Hi Karl C thanks for your insight. Without Rife or Tesla or Clark and there all dead it wishfull thinking. I have a frquency generator it does nothing but make the dancing horse head filaments move. All this NT in our blood is shapeshifting into who knows what or where this is all going. There is one thing for sure the fibers and the white cells on slides I have found within last 60 days do not desintegrate. Nothing on a slide should last 7-10 days max until it is a junkyard of skeletons. I kmow your busy but could you look at these white cells that are herded to the edge of the slide by hydrogel. What is it? Health and long life. RR

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Hi Richard.

This is so disappointing about your Rifing seeming to increase activity. Are you able to see real time growth/activation while viewing your blood under a scope?

What kind of frequencies/wave forms, etc are you using?

Have you come across the work of naturopath Paulette Coates here on SS? Seems she’s having wonderful results with Rife!


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Hello Ancient Heart, awhile ago you were asking me for my source on who it was that claimed that Pectin was also not a positive product to be used as a remedy. I wasn't sure if I did ever reply this to you, suffice to say that now just about everything shows contamination as scope work shows us this more and more. I know this is not at all what you were hoping to hear, and regardless, do wish you well in this impossible journey we are all on. I hope you are hanging in there despite this. Take Care KK

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You are so kind to reply!

I can't help but think that each supplement or health practice that we intuitively resonate with works because we BELIEVE it will. Since the list of "beneficials" appears to be shrinking rapidly, I'm going to go with my intuition! Using my pendulum!

I'm having a thought. What if our microscopy could somehow be influenced by multidimensional "bad actors" to steer us away from the good stuff? This is just my wacko speculation!

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Thanks so much, Karl, for writing this thorough response. I was unaware you had previously used a green laser and appreciate your thoughts on the nano bucket and triangle devices.

To save you from repeating yourself, you might consider adding the same paragraph to the beginning of every post, much like Sasha Latipova, where you list the methods you have tried. People offering helpful suggestions can look at that and see if you've already tried it.

That said, I recall Dr Ana saying in a video That the white fibrous clots continue to grow in cadavers. Of note the vaccine vials had to be kept at super low temperatures. Have you guys tried increasing the temperature of the blood to that of a human fever, like 101-103 degrees F, to see what happens to the technology? Wishing you and all the others the best.

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Thank you for your clarifying the non-effect of green lasers on the technology. People are jumping at anything they hear that might be effective, and that is a bad strategy.

Are you still consuming sodium citrate and does it seem to help any with the blood, or just cause more excretion in the urine without a demonstrable effect on the blood?

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Hallo Stuart,you get an answer to your question because of the sodium citrate?

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No answer yet.

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Ok thanks for your replies.

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Karl .. thank you for exploring the 532nm laser .. & confirming this is not beneficial .. your work allows us to not continue with futile applications like green light & move past it

so it seems we are grasping at a needle in a haystack to halt the nanotech conversion of our bodies

The sand timer ⏳ is running low & it seems we now have to accept this transformation..

So let’s talk about help from

A higher power…it does need mentioning here as

Oddly now we have a (new) planetary phenomena of electromagnetic solar storms taking place ! That has just destroyed power grids in Sweden & now confirmed damage to elan musks thousands of LE satellites

And expectation of a increase of solar storms on the way ! How synchronous this type of electromagnetic light frequency waves .. is actually washing our planet 🌍 clean & actually is the only treatment to stop all nanotech in our bodies & our biosphere…

We all seem to forget the intelligent design creator ultimately is obviously monitoring this situation

I personally think this garden is about to be weeded ..

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really appreciate your comments here, thank you.

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Hi there Karl, here is another URL, showing that zeolite may be a trigger? https://www.facebook.com/reel/380999414941335

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The logo on the bottle looks innocent, but satanists use symbols a lot, and that logo is an upside down cross with the arms broken. Upside down cross represents opposite of Christ, and arms broken adds to the opposition.

People need to look out for symbolism like this-it’s usually associated with satan. Father of lies-will do anything to make a lie seem true. They’ll get actors in on it, people who seem nice, even celebrities, most are captured by the evil ones, politicians, etc

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“Peace” symbols that people used to wear in the sixties, early 70’s were the same thing. The brand on the “Zeolite” is “masterpeace”

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Thank you for this interesting research. I have a question. All living organisms containing blood today are infected with these nanotechnologies is that correct?

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It seems to be in almost everything i put on the scope these days except in my lovely RO filtered water unfortunately.

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I think you're right on that score. Everything, from packeted dry pasta and jarred sauces, peanut butter, rainwater, every ef-ing thing seems loaded with microbots.

I don't want to look any more!

I concur, BTW, with your rationale and evidence based approach. But retain some latitude for miracles, hey.

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you , us, and i are the only miracle that can solve this issue with guidance from whoever it may be that guides us. Maybe god is guiding us?

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what do you take to replenish minerals? Have you found a clean source?

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So you have examined every living being upon this entire earth that has a blood circularity system inclusive of an ant? And sea mammals? Is that correct?

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Dr. Ana Milhalcea has seen these in the blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. She explains her observations in this video: https://rumble.com/v4q7uo3-the-bioweapons-war-vaccines-against-humanity-problems-and-solutions-with-dr.html

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We are seeing many of the same things as Dr Ana and other people, however our research does not necessarily bring us to the same conclusions.

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How did your conclusions primarily differ with Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s?

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it seems that methylene blue does not clear up the tec, for one

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good question

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Matthew 24:21-22

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I'm waiting for verse 24 to occur. When it does will at least know a bit more. I'm not seeing any signs and wonders......from anyone these days. Jane

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I’m thinking we have to wait a bit longer until false prophets really show themselves-it seems HAARP was activating some sort of auroral technology when the Aurora was more visible not so long ago. To enhance the Aurora. Trying to create signs and wonders in that sense.

The bad ‘uns will get more active-we just don’t get fooled!

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I’m catching up here. You talk about a spike protein. What does it look like in the blood?

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Not the spike protein. i was referring to the device people are always talking about as an anti-nano device. It would seem the spike protein was never real if we go by all the recent analysis.

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I agree. The guy I got the triangle from could barely explain the device to me and kept saying he was going to make certain videos that he never ended up making or posting. The triangle also doesn’t pulse the magnet back and forth like it’s shown it is supposed to in their videos. I was told this was “normal” though. I didn’t use it more than once bc I haven’t see any of their blood under microscopes before and after treatments. This guy has also told people to avoid silica…silica is in pretty much everything so that’s not even feasible… 🤦‍♀️ Christ’s sake

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I have a horrible feeling that Sabrina Wallaces site, Psinergy on Odyssey has now gone. Bugga! Hope I am wrong.

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Drumchick, have you checked out the Psinergy channel on Telegram yet? It takes time to get your feet wet because there are a lot of different sub topics, but just start from the beginning, and you’ll find gold! Also archives of all Sabrina videos, if I’m not mistaken.


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Yes, I am familiar with the channel, and every time I go to it, and see something else, I think, please God, protect her XX

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From DR Anna the other day she made a point about using and EMP device I know you can make small ones using old disposable cameras, but not an engineer so it's hard for me to get into, but I wonder if that would at least disrupt these things for a time or destroy?

But again been saying if they are nano bots with any sort of AI in them along with the other outside sources of AI, Cell phones, computers, WIFI super computers from the military etc... I wonder hacking into them is a plausible thing to do?

I've found jammers are almost useless against v2k which I think communicate with these AI nano bot things in us or may be in us?

I've found or hypothesized anything digital these fricking things hack into.My blue tooth hearing aids have already been hacked by these AI bot things so???

I'm thinking just filtering the WIFI signals and AI crap coming over the air waves won't do much we need a way to disable them all together. Karl side with a forensics person a audio one maybe Amy Holem or someone in her field. analyze the frequencies find out what the AI is saying in v2k like mine

mine is @aphill840 on YouTube take and use all my files you need.

don't claim as yours though and if you do give me some credit for my recordings.

I'm thinking once we decode their shit, we could send out a signal that would help interfere with what communications line they are doing. It's negative and argumentative from Look Out for charlies channel he shows plus through me they are mine argue all the time.

When I pray out loud or inner they complain. I know it sounds odd but I know what I am talking about. v2k targeting and this are related to each other. Which is why I am still alive my prayer life is every day.

I am using the Sodium Citrate but I don't know it helps me in v2k at all but???

But anything we do in that area will have to be analog not digital something AI can't hack.

Just sitting here trying to type this the v2k is hitting me so I must be onto something...

I'm serious I may not know much but I think I am onto something to help negate these AI monster things. nano bot things and whatever else....

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What is v2k? Another unknown acronym, they seem to get introduced with every post

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is't called voice to skull or as they call it Havana Syndrome it's the same. after you hit the cochlea enough with microwaves the brain begins to interpret the RF signals they send with them. No one round me hears it but I can record then you hear the voices and music I hear. This shits loud and I mean loud not a whisper like those with schizophrenia have but like a god damn radio playing behind your ear and mind... Mine sings in tones and notes deep bass and deep drums sounds it hurts it's hollow plus some like kids voice out bursting once in a while with elongated screechy sounds to torment me hurt my legs vibrate my body etc... My brain is like in pain all the time.

I have normal EEG's no dementia been tested twice within the last couple years.

I can't hear the TV all I hear is Pokemon evil cartoon voices. even with hearing aids.

the hearing aids add more voices than without. I have videos at @aphill840 on Youtube.

I just loaded two more but of me using my pen camera showing the levels of radiation I get compared to others.

yeah I hear hundreds or the AI or computers they use can make it sound like Hundreds if not thousands of voices at one time.

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It’s when people get targeted to hear horrendous noises, screeching, scraping etc, with sort of whispering voices in amongst it, usually it’s no sense whispering, the people who have this can sometimes hear one word repeatedly, or louder voices.

Doug has been having this for more than 3 years. It does not stop. Doug and others hear this 24/7/365. You can go to lookoutfacharlie on youtube or Doug’s site.

It’s also known as “voice to skull”. Have a listen-you’ll thank God you don’t have it, whether you believe in God or not.

It’s no surprise that Doug’s looking for anything to help.

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yeah thanks and knowing a bit of something about the criminals and how they sex traffic us knowing it's cops and an ambulance crew and some pedo group and have them accuse me of doing the things they do is irritating.

I hear non sensical phrases like you or we rape kids or follow the rules or who makes the rules or lots of power of suggestion like diarrhea your tummies getting sick etc...

Dont read the book or do read the book meaning the bible etc... Having them complain when I do or pray. Take off your shoes which is gospel shoes is what they mean. I heard this back in 1999-2000 and went to jail and then it ended some what because they were successful in incarcerating me. and Losing my gun rights. then not long after regaining them 12 years later but in Nov of 2020 it began to come back. Now it's torturous. When it first came back it scared the hell out of me like before but I didn't try to kill myself this time and or haven't done a crime, but when it first came back it like musical I Heard like Elvis and other songs but never the full song just parts of them. Then later on they began zapping my head with tones and notes.

rattling both ears meaning my bones the pistols in both ears. Waking up to having a trial being waged against me not knowing who... Both ears pulsed like blowing pressure into both at the same time or simultaneously that hurts.

called a pedo when not. called grandfather when not etcc///

Plus I had a neighbor stand not 50 ft away from me saying grandfather into her phone or radio and hearing it in v2k not through the ears. Having a dude 100 miles or more away from my home in a casino bathroom use the hand dryer the blow kind and play it by placing or making his hands go in rhythm of the v2k at the same time then look at me...

So yeah thanks yeah had cops ask me if I'd touched them when I was the one who called for help. FBI ignoring my cries.

This sound is maddening.

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Hi Doug-you’re a pretty tough dude, to be able to put up with all this. God needs you to be strong for a reason only He knows.

I don’t think Karl can help, as he’s so busy with trying to fix people’s (and his own) blood. Karl would help if he can, he’s just that kind of guy-but he’s doing the bloodwork for now.

Can’t Interest of Justice-Targeted individuals do anything? I suppose doctors wouldn’t help much. I saw you calling for a good hacker a while back, I suppose no-one could help.

I know this is awful, and I really don’t know how you do it, are there self help groups around?

It’s interesting what you say about AI maybe being the image of the beast in Revelation. Could be.

I’m sorry I’m no help, I only know about you because you posted something last year I think, on Karl’s stack. Keep talking to people about this, there are probably more people like you than you know.

But don’t let anyone think you’re crazy, or hearing voices from God, because you don’t want to end up in a psych. ward. Don’t see any counsellors or psychologists etc, unless it’s someone you really trust, because they may want to put you in hospital. Most people wouldn’t understand this, so you’ve got to stick with people who have this awful thing. Do you still get on Dr Ana’s stack? I heard she doesn’t answer people because she’s too busy.

I take Sodium Citrate to try and put off the changes that are being made to people’s blood, because of chemtrails, and all the bad stuff that’s in food, water, air-everything. How much do you take? I don’t think it can help against AI though, the v2k.

Anyway, I’m in Australia, I’ve not heard about anyone who’s got it here. So we’re on different time zones, so in case you think if I don’t answer you, that’s why. Plus I can’t spend too long on internet, as I’ve got family to look after, and I’ve got a stuffed lower back, so I spend a lot of time resting.

Keep praying and I’ll pray for you, and put on God’s Armour-you’re doing the best you can. Never give up on God. So many people are suffering in many different ways. I’ll keep thinking about AI being the image of the beast.

Hang in there-God needs you for something. Do you have a preacher you can talk to? I have to go now, I WILL pray for you!!

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yeah thanks if you follow my substac you know I"ve been posting stuff for making our own RPG and other things.

I see a zombie like apocalypse coming from RF signals and soon

Spiritually speaking I just passed 1260 days as in Revelations etc...

yeah and I know he may not be able to but I'm posting it for info for ideas into how they can develop against the AI and nano. Were in the same boat RF signals, AI nano bots are all related.

But yeah I was basically abused as a kid my dad was an alcoholic and I watched him almost kill my mom at 5 years of age. I've had visions and prophecy's throughout my life. Yes with what I hear and record and know for I've read scripture all the way through 5-6 times now so what has mostly been taught is garbage. But yeah form what I hear in this crap its AI and I believe its the image. Nano bots and the shots are for to change our DNA. and it's either the Mark or the ground floor for the mark.

Thanks for the prayers I will you too and all of us.

We're truly living in the end times and Jesus is slated to return soon...

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I do look at your substack, but haven’t had time just lately, but I do have your substacks, will look when I can. I’m fairly new Christian, maybe 19 months-will have to read Revelation again to take in 1260 days, and what it means.

I use the Amplified Bible, it helps me a lot to understand Scripture, with notes explaining what a lot of it means! I couldn’t possibly read it through, 5-6 times! Even doing that shows how tough you are-it’s not easy to read. I think God would be pretty happy with you Doug. And yeah, post your stuff where you think is right. Holy Spirit is with you!

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Doug, check out Sabrina Wallace’s Psinergy Telegram channel. Lots of sound advice for TI’s.


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here's a evidence sample only amplified nothing else I may play around with it some

and re-post the difference in settings and filtering but here.

I mean these criminals aren't afraid of getting caught for now they don't even bother hiding like they were in the beginning. I used to get dinged on YouTube with the volume on while recording but no longer do. Means they mask or override the tv's volume so much YouTube doesn't recognize the tv no more. But this one is without volume on TV.

but here https://youtu.be/hygH0fALb18

imagine that in your head 1000 times louder than this.

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Thank you.

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Well I have seen blood full of nano technology cleaned up amazing well with the use of the green laser for 10 minutes under the tongue morning and night. Robots really diminished, rouletting of the blood gone. I feel great and I am sticking with this in my hope not to allow bio digital Convergence turning me into a non human. When you can show something more advanced I will be excited. Chelation will be good I would also imagine. Getting the metals our of our bodies seems very important.

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Just wow. No evidence, wow again.

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Global healing is making a killing off edta right about now..

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I was having a similar thought that if the blood is getting worse no matter what supplements etc The subjects are taking yet they don't want to try another device even though their blood is already getting worse. I'm left scratching my head at that one.

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Not sure if it's doing anything to the nano bots, but I am certain AI artificial intelligence from cell phones etc and before you roll your eyes; Google has said it's AI is sentient. Others as well.

AI I believe is or will be the image of Revelations. Yeah we need a way to destroy it!

I'd recorded this earlier from my v2k https://youtu.be/eeCtFqqAqbY?t=44

and then used this web site and https://www.vocalaway.com/?code=6c21eeec-7499-442c-9eea-9e136bb4d7e1

uploaded it to this site and the AI from that site which is a Google site BTW, sounds just like the voices you hear on that but singing more or techno like music. To me that spells AI bigger that shit and needs destroyed...!!!!!

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So what you're saying is we all have to become Amish.

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I don't think they are free from the chem trails. They haven't vaccinated adults or children, so might last longer. Native Americans didn't take the shot either. Some might have, but not what I have read. They have a good reason to not trust the white man. The Amish can survive without electricity and are using solar panels and lots of batteries, so there is still a pulse. If they don't realize it is in their water then they won't be any different than the rest of us. Same with food. Animals eat grass that has been sprayed by chem trails. In TN they have a new law no more chem trails. Smart people, but a little late. These monsters seemed to cover all of their basis and everyone thinks it is all related to covid and that is not the case. They have had plans for years and humanity is the frog in a pot of water on a slow boil. I do admire the Amish though. Brave and very innovative people. They work very hard to accomplish what they do.

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Interesting. But (and not being confrontational) if you know so much of how they work... Why not look more into the Voltage and static pull in Effects. Aswell, if properly made a pulse magnetic field may indeed be able to disable the MEMs and NEMs components. One issue would be the CNTs. Tony P and Michael chapalla talk about Getting rid of the Synthetic Biology using Pulsed Magnetic field to take out it's System processing function. But chapalla was using high voltage PEMF. I wonder if a HV negative polarity Static Field can do something similar. Spencer Feldman talks about breaking down crystal build up (not SynBio) which he has a device he calls "electron charger" this is also called from another company pyroenergen, and others call it High Potential Therapy. Feldman uses a spark gap in one of his setups to create a "pulse"... Maybe could assist with the Nemetic Seed Crystals. If you've seen also the Teslaphoresis and how it can trigger self organisation in CNTs and few other nanos... But something ive been looking into is "Voltage and static Pull in Instability" this is when You hit the Voltage (or static) Threshold that the nano MEMs or NEMs electrodes can handle and they snap together and breakdown due to instability. Question is with the HV is it hitting that Nano Meter threshold. But also with the negative statics I'm trying to find what the effects would be, as it's said this tech steals electrons from us to power itself once it gets in. But if we are flooding our system and the HV component possibly it could fry the circuitry. For CNTs/fullerenes IDK, cause I've seen in the TeslaPhoresis at 100kv AC level it was still self organising. But this component would be like the synthetic Nervous system of the SynBio, which would connect the Micro electromechanical biosensors and the qDot grids. So if the processing components are fried this may help significantly in getting it out. But they have developed protection coatings on much of these things. Is hard to find studies tho on the "Static Pull-in instability".. but, even if this shit starts to self organize it's using positive and negative charges to cross-link together. The High Voltage DC static field has very little current. Most of the units sold operate at 18kv and are priced over 1k. But I have a setup that's 50kv rating for under 200€.. It's a Static Negative Charged Field. When your feet are on the Electrode plate the Negative charged source would be greater at this point. But the entire body is enveloped in a Negative Charged static field, if we weren't dealing with this nano shit this therapy is profound with many benefits. Question is what's the effect to the SynBio. (One byproduct of this field is Negative Ions.) but anyways, if the SynBio Crosslinks utilise a Negative and Positive charge, would this highly charged negative potential field disrupt the cross links? Aswell, Tesla Coils and all the therapy apparatuses out there using them, I don't think it necessarily would trigger self organising, some of it could be triggered. But they have to apply the "teslaphoresis" in specific ways and we havnt seen the effects of it inside ones biology and if it has the same effects as what that university showed. But taking into account if the high voltage is high enough possibly could trigger the Voltage pull-in Effect. We may need assistance from various protocols of electrotherapy.... I wouldn't knock it completely. As I mentioned this therapy's, if done right and right protocols are not harmful actually the exact opposite and this has been known for a long while now. But in this new terrain of navigating the effects of therapy with all this synthetic nano we would need specialized protocols. If we combine things properly into specific protocols it may be our best chance. Of course could just ignore all this and try to chelate it out (which is going to be quite difficult given if the SynBio can adapt and self repair and reboot itself). At the same time, various electro processes/signals/RF/WiFi are used to do that aswell, repair and trigger self organisation.. quite complicated shit.

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The different methods of selective bonding and other assembly methods are vast and complex as you say. One of the problems with much of the above is that all though we know MEMS and physically formed devices are a reality no one knows which they implicated in here until they have been sited and confirmed. As such they have not been yet by anyone in any tangible way. We have identified cell structures that are identical in colour and appearance to liquid computing but could also just be protocells of another kind. We are soon studying another charge related behavior over the colloidal molecules after having read recent papers that seem to match most of the morphology for tech seen in blood and in vaccines. These papers may fit the whole product or only the visually viewable elements of it. Too many people are already trying to attack a phenomena for an aspect they don't even know is in the synbio yet. This is all good to know stuff for education, but it is generally assumption based without all the key aspects being identified properly. One thing is interesting is that some of the bonds and assembly methods are likely similar to some natural functions that create our very own structuring. It is unwise to assume that all this manipulating of bonds and charges via external electrical method will not harm you at all. It is highly possible, so the these things should be focused on more closely before experimenting on ones self with some kinds of devices. If liquid computing has been implicated here then it is very different from the technology you are describing should be destroyed. Electro-chemical systems are different to wired systems of course. We are largely electro-chemical computers ourselves. I think it is hard for people to understand where we are coming from when they have been told all sorts of things about what is in our body now compared to what we are actually seeing. The whole research the synbio thing has become a mine field of misinformation and claims to whats actually a part of it. It has puzzled me how so many people have come to so many different conclusions of whats inside us and gained a following based on weak or incorrect observations. One thing we are sure of is that colloidal nanotechnology models have been used and they are a very advanced beast in terms of constructive abilities. Recently one of our bright researchers who is an IT beast found a paper for wireless manipulation of the structures we see and we are working on how to tell if these are the other link we were looking for which would connect the colloidal technologies that have exposed themselves to us in various sources now with many key behaviors and morphological features that give them away quite boldly. It seems that others have different idea of what transumanism would look like to how we are seeing it at the moment. This is why we are not following the methods others are not even employing to inform others. We want to know exactly what components are in this before we can pretend that you can target something that you do not even know is there in the first place. teslaphoresis is not a mentioned assembly property associated with the technology we have spotted so far according to the papers. Other more complex methods are used such as patchy particle method of assembly. The crystal involvement is likely due to non-ionic molecular variety which is why they can form in solution and colloidal technology is also qouted to intergrate with non-ionic molecular technologies like liquid crystal, so we see even more issues with all these clever electro-curing devices. At this point there is no basis for how these devices are helping us when we do not even know if the material is even vulnerable to these methods of interruption. No thy enemy or put a blind fold on and fire random bullets everywhere I guess. So it takes me back to my point where i am saying that until certain people seem to sound like they know whats actually in our body they are just spurting hot air. The fact everyone is talking about specific stuff we do not see and they are not talking about what we do see and have identified so far tells me they are just saying whatever is on their mind rather than what is actually happening or what this material really is.

kind regards Karl.

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I agree. And thank you for your work. It's a tough situation. As with how aggressive and advanced all this is. We need solutions now. Hopefully all these expiraments with various protocols/devices/detox so forth, even before knowing fully what it is lead to somewhere beneficial. Or at least insight into what works and what doesnt. But that could be a double edge sword, and is so much contradicting information and lack of knowledge in what we are dealing with exactly. I am finding more and more every day. Like C60-Melanin NPs, and Melanin NPs from Cuttle fish ink for Biomedical applications. We literally don't have a clue yet wtf they are spraying and all the other vectors contaminating our biology. Aswell, with how insane these MF'rs are and the means and funding and connections they have, they probably watch everyone's work. Aswell I'm sure the tech can be quickly adapted and shifted around any solution. Is what I think we are dealing with. Hopefully something can be found that effects the system processing of it overall, and then find all the little things in between that can disable it. Have also found some interesting info on HOCL therapy.

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DRUMCHICK’s link further up this page has at least some of the junk they’re spraying on us. Seems like a very credible source.

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And are you saying that the few that are working with the green lasers and the findings they have are not accurate? This is another thing I've been sharing, one possible solution could actually be from lasers. If you look into Peter Garyaev's work and wave genetics.. could be a huge potential with this if done properly.

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No, simple green lasers are clearly doing nothing as we see above. All the stuff i have been looking at from others on green lasers has NOT been backed by a plausible or satisfactory indication that such is true. A nanomaterial site shrinking slightly is not a sign that green lasers work at all. The material constantly changes, responds to light, and other phenomena. It is very sensitive to environmental change in at least a way that its appearance or behavior can change, but it seems to be very durable material that really wants to force its assembly. The other person who posted clearly showed the tech in every image after the lasers, I have no idea what all the excitement is about. I was the first person to use lasers or laser microscopy on this material and while doing so it did not get the results people are trying to infer now. Plus, i also now how the green laser rumor came to be here on substack but I dont want to seem rude. Id rather give my honest opinion productively and to the point. A simple green laser wont do it, and the advanced technology you spoke of is nothing to do with simple green laser behavior. The laser concept used here are far more advanced and not what green laser alone is able to do. We actually got sent private documents containing other details from Peter Garyaev's laser work which was a nice. Unfortunately the english translation on those documents was not good either and they could not be fully understood in a way i could realize the methods he describes of how it all works specifically. Here is a link for what Jai is talking about if someone is curious, not simple green laser stuff .....lol :D

Kindest regards.


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Hey Karl, I'm non vax,but infested with this technology, hydrogel ,nanosmart dust etc, anyway being targeted with this studd 24 7 I decided to get my phone and take a pic of the invisible weapon aimed at me feeling like ultrasonic and nothing was there. Through prayers the holy spirit led me to a verybinteresting way of capturing it. So I took a pic of a pic. Interestingly g enough I captured 2 bgreennlaser beams coming through my window I have the pic if you would like to see it or if u want to know exactly how to do this I can show you. I believe their technology will help us discover the remedy.

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Could you upload the photo? I’m interested, but also going to bed just now, so no rush! Thanks !

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Hey Karl, I'm non vax,but infested with this technology, hydrogel ,nanosmart dust etc, anyway being targeted with this studd 24 7 I decided to get my phone and take a pic of the invisible weapon aimed at me feeling like ultrasonic and nothing was there. Through prayers the holy spirit led me to a verybinteresting way of capturing it. So I took a pic of a pic. Interestingly g enough I captured 2 bgreennlaser beams coming through my window I have the pic if you would like to see it or if u want to know exactly how to do this I can show you. I believe their technology will help us discover the remedy.

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Hello Georgia Lynn.

I would love to see that photo! Can you DM it to me by chance?

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What photo are we talking about lol ,it did t show me my reading on this. What was I talking about.

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From what I've been able to find, they used a laser that had dual polarity, but I dont think it's one that comes out of both ends, same direction. Hard to tell exactly what's said and hard to find a laser like this exactly. But the HeNe plasma tube laser (not sure power level) 632nm directed at the "Target", usually a childhood photo which then phase conjugated with the laser tube, and the individuals Holographic Signature at that point in time. Then they used a radio receiver to pick up an audio track of the holographic information fields Harmonic spectrum. Which then can be modulated over the laser and transmitted to objects or another target. With insight from this, much could be developed if it's reverse engineered and done properly from specialized supplements keyed to ones holographic signature for specific purposes, or imprinting the "healthy state" of the individual. It's like proven advanced laser radionics. Which this aspect of recieving and logging the encryptions and transmitting them is what we're interested in figuring out. The audio tracks the wave genetics company share to listen too are quite unpleasant sounds.

It's talked about in this presentation here:


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Oh boy, do I have some goodies to share on this, Jai! I’m in contact with a Russian Spooky2 friend who is taking Garaiev & Irene Caesar’s work a step further!

When I get sorted this morning, I’ll share here and in a PM.

I so wish we could bookmark comments. Yours are pure gold! 👌🏻

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I agree with the Rife. We would need to find the exact resonant frequencies of each component. Which may be very difficult. Possibly a high power plasma set up with a sweep method? Another thing I've recently come across for supplementation. So I came across a 7 year old public sector study on "the foreign body response" to Nano bio materials. And how they were developing the tech to Bypass the M1 Macrophages and dendritic cells, which formulate fibrous capsules and super cell structures around the biomaterial then Lysosomal enzymes which can break them down. Which it seems they can. It then will further (this is in studies the spikes do this) down regulate the P53 and mutate it. And Up-regulates BCL-2 anti apoptosis pathways. So the biology and natural defenses are suppressed. Well I've seen in some studies Phycocyanin can reverse mutate , M-P53. And upregulate P53. Aswell, 9x purple bamboo salt in a specific cancer study was found to Upregulate Pro Apoptosis pathways and down regulate BCL-2. It also in this study was found to Reduce M-RNA and the protein expressions by 80%.

Here's a link to the 9x bamboo salt study:


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Spectacular knowledge base you have !

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