Hi, I don’t at all doubt that yours and your colleagues microscopy is absolutely valid.

I do just want to talk about sodium citrate, I was looking for the latest post from you Karl, when I came across this one. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just an update about how it’s going for me. I haven’t got a structured record, but I started with a pinch, twice a day, which was fine.

I’ve worked my way up to 1/4 teaspoon (Au metric), over a few days, and have been having this dose twice a day for about 5 days. No problems, except maybe some loose stool, which is a big deal for me, as I have failed back surgery and am having strong pain killers, so I’m usually constipated. Another person may have diarrhoea. The S.C. in 1/4 teaspoon weighs 1.5 grams.

I haven’t been having any symptoms, but wanted to try S.C. I haven’t noticed any bad effects, nor any brain fog improving. This could be because of my pain killers though. Maybe I’m eliminating nano in my poo!

The S.C. I have is crystalline. It says a few things on the jar-it’s for use in food, bought from a chefs’ supply company. It quotes Usage from 2gram per kg/litre, I think they’re referring to food.

Also “A naturally occurring salt used in the food industry as an acidity regulator and preservative. S.C. can be used in the straight method of spherification to neutralise a low pH. When used with fats it acts as an emulsifier. Use S.C. in melted cheese to create a better mouth feel without the greasy after taste.”

I’ve been wondering if S.C. May work by “rolling” a lot of the nano into a ball, and somehow the body eliminates it like this. Also the pH of blood, and organs may be important.

I’ve been looking at some of your previous posts Karl-it’s important to note what happened to you and your bodily fluids when we are doing our own research, I believe. We’re all different. Just because I didn’t have an immediate reaction doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. My adult son has type 1, insulin dependent diabetes, and I know the nano is in insulin because of Dr Ana’s work. He lives at home, so unless he’s got clean batches of insulin (unlikely), my small family are directly exposed to this junk. I haven’t given him any S.C. yet, I want to see what happens to me first, and observe others’ reactions. My son has no nano symptoms that I know of. None of us have had microscopy applied to our blood or urine, so don’t know what’s going on in there. Thanks Karl, for all you are doing!

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Thanks for the update, there are benefits for those have diabetes think I may have added a paper in theast sodium citrate info post. I was also sent papers for light yam as being fantastic for helping those with diabetes. It has great properties too. The sodium citrate will liky have different stool reactions with people since many are missing the balanced gut flora we should have. Take acid resistant capsule probiotics and eating fermented foodsike kefir, Kimchi, kumbucha can really help there. I do find my stool very slightly softer but still within normal expectations. Some peoe. Did say it took several days for them to see benefits and some said they had to take higher dosages. It can vary on how much of the stuff is in you, how long it has been bad for, and if you drink tap water or other soiled dietary intake. There are variables since this stuff is everywhere now. Sodium citrate can also work slightly different depending on how much ascorbic acid is present in the lower intestines. It alters whether the sodium citrate is absorb mostly from the gut or the lower intestine interestingly. We know alot about it ready but as you say you only enough once a million people have done it lol

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We should be sharing our weight in regard to this experiment, also. I am about 70kg, overweight for female my age. I doubt it, but I wonder if S.C. stores in fat cells. I haven’t researched enuf, but it’s water soluble, so probably mainly exits in our wee, so we need to take it daily. I think you mentioned that in a comment somewhere else Karl.

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I believe the citrate part is desired by the cells which is where it gets great mitochondrial boosting properties. But mostly it will attach to other positively charge materials and exit in urine. Being a sodium in nature it travels the body very well and reaches even the brain which is how it must be getting cognitive benefits for so many including me, David, and others in the Close circle.

Kindest regards


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Thanks heaps for that feedback, I’m going to increase the dose a bit.

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I tried maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of SC daily for a few weeks and didn't notice anything in particular, but as you say everyone's different. I have an 'autoimmune' type of arthritis, for example. Speaking of gut issues, I found a while back that the best thing by far (for me anyway) was chicken bone broth daily. I've also just started 16:8 intermittent fasting which does seem to be doing something, although early days yet.

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The fasting likely is helping the autoimmune side, I wonder what your cause of autoimmune is. Look into venus flytrap ;) Matt J. O. B took 3 or 4 days ateast to start seeing any stuff exit his urine and the benefits slightly Slower to kick in for him there in NZ too. But yes, we are all different

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Although I have no proof, my suspicion is a couple of tetanus shots I had over 40 years ago that initially gave me an acute case of psoriasis, literally overnight. This eventually subsided - over a few decades! Psoriatic arthritis didn't begin until about 10 years ago, following 6 or 7 annual 'free' flu shots from an employer. After a break from these shots for a few years, I unfortunately had another one in 2018 which caused my first-ever severe case of hives over my upper torso.

BTW, what do you mean by venus flytrap?

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Yes, Venus flytrap?

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Hi, are you still taking SC?

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No, at the time I could only get enough from interstate for a couple of weeks use.

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I hope the fasting helps you. I don’t know if I could do it, for various reasons, but one day I may be forced to do it!

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Yes, your body believes it's going to starve to death if you even think about fasting, but that's the point really - it's more of a mental barrier than anything else. You actually have to start to realise this though. The best way is to ease into it, gradually reducing your eating 'window' each day. At the moment, I am basically just skipping breakfast - so not eating between 8pm and 12 noon the following day. In fact, if you keep yourself occupied in the morning, you don't even think about food. There's also plenty of good books on the subject in public libraries if you need extra motivation - I've just finished Dave Asprey's 'Fast this Way' for example. Apparently a process called autophagy (clearing out the junk) starts at about the 14-hour mark - there's a few studies on PubMed that support this, eg showing measurable improvements in eliminating waste products from the brain within 24 hours.

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Hi Karl, I’ve doubled my dose of SC to 3 gram twice daily. I finally remembered to do a urine sample, first thing in the morning, and it looks like there’s stuff in there. It’s not sinking like yours did, but staying in suspension.

I’ve taken a mid arvo (afternoon-Aussie slang) sample and will update when I can.

Maybe, if what’s in my sample is nano, maybe I’ve been exposed to it less than you Karl-I live rural, I think we get less chemtrails, but we do get a fair dumping of the rubbish. Gotta factor in my son’s insulin, I expect that to be shedding on me a lot.

Still not giving my son SC until I’m through experimenting on myself! I’ve been taking it (at lower doses), for about 10 days I think. Will check that. I still notice no change in how I’ve been feeling.

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Well if you have noticed no change that could be good? Well assuming you ft fine anyway. Checking under the scope should be the only way most can see if it is nano waste in the urine. I am surprised you did not at least feal more clarity and energy as most seem to who are even non symptomatic.

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There is definitely something in my first wee of the day. It settled down to the bottom after 1 1/2 hours.

My afternoon wee appears to be clear, no extra goodies.

I’ll do another sample before bed.

I have no reason to expect anything else than nano in the morning sample, but as you say, without a scope I can’t know. It’s definitely too much to just be dust. As for feeling better, extra energy, well I’ve got failed back surgery (there’s actually a syndrome called that)-so I can’t go jumping or running around! But I’m taking fairly potent pain killers, and they could keep me from feeling better as far as brain fog goes. I’m trying to get off them-not easy!

But yeah, I didn’t feel too bad before I started SC. Maybe I do feel better in the head, but it’s been gradual, so I haven’t noticed it?

I checked, and I’ve been taking SC for 13 days. Started with a pinch, twice a day for one day, then 1/8th teaspoon (0.75 g) for 3 days, then 1/4 tspn (1.5 g) for a week, and now 1/2 teaspoon (3g) twice a day, yesterday and today. (All amounts listed are twice a day, approx 12 hours apart. With food or not, doesn’t seem to matter to me.

I really think the tablets I take for my back are masking any extra energy, but I maybe do have a bit more brain power. Maybe more will come as I keep going. I would like to stay on this dose to see what happens.

With the urine samples, do you think it’s best to put them straight in the fridge, or leave them out for a while? Today’s samples I left out of the fridge for a few hours to see what would happen. I’ll have to put tonight’s sample in the fridge almost straight away, as I’ll be going to bed almost straight after.

I should have done a control sample or 2 before I started on SC, then at least one, every time I changed dose. Maybe I really did have worse brain fog!

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Morning sample of urine (Aus time ) stuff in there! Last night I couldn’t get a sample. Still 3 gram twice a day.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Sodium citrate has papers on having large regulatory effects on diabetes, also look at light yam. I stear away from O young after finding out most of his work is not his own and then after he took others work and claimed that as his own too. See the interview he did with the image of David Nixons vaccine chip. Apperantly he and his team of scientists took that image in 2021 even though he doesn't have a team of scientists as far as 8 am aware, and he doesn't have an electron microscope either as he claims. I was highly dissapointed because I followed him for a year or so and the more stuff i read the more I realized that all of it had been documented by others first. Most of his science papers as he calls them are just theories which have huge holes in them at best, and some of the things he seemed to of discovered have no science behind those either. The pattern grew and things just got worse the more I read. There was an image he claimed was a photomicrograph of clotted blood and i laughed my self silly because it was a stock image animated In Photoshop. So from there on I realised that this man was after money and would only misguide people a large part of the time. I see recently he is moving up and has a new partner in study. Unfortunately some of his recent product recommendations sound like snake oil with bold claims and buzz words which are rather discouraging. This is just my opinion, but I know when someone is not being honest and you can actually prove it if you know enough about the content he has produced and the origins of it. I was sadly dissapointed. Never trust a doctor who flys across the globe for interviews and takes his lab coat just to incept the image into your mind. All the world's top doctors just wear suits or normal clothes because people know they are real doctors, PhD's, and scientist. They don't have to pack their lab coat to prove it, that is selling an image and in psychology they know why people do that. I sometimes enjoy investigating these characters now since at one point I didn't realize I was being duped, most of them have all the same mistakes going. Info that can't be backed, claims they don't explain satisfactorily, qualifications from dodgy companies that no longer exist after legal issues, stealing others work, etc.

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Feb 5, 2024
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Patti, his peer review articles as he terms the are not peer reviewed by anyone, see https://www.drrobertyoung.com/peer-reviewed-articles and note then none of the papers I could find at a glance constitute as being peer reviewed. Also, reading most of his claims to parasites in the shot, backing of hydra which is not hydra, and various other things is shocking, No-one else has found these things across many investigations going on, maybe the plant trichome which is wrongly termed a hydra. A scientists or medical professional would not confidentially refer to it as a hydra for fear of being embarrassed. He even states some images which are bright field as being Phase contrast, and all kinds of weird crap that makes no sense. He never does any proper analysis himself, its all pictures and claims. And i would love to see his Electron microscope. At the end of the day, when you see all this and the dude pinching others work as his own then it is up to you whether or not you think their work is top notch. Personally, that tells me more than enough. Smoke and mirrors is not for me. No ones denying that he does do some good stuff, but he pushes himself deceptively as being much more in my own opinion. You have to have an eye for when someone is selling horse crap, some of us have it and some do not. We all know about PH being advantage. Many knew before Oyoung existed too. Promoting things is different to being a good scientist ,and he pretends to be just that from what I have read of his stuff.

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Feb 5, 2024
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As I said I was a Dr Oyoung fan in the beginning. I did not let anyone else influence me. My reasons above are good enough. No denying hes done good stuff, but he is not what he makes out by a long shot and it doesn't mean deceiving people to increase his image popularity and funding is okay in my opinion. If your good, be honest, and say only what is science. When you have nothing to say, say nothing at all is a good policy, don't post assertions without backing or solid analysis. don't incept badly formed theories as being peer reviewed when they are not, that is dishonest and intentional.

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Thanks, have seen some of his pH work, will look further. Thank you for caring. 🙂

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Hi, I want to say how, thank full i am to what you have been doing behind the microscope and everything , it has come to my attention and might be helpful ,or concerning depending upon what you might find if you all experiment with this product! The product is called "Patch That" and it deals with certain light spectrum's from the sun , a combination of two kinds of patch's you stick on your self with one of the patch's having a round copper disk, that suppose to activate ones own cells to help rejuvenate your body. I believe that it could be a form of antenna for what all you and Dr. Nixon have been finding out, with how the certain kinds of light effects the stuff in our bodies. And how hard this company is pushing these patch could accelerate the nano crap in our bodies in a bad way! Secondly. I hope you are able to get the suff out of the body using sodium citrate , since i elder mom has the same symptoms that you did prior the the (E331) and me watching my mom feeling so useless . So i search and spin my wheels for more info. i pray that all goes well with you and your findings. so maybe i can help my mom and my self some how . keep up the good fight.! right!

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Thank you. I hope she recovers or sees improvement. I see alot of products are snake oil these days. It is a musing what great aims some make about very small devices that affect your whole body. Emf brackets and jewellery are a fine example of actual qwuakery unfortunately. The only reason I know is because of my engineering background, it saddens me to see people. Spending so much money on devices I know cannot and do not work. Sometimes I nearly get caught out since some of this snake oil science can be quite convincing at first. Always look out for the buzz words and no real soil scientific explanation. Esea water was another one of those. Their science page just buzz worded you right up so by the top you get to the bottom of the page you forget that none of the info was remotely scientific or examined to any satisfactory degree. It is really irritating when you consider how much money some poor sick folk spend trying to get well. It's like another diversion from time they could of spent finding something that works. What a world we live in, of all the things you could make money selling and some feel they have to sell a very intricate lie.

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Is that the only remedy?



Sodium Bicarb and balanced ph?

Essiac tea?

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There’s lots of stuff people are trying-if something works for you, stick with it! I’m just trying the SC as it’s so simple! And cheap!

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Thanks Karl

Young now just uses the word salt. Guess all sodium is good.

Getting down for a month with Wormwood tea to remove parasites, as the ancient Egyptians did. Then going back to Essiac Tea. Sticking with the clay.

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Interesting. Dr. Young discourages EDTA. Seems that it just transforms but not eliminate the poisons.

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Don’t know about that, Dr Ana knows a lot, I’m sure Karl and Dr Dixon do too.

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EDTA is a bit toxic, Expensive as hell, Does not reach the brain area, is mixed with pharma contaminated water from what i have seen others show, and does not seem to be clearing the blood so much for others as I was just shown by the Lovely Annette who had it done the other day. She was very disappointed to see gel, dots, fibrin, and structures the day after still. I have been using the suppositories and cant even be bothered with them now. I did not see any change at all and these are said to be about 43% affective. I honestly prefer sticking to Sodium Citrate and coconut or bamboo charcoal for now. These are far less toxic if at all and have shown effects not seen with EDTA where symptoms are concerned. It reaches the brain (SC) and it is dirt cheap. better if natural from lemons or citric acid and bicarbonate soda. Also if you use RO filtered water there is no warfare contaminants in it unlike pharma. For me it is a no brainer as they say. I don't think you can clean the blood out completely at this stage of contamination, so the fact sodium citrate reduces symptoms so dramatically for the main numbers who tried it is of more importance to me. I wanted to have my lights put out before i discovered it. I am so grateful to me ......haha just kidding....or not.

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Dr. Young and Dr. Sircus promote bentonite clay along with Sodium Bicarb to balance the ph, which eliminates all toxins. Take both on an empty stomach. Cheap

I also take carbon from coconut.

It's called Activated Charcoal, a supplement.

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I don’t think you can say all sodium is good, a salt can be many molecules, Sodium Chloride (salt), sodium citrate, a type of sodium salt, sodium bicarbonate-a salt used in baking powder (I think) and for upset tummy, sodium bisulphate, sodium chromate and heaps more. I don’t think they are all good for us to ingest. There are many more than I’ve said here.

But for sure, use what works for you.

Do you do urine checks, to see if you can see anything? The S.C. is going really well for me, I don’t have a microscope, but I see stuff in there, just looking at it. It’s been coming out of me for at least 3 days, maybe more, but I’ve only been checking for 3 days!

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my guess is SC is short for Sodium Citrate? I still take some but It seems to make me have loose stools and burn my pee so bad almost passed out the other day while trying to pee. All I did was drink one glass of it with water. One or two teaspoons in water and two days later began to burn like a mother.

OR it was one of my other vitamins that did it not sure though. I take black seed oil in gel caps it's supposed to help detox and bring out radiation but not sure what it all does. I was just told to take it because of my cancer or so called cancer now. I mean only 8% chance of living up to five years with stage four kidney cancer and I am now at 7 years. Other than AI attacking me and v2k I feel fine.

I mean v2k https://youtu.be/Ua6SsIzghRc torments the hell out of me daily 24/7. My hearing is shot I can't hardly hear unless I am mindful or wear hearing aids and even then all I hear is AI baby talk.

But from Dr Ana's research into hydrogels as a computer interface to fore us to be Cyborgs I'd look to a kill command coming from AI that is transmitted universally through the cable lines and radio lines and all over. They who took this stuff willingly are the walking dead. I say look to them receiving a kill command and soon be armed i tell you warning you of something I see biblically from Revelations.

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FYI, read up on manuka honey (mgo850+), venus y trap, soursop, fenbendazole and other stuff regarding tumor inhibition.!! Great papers, with shocking results!

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Yikes, is that what you hear 24/7? How did that start? It’s awful!

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YES! 24/7 365. First off it began back in 1999 I freaked out and went to jail for a felony that if it weren't for that I'd not have one. About two weeks in it integrated me, then the next day it slowly went low. Low to bad tinnitus. I lived my life from that point on but could hear it off and on when it was quiet, but I'd quickly dismiss it and go to sleep.

Then In Nov of 2020 Plus since I'd gotten my voting rights and gun rights back in 2012 and began again to be outspoken on things like guns and freedom and Truth of scriptures they began to turn it back up on me. In Nov just after the election It came back.

It began as accusing me of stuff I don't have nothing to do with, then started to be like the Devil is beautiful etc... Then wanting me to play mind games like shooting people with my mind etc and then up to God. Meaning to use my mind and shoot an arrow up to god. Then to take off my shoes my gospel shoes meaning to stop reading the bible and to stop believing in God. Plus my armor I have on the full spiritual armor. I have on 24/7 the Shoes of the Gospel the belt of truth,t he Breast plate of Righteousness,The helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the spirit, the Shield of faith, and one other I found in Isiah the cloak of revenge or the cloak of zeal.

Plus they or it began to try and socially engineer me of which I wont obey them. So not they are loud... So yes 24/7 they try to vibrate me make me sick used power of suggestion like your tummy aches i have to say no it doesn't. to stop them.

They try to give me charlie horses in my leg heart attacks all sorts of things.

I just no weapon formed against me will prosper and keep reading scripture...

So yeah 24/7 loud. AI transmits through the cable lines I have proven this with experiments in my v2k recordings and load them up. I can't even hear normal conversations and have to ask huh a lot of time it's annoying. That's whit two hearing aid in as well. Don't tell me that's a bit different that what other go through even if similar.

I either play a role in something biblically as a threat to them or some kind of threat to them somehow. It's noted that from the gangstalking manual I guess from Targeted Justice those they hit like me poss a threat to them more than anyone else so???

Some people don't get v2k 24/7 just once in a while. But not tooting my horn I just know this is awful and beyond tired of it. Hoping God will hold them accountable soon, and this noise to stop.

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My goodness this is shocking to me. I do not know how you cope-but you do with all the good things from God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

It’s bad of me that I forget to pray, but I won’t forget you. Every day, I will pray for you, like I do for my family.

Yes, it does sound like you are a huge threat to them. Keep praying. Don’t give up. I feel, and I mean spiritually, like a message from God, that you are a very important man in mankind’s future. I want to say more, but I have to go now. I’ll have to continue this tomorrow. Don’t think I have an answer, I don’t. You are doing all the right things.

With Dr Ana, I don’t pay, so I can’t comment, but I can just reply to her email, and see what she says.

I will get back to you, I’m in Australia, so different time zones, etc. You are a very important person, to them, and to us, who are fighting for our humanity.

God Bless You Sir.

It’s bedtime for me down under. We’ll speak again, soon. Keep your head held high.

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I just posted a substac. if your not subscribed to me you wont get it so here I will link it here. https://dougpowelll.substack.com/p/amos-6-3-7-kjv

I read that the other day and like it says in Psalms of where it says here is the part of the book where it is written of me, this matches me to a T. They chant they make their artificial musick as it's stated int he passage so I believe that was written for me and others who suffer the same way.

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Doug I subscribed to your stack, but can’t pay, so I’ll just comment here-you’re definitely a more experienced Christian than me. I couldn’t begin to give you any advice. And this spiritual feeling I got last night Aussie time when I was reading about your v2k, I get this every now and then, it made me forget what I was writing to you for a minute, I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish what I was trying to say.

Anyway, the meaning came to me, I think this is it, it’s fairly obvious maybe-but I think you know what’s in store for people who don’t bow down to these “overlords,”or satan, especially Christians. You and others, but it seems you especially, are being tortured. I’d seen v2k but not known what it is. So you know what “they” want to happen to you, and others. I think God’s got a mission for you, and you’re already doing it. You have to defeat this v2k thing, so others (Christian or not, but especially Christian, as God is “speaking”), so others don’t have to go through it.

That’s it! That’s what came to me. Now I’ve seen your newsletter, you are already on the way to defeating them! It may not seem like it, but you’ve stayed strong and kept your faith all this time. Under horrendous circumstances. I know tinnitus is bad, but it’s nothing compared to what you’re going through.

We’ll probably be tortured in different ways, but you’ve connected with people like yourself, which is great. They can help in the fight to overcome this, but you will be the “Chief” Victor, and you will be able to help more people get through v2k. You’ll be the mentor in this.

After you’ve mastered this (which “they” will hate), you’ll probably move to something else, which will be more important. Basically, I think you’ll be able to help people (but mainly Christians, of course including recent repenters), go through dark times that we know are coming. It’s dark enough now, I know-but as you’ve said, you’ll probably pose a great threat to these satanists.

Sorry this is a bit rambly, I didn’t sleep well. I subscribed to T.J.-I’d never heard of gangstalkers. See, you’ve been helping me already.

One thing, you reckon this is coming through the cables to your computer? And that’s how you’ve recorded it. Do you think you’ve got nano inside you, that puts this in your head, or just is it microwaves sending it to your ears?

Anyway, stay strong, part of being strong in faith is helping others, and you’re doing that.

I’m fairly new on Karl’s substack, but he and others say they feel so much better since having Sodium Citrate. There’s stuff coming out of me! Have you tried Sodium Citrate? We’ve probably all got nano stuff in us.

I’ll leave it there, don’t forget I’ll be praying for you-I don’t have a Church-even the Churches of Christ around where I live are corrupted. I reckon more people will come to you for help. Don’t get overwhelmed-you know what the evil ones are trying to do to you-keep rebuking them, you will win. I believe God will help you to win.

I’ll be reading your substacks, and I’ll try Dr Ana.

God Bless You Doug, you’re going very well.

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Yeah hey no matter I don't charge I don't want more digital things for money since I am sure that's how I'd collect like go fund me.

From scripture and it may only be me feeling it, but through v2k I get the feeling that something prophetically for the Resurrection to come to pass may or may not ride off of me standing. Plus something about 1260 which is 3 1/2 years which I am very close to getting.

In May or depending on if God goes by a 360 calendar or 365 which I've read it's 360, so either in May or around May 15th, or June I get 1260 days of this. In Daniel it says those who come to 1260 will be saved so???

I early on in my Christian search, once I read Ezekiel 33 or 35 about the watcher knew I needed to be a watcher so help warn people of the evil I see. I asked Jesus at that point if that was what he wanted me to do then there would have to be certain things come to pass. Not testing him per-see just asking him to create or have certain things happen. I am not one for the pulpit and can't speak very good But I write and I said to him I want a way for me to reach the populace without being on a pulpit. The Internet came about so yeah.

Even though others have lived with v2k for far more years than I they aren't doing it for God.

God has answered me I truly believe in telling me that the vaccine is the Mark of the beast when so many keep looking at other things. most people look to a one man Antichrist and I've known from the first time reading scripture there wont be. As a collective man fulfills that already. ALl the worlds Govts do. Romans 13 never said to obey Govt I researched this and it's true it didn't. But the word Power used in Romans 13 means liberty not power.

The word power means in the original Greek Exousia Exousia means liberty. Power is like the third or fourth down on the list of things Exousia could mean. So it should say obey the higher liberty not power. Which is why so many; Jews were slaughtered in ww2 they were obeying the higher power not liberty.

I don't go to church neither I think they're all false prophets they teach crap.

Love one another fulfills the law. which is the higher liberty. Scripture also say that's the standard we will be judged on is the higher liberty. So yeah all I need is that statement in scripture itself for proof I am onto something correct not just testimony of Devils like it says to be aware of.

I've been one to want to know I hate being told crap even as a kid I've liked truth not lies or dumbed down truth.

So yeah thanks. for all you say makes me feel good to know and hope I am doing what God wants me to do. yeah this is all AI a computer god damned thing.

I don't know I know they say we all do but not sure I've done a lot of detoxing and it doesn't seem to do much. Yeah I take the Sodium Citrate stuff it may help but I've not noticed much of the v2k breaking any. Only time I notice something is when I soak in the tub with Epson salt and Borax, if I keep my head under the water long enough I notice static coming in.

Yeah I've gotten the gangstalking too I had some women stand not 50ft away a year or so ago with either her cell phone or radio say Grandfather into it. I heard it in v2k. I turned she pointed to whatever it was she used then turned and went back into her house which was just a few yards from me at that time. They're house has been torn down since. While I forgave her I still prayed God for revenge against her and other gangstalkers. I had in one day four houses burn down in my Trailer court where we live. They'd killed two of my dogs just before this, so one day I went driving into the mountains praying and telling God you have to kill them they killed two of my dogs and just almost yelling to him. That very night after getting back four houses burnt down and killed some of their pets. SO yeah God as long as we forgive don't take revenge for ourselves, like they do he will take revenge for us.

Put on the full armor the shoes of the Gospel the breast plate of Righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith the sword of the spirit and the cloak of revenge. Forgive them and when God acts don't take pleasure in it.

I want to be one of the two witnesses and or of the 144,000 they will be granted supernatural power to help take on the beast and for me these AI creatures tormenting me. I know it could mean death but I need to or want to. I believe that it doesn't mean I will be killed too so...

But yeah I stand up against this crap and have less than 3 months left now so will see...

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I forgot, you are taking S.C. How much? I’m having 3 grams twice a day, and stuff is coming out. I haven’t got a microscope, so can’t be sure it’s nano, but don’t know what else it could be!

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yeah i take if I take at least one or two tablespoons in water. sometimes less like a teaspoon but I try to take as much as I can. Tastes nasty though.

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Yeah, SC=Sodium Citrate. Goodness you have a lot of issues. Dr Ana has so much stuff, I don’t know what to think. But your hearing problem sounds(not meant to be funny) terrible.

I’m Christian, just over a year now, trying to be. I’ll pray for you, if it’s any comfort. Some days I’m so engrossed in other things I forget to pray.

Just about the burning-I took black seed oil in gel caps-I would bite into them and the stuff inside was burning my mouth a bit. I doubt it would suddenly cause you pee to be burning, but who knows. I was taking it for back pain, but after a month, it didn’t help. I wasn’t taking black seed oil when I started S.C. Just take lots of water with everything, should help, I guess.

I’ll have a look at your link for YT. Take care Doug.

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maybe put in a word with her? she ignores me on all the substacs I try to write to her directly so?? I need evidence and if her treatment could help I'm open to that too.

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Please look up what Karl says re tumours. He means Venus fly trap!

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That one you say is swabbed from a cow? the one that looks like a centipede to the right of it?

WOW no one nor animal is safe. DEER too and Elk I wonder?

Give meaning to me about what it says that all the life in the sea we are the sea and even the literal sea too but we are the sea. will be alive. It looks like they want to completely depopulate not just humans but animals too as well...

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Yep, animals, fish, insects, but of course keep some for themselves.

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I have posted pictures of the microscope I just. Aquired can anyone tell if it’s good enough to use with dark field microscopy

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I love following your findings, Karl! Thanks for all you’re doing. I’m interested in learning more about the effects of Vit C and SC. If taking Vit C, what might one expect when also taking SC?

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The two should work fine together. Vitamin c is generally recommended by many, just be sure it is good quality vitamin c. Thanks for supporting! I hope you read the 2 SC parties previously. Lots of info on their.

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Oh yes Karl, I’m reading as much as time lets me! No worries there. Thanks for the vit C info.

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I’m taking both, so far no problems. Chemically, I don’t know. My vit C is ascorbic acid (Vit C) 500mg and sodium ascorbate equivalent Ascorbic acid (Vit C) 500mg. That’s exactly what it says on the label. So (as on label) Total Vit C 1000mg. I take 2 twice a day.

I’m now taking 3 gram Sodium Citrate twice a day, in water. I take them at least an hour apart.

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As we pee and poop the nano down the drain...it goes into the ocean...probably continues to replicate with ocean frequency tech....bigger actions are necessary...such as this https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234 We have to ban the sky crop dusters and microwaves too...replicate this bill in every state.

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Just saying.

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Carl, have you watched the blood with someone taking chlorine dioxide? It actually destroys glyphosate in the body, heals the gut and helps with many autoimmune issues.



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Sodium citrate is a pretty powerful PH regulator alone. If you are taking sodium citrate there is no need for extra PH control. Many are weary of zeolite because of the toxicity attached. Some zeolite was found to have very heavy amounts of Aluminum and other stuff. So check the quality of your zeolite. It is good stuff, but I wouldn't want to take it all the way myself from what I have been hearing. Some practitioners are huge fans of it, but they use or recommend very quality zeolite EDIT: stupid me, . Some zeolite is almost pure aluminum and silicone.

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Oh yes. Thanks. I thought you meant someone that's been doing the research a while. It's nice that we have so many new peeps joining the search for truth. X

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This microscope is reasonable to view blood with a dark field condenser or using cutouts to insert in the bottom. There are many details you will not see so well, but you will see gels, large dots and that sort of thing. It is not a leica or nikon lab scope, but it will give you reasonable insight! I hope you enjoy it, my last scope was an amscope and it managed great untill i got my leica. The leica is a whole other ball game but it is very expensive and not your begginers scope for sure. New it is worth about 15k so don't worry if your images don't quite like the same. I think most of the ameture images you see on some substacks are on scopes like the new fun one you have just gotten. Don't forget to explore the plant pot water for ciliates, good fun.

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Fantastic work, Karl. Have you seen “Sam’s”work yet? I’m assuming you have. What he has found supports your findings.

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Who is Sam? Thanks.

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Matt J.A.O.B. has a post called “introducing Sam”. He’s a micronaught.

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