Precipitins…..google it.

I believe this is the MAIN issue with mRNA technology…. Antibody and antigen binding to create a two part amyloid glue…due to the generation of synthetic proteins.. pseudouridines .. are not recognised by the body …because they do not originate from plant or animal proteins… and cannot get broken down by the proteases in the stomach …injected proteins bypass digestion…and go straight to the blood stream..organs…and tissue

Long strand of synthetic amyloid proteins … fibrin like…strands of polyester…form in the blood .. in the tissues .. in the organs.. heart brain liver and kidneys…seen as invaders/pathogens…the immune system will try to “wrap” them up with macrophages to prevent further damage…and this creates debris plaques and clots..within the circulatory system… with disastrous consequences.

This must have been noticed in a laboratory setting long before these shots ever rolled out…. which makes the vaccine a murder weapon.

The ONLY thing that seems to break these plaques down is the proteolytic enzymes lumbrokinase, nattokinase, or serrapeptase….these “eat” fibrin and amyloid plaque found “outside” the digestive system…without causing internal bleeding.

Lumbrokinase is the most powerful of the three and comes from earth worms… nattokinase comes from fermented soy which is the medium strength enzyme.. and serrapeptase comes from silk worms which is the lowest of the three… but also has a strange super power.. it dissolves biofilm.. which is handy if you have a cyst or polyp that fails to surrender to antibiotics.

Debris removal requires autophagy… (removal of dead and defunct cells)mitophagy…(removal of dead and defunct mitochondria) If you keep taking this vaccine you will need to go through “cleanup” more often… stop being gullible… take a stand and protect your health.. because believe me.. the CDC and FDA do not care one jot about you and your plans to live long and healthily.

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Unfortunately the fact this product is all over the swab, and now showing up in a water and food for a while suggests there was no accident with some protein spike related material aimed at a virus. There are multiple complex scaffolds occurring by very complex design which include nanotechnology product scaffolding. These guys went in for the full make over. They lied to us completely and what I see is a transhumanising make over of our human cell systems. All in order to secure wireless technologies and control. Much of the RNA and DNA is likely and largely for constructors of sythetic biology cell processes involving coacervates, microcapsules or protecells and much more. It was a witches brew from hell.

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Am so glad we are in yours, micronauts and other careful, patient, spiritually strong hands against this foe…….Warriors for humanity, we stand with you all ! kk

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To Karl C.

"Analysis using HPLC and Raman microscopy would help"

Torsion field particle spectroscopy is an accurate, simple method towards this end. It does not require any material samples, pictires are suffiviernt, as the tosrsion field is encoded on the video or photo.

If intersted, contact Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak, write me for her e-adress. I copy her on this comment.

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Do you have a peer review paper on the method. We chose hplc and raman microscopy since it is globally accepted by the science community as a tangible method of analysis. Not sure they would accept the above

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Of course it would not be accepted. But you & colleagues could save much time, effort and money sorting things out first by TF method.

Contact the indfependent TF scientist. she's been marginalised and relagated from university, lost her lab for doing torsion firelds, a secrertt science reserved for the cabal's advantage.

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...'from hell.' [Emphasis added]

Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


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Here’s a clue … silk genes dissolve with one particular protease enzyme .. the one made by moths to break free from silk cocoons.. serrapeptase.. much more effective than nattokinase.

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I’m having a heart cath procedure 4/12..

Should I be concerned with any injectables? ie, lidocaine anesthesia?

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I would do a good detox, and I personally would take my sodium citrate if it was me. If it must be it must be. Admittedly lidocaine and lignocaine seem to be very lively when we view them on the scope. 8 couldn't say how much you get from that compared to drinking tap water or pick it up from other sources. Little is known there yet.

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I haven’t gotten any sodium citrate yet, but have researched making homemade on the internet. (Says for cheese making) certain parts sodium bicarbonate to certain parts lemon juice. I’ve tried it 1-2 times daily so far. Don’t know if it does any good or not.

What are your thoughts on Dr. Lee Merritt, and Chlorine Dioxide?

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I just spoke with a friend who finished 21 day MMS with chlorine dioxide. He got quite sick…vomiting and diarrhea in the last stretch. As a toxicologist, this treatment reads good on paper….but the 3 people I know who went through it tells me it’s kind of like chemo….kills both the good and the bad. Very curious on others perspectives. When I was consulting with the pulp and paper industry they used it to bleach pulp for a dioxin-free product. Caveat emptor whenever and wherever chlorine is involved.

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FWIW, I had to have dental work done, have had at least 4 different dental anesthetics, did wind up with a rash on one hand. I am taking MB, EDTA, now Sodium Citrate, and different binders. For my second visit, a year later, I took activated charcoal shortly before the appt, also took after the appt. Be sure to replace your minerals, especially if you go heavy on the binders, should you decide to go heavy on the charcoal. I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating bilateral lower leg cramps after a large dosing of charcoal. I'm still kicking after the first appt in Dec 2022. Love what Karl said - if it must be, it must be. We humans are more resilient than the beasts give us credit for.

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Respectfully, before asking if lidocaine etc. may contain dodgy nanotech., ask is having the heart catheterisation crucial? The Hippocratic oath 'first do no harm' exists for very good reason! And yes, all dental anaesthetics tested by Dr Ricardo Delgado contained what is likely graphene oxide!

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Link please. "Dr." Ricardo Delgado Martin, a biostatistician with LaQuintaColumna, has no PhD degree nor is a physician. He took pari in a global disinfo campaign that disfigured Prof. Mardrid's results of a study, commissioned by LQC, to 98 - 99% graphene from less than a percent contents in c19 vials.

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I would think the lidocaine is only applied to the entry point .. often the femoral artery..it is not going to create fusion between antibody and antigen resulting from mRNA .. and I do not think these pain relieving injections contain those sort of payloads… best wishes on your procedure..all should go well.

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I do three times a year, Fenbendazole Protocol crushed in MCT Oil, and serrapeptase daily,,,Awesome

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Please what is MCT Oil.?How does one aquire a serrapeptase?

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I would try pipingrock.com. for the extra strength 120,000 spu (serrapeptase units) theses are really 60,000 units in one capsule…which they suggest you take two…some companies use the basic standard dose of 30,000 units per capsule but I think this is too low for most issues.

You MUST use this an hour before food or two hours after …otherwise it becomes used to digest any protein you eat…and will not treat fibrin deposits from old injuries and surgeries, biofilms, pockets of infections.

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Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme and should be able to buy online. Often included in other supplements. MTC oil is typically derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil. Both good items. Can buy online as well. Jane Wilson

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Have you seen any changes in your blood? I know that Dr. Peter McCullough sells a supplement that has nattokinase in it. I believe it breaks up the blood clots, but don't know if they have looked at people's blood or not. Jane Wilson

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Thankyou… just to repeat… antigens have two binding receptors and sometimes .. antibodies form closed loops within long chains ..it will be hard to demonstrate the difference between known reactions of precipitins and unknown reactions of nanotechnology being amplified by external electromechanical forces…is there some benefit to be gained by shifting focus off precipitins?Do these long strands of protein have anything other to reveal in electron microscopy such as nanotube or electrical circuits.. why would they form away from the brain down the long leg veins for example?

What’s the point of going to all this trouble if the technology shuts off life?.. if you want to creat a robot that serves every purpose you require.. surely you need it to function .. not fill the space of a casket?

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Both culling and "growing" a few cyborgs are required to achieve NWO. Inbetween, every useless eater needs to become steerable in order to prevent rebellions and such.

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Jomico that thought was probably my very first - on the subject, too.

Now it has grown to realising we were and are just their playthings,

The toys of sadistic destroyers we can’t comprehend, much less give in to.

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It's an experiment to determine what works and the casualties are just that - unimportant deaths except in regard of how they can serve to succeed.

The entire body is being transformed not just the brain. Hence all areas are affected by the transformative attempt.

Though the motivation is to create living robots it's also about achieving immortality.

An immortal brain w/o an immortal body kinda defeats the purpose.

That shouldn't be too difficult to understand, no?

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Just a point to understand….all the proteases mention, do dissolve fibrin which is the netting within a blood clot, the d-dimer blood test shows the level of fibrinolysis that is occurring…an indicator of fibrin clot breakdown.Here’s where it gets interesting…aspirin works in a similar way…a medium sized clot in a lung (pulmonary embolism) can take three to six months to dissolve using aspirin…but two weeks using nattokinase.

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The fibrin under high end microscopic analysis looks like and shows all the signs of lamellar fibers assosciated with coacervates and colloidal materials. The colors are bright and highly unusual, some of the fibrin like structures are squiggly at times and intertwined with the nanotechnology materials as if related also. The papers showing these constituents were uncanny. The natural process of fibrin occurance has similarities to the lamellar structures found to be involved in colloidal nanamaterials. More on this soon. Recently took some epic quality images of these not so fibrin fibrin structures and their interaction with the technology is extremely notable. But more evidence will come in the future. Raman microscopy and hplc.

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Papain dissolves hydrogel. It is from papaya fruit and especially in the seed.

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Have you been able to check your blood? That is key obviously, and there are all of these suggestions and often wonder if people really know. These are potentially life and death issues, and if I can't see it clear due to looking at blood then how are we really to know? Papaya is often added to digestive enzymes and am not sure it would be strong enough? Do you have any references or data? Not trying to be difficult, but am wondering.

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I've read the study and posted. Someone also posted the study. I followed up with research on the seeds which contain higher amount of papain. Papaya is the only fruit that has this important enzyme. Bromelain is also only found in Pineapple. I hope this will all become common knowledge. I will look for link again to repost. I dried the seeds and put in pepper grinder and add each morning to prepared egg along with salt and pepper. The fruit I blend with pineapple and try to make regularly when possible.

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Not just do not care but actively assisting damage to people's bodies/ The dental anaesthetics Karl and others investigate are a huge concern for me and all who know no doubt and I have put off very urgent dental work for badly broken tooth (at the back luckily but still a mess & gum issues shown to affect the heart etc..Also knee surgery I need..But some cannot avoid surgery eg heart issues etc From now onI will ask anaesthetists which product they use but whatever they use I need treatment soon and have to book it.I will look into the Sodium Citrate & other supplements. We who know (not being superior it's MSM, gov lies etc that stop others knowing) need to act to somehow stop these crimes & global genocide. But how I wonder? I will try the supplements you mention - the list of supplements we need to survive grows long! Easier to join together somehow and take out the murderers which seems to be the only way the human race will survive. The Globalist psychopaths plan to kill billions, genetically alter all fimir servitude mentality. these criminals no longer bother to hide their agenda probably because they are so sure they have won given the billions of people injected. Also probably they are so confident we cannot stop them.. Hope they are wrong.

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I mentioned this in another post, but in case you didn't see it, I took (quite a lot) of activated charcoal just prior to going to dentist, then took more after I got home. I've seen recommendations to make a small cloth poultice filled with bentonite to place where you received injections to help draw out the anesthetic. Was too awkward for me, stuck with the charcoal. Be sure to take extra magnesium before bedtime. I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible stabbing cramping from my feet to a few inches below my knees. I think the charcoal robbed all the magnesium - that's my guess - I took more, the cramping eventually ceased, but it was quite the ride. I would guess I took at least 15 grams of charcoal total. Was trying for 25, but it's really messy - unless you take capsules.

I've never looked at or had someone with a darkfield scope look at my blood. It's on the list for the future. I wish you the best. I wish us all the best. It's a huge learning curve, consider myself fortunate to have viewed hundreds (my guess) of images from different sources.

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Thanks for the tip with cysts ,

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I like the shotgun approach with fruits and veggies and certain high protein meats.

Alkaline with ph test is my test.

The patents say chelate and vitamin c liposom encapsulated 5gr or ie fruits or antioxidant oxidant type foods. Some chlorine diox along the way, ahcc, milk thistle, folic acid occasionally.

Nac/ zinc empty stomach. Sodium citrate.

Bromelian and l-lysine round off my shotgun with moderation.

Malic acid via veggie and fruit.

Magnesium foods to.

Fucken eh, fucken fucked up considering I didn’t worry about any of this shit before.

The cuken fok suckers…

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So far we are finding meat to be heavily coated in all the material. 2 or 3 samples were taken recently on raw beef steak samples, egss, and dried words. I did not post them but was rather shocked. I will post the images soon after more important work.

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Venison! From my back 30. Grass fed beef from 2 years ago. Admittedly poisoned, vis geo engineering. Hence the protocols.

Adamant avoidance, eating out, run of the mill Tyson type meats and Cisco food truck food to restaurants! Yup, more enjoyment curtailed.

Feeling cornered yet?

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No…pray over all you consume - that it be cleared of poison - before you partake,

Simple, effective, science direct from God. You just have to mean it !

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How does one “alkaline-ize”? I read that drinking a cup of lemon water, juice from half a lemon, with honey will actually do the opposite make your blood alkaline

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The sodium citrate disassembles hydrogels by chelation of calcium ions and alkalizes by PH regulating. Bicarbonate of soda raises PH and so it would seem like it were a better idea to use SC since it disassembles the some parts the tech too.

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Yes, daily in water.

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Thank you for your analysis. No wonder they want to keep us topped off with boosters.

Have a few questions, answer only if you have the time. It's clear you are up to your elbows in scaffolding materials. First question, is the blood from a subject who is taking methlylene blue, edta, and on (...and on)?

Second question & comment. Are you familiar with GFE? I was poking around to find out more about GFE - grapefruit seed extract. Bryan Ardis said it breaks down plasmid walls. And guess what? By jingy, it does. It's been used against antibiotic resistant bacteria found in some UTIs. I'm not sure how much GFE to take to impact the plasmids we're sparring with, but there was a precautionary note to be sure to take probiotics as well with GFE, so it must have an effect on gut bacteria as well.

Thanks for your time. Stay well and happy trails! Joan

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The grapefruit seed extract sounds interesting, i was taking grapefruit and eating the seeds a while back. I think it helped, I will go back to looking into this, thank you! Do share a paper here if you find it

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GSE is a hugely long time remedy ... an OG remedy. Same for Lumina Cellfood which is nothing short of a miracle in a bottle. I take both. Hope you (in your spare time Karl) are able to check these out as well for efficacy.

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Tell me more please? Or provide proper link for reading? TY!

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The MB and edta have uses in medicine. MB likely has no use here, it is known to weaken the DNA backbone and leave it susceptible to alteration. The warfare is likely trying to do just this, so why help it. Also MB does not seem to reduce clotting in proper experiments and certainly did not make my blood look considerably better. It is also know in some papers to enhance the properties of some nano technology aspects. EDTA can help, but it has catches. It's expensive, needs regular visits, and has toxicity too. It also has never shown any evidence of being able to cross the blood brain barrier according to literature. Sodium citrate does, charcoal does not. It would be nice to find an alternative to edta that might cross that barrier.

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Glad you mentioned this update on MB & EDTA. I have purchased and have on hand both, plus lg bag of sod cit., charcoal, etc. I'm a mini organic pharmacy now. LOL But won't take the MB or EDTA for these reasons, not unless very necessary.

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Cranberry and Serrapeptase also uncloak antibiotic resistant biofilms…. Especially formed in the bladder … the lungs and dental abscesses.Often used by parasites that cause cysts and polyps that get mislabelled as tumours.

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The grape seed thing was known about many many years ago, decades in fact, in regards to cancer prevention. I know first hand from family now long gone. One has to wonder why natural medicine has been allowed to be so overrun by t’other brand of murder by medicine.

All around and about us nature abounds with every answer to our ails. Look further into it !

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Meant to add linear epitopes.. formed once antibody and antigen bind.. those strands are evident in autopsies now long fibrous strands almost latex that do not break like a normal jelly clot.

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Been evident since John Olooney publicised it in early 2021. The pymerizing is due to hydrogel and other nefarious material. We've seen it self assemble fibers and others structures in great detail. There is a fast forming fiber in previous posts. None of these natural type phenomena you are suggestiing is fitting with what we are seeing. I wish it was that much of a mistake that the issue was simpler. See the state of blood now with the erythromer like blood I posted previously. Many of us never had a vaccine, our blood is now the same as the vaxxed. This is consistent across all our connections abroad and at home. From LBA's to doctors, the chaos seems to be synchronous via interactions with 5G. Who would of believed it, 4 years ago I would not have.

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The priority needs to be planning how to stop this ASAP. Somehow. Or else the human race is over - that is the plan

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Just a couple of points I would like to add…

Most of these clots do not occur in those who receive only one shot… so you theory is not supported in these cases… secondly.. when you add antibodies to antigens in vitro.. the effect happens within seconds to minutes… instant clots and solidifying liquid occurs once they bind..also adding a Pfizer vaccine on to blood of a non vaccinated sample immediate reactions occur.. roulette.. and serrated edges to red blood cells… this cannot be a safe sign.

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You are not reading prior posts I think. We are about to do a video showing the rapid triggering of polyners, we also forced the nano materials to bond in blood samples and create fleshy masses by adding small amounts of current. My theory comes from the work combined. The processes have been seen clearly and it has little to do with antibodies and antigens in my opinion. It has to do more so with programmed bonding and other interactions which can be accelerated in the right conditions. Also, there is no spike protein either. This is transhumanising of man and the WEF have admitted it openly by explanation that they can do such. Typical biology and medicine does not apply here as much as physics and chemistry of a broader nature. Even. Our chemistry scientist was shocked to begin learning how this this stuff works. He didn't even realize how far they could replicate or generate nano and micro forces in situ so you could create such comiclicated structures and selective scaffolding. The docs we speak to and other PHD's have admitted that this stuff is foreign to the pathology and concepts they have been taught.

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I agree completely re foreign to what we’ve been taught. This whole affair has upended my paradigm of what is rational evidence based science. And I cannot imagine how this technology advanced in the span of a decade, because when I was learning about nano technology back in 2014, they were “supposedly” at the point where they could barely make a happy face using DNA molecules. I think it was a serious psyop.

And one would be foolish to ignore the spiritual side of this. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Remember God Wins and already has the Victory. I believe there will soon be a lifting of this heavy veil. God cannot be mocked….and that’s what The Great Reset is actually trying to do.

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Whether God exists or not or whether is benign or not, billions of people are now injected with very damaging, often lethal concoctions fraudulently sold as 'vaccines'. It is taught that God is omnipotent etc so why have millions died at the hands of the super rich technocrats for at keat a century? Clearly humans are in control ie psychopathic ones who gleefully destroying planet and people every day. Just one example of these types is Bill Gates. 'Waiting for Godot'...

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If I may Neve O, you point out a very commonly experienced stumbling block for most humans. In that we “blame” God for “not” saving us from harm, damage, loss, death, starvation, poverty…etc

In all of these issues, it’s “humans” actions one upon another/others.

God plays no hand in any of this. He patiently watches on, hears our prayers and our pleas, our hurts, our anger about it….he is simply waiting for US to own it.

All we ever have to do is pray for what we need, this he answers.

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well said brother!

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Okay .. I do not have time to go through everything uploaded in order to reach your conclusion.. my point is often ignored.. most Scientists and medical professionals avoid the concept of precipitins … and that makes me very suspicious.. if you can show the cause and effect of long strands of amyloid protein never seen before these “spike protein” shots.. being caused by something futuristic I will alter my belief system.

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I understand your angle completely. As I say there are previous experiments showing phenomena that would suggest the theory I posture. All though it would be better to know more. What we know about how this material works and what the proteins can do most rapidly as a sythetic product is not what we expect of our own biology processing natural protein. It is a whole other beast and is rather shocking. There are clots and the there are materials that are foreign, rapid forming, volatile, and advanced, which can cause these affects from what we are seeing. A video shall be released soon.

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Thankyou for clarifying.. I look forward to any further updates on this strange component of safe and effective.

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Those responsible for destroying the human race need to be rounded up and death penalty which I used to be against.

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Thankyou. Can you tell me what LBAs are please?

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I think the work you are doing is amazing… and my comments are really just pointing out my poor understanding of nanotechnology… it makes the hairs stand on end no matter which end of the microscope you look at the phenomenon.Thank you for keeping an open mind during discussions.

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Thank you for being with those who support our humanity. Your participation is well received here :D

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I would like to say, I couldn’t agree more with both of you here, it is this sort of debate and discussion had that we need so much more of ! Jomico don’t sell yourself short your mind is sharp and open…please stay, joust more and support where you can. We need as much talent on board as possible. This posts’ content and those bright minds it has attracted to go exploring is a further joy to me to see happening. I am riveted by the learning this bears out for everyone who reads here. Karl, you are reaping the rewards of your toils, I love this coming together of great minds to tussle….only good can come of it!

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Thankyou for those kind words.... I believe everyone on these “stacks” can contribute towards finding solutions as long as we remain unbiased open to every theory .. we should be able to filter out … the useful information in a time we are being censored and controlled.

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They are after the skeleton.. infusion

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When I read about dental work it really stops me in my tracks. I have had dental work since I was a child, braces in high school with 8 teeth removed (teeth collapsed) and as an adult I now have 9 root canals. In 2016/17 was diagnosed with a second auto immune issue. I believe it is all of the dental work. Also, had 7 shots in my back after surgery due to extreme pain and it made it much worse. Now I know why. More lidocaine & anesthetic. I need a crown from another root canal two years ago and right now it is hurting. I can't face another shot and more pain etc. We have been lied to for how long now? Do dentists know this and if they do are they aware of the issues. Interestingly enough my dentist has the same autoimmune issues I have. My GP has MS and is a young guy. It is all a bit much. So glad I know this now, but wow what I could have avoided.

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Hi Jane, recently the micronauts came forward with a good remedial gum/tooth pain suggestion of using a modified list of 3 ingredients from the known essential oil product of “Thieves Oil” (original formula has many more ingredients) check back through David Nixon’s and Karls substacks too (and in the comments esp) for more info. It’s down to best use of only 3 of those oils are needed. If you can’t find it, just let me know in the chat. It’ll help at least, kk

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Having a heat cath procedure this coming 4/12… should I be concerned with any injectables? ie. Lidocaine anesthesia ???

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Apr 7
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No offense to Dr Anna. But she's another one posting lots of random papers and pointing at everything. Myself and someothers i know can't follow her at all with all the contradictions and assumption based ideas. I never know when to trust what's good and bad from her end. Too confusing for me. I used to be a huge fan a few years back. The I realized everyone was touting to be full of answers and that if I wanted them I had to get the answers myself!

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Yep, dirty slides have all kinds of debris, many look exactly like Ms Mihalcea's graphene oxide images. Blinking blue dots may well be Brownian motion+ refraction, and blood will rouleaux in poorly prepared sample without pathology! When Dr Ana confessed she adhered to Judy Zebra Knight's channelling of 'Ramtha', I did unsubscribe, arghhhh...

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I agree, when she published her “screed“ on her spiritual declaration of freedom, I got completely turned off. Anything outside of scripture is sin as my mentor likes to say.

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I agree with you! In our live blood work, we found similar results due to soiled slides. Equally suspicious is that she only touts for limited solutions, which have data published that actually build the nanotech. She appears to be controlled opposition. The scientists at Quinta Columna claim that her slide work may also be computer generated.

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Whatever she believes in clearly she us doing her best and succeeding it seems in uncovering the murder and theft of the human body. She also wishes or seems to hope to look at the 'soul' which her ideas and work link to body ie sane view as Christians it would seem. She has almost been killed by attacks on her no doubt due to her groundbreaking work on blood microscopy etc.These self righteous Christians dismissing a brilliant scientist says a lot about Christianity (a faith that has happily murdered billions of people for centuries and has 'God' murdering also when 'he' is angry. Jesus the opposite for some reason but he was murdered too which is 'good' because he then came back to life etc (for those who take the Bible literally) IIf helping not harming alow others to choose

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I only found Ana's Substack a few months ago and have not read enough of her work probably to notice contradictions. I saw recently that she, like a few telling the truth about the global technocratic attack on humanity had an attempt on her life which could easily have killed her but she survived due to her training etc she said. Working when probably stressed might lead to a blip.or 2 in her genius work?

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One has to be doing extensive dedicated work on these topics in order to be able to draw any conclusions or be able to say that x papers match this technology. That is all most can do. People ha e touted all kinds of claims to papers and tech being the cause, but few can actually show the resemblance via hard work. We have made a very long list of observations for which have chained together nicely and revealed a flow as to which kinds of technologies may have been stitched together. Coacervates, colloidal molecules, NP's, protocells, hydrogels, microfluidics, and much more. As far as I have seen I or we are the first to show these systems in any detail at all. Shortly after making a discovery it seems others claim they found it too. But their post dates and time stamps are always behind ours ;) this is why we know that others making claims or insisting they have answers are mostly wrong. If they can't see or have not mensioned the consistent observations we have already made then they have no reference to Compare too. This js when I stopped listening to others media and decided I was learning more for myself by doing the work and not wasting my time. It's paid off, wait till you see the coming video presentations :D

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Your hard work is very appreciated:)

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Very wise.

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Apr 7
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Check out hydrogels, proteins and. How they polymerize. Also Google. How proteins form Structures and tissues. Chatgpt has some uses and can answer some pretty curious questions well. This well help you understand. Big hugs back at ya! Hugs for all egh

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Is 60 GHz emission specified in 5G system -- in which countries? I've been looking for evidence since ca 2019 to no avail, incl. from British weapons expert Mark Steele and a group of anti-5G activists in the USA.

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There are patents for the transceivers and the original shpiel we were td a few years back implied that all though it was 5Ghz it actually wasn't 5ghz like WiFi routers but actually worked upto around 80ghz I believe it was. They also have scaler ability and beam forwarding if they used the design I saw in one paper. I assume they did use that kind of design since they could. Did not obsess with following it up due to too much analysis work at this end

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Some of pre-5G cellphones had THz transmitters built in.

I follwed a US activist group in 2019 - 2021 who were looking for clandestine frequencies in wi-fi and other devices e.g. in schools . Even though rumours circulated about 60 GHz and such, they found no evidence.

See my other comment: you & colleagues work can be made easier with torsion field spectroscopy of the individual things you record under microscope.

An observation: cracking down the xenobio nanotech effects in the body lags behind in the race for Humnaity's survival. Would not spying on what remedies the cabal uses for themselves be easier and faster?

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Apr 9
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60 GHz frequency is said to make oxygen unavailable to RBC (in the surrounding air or in the blood itself?).

From ca. 2000 research by Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus scientists, confirmed by some independent Western research, even the very small power intensity at certain other characteristis like frequency can be very harmful to health. Similar phenomenon intentionally belied in official physics is low-level nuclear radiation.

I looled at few countries' official 5G specs: beside the lower frequencies of 5G and former systems, 5G uses wireless of up to ca. 30 or 40 GHz. It's likely that tyhe true characterists is conc ealed as you say for copuflage against cdiscovery. Do you have an istrument that measures GHz and higher frequencies?

You write with too much certainty, e.g. it's not EMF that causes bio-reactions in all life forms. According to Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak, who 30 yrs ago discovered the effect while irradiating a bio-sample with EMF, it's torsion field (TF) particles that cause it. They accompany every EMF and reach several times further, explaining cancer from high-voltage power lines way beyond the EMF range.

I also challenge you on political system-related stufff. E.g. the banksaters successfully poisoned the world with xenobio nanotech. If not the WHO "authority", sheeple would belive bankster-controlled media scares parroted by politicians and professions (medical).

"When a small percentage of the people have a working knowledge"

I start doubting it -- hence the strange rush to deploy c19 bioweapon and tools like CBDC and social credit, imho to first eliminate independent leaders and dissidents while numbing the masses, and turn them armed zombies againt the still thinking few percent trying to mount a global rebellion.

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Would love to see a list! Jane

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Apr 8
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Apr 8
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It may be best to collect the samples form the same source then the pattern will develop,

As this technology can be easily changed to be cell tissue organ pacific , with a change in modified RNA which uses an enzyme called Reverse Transcriptase, and can re write. DNA , backwards ,

Long or old mature Red blood cells do have DNA , The DNA is the Conductor of the cell ,

If the DNA gets modified then it’s big trouble, nothing works ,

Plenty of organic Raw garlic for me , keeps the blood clean , it’s loaded full of Sulfur, which makes them negative, so they don’t stick together,

This is not medical advice or ment to replace medical advice ,

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I reckon they Have changed the DNA in the RBC's. Hate to say it. Don't know what the method is used to make the RBC begin producing erythromer like products. But I guess these guys didn't care how they did it.

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Yes they don’t care in there eyes it’s an emergency, plus I found out today everyday people getting de- banked for speaking out ,

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Oh my goodness...thank you for sharing this formidable information with lay readers who would otherwise have no access to these microscopic mysteries.

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Since lidocaine seems to be an issue does anyone know if lidocaine patches would be a nano tech delivery system? That is another issues to be reckoned with. These delivery systems have been around a while, so it feels like peeling back another layer of the onion......Lidocaine gel is also available, but don't know if that is an issue or not. Wish there was a list of everything we should avoid. Just read that my air purifier puts out a lot of emf's, so out the door it goes. Even an electric tooth brush. Killing us with electricity!? Clifford Carnicom make the comment in a video that even the smallest pulse activates this tech. Need to live in a cave.....

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Karl, will soaking microscope slides in 70% ethanol just do the trick? that is how we cleaned them back in my histopathology days I guess all one would need to do is order a microscope slide tray, and a stain jar

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Unfortunately it seems many solvents only affect some small parts and leave you just smearing the colloidal molecules everywhere. The Reverse osmosis with soap seems to be the best we've found so far but I have tried everything. No one has suggested or shown us a technique that works as well as this so far.

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How do you know how clean is clean? By what you see visibly? Confirmation under uv or fluorescence?

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I'm sorry but this suddenly reminded me of the movie Matrix' Squiddies (Sentinals).

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While introducing a ("new") virus that wasn't really there... certainly not as advertised ignoring all that is terrain theory tptsNb were (& remain) busy manipulating the terraforma Terrain which of course directly effects the terrain within all living Beings > of course then there's the additional exposures as being addressed here.

Textbook Cabal m.o./script of...look here, not there

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Hi Karl, thanks so much for you substack. Been take the sodium citrate. I have a question if you have heard anything about a green laser light dissolving nanotechnology?

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Greenasers are often used to excite nanoparticles or energized them so they can be seen. I don't hold much faith in the green laser thing and I certainly didn't see green lasers doing anything while I used them in sames. Have no idea why this would work. If it does work then looks like you will be needing a giant spotlight laser to cover your whole body in it. Not sure how that makes sense.

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Hi Karl, thanks so much for responding. I am not technical person but I was reading about it stating that it turn off the electron spin resulting in shutting down the tech like off switch as it is programmable mater. I'm not convinced and would not want to make the mistake of activating it. Thanks so much for your important work.

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Thanks so for the links. I guess I just want to know if it's true that th e nano can be shut off with green laser. Is it documented any where? Has any one tried the green laser? Thanks again

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No it can't, your body is filled with hydrogel and a small 1mm laser beam is not going to effect whole body saturated in these gels. Past the hydrogel and going on to what the hydrogel produces you will find that material responds differently and likely will be energized by the 565nm green laser beam, hence why they are often used to fluoresce nanoparticles and such in the lab. The florescent glow is a sign that a photon is being transfered into an electron inside the nanoparticles.

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Yes I would like to know about it too. Can injections be lasered before use or does the tech wake up in its nice warm body injected into??

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See above replies

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Would it be prudent for everyone to be on Lumbrokinase considering all of our blood seems to be contaminated?

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Serrapetase is cheaper than lumbrokinase. It also showed to be more effective in Ron D Norris's very well done experiments. He showed us that Serrapetase takes 2 hours to stop gel formation and that lumbrokinase and nattokinase did it 3.

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Thankyou; your work is enlightening.

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Lumbrokinase is 30 times more potent than Nattokinase…and 300 times more potent than serrapeptase… do you try the door handle first then try a key …or do you just use a sledgehammer every time you enter your house?

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In normal times there would be no question to try the door handle to begin with. In normal times there were no morticians pulling rubbery white clots out of corpses. I had a 40 year old friend die with blood clots all of the way up both legs, one year after getting the shots. Oh how I wish I had known about the sledgehammer then.

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