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Feb 5, 2024
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Sodium citrate has papers on having large regulatory effects on diabetes, also look at light yam. I stear away from O young after finding out most of his work is not his own and then after he took others work and claimed that as his own too. See the interview he did with the image of David Nixons vaccine chip. Apperantly he and his team of scientists took that image in 2021 even though he doesn't have a team of scientists as far as 8 am aware, and he doesn't have an electron microscope either as he claims. I was highly dissapointed because I followed him for a year or so and the more stuff i read the more I realized that all of it had been documented by others first. Most of his science papers as he calls them are just theories which have huge holes in them at best, and some of the things he seemed to of discovered have no science behind those either. The pattern grew and things just got worse the more I read. There was an image he claimed was a photomicrograph of clotted blood and i laughed my self silly because it was a stock image animated In Photoshop. So from there on I realised that this man was after money and would only misguide people a large part of the time. I see recently he is moving up and has a new partner in study. Unfortunately some of his recent product recommendations sound like snake oil with bold claims and buzz words which are rather discouraging. This is just my opinion, but I know when someone is not being honest and you can actually prove it if you know enough about the content he has produced and the origins of it. I was sadly dissapointed. Never trust a doctor who flys across the globe for interviews and takes his lab coat just to incept the image into your mind. All the world's top doctors just wear suits or normal clothes because people know they are real doctors, PhD's, and scientist. They don't have to pack their lab coat to prove it, that is selling an image and in psychology they know why people do that. I sometimes enjoy investigating these characters now since at one point I didn't realize I was being duped, most of them have all the same mistakes going. Info that can't be backed, claims they don't explain satisfactorily, qualifications from dodgy companies that no longer exist after legal issues, stealing others work, etc.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Patti, his peer review articles as he terms the are not peer reviewed by anyone, see https://www.drrobertyoung.com/peer-reviewed-articles and note then none of the papers I could find at a glance constitute as being peer reviewed. Also, reading most of his claims to parasites in the shot, backing of hydra which is not hydra, and various other things is shocking, No-one else has found these things across many investigations going on, maybe the plant trichome which is wrongly termed a hydra. A scientists or medical professional would not confidentially refer to it as a hydra for fear of being embarrassed. He even states some images which are bright field as being Phase contrast, and all kinds of weird crap that makes no sense. He never does any proper analysis himself, its all pictures and claims. And i would love to see his Electron microscope. At the end of the day, when you see all this and the dude pinching others work as his own then it is up to you whether or not you think their work is top notch. Personally, that tells me more than enough. Smoke and mirrors is not for me. No ones denying that he does do some good stuff, but he pushes himself deceptively as being much more in my own opinion. You have to have an eye for when someone is selling horse crap, some of us have it and some do not. We all know about PH being advantage. Many knew before Oyoung existed too. Promoting things is different to being a good scientist ,and he pretends to be just that from what I have read of his stuff.

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Feb 5, 2024
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As I said I was a Dr Oyoung fan in the beginning. I did not let anyone else influence me. My reasons above are good enough. No denying hes done good stuff, but he is not what he makes out by a long shot and it doesn't mean deceiving people to increase his image popularity and funding is okay in my opinion. If your good, be honest, and say only what is science. When you have nothing to say, say nothing at all is a good policy, don't post assertions without backing or solid analysis. don't incept badly formed theories as being peer reviewed when they are not, that is dishonest and intentional.

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Thanks, have seen some of his pH work, will look further. Thank you for caring. 🙂

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