Hello Karl, I have what might be a terrific idea to sponsor your important work.. Can you offer a service where you test materials sent in to you from your readers and the public? For example, IVERMECTIN.., lady's liquid face makeup, store bought products - especially fluids. ? You charge for the service and we figure out what to avoid. What do you think?

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Unfortunately i would not have time for this. It takes all my time doing this stuff alone.

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Karl, I understand how busy you are. Just keep doing what you can.

If we want more results from you, we must donate more for you. You have been through hell for 3 years, you can’t be overworked, by testing everything. I reckon it would be bad for your newly found health. Work at your own pace.

We owe you, big time! Thank you so much.

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Awwww, thats very nice of you. I really could do with more time and hands to be fair. There is so much i would love to do. The only thing stopping me doing more is funding, time, and not being permanently situated somewhere i can call home lol. But i will get there. thanks for your support and moral boosting nature!

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No worries!

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Train a helper? I was just thinking it could be a good source of support..

:>} But, understood

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Id have to pay them, Unless i can steal you as my assistant trainee :D

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:>} Not sure if you mean me or someone else.. too bad you don't live in Russia..

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I was joking with you, I have friends dabbed around Latvia, Russia and other places. I sometimes wonder if it is better there. I think everywhere is madness these days. Probably too cold for me. It is nice to know you are one of my very small audiences in Russia, not many there.

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Oh, I'm not there yet. Upstate cold NY. But I'm going..

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I fair dinkum reckon me and my small family would be better off living in Russia. If not for the digital money, which I know is planned for everywhere.

Whether or not it succeeds is another thing. I always go to ATM, get most money out for fortnight. As is said-Cash is King!! So I pay as anonymously as possible for everything.

These bad guys want our data, as much as they can get. I resist everything digital. We were going to get $250 toward electricity bill, all we had to do was digitally link our electricity supplier to our myGov account, which I have to have as I’m on disability because of my destroyed back. Needless to say, I didn’t bother with the linking of the electricity supplier. We’ve not got much in the way of money, but even $250 is a lot of money for us, but I’m not selling out-they’ll have to force the issue.

My back’s not completely destroyed, I exaggerate. I had an operation for a herniated disk, but the op made the whole thing worse. There’s a syndrome, called failed back surgery syndrome-I’m in that club. That’s why I’m having a hard time getting off these pain meds.

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Great idea and ppl need to know the everyday stuff contamination to navigate best outcomes. If only there were more hours in a day, more willing spirits,…if only

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(I'd be your first customer.....

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Agreed! I couldn’t even get my md to do a live blood analysis via a dark field microscope at 200x magnification unless it was post mortem! Apparently m a y o couldn’t do it either. There’s likely less chance of getting other substances tested by reputable sources in the area in which I live.

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Great idea.

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Two things that may clear the blood. Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO. Both have been around forever. Both have been heavily censored and vilified. You will need to use search engines like Brave, Rumble or Brighten.

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These have been tried a lot by many now. I have even been taking them for a few years to deal with lyme. They seem to serve limited purpose so far with the tech side. Very small relief or positive effects from what i can tell.

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Have you heard of Kerri Rivera? She uses both CD and DMSO to help with Autism and other autoimmune issues, like Lyme but takes other steps in conjunction with to help seal the gut and remove parasites. She has had great success for over 14 years. If interested here is a link to one of her interviews.


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The action of CDS and dmso can be very specific and work for some causes of immune disease but not others. I've used CD a lot in the past. But DMSO it has hugely varying action on different cells and is very comlicated in what things it's chemistry was suggested to affect both negatively and positively. It has so many different interactions with cells that it sounds like even though it may help a disease it might be doing many horrible things in the long term. I only found this out when we were using DMSO as a solvent in experiments on the swab solutions. My chemistry scientist friend was going over the datasheets and looking at the formula, he read some papers to me while we were working away and he said bloody hell this stuffs scary. That was bases on the formula and what the peer review papers detailed in cellular interactions. But the imitations certainly make you think more than twice about the effects it could be having on you.... Eeeeek. I have some, but I do not use it on me, just as an inorganic solvent for experiments lol.

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wow. Glad I read this. I was told to use a very small amount of DMSO with Castor Oil to detox the liver.

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what about Borax?

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Do you mean DMSO or DMSA? DMSO (Dimethyl Sulphoxide) helps my back pain, but it stinks, like garlic/onions but gone off!

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It only stinks if you ingest it orally, or a lot, topically. It hits the bloodstream very quickly, as you taste the garlic/onion taste in your mouth. Then it seems to pour out of your pores. Haha! My family hate the smell.

I’ll have to see if I can find those papers. It’s only allowed to be sold as a solvent-the risk is all personal if you use it for other things, like pain! It does help with pain and swelling. But do your own research, blah, blah.

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https://marshield.com 👈Specializes in radiation blocking material, perhaps asking viewers to assist in building yourself a faraday environment in your office (ie leaded sheetrock or pod) I suspect the cell towers, smartmeters, satellites play a roll in polymer self replication. Showing proof could assist others in making the decision to build a faraday environment in their homes or even to build new faraday style houses which block out radiation. To any prospective investors i am designing full construction faraday tiny home development plans for shtf preppers, bc hard truth is that living in the absence of microwaves will be the best way to protect yourself from the unstopable wifi fueled self replicating nano shedding factor.

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Love it Adrian, marry the best of both worlds. Have been wanting to do same down under, for years. Hope your project takes flight, mine is still in my head., make yours happen.

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Hi Kat, I don’t know what state you live in, but when our “smart” meters were being rolled out, we in Victoria were simply told that we had to have them-that was it. I can’t remember how many years ago, but all that was being discussed was how the electricity people could shut off your electricity if say, you didn’t pay your bill. I never knew anything about the radiation they could cause back then, nothing was explained to us. Only the benefit of a person not having to come to your property to read your meter.

What happened where you are? (I’m going to bed now, so don’t rush to get back to me!)

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G’day Karl, these images are next level (or my eyesight is)..noticeable clarity, feel like “we” are inside the sample and could reach out and touch the materials if we wanted to ! (Ah, no)

You’re new technique is a game changer…to be able to see more for longer - microbes r getting nervous ! A question - are you able to do the spectral analysis needed to clinch component id?

Do we have anyone who can do this?

I like this post a lot - clarity, certainty, expanding……thank you, KK

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I will do it with others in the near future hopefully. but all forms and angles are necessary as so to get it right. this is all good contribution via microscopy so far and has a lot to say as an indicator combined with such analysis. This is why i want to build up more funding. it will take a little while to get all the lad gear together for what I want to do. Hope your feeling great today or as good as can be! :D

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Thankyou Karl , I am feeling great in all the ways that counts. Wishin' you the same.

But, it's even better to see you push the line of evidence - so much further - to being realised. You always give out a great sense we'll make the summit, even though we haven't found the mountain-yet !

( I might just hold you to that apprenticeship...??? )😜 xx KK

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Haha, you too Egh, I hope you travel. About to board to OZ for a visit, could of done with an assistant, so I don't get off at the wrong stop and start wondering around China looking for David and trying to figure out why everything doesn't look right lol. I hope everything that has been screwed in this world can be fixed, I can say that there are many trying hard to ensure it can be. X x 😜crazy face back at ya!

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Auuggghhh, don’t get off at China! David lives where it’s nice and warm, but they’ve had heaps of rain lately, floods, etc, no doubt geoengineered. I don’t know where Kat lives!

I’m down south, nearly as south on the mainland as you can get. It’s cold down here, this has been our worst summer yet. Constant days of about 18-22 degrees, but with the never ending wind blowing(yes wind farms are planned for here) it constantly feels like about 12 to 16 degrees. And this is summer! We normally have our hottest days in Feb-March. And we had heaps of rain, Dec and Jan, which is good for our water tank, but makes the grass grow too much with the sun for a few hours most days, but it’s too damp to cut. The wind dries it out, but then it rains again. So with all this growth, and apparently we are getting some hot and windy days, I smell bushfires coming.

I know this rain and wind has been geoengineered-they whip up the moisture out at sea to the east of us, then send it westwards, to our area, repeat. The stupid thing they are doing is sending the rain from the east. Our weather in summer has always come from the west. And nothing on our weather site, especially the synoptic chart is making any sense.

We are rural, and we know “they” want us to move, at the least, I wouldn’t be surprised if they bombed the water south of us to make a tidal wave, or a big earthquake were to hit our nearest town. We’ve had a couple of small ones here in the last few days. Are they testing this out? We aren’t surprised at anything.

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This is next level dude! Amazing work.

You must be exhausted!

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Haha, hey ralos. Yea I am exhausted. I need a holiday and a long back massage. Sleeping on mums coach sucks! Nearly on to my next journey again though!

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Did some people avoid the PCR test from day one? Others tested continually.

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I had it done twice, early 2020 when I didn’t know what was going on. Once it wasn’t shoved high up my nose, but the other time it was. I have trouble keeping my tongue down for any throat thing, so I don’t think the throat bit went down far, but for sure I would have swallowed whatever was on the swab.

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Don't worry, I had 5 2 years back. Not by choice either. At that time I had not seen the chaos till just after I did it. I'm still her though, I think......... Lol

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You’re definitely still here! I’m so glad, especially for your sake, that you happened upon the S.C. I don’t think I would have been able to function at all!!!, if I was feeling as bad as yourself Karl.

Every now and then we get a win in life. This is a really BIG win!! I’m still taking 3 gram twice a day, and the stuff is still coming out of me.

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Tap water is that what you mean? Nothings safe then. All I see is scripture unfolding the last days etc...

At least the third Trumpet has sounded and this is all Wormwood. RF signals are everywhere. Look out for Charlie has shown this I show that AI is among them all... These things are all connected. Nano bots nano tech RF signals AI etc... I know it's all to monitor but it has more than that planned. Now, maybe my dreams are manipulated but I see it in scripture too. But I dreamt last night about like a zombie like thing coming. When the angel blows his third trumpet it says the water kills them. Not so much speaking of the water like you showed here, but spiritual water, meaning false teaching from scripture it's tainted water as well and those who drank that tainted water are the walking dead NOW!

I mean they are alive still but still dead. What I see in all of this is a kill signal that all of them that took the jab since they don't hear v2k, are still manipulated, regardless; so what better way to get a kill command out to 8 Billion people? Send out all RF signals HAARP and other Radio signals world wide with hidden AI in it and then put all this nano and DNA changing stuff among it all?

Those unfortunate ones who've herd this v2k crap like me but others who were weaker or just not able to comprehend it or whatever, they went on shooting sprees. Others like myself have been able to try and mitigate it through faith for me at least. So we haven't. Imaging what this stuff is doing inside of all those others who did this on their own knowing or not caring about the consequences when the kill signal is sent??? Detox but warn a much as you can but if you can if your country doesn't guns too far, I say arm yourselves. Close to 6 Billion people have the jab think about it if they all at once go mad and begin killing each other. I had a vision as a young man about the very same place I live in now.

Meaning I saw this place in a vision years and years ago, before I even moved here. But in this place I saw a thing just like what I am warning of now. I kind of zombie apocalypse. But without all the drama of walking skeleton like things but more like the skins in the show the Walking dead. At least more like Alpha. More human and normal looking. Babylon falls in an hour, maybe not a literal hour, but probably pretty quick. The US with all it's witchcraft and symbolism and everything else, we are Babylon. At least the seat the capital. Australia and all other countries are as part of Babylon, but we are the seat... Look to bad things to happen and soon...

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unfortunately i believe you are right, but stay strong, and stay positive so you have strength to stand by your fellow man.

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Yeah. I remember in the vision while the hordes were attacking, I was gathering my guns and stuff to shoot back, some old man or something like that came up to me and told me to chose. I take it as chose Conservatism or Liberalism I chose conservatives.

While I hold liberal ideas I hold more with Conservatives..

But yes I see something like that happening soon. Why have a RF signals with AI hidden in it just for monitoring? Why try to change our DNA and or brains like that God damn James Giordano wants to do. Without them wanting us to turn into killers and kill each other? I mean right now all that's happening is them seeing if they can. That's why the mass shootings have been limited so far. But I do look to a kill signal soon...

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Interesting doug, the thought is one that crosses my mind. What better way to test control and reduce the croud then by testing it to make the croud a more manageable size and ensure it's success to the highest level, making good people behave against their nature.

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I read 4 out of a set of 5 books by Dean Koontz (yes, I used to read those evil authors), and so much of what is happening since convid is contained within these books. “Elites” are mentioned extensively in these books.

Also books by another American author-it seemed like he never stopped writing, he had a million books about murder and mayhem-I just can’t think of his name. But he wrote a book called “The Store”-where heaps of people want to go and work there, but one couple found it was basically rotten to the core, but they couldn’t leave (without a lot of difficulty). I take it to be Amazon in real life.

He also wrote a book where “elites” are part of the story, and they are superior to normal humans in physical and mental stature. I didn’t think the book was any good,(these are public library books I’m talking about-I’m so glad I never paid for them!) and I saw someone had written in the last page “what a load of crap”, I was very amused, so I wrote “agreed”.

But again, a lot of this crappy book is coming true. So these books, like movies, Simpsons, are predictive programming. BTW has anyone seen RFK jr without his top clothes on? He just about looks like a bodybuilder in those competitions. Why? He looks stupid if you ask me, and he also looks as if he’d been using anabolic steroids. It doesn’t suit him. I used to like him, because of his stance in defending kids’ rights, and talking against covid vaccines. Now I’m thinking, he’s just another Kennedy, tried running for Democrats but they wouldn’t let him (he would’ve demolished Biden, but now he’s taking votes away from Trump-even though he’s been pretty much ignored so far), and I don’t trust him at all now! Not that I think Trump’s great, but the “establishment” are trying to bury him, so he must have some good intentions. He did exit WHO, and went against Fauci and lock downs etc, at FIRST. And there’s a lot more to it than that of course.

I am Aussie, but I have learnt a fair bit about American politics since Convid.

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Trump on his website says he's against the deep state. That's the only reason I kind of like him. UH not to change the subject, but in my report one of my v2k files that I had done by a forensic person, said in it "We Bother Trump people". Now I kind of know why the security people had issues with him, he knows they're crooked.

If he wins and I think he will, the media will try to make him look ridiculous again so I will not pay any attention this time.

Targeted Justice did a newsletter on RFK JR noting how he maybe a targeted person. So??? I like books like the Hobbit, and i read the full Narnia Chronicles By C. S. Lewis. I read the full books of Twilight Lol I know a man reading about that but it's got a lot of action in it and folklore so... Plus Reading the dead sea Scrolls the Bible all the way through and knowing about all the spiritual warfare Vampires my have some reality in them. Thinking along the lines of the creatures Satan brought with him is why. I venture Steven Quayles site too. He's big on Giants and wrote books on the creatures Satan brought with him. Vampires, Elves, Imps, Gremlins, Fairies, and all the other things that people say are myths may not be. I mean take scripture at it's word not what people inject into it but what it says. Then read the book of Enoch, Jubilees, and Asher they answer what scripture leaves out. Demons came from the dead Giants. that's what the Book of Enoch says. Then that answers what is going on.

I think Like I said I did a FOIA on the Smithsonian, and got a look see in one of their secret vaults. they gave me a link to a site and told me all the extensions and i got to see 2-3 files. Then was locked out and never got to see any more. So when people say they know we are created not Evolved and hide Giant evidence they are not lying.

When I first read scripture I wanted to know if we are doing it right or making things up. We are making things up. I read the bible 4 times through now. I read lots of other peoples stuff online PDF books etc...

But I wanted to know stuff I found it. I first read it I knew there will never be a third Brick and mortar temple in Jerusalem. We are the third temple us Human beings, those that believe in Jesus Christ we are the temple. Why all this Graphene, RF signals v2k gangstalking ELF signals, Our blood being invaded with nano and nano bots.

They are invading our temple his temple.

Uhm so is it as bad as I've seen on other sites in Australia? Cops taking people out of their homes because they dissident the vaccines and mak mandates that was all over? Forced Vaccines etc... Taking peoples guns from them and not allowing the common man to own guns no more, except maybe one or two kinds?

I see videos on Australia and New Zealand are hell holes for Freedom is that so?

I mean we're bad and getting worse and all but Not nearly as bad YET! as I've seen in those places so is it True? I pray for all you and all our people those who care at least. I fear those who do this stuff willingly are lost and eternally lost already. But all the time RF signals hit people and make someone here go on a mass shooting then they try to collect on it through Mental illness and Gun Control. No one ever goes just off like they like to say. People over 30-40 never just begin to hear voices it's v2k like I've linked to you and others. It's what hit Cuba and the other countries Havana Syndrome. OR Neuro Strike Like Dr Len calls it. I just up loaded to videos of my EMF meter on EF setting. I even outside get the same high EMF readings I get inside.

one 1022 vm volts per meter I guess which is way high.

Any how yeah control that's all this stuff is about take our self will from us or try.

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That author I couldn’t remember is James Patterson. These people are part of “them”.

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I’ve got to admit Doug, I’d never heard of James Giordano, so I looked him up, and all I can say is eeeewwww, yuk.

I got your message the other day, I’ll get back to you when I can. Take care!!!

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Yes, I do subscribe to Dr Ana. I read that one just this morning. I don’t pay though. I spend far to much time on the internet!

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Yeah have you seen his videos? He says he can control our emotions and all of it remotely or makes it seem like that. I mean the guy brags about it like no big deal. Fricking monster.

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No, I don’t want to see his videos. For one, he sounds just awful, and two, I just haven’t got time!

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Don't blame you I have only watched a few minutes of his, I can't watch it all makes me sick. So, yeah no I don't blame you.

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Thank you Karl for everything you've shown us and explained to us about your scientific approach!

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Sodium Citrate. After talking to a very qualified, awake, honest, double phd pharma chemist it was suggested that SC should be taken as 80 % SC, 18% potassium citrate and 2% magnesium citrate in order to balance the SC intake.

(Edited after correction)


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Please share this for review. In all the literature i have read i have heard no sign of organ damage. It promotes mitochondrial function is what most papers have quoted.

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I'll go back and edit my comment.

I've got to go to the buss stop now. Living at a mission now so not as much free time as I had before I moved out of the house I was renting a room at.


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Wish you well, all the best!

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Thank you again Karl C. - Are you still advocating trisodium citrate? Do you feel it is still helpful in reducing nanotech?

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It is helping hugely, i can't stop it or i feel far worse again. :( My brain becomes quickly foggy and i get very low eenergy. It is very useful for me and others, but it does not remove enough. nothing does yet, but i think mainly die to constantly breathing, eating, and drinking the stuff everyday. high loads in most stuff i test now, really annoying

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Karl, I don't know where you live but the London "clean" water is fluorescent under UV light, I just checked it as I traveled there over the week-end. And pee comes out VERY fluorescent. It shows how loaded we are with tracking NPs, that's my thinking.

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You are likely right, I was living in Blackpool, Cambridge, and gt Yarmouth. All the water was bad there and in texas where I lived before.

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thank you Karl ! I have also started doing skin detox with sauna and cleaning skin with a diatomaceous earth /baking soda blend (Dr. Robert Cassar)

https://eartheracademy.com/course/healing-parasitic-infections-and-acute-morgellons-symptoms/ -

so interesting and time consuming to keep detox pathways open.

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life is a constant detox even without the war on man we face now :D

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Has anyone chemically analyzed the white substance in urine that increases in amount after trisodium citrate has been taken?

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we showed a showcase presentation on it in a maria zeeee show which has its own post in my articles. check it out. :D

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I watched that incredible exposé when it first came out. I don’t recall a chemical analysis of the white sediment in urine after taking trisodium citrate. When time permits, could you possibly supply the time marker where that can info can be found? Thank you for all your hard work, Karl C.

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I just watched the interview, there’s not a chemical analysis per se, but an explanation about the stuff coming out in the urine, and it forms patterns etc, and how Karl felt so much better when he took Sodium Citrate, and he decided to do the microscopy of it. It’s nano stuff, that he was looking at.

I’ve got a ton of it in my urine, my urine is very yellow, I think from the vitamins I take, or is it from Sodium Citrate I take? 3 gram twice a day. But this makes it hard to see what colour the stuff in my urine is. Maybe I can put it through a coffee filter or something. I have no scope, so can’t say for sure it’s nano. I’ll try drinking more water, to dilute the yellow. The stuff does look to be white.

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Funny shimon Yanowits thought it was calcium in his sample to but i said that if you don't put it under the scope you wont realize that all of the large visible white material is the nano and it will morph back after a day or 2. But yes you are right, there is no doubt that it seems this is mostly tech and very little calcium crystals or nearly none were observed.

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Good to know. Still only have a 40x handheld but apart from the white material, the black dots I see post sc in urine appear the same as the congested fibre, biofilm that comes off my skin daily.

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Hi Lisa, are the black dots in the wee in random areas, or are they attached to the white stuff? I don’t have any sort of scope, but am interested in what you have to say.

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as far as my observation is worth anything, I tend to find that the very yellow color is due to vitamin B3.

I just received some sodium citrate and I'm eager to try it out but first want to read up on it before I dive into this rabbithole.

All I know is that sediment in urine often are crystals dislodged from kidneys, like as when kidney stones get broken down. This tends to happen when consuming olive oil with lemon to break up kidney stones.

As the sodium citrate is acidic, this could be the case here.

Mind you, my knowledge is very sketchy to say the least. FWIW.

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Hi N, thanks for that comment. You know more about this than me! I really thought the vitamin makers sometimes put yellow in their products to make it look like you’ve got your “full quota” of vitamins! (I can’t afford expensive brands.)

I hope what I’m seeing isn’t just stuff being broken down from my kidneys. For one reason, at least-there is a lot of it, seems to be more each day at the moment. I try to get a sample of my first pee each morning, but often I feel like I’m being scuttled in this, if I have to pee during the night! And I try to get a sample around the same time each evening.

It is a good idea to do research into what you are taking-I just sort of dived right into this, but slowly at first, gradually over approx. a week, increasing from a pinch morning and night to 3 gram twice a day. I was very encouraged by Karl and Dr Dixon, but of course my own research, where I’m the Guinea pig, is entirely my responsibility.

You did a lot more research than me, your knowledge is a lot better than mine, I’m sure. (Also, my adult son is type 1 insulin dependent diabetic-I’m being a Guinea pig for him.)

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I know what you mean.

We're all our own guinea pigs in here, let's be careful.

Beats being big pharma's guinea pigs any old how though imho.

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Be careful how often you take the sodium citrate as it pulls alot of calcium out of your system. You need to put calcium back in as it can be striped from the endothelium of your cardiovascular system. Losing too much calcium, can cause a Harding of the veins/arteries.

I flushed everyday for 2 weeks. Now it's only 2 or 3 days 2 to 3 weeks apart, just to keep on top of it.

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I mean Dr Nixon, for some reason I keep typing Dixon.

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yes please Karl! It's getting harder to find the info on sodium Citrate (if you believe it is still helpful) - it gets buried by the time I hop on here in Midwest USA- and then I go to work -and still harder to find. And do you have pictures of before blood and after SC blood?

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Brilliant. Keep on eye out for a post from me in 15min. Just captured a kodak moment.

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Hummm! 3rd time in 3 weeks for K. and I… :((

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Oh my god, hmmmm maybe I need to get you on another mailing list so David and I have 2. I send out invites to zoom also but to just a couple of people. I'll ask David what's up, was there no substack post?

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Nope! No SS infos. I’ve checked and I had not received any invitation e-mails. Twice the infos were in 5 min. before the meeting, once more than an hour later. This prior to D. illness.

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Just a thought, the passive cavity resonator invented in 1946.

It needs no power as microwaves are emitted at it and a separate receiver picks up the product around it.

It was big then, 1 foot antenna with a circular coin unit.

Usually hidden in furniture or artefacts. The US ambassador aug 2945 avril hereman. 7 yrs of intel.

Maybe these artefacts in us perform a similar function ?

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Actually, I just looked it up and now I remember this, it was genius. For others wondering what this spy device was


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I rem in the 70’s the Russians were putting bugs on flies poisoning them, then putting them into aircons where they’d die and transmit for a time.

That was50 yrs ago. Think where the tech is now.!

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I've never heard of it. Do you have a link. Will Google, the engineer in me is always curious :D

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KGB made it based on an invention by a Soviet sportsman and scientist.

That was then 1945, where the technology has gone then.

The device was in place for 7 yrs before being found.

It recorded all conversations in the US Ambassadors office in that time from an office across the road.

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Karl, can you try this product and see how much graphene, nano tech etc it removes from the blood. There is a study that showed at least 51% reduction in graphene in 35 days of use. A lot of people are trying it. I don't have a microscope to see before and after. The product is called MasterPeace it contains nano size zeolite, it comes in a dropper bottle and it's used twice daily . Here is the link to the product https://masterpeacebyhcs.com/?ref=6862

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I take a lot of these products with a pinch of salt when they claim nano removal and stuff. So the thing we were all talking about the other day was all the papers showing how zeolites can improve the function of NP's and increase signal range in certain forms of nanotechnology just from being present. It seems the particles of aluminum and silicon in the zeolite can dope the outside of NP's just by contact in some cases and enhance their function. Also it does make one wonder if the aluminum and silicon is being manipulated by the tech. In the past myself and others could swear we were observing the tech interfering actively with the silicon and so i just avoid it. I prefer coconut activated bamboo myself. haven't seen any papers yet showing it to be so useful in nano technological advancements.

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Thank you. Here is a video about the product I told you about. It's an interview with Dr Robert young and a doctor from the UK and they used microscopy . They said it's new product designed to remove graphene and other stuff


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Honestly i don't now how they are getting a lab to give them results for graphene in blood, especially here in the UK. most of these testing companies seem to of already had pressure to not test certain things which may go against the plandemic. Which means testing for what is considered exotic stuff like graphene, they must be super lucky. Also Dr Oyoung has decided he knows what the exact technology it is they used, no one has confirmed that yet as far as I know so that makes me feel he is just filling gaps for sales purpose. They are not aware that the polymers they stated are related to anaysis of the vaccine, bottled water, and hydrogel technologies? and also part of the synth/ nano base unfolding platforms? they think it comes from polstyrene cups lol. Also why does nothing he ever say that sounds off have proper lab result papers to see, he always shows us what he thinks but never backs it with any paper or good science to back it up. As i was telling patti, he has a tab for his peer reviews which are not peer reviews, they have just his name on their and are not science papers but really loose theories that sound sketchy. According to his friend agent midnight rider a little while ago Dr Oyoung was claiming it was alien technology. Those are all alarm bells for me. Usually the signs of stand clear and move on. He has done well mostly pushing useful things like alkalizing and stuff that he found from OTHER science papers. But the other telltale here is that he sells most of these as his own discoveries when in fact there are peer review papers showing most of this stuff before he ever mentioned it. I am not saying he doesnt or has not done good and helped people, i am saying that i personally believe money is his what drives him and that he is not very honest at times. He even took one of David Nixons chip images and claimed it as his own work by his team of scientists in 2021. We laughed our heads off, David took at as a compliment. Said he discovered it all back then in 2021, but he doesn't have a team of scientists as such or an electron microscope as far as i can tell. The guy is dishonest and if there is one thing i do is stay away from people who are provably dishonest. You cant trust liars at the end of the day. Any good doctor or scientist i know would absolutely not steal others work. I am sorry to say this, i was a fan when i began learning in early days, but after about a year i started twigging that he is an extremely good talker, and even better at presenting things in a way that seems tangible until you spot all the mistakes.

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Thank you. I don't know much about Dr young and the video was sent to me by a friend when I asked her about ways to remove graphene from the body. I had two dental anesthetics in late 2021 or early 2022 I don't remember exactly then in 2023 I was in the ER for chest pain and dry coughs out of nowhere and then I was hooked to an IV bag so I'm sure my body is full of these nanotechnology and of graphene from both the dental anesthetics and from the Iv bag. I was going to buy that product but after I read your message I think I won't. They kept talking about 3 subject tests and you are right, how did they find a lab to test for Graphene. Thank you

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You may be interested to know that yesterday I popped some zeolite on a slide with the swab solution and I honestly was very surprised that I saw no useful interaction between it and the horrible stuff. I will try again when that is my intention to, but all I saw is a few dots in the silicone and everything else still in place moving around.

My other argument was that the level of this stuff on us at anytime can also vary daily depending on your detox to incoming ratio. I should think once we find a way to quantify it we will find that it goes up and down a fair bit due to exposure, diet, detoxing. It seems most of these people want to do really weak and pressumtive trials in ways that never used to be acceptable to us as good evidence. The sodium citrate for me was a no brainier since huge amounts of nano synthetic crap could clearly be seen leaving consistently and I suddenly was able to shake of majorly incapacitating systems for which nothing else could help with for years. And to add, we got fairly consistent results with others too. But we didn't sell it to anyone and we moderately left it to experimental use of our discovery so as to not make guarantees or dissapoint anyone. 3,4,10, people isn't really enough of a panel to make any claims in previous history. I'd expect professionals to do a far better job convincing people than an ameture like me but hey that's a learning curve itself. Too many snake oil sellers out there, I wish they stood out more easily but then that's not how they convince people as we know.

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https://open.substack.com/pub/divadrops/p/sabrina-c55?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=b7m4j explains a lot. Check out the 2 minute xwitter clip too.

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Sabrina is worryingly good at knowing so much isnt she. ;)

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As a TI and network engineer she should. I like her style and empathise with her plight. Tried sharing same to David Nixon but could not comment. I did manage with Matt JAOB and Ana. Glad you could access it. Validates your work. I still believe that whatever they inflict on our meat suit and brains, they will never hack my soul.

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damn straight they won't 1

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