Hi Karl I have a bunch of filters to try... thanks for the insights...

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Thanks to you also. Matt was saying you might be available for a chat soon. I'd like to ask you some questions and share some info if possible. I still have a lot to post and some more work to do. Some stuff I'm working on could do with some input if you get time. I use telegram for call chats mostly.

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Yeah as soon as I remember at a time that is not the middle of your night! Telegram works for me too

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I have never seen a cloth fiber with so many colours. These would either correspond to QDs properties or to the chemicals used to fabricate an optic fiber with specific light dispersion properties. (See this optic fiber under a microscope, it is a crystal!:

https://www.keyence.fr/ss/products/microscope/vhx-casestudy/chemistry/optical-fiber.jsp )

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Morgellons are ALIEN life forms with the intelligence of ants or bees according to Dr. Deagle, and I believe him....Q- https://www.bitchute.com/video/8uBoU1XkrNU9/

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i am inclined to believe that is possible psy-ops . mainly because of all the papers on this that match, giving one a reason to believe showing it to be man made.

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So, you think the current alien disclosure is a PSY-OP? we have a thing in the intelligence community called future proves past. Everything else he said in his four-hour drop in 2006 came true later and matches intelligence from multiple other whistleblowers. We know for a fact that 1 TYPE of graphene is intelligence and NOT FROM EARTH because it was found in meteorites. We also have the highly respected SPANISH group La Quinta Columna claim that the vaccine is reverse engineered ALIEN technology. Combine that to the fact that NO SCIENTIST OR DOCTORS have ever seen this technology in human bodies before. Dr. Deagle would have happened to make up 1 story out of 100. probability????.....Q- https://www.bitchute.com/video/GzchdePpGx4w/



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Much he spoke of did come true, Colorad is also known to be an underground air base home to 29 Squadron with over 10,000 employees. The source of sat and coms control for watching and targeting folks globally. Found this out when trying to see how or why I might of been targeted. Very interested. This info does some more and more tangible as extra stuff comes to light over time.

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Glad you like it, even though I just met you, I can tell you are very intelligent, we would love to have you over in the PANTHERS DEN. I am with Naval Intelligence and work directly with Dr. Robert Young with identifying the Bioweapon and researching detox methods. Open-source Information Warfare. I think you will find a lot of blogs of interest, and we welcome critical thinkers to help use either prove or disprove theories we piece together. I was the first person to solve the Vegas shooting and once you find out how it ALL connects your head will explode. MAD WORLD....Q-

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be very interested to look in, is that on telegram ? Thank you kindly.

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This is good. You might be good to debate with, that is how i find answers. So one question i have is that if the earth is made of stuff from the universe and this form of Graphene wasn't in the original mix here on the earth, but the universe still contained it somewhere already (just not on earth) then what makes it alien in the sense of being the work of extra terrestrial beings as many are assuming ? I can assume it is possibly a foreign material that disrupts our current structures here, but the alien tech bit is what really threw me off since i haven't seen any proof or reason to believe this is provable even if people claim some non substantial proof. Are their any science papers proving that a rare form of (non native Graphene) has been found here? Presumably there would be some admission statement somewhere and not just videos from others claiming it is so. Ive been following la quinta and respect their work highly (i am part spanish) but i saw them produce no tangible of evidence of such theory yet, is there any now ? or still just theories ? There are many many forms of engineered Graphene now, so i would say it is hard to assume that Graphene cant do almost alien things after manipulation. One property that blew my mind is that in a fluid state it is responsive to nearly all frequencies as opposed to just certain bands of frequencies such as most matter. It can emit infra red waves in response to these frequencies. Thanks for the time, appreciate debating in an un-unbiased manor. I am sick of people who post facts that are not facts but, videos, statements, and images of rumors without any TANGIBLE solid evidence to back the claims. almost cult like groups that push there weak evidence or lack of. Its been too boring debunking stuff and proving stuff that people flooded with false beliefs and lack of knowledge in those departments......Peace will watch those videos. thanks

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I don't know of any pure chemical analysis with paper studies that can be reviewed about graphene and as you know there would be know hard core proof of any alien life or tech that was available in the public domain, if you assume the Government keeps it classified. Thats like debating if God exist. See the problem? The closest thing I can refer you too is the work of Dr Roger Leir who removed implants from people's bodies and had them examined under electron microscope from some of the top research labs in the country. Their determination was the elements found in the implants do not only not come from earth, but do not come from our immediate solar system. Sometimes you just have to connect the dots, when things are intentionally hidden.....Q- https://youtu.be/m3xfxpHjqHc https://www.vice.com/en/article/43nzng/roger-leir-alien-implant-ufo-abduction

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Yes I saw Dr leir's video. It was most interesting, I assumed he was showing an actual physical implant that was constructed and then surgically installed. Hmmmm connecting the dots or should I say Q-dots lol.

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