Apr 7Liked by Karl.C

Precipitins…..google it.

I believe this is the MAIN issue with mRNA technology…. Antibody and antigen binding to create a two part amyloid glue…due to the generation of synthetic proteins.. pseudouridines .. are not recognised by the body …because they do not originate from plant or animal proteins… and cannot get broken down by the proteases in the stomach …injected proteins bypass digestion…and go straight to the blood stream..organs…and tissue

Long strand of synthetic amyloid proteins … fibrin like…strands of polyester…form in the blood .. in the tissues .. in the organs.. heart brain liver and kidneys…seen as invaders/pathogens…the immune system will try to “wrap” them up with macrophages to prevent further damage…and this creates debris plaques and clots..within the circulatory system… with disastrous consequences.

This must have been noticed in a laboratory setting long before these shots ever rolled out…. which makes the vaccine a murder weapon.

The ONLY thing that seems to break these plaques down is the proteolytic enzymes lumbrokinase, nattokinase, or serrapeptase….these “eat” fibrin and amyloid plaque found “outside” the digestive system…without causing internal bleeding.

Lumbrokinase is the most powerful of the three and comes from earth worms… nattokinase comes from fermented soy which is the medium strength enzyme.. and serrapeptase comes from silk worms which is the lowest of the three… but also has a strange super power.. it dissolves biofilm.. which is handy if you have a cyst or polyp that fails to surrender to antibiotics.

Debris removal requires autophagy… (removal of dead and defunct cells)mitophagy…(removal of dead and defunct mitochondria) If you keep taking this vaccine you will need to go through “cleanup” more often… stop being gullible… take a stand and protect your health.. because believe me.. the CDC and FDA do not care one jot about you and your plans to live long and healthily.

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Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

I like the shotgun approach with fruits and veggies and certain high protein meats.

Alkaline with ph test is my test.

The patents say chelate and vitamin c liposom encapsulated 5gr or ie fruits or antioxidant oxidant type foods. Some chlorine diox along the way, ahcc, milk thistle, folic acid occasionally.

Nac/ zinc empty stomach. Sodium citrate.

Bromelian and l-lysine round off my shotgun with moderation.

Malic acid via veggie and fruit.

Magnesium foods to.

Fucken eh, fucken fucked up considering I didn’t worry about any of this shit before.

The cuken fok suckers…

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Thank you for your analysis. No wonder they want to keep us topped off with boosters.

Have a few questions, answer only if you have the time. It's clear you are up to your elbows in scaffolding materials. First question, is the blood from a subject who is taking methlylene blue, edta, and on (...and on)?

Second question & comment. Are you familiar with GFE? I was poking around to find out more about GFE - grapefruit seed extract. Bryan Ardis said it breaks down plasmid walls. And guess what? By jingy, it does. It's been used against antibiotic resistant bacteria found in some UTIs. I'm not sure how much GFE to take to impact the plasmids we're sparring with, but there was a precautionary note to be sure to take probiotics as well with GFE, so it must have an effect on gut bacteria as well.

Thanks for your time. Stay well and happy trails! Joan

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Apr 7Liked by Karl.C

Meant to add linear epitopes.. formed once antibody and antigen bind.. those strands are evident in autopsies now long fibrous strands almost latex that do not break like a normal jelly clot.

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They are after the skeleton.. infusion

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Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

I think the work you are doing is amazing… and my comments are really just pointing out my poor understanding of nanotechnology… it makes the hairs stand on end no matter which end of the microscope you look at the phenomenon.Thank you for keeping an open mind during discussions.

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Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

When I read about dental work it really stops me in my tracks. I have had dental work since I was a child, braces in high school with 8 teeth removed (teeth collapsed) and as an adult I now have 9 root canals. In 2016/17 was diagnosed with a second auto immune issue. I believe it is all of the dental work. Also, had 7 shots in my back after surgery due to extreme pain and it made it much worse. Now I know why. More lidocaine & anesthetic. I need a crown from another root canal two years ago and right now it is hurting. I can't face another shot and more pain etc. We have been lied to for how long now? Do dentists know this and if they do are they aware of the issues. Interestingly enough my dentist has the same autoimmune issues I have. My GP has MS and is a young guy. It is all a bit much. So glad I know this now, but wow what I could have avoided.

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Apr 7Liked by Karl.C

Having a heat cath procedure this coming 4/12… should I be concerned with any injectables? ie. Lidocaine anesthesia ???

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

It may be best to collect the samples form the same source then the pattern will develop,

As this technology can be easily changed to be cell tissue organ pacific , with a change in modified RNA which uses an enzyme called Reverse Transcriptase, and can re write. DNA , backwards ,

Long or old mature Red blood cells do have DNA , The DNA is the Conductor of the cell ,

If the DNA gets modified then it’s big trouble, nothing works ,

Plenty of organic Raw garlic for me , keeps the blood clean , it’s loaded full of Sulfur, which makes them negative, so they don’t stick together,

This is not medical advice or ment to replace medical advice ,

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Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

Oh my goodness...thank you for sharing this formidable information with lay readers who would otherwise have no access to these microscopic mysteries.

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Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

Since lidocaine seems to be an issue does anyone know if lidocaine patches would be a nano tech delivery system? That is another issues to be reckoned with. These delivery systems have been around a while, so it feels like peeling back another layer of the onion......Lidocaine gel is also available, but don't know if that is an issue or not. Wish there was a list of everything we should avoid. Just read that my air purifier puts out a lot of emf's, so out the door it goes. Even an electric tooth brush. Killing us with electricity!? Clifford Carnicom make the comment in a video that even the smallest pulse activates this tech. Need to live in a cave.....

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Apr 8Liked by Karl.C

Karl, will soaking microscope slides in 70% ethanol just do the trick? that is how we cleaned them back in my histopathology days I guess all one would need to do is order a microscope slide tray, and a stain jar

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I'm sorry but this suddenly reminded me of the movie Matrix' Squiddies (Sentinals).

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While introducing a ("new") virus that wasn't really there... certainly not as advertised ignoring all that is terrain theory tptsNb were (& remain) busy manipulating the terraforma Terrain which of course directly effects the terrain within all living Beings > of course then there's the additional exposures as being addressed here.

Textbook Cabal m.o./script of...look here, not there

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Apr 7Liked by Karl.C

Hi Karl, thanks so much for you substack. Been take the sodium citrate. I have a question if you have heard anything about a green laser light dissolving nanotechnology?

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Apr 7Liked by Karl.C

Would it be prudent for everyone to be on Lumbrokinase considering all of our blood seems to be contaminated?

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