I was reading that the purple pitcher plant ( saracenia puporia) has the same properties , but grows larger and in temps down to 5' where venus requires 20' plus. I have some seeds on the way and will let you know in the future.


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If you are interested in making it for me I’ll pay you?

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I honestly have no idea how long it will last if i squeeze a gazillion heads in a bottle. If i did i would definitely do it for you.

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Do they sell that as a supplement or tincture? Sounds interesting for sure. I believe plants can heal almost everything.

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Why do that when you can buy the plant from amazon , grow it for future use, and get it knowing it is as pure as possible ? I would do that where ever possible absolutely every time.

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When I retire in a few years i will have more time to do clever things like that!! Till then, I need to do everything as easy as possible till I have more solid time AND stay healthy in the meantime.

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i personally know of no potent sources elsewhere. there was one product only which i do not recall the name, but nothing is as potent or effective as the fresh wet source.

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Thanks K can u put blood in bottle cap.add AC or HAFA or CBD or EDTA or other and prove that QD.PEG.GO IS removed please. Askzmatt or otherDFM users to repeat . Blood from butcher .meat would also suffice. Thank you. Also Dr A has oral EDTA YOU should test.

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You wont necessarily see the removal of everything in some cases. Some of it is about bonding which then makes the said toxin inert and may allow it to be drawn from the blood as waste. Different detoxers and binders have different methods of removal. But we will be posting more stuff with these kinds of experiments for sure. !

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Also u may try small blood in vial and just add ACharcoal. Leave 4 hours test. Ask M and more to keep repeating this test. SM MUST BE REPEATble.Thanks

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I was tempted to repeat this idea. The last time I tried it stuff clumped together too quickly and the charcoal made visibility very impractical on that occasion.

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Thanks K for AC TEST. SM must be repeatable. Please keep on repeating test ask Matt and others to verify AC findings. Also u may limit other supplements to limit variables to just AC. Also may ADD MAC ADRESS test under faraday blanket. Thanks.

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I have not yet found any sames that will emit a Bluetooth. If this is a real phenomena then it is likely it will only form in the body itself. In my 4 dwelling apartment there is only 2 Bluetooth signals that may be suspicious. However these signals are always there, never move, and so it is likely these are unbranded devices.

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Karl, where do you get coverslips and slides from that are uncontaminated?

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Thanks KC for your CA test but scientific method must be repeatable please. Suggest butchers blood test BT OR DFM add CA 4 HOURS test again.thanks

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CA a test? Not sure I follow. Best not to abbreviate too much since there are many ebriviattions in science and biology that can only be understood in direct context. Can lead to misunderstanding. I see the communities are beggining to get used to doing this a lot and some drug discussions people are getting confused between one drug and another that can be abbreviated just the same. Some are using chemical identifications, some are just abbreviating the first letters, and some are doing something else. End result, confusion. Also what is a butchers block test in western science? Thank you kindly

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Add ACharcoal in blood vial leave 4 hours test with DFMicroscope. I don't have DFM so to you please. SCIENCE MUST BE REPEATABLEas u know so ur theory is good but needs several repeats. Please. Also look at CBD and CG and oral edta TY

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I can do that, but it actually isn't a great way to prove too much. For example when I did these kinds of experiments on blood with other stuff like. Borax it just destroyed the blood instantly and. Maybe would. Give one the impression it was extremely toxic, when in fact it is probably not the case when ingested or used however some Might use it. It's the whole in vivo/vitro debate. Usually it is said that effects seen in a dish do Not prove effects in the body. Human or mammalian trials do. So I will use the charcoal more often and then try to repost those before and. After blood videos. But what we do know about charcoal is that it absorbs almost everything into it. Even a drug overdose can quickly be controlled By charcoal pills. It's rather amazing. So it's properties alone. Suggest it likely does. Work. I doubt it will travel The blood brain area though. So anything else that can do that is highly important to note aor to Look for. I understand IV edta chelation does do this.

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My bad AC is activated charcoal Asking to repeat your AC TEST to prove efficacy repeatability. U could use meat or butchers blood versus your own. See Dr As test of 1eaving blood out 4 hours after adding cure

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To MATT JOAB AND OTHER DFM USERS can u please read my posts and see if u can use SCIENTIFIC METHOD to test said THEORIES PLEASE TY.

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Hi Robert,

I am taking a break for a while and after that I have a large list of priorities to look at. Happy to add this on that list for the future but can only encourage as many as possible to get a scope themselves and start doing their own testing. It doesn't have to cost a fortune and I believe there is something everyone can do to help rather than asking the few who are overloaded already,

cheers, matt.

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Matt is right, for non scientific level intricacies an average low cost scope will be fine to observe most blood and other things. Deep critical observations take some experience and a critical eye which is not the intention for most due to the come can of worms that it is. But it is well worth people being able to observe how bad there own situation is. Matt has started a good little article on scoping I will make one too with links to microscopy lessons.

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Also please test a cheap nicotine vape with DFM. Ask someone for used one so u no pay. Thanks. See Dr As live blood draw vials post for the THESIS.HYPOTHOSIS and please repeat as per my post. BLESS.

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