Whatever she believes in clearly she us doing her best and succeeding it seems in uncovering the murder and theft of the human body. She also wishes or seems to hope to look at the 'soul' which her ideas and work link to body ie sane view as Christians it would seem. She has almost been killed by attacks on her no doubt due to her ground…
Whatever she believes in clearly she us doing her best and succeeding it seems in uncovering the murder and theft of the human body. She also wishes or seems to hope to look at the 'soul' which her ideas and work link to body ie sane view as Christians it would seem. She has almost been killed by attacks on her no doubt due to her groundbreaking work on blood microscopy etc.These self righteous Christians dismissing a brilliant scientist says a lot about Christianity (a faith that has happily murdered billions of people for centuries and has 'God' murdering also when 'he' is angry. Jesus the opposite for some reason but he was murdered too which is 'good' because he then came back to life etc (for those who take the Bible literally) IIf helping not harming alow others to choose
Whatever she believes in clearly she us doing her best and succeeding it seems in uncovering the murder and theft of the human body. She also wishes or seems to hope to look at the 'soul' which her ideas and work link to body ie sane view as Christians it would seem. She has almost been killed by attacks on her no doubt due to her groundbreaking work on blood microscopy etc.These self righteous Christians dismissing a brilliant scientist says a lot about Christianity (a faith that has happily murdered billions of people for centuries and has 'God' murdering also when 'he' is angry. Jesus the opposite for some reason but he was murdered too which is 'good' because he then came back to life etc (for those who take the Bible literally) IIf helping not harming alow others to choose