I also traced some business dealings he had set up with my ex husband and his family at the same time that I was kidnapped and raped at the beginning of 2019. Then I managed to capture footage of army guys in full combat gear hiding out in the woods at the back of my home for months on end and then of two of them half way up a tree in full combat gear pointing equipment straight at my bedroom window. My neighbours also saw them on several occasions. The senior police officer who is in charge of the ‘team’ that have been fucking me over since at least 2003 has been positively identified by sight, voice recordings, photographs, and the fact that he hired out the warehouse at the back of my house behind the woods where the army guys were camped for almost 18 months... He then followed me over to Northern Ireland last year whilst I went to college there to gain a level M3 degree to get into university back here in Cornwall this year! Detective Superintendent Brian Quinn.... he was seen twice at venues where I was... once witnessed by over 3G people for nearly 2 hours staring at me from the end of the bar at a music gig in Knockninny Southern Ireland in September 22. Then 11 days later at a restaurant in Rosnowlagh Southern Ireland... again identified positively by staff there.

He has been stalking the shit out of me for at least 7 years at very close quarters. He arranged for me to be kidnapped from my car and taken to that basement overnight and tortured then raped... I have him voice recorded laughing and joking about it with other people I can positively identify. Two of them were my next door neighbours in Port Isaac from Aug 2016 until Dec 2018 and they terrorised the shit out of me, my daughter, my granddaughter and my dogs...eventually poisoning one of them. My eldest granddaughter who is now 12, can still remember the neighbours clambering over the fence at night to urinate all over my garden and plants....

Delightful people... and for their participation the woman, Marie Jordan, who’s uncle is now a Retired police sergeant, was paid with a massive amount of money that has been invested for her in a company in Florida. Ex copper chief superintendent Russell Whitfield is running an investment company that handles all the financials for this group... I know Russell very well... we had an affair back in 1991 when I was 25 and living in Brighton, Sussex! He is one of the top tier in this business. Also runs a large uk wide network of private investigations firms called Liberton Investigations Ltd. And Sussex ISA financial investments and accountancy. Also has a ‘dormant’ business registered called Soteria Relations... this last business incorporates a website for members only, where targets are broadcast live for entertainment purposes to people who can pay for different forms of torture to be bestowed upon them.... I did manage to get as far as finding his website, but have now been blocked from it!

There is another target of his that started a Wordpress account describing some of her issues with Russell and his colleagues... she is very descriptive and this can be found at Libertoninvestigationswatch.com


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If the elites / military industrial complex is doing these things and infecting the populace they must have already produced a ‘cure’ Or ‘protection ‘ for themselves as they want to have the control over this? The nano tech , spraying will also effect them.

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Mechanism of organoclay dispersion and exfoliation during melt processing. See figures 4 and 5: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032386108003157

SNC Fibers

https://www.sncfibers.com/cnf-from-pan (See pictures of the fibers)

Electrospinning produces nanofibers with a high aspect ratio, meaning they have a much greater length compared to their diameter. This high aspect ratio is advantageous for applications requiring reinforcement or enhanced mechanical properties, as well as for providing a large surface area for functionalization or adsorption purposes.

Electrospinning can produce aligned or patterned nanofiber structures by using specific collector designs or applying external electric or magnetic fields. This capability is beneficial for applications that require anisotropic properties.

Electrospinning allows for easy incorporation of various additives, such as nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, or functional groups, into the nanofibers during the electrospinning process. This capability enables the production of hybrid nanofibers with tailored properties and functionalities.

Unzipping of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube for the Development of Electrocatalytically Active Hybrid Catalyst of Graphitic Carbon and Pd Nanoparticles


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