Respectfully, before asking if lidocaine etc. may contain dodgy nanotech., ask is having the heart catheterisation crucial? The Hippocratic oath 'first do no harm' exists for very good reason! And yes, all dental anaesthetics tested by Dr Ricardo Delgado contained what is likely graphene oxide!
Respectfully, before asking if lidocaine etc. may contain dodgy nanotech., ask is having the heart catheterisation crucial? The Hippocratic oath 'first do no harm' exists for very good reason! And yes, all dental anaesthetics tested by Dr Ricardo Delgado contained what is likely graphene oxide!
Link please. "Dr." Ricardo Delgado Martin, a biostatistician with LaQuintaColumna, has no PhD degree nor is a physician. He took pari in a global disinfo campaign that disfigured Prof. Mardrid's results of a study, commissioned by LQC, to 98 - 99% graphene from less than a percent contents in c19 vials.
Respectfully, before asking if lidocaine etc. may contain dodgy nanotech., ask is having the heart catheterisation crucial? The Hippocratic oath 'first do no harm' exists for very good reason! And yes, all dental anaesthetics tested by Dr Ricardo Delgado contained what is likely graphene oxide!
Link please. "Dr." Ricardo Delgado Martin, a biostatistician with LaQuintaColumna, has no PhD degree nor is a physician. He took pari in a global disinfo campaign that disfigured Prof. Mardrid's results of a study, commissioned by LQC, to 98 - 99% graphene from less than a percent contents in c19 vials.