(Source: https://needtoknow.news/)
Added on January 13, 2024:
It turns out that the focus must be on radiation, not on the nanotech, which also explains why Karl objected to my research so much:
Added on January 7, 2024:
Let me thank Karl for giving my note some more publicity at https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/cp/140461264, although he understandably banned me from his site (I stopped reading him a few weeks ago, anyway).
As I am not allowed to respond to the author’s comment at https://managainstthemicrobes.substack.com/p/information-regarding-sodium-citrate/comment/46824734?r=p0xo0 (which kind of speaks for itself), here is my answer to Karl saying,
“I am not a globalist my friend. Many know that already. I am kind of insulted to be honest by the suggestion i might be labeled a piece of crap basically after al my efforts and struggling. It would seem highly unlikely i do all this work and expose so many things just to drop an evil food supplement on you. C’mon. And yes many of us are aware that Citrate and many other things can be used to make nanotechnology structures at certain stages but so can many things. Applied at the wrong stage some of these things can seriously interfere with the structures already created and Sodium Citrate is a powerful reducer.”
My response:
“Nobody said you are a globalist. The problem is that your field is certainly infiltrated and it’s impossible to tell the real thing from the agents’ work.”
Too bad; I expected a civilized exchange about specifics, and instead, I was banned and exposed to name-calling. Also, it must be noted that it is actually usually perps who accuse their victim of their own wrongdoing (kind of like the thief crying thief on public transportation, when discovered), but let me peacefully assume that Karl was too tired, upset, or not the smartest cookie in the jar, when he accused me of being an agent. Strangely, I never said but good things about Karl. You can check it out in my original article on the subject from December 13, 2023:
It doesn’t matter what I believe, but I’m certain that the self-assembling graphene-based nanochips are there, but I was sure about that even a year ago, when I asked Mihalcea to check out uninjected blood, because I assumed it was already tainted. According to Mihalcea’s findings, it was. No microscopy was needed. Just in August, 2023, when I nearly died, my blood was in a turmoil:
I’m finding it somewhat peculiar that I haven’t seen a single word about the way the microscopy people draw blood (hypodermic syringes can be obtained in the US only by prescription or at needle-distribution centers for junkies) and prevent contamination... According to respectable sources (Mihalcea and OUTRAGED come to mind), the nanotech is also in the air (from chemtrails and whatever else).
Strangely, all the microscopy people came out all at once, suggesting concerted action. While I’m pretty sure their initial findings are mostly accurate, but it’s also possible that it’s a bait-and-switch operation:
I’m not accusing anyone of anything; only calling for caution, as Karl originally did.
If someone wants to be helpful, please, consult a few chemical engineers about potential interactions between sodium citrate and various compounds of heavy metals. Another factor to be checked out is the crystal/molecular structure of various sources of sodium citrate1. As all of them are synthetic, any or all of them can be bad on that single basis.
The original article:
The most likely cause of the latest illnesses
Before Christmas, an unusual number of people fell ill all over the country, and the reason is unknown, although I published my best guess a while ago:
5G wireless internet is advertised as lightning-fast data transfer by many ISPs and, isn’t it safe to assume that the consumer is the product? Once the new type of router is plugged in, turns the house wiring into an antenna that is linked to all neighbors (even those, who have no Wi-Fi) wiring, and the electric grid in the area that can be inundated with radiation at various frequencies.
It cannot be emphasized enough that hydrogels can deliver self-assembling graphene nanochips that can hook up to the body through protein interfaces, and 5G and comparable technologies can be used for sending and receiving data between the human subject and the central AI that is running the live global simulation and is used for activating specific modules in the existing system (going as far as remotely-controlling2 or even killing3 specific subjects) or introducing new techs or strategies into the process of the globalist takeover.
Psyops work spectacularly
Bait-and-switch and limited hangouts have been copiously applied with remarkable success. In fact, the variety of psyops demands respect:
Many sources are still stuck at the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections and the diversion of the mRNA to the point that even Jon Rappoport’s authorship becomes questionable:
At the same time, mRNA is not necessary and it couldn’t be controlled:
In the meanwhile, the latest delivery systems that do not even necessitate an injection:
And there are always those, who believe that politicians, courts, or “knowing the truth” can make a difference, but I have written more than enough about those options.
Suggested remedies for goodness-knows-what
Perhaps the most worrisome factor is the lack of progress in identifying the types of attack humanity has been enduring. As it is most likely AI-generated and AI-controlled, it’s extremely unlikely that the ever-changing pattern of ever-changing ingredients can be identified by human researchers.
Ana Maria Mihalcea’s initial findings in the blood explained much of the outcome, but hardly anything about the remedy, because, admittedly, there are too many options to poison the populace. Moreover, her research, as everyone else’s, has stalled, remains fragmented, and treatments remain the same as they were a year ago. Not that there are too many alternatives, especially in the long run.
There have been many suggestions for curing the current general poisoning, or at least mitigating its impact. I summarized the findings last time in
Specifically about nanoparticle-poisoning, I compared three approaches in order to find a common denominator:
OUTRAGED summarized various forms of toxicity in a comprehensive manner in
Sodium citrate
Sodium citrate was the last such news, specifically focusing on “stuff,” which doesn’t even resemble scientific accuracy. As the author puts it, “[sodium citrate] disrupts and removes very heavy amounts of the technology, can possibly make one feel hugely relieved as it did me, and care must be taken using it because of its effectiveness at pulling stuff from the body!” Even the author cautions his audience that I couldn’t emphasize enough in my discussion of the topic, calling for more-than-usual caution:
In short, it’s unclear whatever is there, but sodium citrate makes it disappear, at least after a while and for a while. For the time being, let me ignore the option that sodium citrate only assists the stuff in the blood to settle in the body, and consider only the obvious.
Cleaning up the blood through urination mandates the work of the kidneys. Based on the results, that’s true without any investigation. However, even Wikipedia’s entry is surprisingly informative (although the information it contains could be incomplete or falsely promising):
Sodium citrate may refer to any of the sodium salts of citric acid (though most commonly the third):
The three forms of salt are collectively known by the E number E331.
Sodium citrates are used as acidity regulators in food and drinks, and also as emulsifiers for oils. They enable cheeses to melt without becoming greasy. It reduces the acidity of food as well.
Blood clotting inhibitor
Sodium citrate is used to prevent donated blood from clotting in storage. It is also used in a laboratory, before an operation, to determine whether a person's blood is too thick and might cause a blood clot, or if the blood is too thin to safely operate. Sodium citrate is used in medical contexts as an alkalinizing agent in place of sodium bicarbonate,[1] to neutralize excess acid in the blood and urine.[2]
Metabolic acidosis
It has applications for the treatment of metabolic acidosis[3] and chronic kidney disease.[4]
Ferrous nanoparticles
Along with oleic acid sodium citrate may be used in the synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticle coatings.[5]
Although I’m not a chemist, common sense suggests the following, and you are alone with evaluating the details, possibly gathering more, and making up your mind about sodium citrate:
As an emulsifier, sodium citrate might dissolve the protective hydrogel coating that makes the graphene-oxide-based nanochips deliverable into the human body.
The prevention of blood-clotting seems to have been significant in the last four years, even if the “clots” have been metallic plastic strips in blood vessels. As these are not blood products, I’m not sure how far sodium citrate can prevent their forming.
Alkalizing has been recommended since the first such book, Alkalize or Die (1991)4. In an analogy, fever works against illnesses, because it changes body temperature that pathogens hopefully tolerate less than the person. A similar hope can be attached to alkalizing the body, I suppose.
Sodium citrate can act as a demagnetizer and, as such, it can work against magnetized nanoparticles, perhaps by shielding them out-of-reach for the 5G radiation and preventing their self-assemby.
MedicineNet is not a place, where I would go for advice, and it indeed omits much of what even Wikipedia contains, but its warnings make sense and are, in fact, extremely useful:
Do not use in patients with hypersensitivity to sodium citrate, citric acid, or any component of the formulation.
Do not use sodium citrate in the following conditions:
Sodium-restricted diet
Acute dehydration and heat cramps
Severe kidney impairment with low urine output (oliguria) or lack of urine production (anuria), and azotemia, a condition of elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine
Untreated Addison’s disease
Adynamia episodica hereditaria, an inherited disorder that causes periodic paralysis and an increase in blood potassium levels
High blood potassium levels (hyperkalemia)
Severe damage to the heart muscles (myocardial damage)
Because of the sodium content in sodium citrate, use with caution in patients who have:
Peripheral or pulmonary edema
Kidney impairment
Conversion of sodium citrate to sodium bicarbonate may be impaired in patients who are severely ill, in shock, or have impaired liver function, use with caution.
Do not use formulations that contain sodium benzoate/benzoic acid, a metabolite of benzyl alcohol in newborn babies. Large amounts of benzyl alcohol have been associated with potentially fatal toxicity (gasping syndrome) in neonates.
Some formulations may contain propylene glycol which can be toxic in large amounts, use with caution.
Many of the above symptoms can be linked to elements of the current general poisoning.
If I were designing the attack on humanity in which I want to get rid of 95 percent of the population, I would deploy agents, who would propagate remedies that are good on their own, but are harmful or lethal, when combined with other things that either I have dispersed or to which the subjects themselves unknowingly expose themselves. With that in mind, here are a few concerns regarding sodium citrate:
Sodium citrate can cause problems, if used by people who cannot tolerate synthetically-produced salt (in the long run, nobody can, but that’s a topic for another day). Presumably, synthetically-manufactured table salt (that’s the cheap salt in the supermarket) can elevate blood pressure a lot more than naturally-occurring rock salt.
Do not use it, if your liquid intake is restricted (it can cause over-saturation);
AVOID TAKING IT IF YOU HAVE A KIDNEY PROBLEM… (Increased potassium levels can cause cramping, weakness, and paralysis, and the cause(s) of the symptom(s) are indistinguishable from each other. Of course, as it happens in modern “Medicine,” causes and symptoms are possibly mixed up.) Creatinine tests are used as indicators for proper kidney function5.
Addison’s disease resembles one of the invented illnesses; it’s possibly “hereditary,” because previous generations had the same symptoms, because they were exposed to the same toxins as the current patient.
Patients in shock or with impaired liver function are already in trouble, but survival is impossible without detoxification by the liver (and the kidneys).
Pulmonary edema6 is particularly interesting, because much of the nanotech is now inhaled from chemtrails or other sources. It’s now common knowledge that “vaccination” is possible through inhalation…
The heart muscles are routinely damaged by the injections, which is a condition sodium citrate can execerbate… Again, nobody knows what causes what, if sodium citrate is applied after exposure to the ingredients that started with the injections.
Sodium benzoate is a common preservative, so you can kill yourself by consuming it with citric acid without ever noticing.
Propylene glycol is in antifreeze and E-cigs, but it’s also an additive in many things. Again, Wikipedia is scary enough7, despite my knowing that it must remain silent about a lot of harm the chemical compound can do8:
Propylene glycol is also used in various edible items such as coffee-based drinks, liquid sweeteners, ice cream, whipped dairy products and soda.[11][12] Vaporizers used for delivery of pharmaceuticals or personal-care products often include propylene glycol among the ingredients.[6] In alcohol-based hand sanitizers, it is used as a humectant to prevent the skin from drying.[13] Propylene glycol is used as a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable, and topical formulations. Many pharmaceutical drugs which are insoluble in water utilize propylene glycol as a solvent and carrier; benzodiazepine tablets are one example.[14] Propylene glycol is also used as a solvent and carrier for many pharmaceutical capsule preparations. Additionally, certain formulations of artificial tears use propylene glycol as an ingredient.[15]
What can be done?
Doctors have failed the people:
Somehow, I’m having a hard time imagining that the perps even need to make an effort to be protected. Logically, they must be protected by the same technology that is making everyone else sick. No, they are not popping pills or taking chemicals, pharmaceutical products, or expose themselves to carefully-selected ranges and patterns of radiation that would, nevertheless, increase their radiation exposure, and radiation kills slowly, leaving plenty of room for invented illnesses and deniable plausibility. I even suggested that even some old-fashioned poisons are in play, and they probably are:
My conjecturing about the only feasible remedy still seems to stand:
So, is SC a good idea to use?9 It’s manufactured by the same pharmaceuticals as the injections, and nanotech has been found in many of their products. Long-term impact of most things in life remains a mystery, but the biggest problem is that a different type of nanotech may be installed through sodium citrate that doesn’t immediately disrupt things, but works as the original device did. Personal testimonies are nullified by the fact that globalist agents are also deployed at every step. Ultimately, it’s up to everyone to experiment, and as one reader put it, she usually intervenes only when she has nothing to lose.
The same chemical compound can be helpful or even deadly, when their crystal/molecular structure is different.
It’s just dawned upon me that when I stopped drinking all alcoholic beverages altogether a year or two ago, I used to say they tasted like the smell of formaldehyde. In fact, they tasted like antifreeze…
The situation strangely resembles Ivermectin after doctors were suddenly allowed to prescribe it: