Sure hope the activated charcoal is binding these "things" and extracting them...Wouldn't binders be the only thing to grab these invaders and extract them?
Charcoal definately binds part of it. Mainly in the gut and accessible areas. It does some to help by reducing the load. I definately notice taking it.
It's nice to just see the company you buy from isn't one directly or indirectly owned or share held by vanguard or Blackroc, etc. but coconut and bamboo charcoal are more effective.
I'm not so sure Activated charcoal does anything to Spike protein. Be nice if it did. I have only heard of one sup that combats Spike and that is Nattokinase. Nattokinase supposedly deteriorates protein. I also take a Slew of other Vits and sups daily along with Chlorine Dioxide several times a day. Over the years I've built up to 4-5 drops in 1 oz of water. Gargle, swallow. 4-5 times a day. I've never had my blood tested but use the placebo effect and BELIEVE it's ALL being extracted with the Vits, sups and detoxes I do.
Cheapest way. I purchased a 1.75 lb jar of 100% Activated Coconut Charcoal off eBay for 19$. Saves 600+$ compared to purchasing capsules.
Protocol: I take one teaspoon full Once a day two days in a row every other week. I put 1 tsp of activated charcoal in a glass of maybe 2 oz of water. Mix real good with PLASTIC spoon 🥄 as to NOT deactivate - charge with a METAL SPOON. Charcoal pulls everything out your body including the good so it's not something you do daily. I figure since we keep being Reinfected that every other weeks seems reasonable and logical to keep repeating without fail.
I want to have my son’s blood checked for these deposits. He is 30 and lethargic. He sleeps all the time, he has lost his job . He was a high energy highly intelligent person before the jabs. Unfortunately he believed the rhetoric and thought I, his mother l was going to die because of my age (66). I told him it was a rouse but his friends told him he couldn’t be around them or work unless he was vaxed. Then his insistence to get the second jab while I watched was heartbreaking. He is nearly semi functional and at the present won’t be able to hold down a job. How else can I help him?
I can only say my own protocol helps me. I can't give medical advice but you can see what I do from reading previous threads. That said I take NAC, quercetin, charcoal, h202 with water, resveratrol, high dose ginger, high dose turmeric, and the sodium citrate.
Try a search for practitioners doing "live blood analysis" or "dark field microscopy". they may or may not be aware of what's going on. Also Karl recently posted an article listing many substances that might help this blood contamination. 🙏🙏🙏
Avoid pharma patches. Even x8 patches had nanoparticles and other materials. Remember the microneedle vaccine patches they kept talking about . Sounds risky to me.
I’m sorry, what is EDTA? Should the anti viral medicine that is used against Venom. I don’t remember the name but it was an IV that some hospitals were given as an anti viral.
He needs to detox his body. Cannabis treats and kills cancer cells, creates apoptosis in bacterium that can also be the CNN lab made robotic bacterium that can be controlled by an outside source. One experiment a single bacterium started moving independently and not obeying commands. As if it was learning, it was scary to watch that video. I thought I had saved it but did not.
Thank you I thought you must have Nattokanase or Another that starts with “S”. I imagine that I am looking at a tremendous bill. I need to know what to spend on. I also need his cooperation and I am hoping seeing his blood will open his mind.
Dr. Ana Marie Mihalcea (on Substack) said to do Methylene Blue, Liposomal EDTA (to get rid of heavy metals), Vitamin C & Schizandra root tincture. If you do this don't take the Vit. C with the Methylene Blue. They cancel each other. Myers has a sale on the heavy metal hair test sometimes. One inch of hair sent to their lab reveals levels of heavy metals which make biofilm that hides pathogens so the detox is worth it. I'm sorry your son fell for their lies. I would educate his friends enough to realize they shouldn't have advised him to take those shots.
Hey there. Are you practiced in fluorescence microscopy? Do you have dapi stains or the like? Would you like to help by covering fluorescence microscopy results in certain samples ? This would be very helpful indeed. Feel free to email at
Yes, there is a history behind previous sightings. Particularly where Morgellons and Lyme is concerned. I don't say too much but I know.
What most people do not know is the fact that there have always been experiments on ignorant, uninformed people, just as there are now - no one will ever know what has been included in various batches of so-called “flu shots” or other “vaccinations” in recent decades - with toxic chemical substances and materials including nanotechnology, which has been experimented with for over 20 years and whose exorbitant side effects are always discreetly swept under the carpet, with only about 1% being reported anyway - and yes, 5G, 6G, 7G will cause harm to people that the majority of humanity absolutely cannot imagine, because nobody focuses on it and talks or writes about it. and yes, smartphones together with graphene oxides, hydrogels and their derivatives will be the key to this!
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz - ca from minute 13:30 - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Injected Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks = Intra-Body-Nano-Network - Internet of bodies - Cyborgs - the phrase “mRNA” was illegally introduced HERE to legally abuse humanity!!!! And to claim that this would not harm the organism is of course a lie, because nobody will openly admit this - which is logical, because otherwise they would publicly accuse themselves of harming human life!!! Everyone should always think for themselves with common sense!!!
Thank you so much. It is heartbreaking to find that your precious blessings from God has rejected all or most of the teaching they were given with love. We are to teach them our Biblical values, and somewhere along the way, he has seen fit to separate everything he considers 'political' and anything he labels 'religion'. Yet he cannot see how we get all our governance in the world from one religion or the other. Somehow he doesn't see the rich connection between the Christianity of the Pilgrims, the moral beliefs of Johnstown and the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He never did read enough, unless it was computers. He has a brilliant mind and has melted his foundation for true wisdom. Bottom line is he argues with everything I try to tell him now. He said to me he didn't want to go to college because of the indoctrination factor---so he found it himself, I was and am shocked to really being unable to even know where he started this except with the Republican decision to reverse the internet equality plan. He believes the Dems had it right (they could have in this instance) and the Republicans defaulted to the premise that all control should go the private industry. The problem is the private industry has a maniacal monopoly grip on too much of tech industry and in fact resulted in less freedom and access than the Democrats. In our small community in Grant County WA, a democrat leaning commission placed the 'new' internet and cable access into the Public Works domain. By doing this everyone has access to the rootball, so to speak, of the net. Anyone can start a service provider for the internet and the City of Moses Lake had the fastest most efficient uploaIds in the enitre country with a healthy variety of service providers getting low rates and high service. This is just what business conservatives want. High access and low prices. The problem is the rest of the world went the Rino republican way and assigned the internet access to the highest bidder. Now companies like Comcast have a territory and if you don't like their service and pricing you have to move to a different town! The end results are the opposite of what conservative republicans want. I can't believe THIS is the thing that turned my son's head to the point where he overlooks everything that he once believed. Naturally I feel betrayed, I don't want him to be ill for the rsst of his life however. I have prayer. and I can ask that the Lord tears down his strongholds that had set up shop in his mind and his head. I can ask that the Lord God transforms his life and reveals the truth to him again. Maybe even teach him that mom is the forward above the fray thinker, not his buddies or maybe WIRED Magazine. If there is anything to be afraid of---this is it! They are taking our kids! Add Daniel H to your prayers!
We've all moved on from EDTA long ago. Lots of people have done the EDTA checking and it didn't seem to affect the overall blood condition in more recent times. I believe it helped more clearly in earlier days but the spoilage is pretty dense now and the EDTA IV bags looked to contact more of the junk since pharma make it. It looked like the contaminated saline last I was seeing.
I recall both the Moderna ans Pfizer patents clearly stated EDTA was the cure. Interesting you aren't interested to do such an easy experiment. I know myself and many others who would be very interested to see this conducted. Especially since you have the right equipment and the HD images would really assist with determining success or lack of.
Yes, and I'm sure it works if you get clean EDTA, except for what enters the brain since EDTA doesn't go there. So it could never be a complete cure or ressolve even if it did do a good job on blood visually. But it hasn't been doing a good job on blood in the last 2 years. People are actually using it and many have been surprised to see little or no clearing of this material from blood. Since Pfizer didn't tell you what was really in the shit via the patents I would say that's a good reason to suspect the EDTA being a cure as also miss leading. You can't expect people who lie about the product they made to not lie about everything else surrounind it. Dr ana could not show her patients having clean blood after EDTA and so she resorted to dissolving salts with it to prove it is a cure, of course that's just water dissolving salts.....but hey. The evidence is not showing EDTA to be a cure, if it isn't working in patients on a real use basis then probably not much point messing with EDTA for ever behind the microscope hoping something different will happen. I don't know what to tell you except EDTA has not shown it's self to be affective in cleaning the blood of this stuff and it certainly can't clean your brain of much. As papers show, they never seem to find barely any evidence of EDTA molecules found in the brain after use in trials. And noone has proved otherwise, except for people who argue it. It can lower the load of toxic material entering the brain and therefore allow more to circuit back out later possibly. So it's always shown effect or relief in some way. I am working on some stuff and have a list of tangible chemicals which may destroy or deactivate this crap. But I shan't mention a word until I have raised funds for an FTIR machine to confirm which if this things work and can show evidence of it. Some of the things on the list are natural but hard to obtain, and others are from venoms or other toxic sources only. So it's important to be correct before uttering a word.
Karl, I didn't mean to piss you off. Yes, they are liars but they are greedy MF'ers trying to protect their monetary interests via patents and the patents were mostly accurate with regard to references to lipids, polymers, nano tubes, graphene, etc. You are doing great work and everyone appreciates your efforts. If I had the resources I would be funding you but unfortunately that is not the case. Be safe, we look forward to seeing "tangible chemicals" that may reverse this evil attack on humanity.
Oh hey Michael, you didn't piss me off at all. Sorry if I seemed dry in my explanation. I am struggling to keep up. Thank you for your support ! Kindest regards
Yes, and I'm sure it works if you get clean EDTA, except for what enters the brain since EDTA doesn't go there. So it could never be a complete cure or ressolve even if it did do a good job on blood visually. But it hasn't been doing a good job on blood in the last 2 years. People are actually using it and many have been surprised to see little or no clearing of this material from blood. Since Pfizer didn't tell you what was really in the shit via the patents I would say that's a good reason to suspect the EDTA being a cure as also miss leading. You can't expect people who lie about the product they made to not lie about everything else surrounind it. Dr ana could not show her patients having clean blood after EDTA and so she resorted to dissolving salts with it to prove it is a cure, of course that's just water dissolving salts.....but hey. The evidence is not showing EDTA to be a cure, if it isn't working in patients on a real use basis then probably not much point messing with EDTA for ever behind the microscope hoping something different will happen. I don't know what to tell you except EDTA has not shown it's self to be affective in cleaning the blood of this stuff and it certainly can't clean your brain of much. As papers show, they never seem to find barely any evidence of EDTA molecules found in the brain after use in trials. And noone has proved otherwise, except for people who argue it. It can lower the load of toxic material entering the brain and therefore allow more to circuit back out later possibly. So it's always shown effect or relief in some way. I am working on some stuff and have a list of tangible chemicals which may destroy or deactivate this crap. But I shan't mention a word until I have raised funds for an FTIR machine to confirm which if this things work and can show evidence of it. Some of the things on the list are natural but hard to obtain, and others are from venoms or other toxic sources only. So it's important to be correct before uttering a word.
Yes, and I'm sure it works if you get clean EDTA, except for what enters the brain since EDTA doesn't go there. So it could never be a complete cure or ressolve even if it did do a good job on blood visually. But it hasn't been doing a good job on blood in the last 2 years. People are actually using it and many have been surprised to see little or no clearing of this material from blood. Since Pfizer didn't tell you what was really in the shit via the patents I would say that's a good reason to suspect the EDTA being a cure as also miss leading. You can't expect people who lie about the product they made to not lie about everything else surrounind it. Dr ana could not show her patients having clean blood after EDTA and so she resorted to dissolving salts with it to prove it is a cure, of course that's just water dissolving salts.....but hey. The evidence is not showing EDTA to be a cure, if it isn't working in patients on a real use basis then probably not much point messing with EDTA for ever behind the microscope hoping something different will happen. I don't know what to tell you except EDTA has not shown it's self to be affective in cleaning the blood of this stuff and it certainly can't clean your brain of much. As papers show, they never seem to find barely any evidence of EDTA molecules found in the brain after use in trials. And noone has proved otherwise, except for people who argue it. It can lower the load of toxic material entering the brain and therefore allow more to circuit back out later possibly. So it's always shown effect or relief in some way. I am working on some stuff and have a list of tangible chemicals which may destroy or deactivate this crap. But I shan't mention a word until I have raised funds for an FTIR machine to confirm which if this things work and can show evidence of it. Some of the things on the list are natural but hard to obtain, and others are from venoms or other toxic sources only. So it's important to be correct before uttering a word.
Karl, I just saw comments and realized I already showed you the links to what I found years ago. Memory isn't so good these days. Are a lot of people having memory problems these days ? Time doesn't seem so real anymore either. Someone's messing with these parameters !
Yes, I am seeing people admit memory loss and even my time seems to pass very fast and very unrealistically. My memory is slowly degrading and I can see that while still working away on this stuff. 5 people in one day admitted they noticed their memory is worsening. I think it is to be expected along with neuro degeneration
I noticed memory problems after 5G came along. As VP of Citizens Against Harmful Technology I have researched enough about RF & other tech to see this is hurting people on purpose. is our site. There has to be a way to regenerate the damage. Anyone here have an answer ?
Great job, Karl! Your spectacular images are in line with my 2023 findings using phase-contrast microscopy. Back then we were talking about the "Empty Shell Hypothesis" observing red blood cells being invades by motile agents and being syphoned out. It's still true today, and no one in the academia is addressing it!
Sure hope the activated charcoal is binding these "things" and extracting them...Wouldn't binders be the only thing to grab these invaders and extract them?
Charcoal definately binds part of it. Mainly in the gut and accessible areas. It does some to help by reducing the load. I definately notice taking it.
Does the brand of activated charcoal matter?
It's nice to just see the company you buy from isn't one directly or indirectly owned or share held by vanguard or Blackroc, etc. but coconut and bamboo charcoal are more effective.
EDTA will
Yeah, I'm not going the acid route.
EDTA seems to have all the crap in the bag. So part of it must be already chelated
The charcoal binds with the “machines” or the spike protein balls?
Charcoal binds so many things. It doesn't discriminate much.
I'm not so sure Activated charcoal does anything to Spike protein. Be nice if it did. I have only heard of one sup that combats Spike and that is Nattokinase. Nattokinase supposedly deteriorates protein. I also take a Slew of other Vits and sups daily along with Chlorine Dioxide several times a day. Over the years I've built up to 4-5 drops in 1 oz of water. Gargle, swallow. 4-5 times a day. I've never had my blood tested but use the placebo effect and BELIEVE it's ALL being extracted with the Vits, sups and detoxes I do.
What's your dosage on the charcoal? If you'd rather not answer, that's fine, too. Do you take charcoal everyday? Thanks.
I was taking a desert spoon in RO water every day with a 2 day break. I've become a bit distracted with this work and often forget now. It shows.
Cheapest way. I purchased a 1.75 lb jar of 100% Activated Coconut Charcoal off eBay for 19$. Saves 600+$ compared to purchasing capsules.
Protocol: I take one teaspoon full Once a day two days in a row every other week. I put 1 tsp of activated charcoal in a glass of maybe 2 oz of water. Mix real good with PLASTIC spoon 🥄 as to NOT deactivate - charge with a METAL SPOON. Charcoal pulls everything out your body including the good so it's not something you do daily. I figure since we keep being Reinfected that every other weeks seems reasonable and logical to keep repeating without fail.
Thank you for this response which is extremely helpful. I was completely unaware of deactivating the charcoal with metal.
What about Diatomaceous earth? I’ve heard it’s great for removing heavy metals!
I want to have my son’s blood checked for these deposits. He is 30 and lethargic. He sleeps all the time, he has lost his job . He was a high energy highly intelligent person before the jabs. Unfortunately he believed the rhetoric and thought I, his mother l was going to die because of my age (66). I told him it was a rouse but his friends told him he couldn’t be around them or work unless he was vaxed. Then his insistence to get the second jab while I watched was heartbreaking. He is nearly semi functional and at the present won’t be able to hold down a job. How else can I help him?
I can only say my own protocol helps me. I can't give medical advice but you can see what I do from reading previous threads. That said I take NAC, quercetin, charcoal, h202 with water, resveratrol, high dose ginger, high dose turmeric, and the sodium citrate.
Try a search for practitioners doing "live blood analysis" or "dark field microscopy". they may or may not be aware of what's going on. Also Karl recently posted an article listing many substances that might help this blood contamination. 🙏🙏🙏
EDTA drips or orally.
Nicotine patches or gum to remove the venom (virus).
Avoid pharma patches. Even x8 patches had nanoparticles and other materials. Remember the microneedle vaccine patches they kept talking about . Sounds risky to me.
I’m sorry, what is EDTA? Should the anti viral medicine that is used against Venom. I don’t remember the name but it was an IV that some hospitals were given as an anti viral.
I personally wouldn't IV EDTA from pharma since it all seems to be contaminated from what I've seen.
He needs to detox his body. Cannabis treats and kills cancer cells, creates apoptosis in bacterium that can also be the CNN lab made robotic bacterium that can be controlled by an outside source. One experiment a single bacterium started moving independently and not obeying commands. As if it was learning, it was scary to watch that video. I thought I had saved it but did not.
Thank you I thought you must have Nattokanase or Another that starts with “S”. I imagine that I am looking at a tremendous bill. I need to know what to spend on. I also need his cooperation and I am hoping seeing his blood will open his mind.
Nattokinase has proven helpful with lunbrokinase being more expensive but more effective
Dr. Ana Marie Mihalcea (on Substack) said to do Methylene Blue, Liposomal EDTA (to get rid of heavy metals), Vitamin C & Schizandra root tincture. If you do this don't take the Vit. C with the Methylene Blue. They cancel each other. Myers has a sale on the heavy metal hair test sometimes. One inch of hair sent to their lab reveals levels of heavy metals which make biofilm that hides pathogens so the detox is worth it. I'm sorry your son fell for their lies. I would educate his friends enough to realize they shouldn't have advised him to take those shots.
I'm intrigued by your work here. I have an Leitz Wetzlar Ortholux with Fluorescence capabilities and look forward to what I will see in fluorescence. Here's what I found in our blood about 8 years ago using dark field at about 1475x magnification: ,
Hey there. Are you practiced in fluorescence microscopy? Do you have dapi stains or the like? Would you like to help by covering fluorescence microscopy results in certain samples ? This would be very helpful indeed. Feel free to email at
Yes, there is a history behind previous sightings. Particularly where Morgellons and Lyme is concerned. I don't say too much but I know.
Kindest regards.
What most people do not know is the fact that there have always been experiments on ignorant, uninformed people, just as there are now - no one will ever know what has been included in various batches of so-called “flu shots” or other “vaccinations” in recent decades - with toxic chemical substances and materials including nanotechnology, which has been experimented with for over 20 years and whose exorbitant side effects are always discreetly swept under the carpet, with only about 1% being reported anyway - and yes, 5G, 6G, 7G will cause harm to people that the majority of humanity absolutely cannot imagine, because nobody focuses on it and talks or writes about it. and yes, smartphones together with graphene oxides, hydrogels and their derivatives will be the key to this! or youtube
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz - ca from minute 13:30 - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Injected Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks = Intra-Body-Nano-Network - Internet of bodies - Cyborgs - the phrase “mRNA” was illegally introduced HERE to legally abuse humanity!!!! And to claim that this would not harm the organism is of course a lie, because nobody will openly admit this - which is logical, because otherwise they would publicly accuse themselves of harming human life!!! Everyone should always think for themselves with common sense!!!
Do contact me rose, thank you!
If I got his blood drawn is there a way to transport it to a trustworthy lab and where would that lab be.
I am afraid you will have to researclocal labs or see a an LBA who has a great microscope.
Thank you so much. It is heartbreaking to find that your precious blessings from God has rejected all or most of the teaching they were given with love. We are to teach them our Biblical values, and somewhere along the way, he has seen fit to separate everything he considers 'political' and anything he labels 'religion'. Yet he cannot see how we get all our governance in the world from one religion or the other. Somehow he doesn't see the rich connection between the Christianity of the Pilgrims, the moral beliefs of Johnstown and the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He never did read enough, unless it was computers. He has a brilliant mind and has melted his foundation for true wisdom. Bottom line is he argues with everything I try to tell him now. He said to me he didn't want to go to college because of the indoctrination factor---so he found it himself, I was and am shocked to really being unable to even know where he started this except with the Republican decision to reverse the internet equality plan. He believes the Dems had it right (they could have in this instance) and the Republicans defaulted to the premise that all control should go the private industry. The problem is the private industry has a maniacal monopoly grip on too much of tech industry and in fact resulted in less freedom and access than the Democrats. In our small community in Grant County WA, a democrat leaning commission placed the 'new' internet and cable access into the Public Works domain. By doing this everyone has access to the rootball, so to speak, of the net. Anyone can start a service provider for the internet and the City of Moses Lake had the fastest most efficient uploaIds in the enitre country with a healthy variety of service providers getting low rates and high service. This is just what business conservatives want. High access and low prices. The problem is the rest of the world went the Rino republican way and assigned the internet access to the highest bidder. Now companies like Comcast have a territory and if you don't like their service and pricing you have to move to a different town! The end results are the opposite of what conservative republicans want. I can't believe THIS is the thing that turned my son's head to the point where he overlooks everything that he once believed. Naturally I feel betrayed, I don't want him to be ill for the rsst of his life however. I have prayer. and I can ask that the Lord tears down his strongholds that had set up shop in his mind and his head. I can ask that the Lord God transforms his life and reveals the truth to him again. Maybe even teach him that mom is the forward above the fray thinker, not his buddies or maybe WIRED Magazine. If there is anything to be afraid of---this is it! They are taking our kids! Add Daniel H to your prayers!
Would an electrical current, pulse at a specific level (so as not to kill the human) work to disrupt such tech?
Unfortunately it is unlikely. There seems to be several very complicated frameworks present.
whose blood is that? vaxxed or unvaxxed individual?
Unvaxxed, this blood is mostly mine since it is the same as everyone's blood we look at now
Unvaxxed, anonymous person
It would be nice to see with your scope before/after if EDTA helps clean this alien tech out.
We've all moved on from EDTA long ago. Lots of people have done the EDTA checking and it didn't seem to affect the overall blood condition in more recent times. I believe it helped more clearly in earlier days but the spoilage is pretty dense now and the EDTA IV bags looked to contact more of the junk since pharma make it. It looked like the contaminated saline last I was seeing.
I recall both the Moderna ans Pfizer patents clearly stated EDTA was the cure. Interesting you aren't interested to do such an easy experiment. I know myself and many others who would be very interested to see this conducted. Especially since you have the right equipment and the HD images would really assist with determining success or lack of.
Yes, and I'm sure it works if you get clean EDTA, except for what enters the brain since EDTA doesn't go there. So it could never be a complete cure or ressolve even if it did do a good job on blood visually. But it hasn't been doing a good job on blood in the last 2 years. People are actually using it and many have been surprised to see little or no clearing of this material from blood. Since Pfizer didn't tell you what was really in the shit via the patents I would say that's a good reason to suspect the EDTA being a cure as also miss leading. You can't expect people who lie about the product they made to not lie about everything else surrounind it. Dr ana could not show her patients having clean blood after EDTA and so she resorted to dissolving salts with it to prove it is a cure, of course that's just water dissolving salts.....but hey. The evidence is not showing EDTA to be a cure, if it isn't working in patients on a real use basis then probably not much point messing with EDTA for ever behind the microscope hoping something different will happen. I don't know what to tell you except EDTA has not shown it's self to be affective in cleaning the blood of this stuff and it certainly can't clean your brain of much. As papers show, they never seem to find barely any evidence of EDTA molecules found in the brain after use in trials. And noone has proved otherwise, except for people who argue it. It can lower the load of toxic material entering the brain and therefore allow more to circuit back out later possibly. So it's always shown effect or relief in some way. I am working on some stuff and have a list of tangible chemicals which may destroy or deactivate this crap. But I shan't mention a word until I have raised funds for an FTIR machine to confirm which if this things work and can show evidence of it. Some of the things on the list are natural but hard to obtain, and others are from venoms or other toxic sources only. So it's important to be correct before uttering a word.
Karl, I didn't mean to piss you off. Yes, they are liars but they are greedy MF'ers trying to protect their monetary interests via patents and the patents were mostly accurate with regard to references to lipids, polymers, nano tubes, graphene, etc. You are doing great work and everyone appreciates your efforts. If I had the resources I would be funding you but unfortunately that is not the case. Be safe, we look forward to seeing "tangible chemicals" that may reverse this evil attack on humanity.
Oh hey Michael, you didn't piss me off at all. Sorry if I seemed dry in my explanation. I am struggling to keep up. Thank you for your support ! Kindest regards
Yes, and I'm sure it works if you get clean EDTA, except for what enters the brain since EDTA doesn't go there. So it could never be a complete cure or ressolve even if it did do a good job on blood visually. But it hasn't been doing a good job on blood in the last 2 years. People are actually using it and many have been surprised to see little or no clearing of this material from blood. Since Pfizer didn't tell you what was really in the shit via the patents I would say that's a good reason to suspect the EDTA being a cure as also miss leading. You can't expect people who lie about the product they made to not lie about everything else surrounind it. Dr ana could not show her patients having clean blood after EDTA and so she resorted to dissolving salts with it to prove it is a cure, of course that's just water dissolving salts.....but hey. The evidence is not showing EDTA to be a cure, if it isn't working in patients on a real use basis then probably not much point messing with EDTA for ever behind the microscope hoping something different will happen. I don't know what to tell you except EDTA has not shown it's self to be affective in cleaning the blood of this stuff and it certainly can't clean your brain of much. As papers show, they never seem to find barely any evidence of EDTA molecules found in the brain after use in trials. And noone has proved otherwise, except for people who argue it. It can lower the load of toxic material entering the brain and therefore allow more to circuit back out later possibly. So it's always shown effect or relief in some way. I am working on some stuff and have a list of tangible chemicals which may destroy or deactivate this crap. But I shan't mention a word until I have raised funds for an FTIR machine to confirm which if this things work and can show evidence of it. Some of the things on the list are natural but hard to obtain, and others are from venoms or other toxic sources only. So it's important to be correct before uttering a word.
Yes, and I'm sure it works if you get clean EDTA, except for what enters the brain since EDTA doesn't go there. So it could never be a complete cure or ressolve even if it did do a good job on blood visually. But it hasn't been doing a good job on blood in the last 2 years. People are actually using it and many have been surprised to see little or no clearing of this material from blood. Since Pfizer didn't tell you what was really in the shit via the patents I would say that's a good reason to suspect the EDTA being a cure as also miss leading. You can't expect people who lie about the product they made to not lie about everything else surrounind it. Dr ana could not show her patients having clean blood after EDTA and so she resorted to dissolving salts with it to prove it is a cure, of course that's just water dissolving salts.....but hey. The evidence is not showing EDTA to be a cure, if it isn't working in patients on a real use basis then probably not much point messing with EDTA for ever behind the microscope hoping something different will happen. I don't know what to tell you except EDTA has not shown it's self to be affective in cleaning the blood of this stuff and it certainly can't clean your brain of much. As papers show, they never seem to find barely any evidence of EDTA molecules found in the brain after use in trials. And noone has proved otherwise, except for people who argue it. It can lower the load of toxic material entering the brain and therefore allow more to circuit back out later possibly. So it's always shown effect or relief in some way. I am working on some stuff and have a list of tangible chemicals which may destroy or deactivate this crap. But I shan't mention a word until I have raised funds for an FTIR machine to confirm which if this things work and can show evidence of it. Some of the things on the list are natural but hard to obtain, and others are from venoms or other toxic sources only. So it's important to be correct before uttering a word.
Karl, I just saw comments and realized I already showed you the links to what I found years ago. Memory isn't so good these days. Are a lot of people having memory problems these days ? Time doesn't seem so real anymore either. Someone's messing with these parameters !
Yes, I am seeing people admit memory loss and even my time seems to pass very fast and very unrealistically. My memory is slowly degrading and I can see that while still working away on this stuff. 5 people in one day admitted they noticed their memory is worsening. I think it is to be expected along with neuro degeneration
I noticed memory problems after 5G came along. As VP of Citizens Against Harmful Technology I have researched enough about RF & other tech to see this is hurting people on purpose. is our site. There has to be a way to regenerate the damage. Anyone here have an answer ?
If that doesn't look like the Matrix' "Squiddy", I don't know what does.
Wow thanks David , I really hope you can get this looked at by the political spectrum and research funding for your group Thankyou 🙏
Great job, Karl! Your spectacular images are in line with my 2023 findings using phase-contrast microscopy. Back then we were talking about the "Empty Shell Hypothesis" observing red blood cells being invades by motile agents and being syphoned out. It's still true today, and no one in the academia is addressing it!