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Doug I subscribed to your stack, but can’t pay, so I’ll just comment here-you’re definitely a more experienced Christian than me. I couldn’t begin to give you any advice. And this spiritual feeling I got last night Aussie time when I was reading about your v2k, I get this every now and then, it made me forget what I was writing to you for a minute, I thought I wouldn’t be able to finish what I was trying to say.

Anyway, the meaning came to me, I think this is it, it’s fairly obvious maybe-but I think you know what’s in store for people who don’t bow down to these “overlords,”or satan, especially Christians. You and others, but it seems you especially, are being tortured. I’d seen v2k but not known what it is. So you know what “they” want to happen to you, and others. I think God’s got a mission for you, and you’re already doing it. You have to defeat this v2k thing, so others (Christian or not, but especially Christian, as God is “speaking”), so others don’t have to go through it.

That’s it! That’s what came to me. Now I’ve seen your newsletter, you are already on the way to defeating them! It may not seem like it, but you’ve stayed strong and kept your faith all this time. Under horrendous circumstances. I know tinnitus is bad, but it’s nothing compared to what you’re going through.

We’ll probably be tortured in different ways, but you’ve connected with people like yourself, which is great. They can help in the fight to overcome this, but you will be the “Chief” Victor, and you will be able to help more people get through v2k. You’ll be the mentor in this.

After you’ve mastered this (which “they” will hate), you’ll probably move to something else, which will be more important. Basically, I think you’ll be able to help people (but mainly Christians, of course including recent repenters), go through dark times that we know are coming. It’s dark enough now, I know-but as you’ve said, you’ll probably pose a great threat to these satanists.

Sorry this is a bit rambly, I didn’t sleep well. I subscribed to T.J.-I’d never heard of gangstalkers. See, you’ve been helping me already.

One thing, you reckon this is coming through the cables to your computer? And that’s how you’ve recorded it. Do you think you’ve got nano inside you, that puts this in your head, or just is it microwaves sending it to your ears?

Anyway, stay strong, part of being strong in faith is helping others, and you’re doing that.

I’m fairly new on Karl’s substack, but he and others say they feel so much better since having Sodium Citrate. There’s stuff coming out of me! Have you tried Sodium Citrate? We’ve probably all got nano stuff in us.

I’ll leave it there, don’t forget I’ll be praying for you-I don’t have a Church-even the Churches of Christ around where I live are corrupted. I reckon more people will come to you for help. Don’t get overwhelmed-you know what the evil ones are trying to do to you-keep rebuking them, you will win. I believe God will help you to win.

I’ll be reading your substacks, and I’ll try Dr Ana.

God Bless You Doug, you’re going very well.

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Yeah hey no matter I don't charge I don't want more digital things for money since I am sure that's how I'd collect like go fund me.

From scripture and it may only be me feeling it, but through v2k I get the feeling that something prophetically for the Resurrection to come to pass may or may not ride off of me standing. Plus something about 1260 which is 3 1/2 years which I am very close to getting.

In May or depending on if God goes by a 360 calendar or 365 which I've read it's 360, so either in May or around May 15th, or June I get 1260 days of this. In Daniel it says those who come to 1260 will be saved so???

I early on in my Christian search, once I read Ezekiel 33 or 35 about the watcher knew I needed to be a watcher so help warn people of the evil I see. I asked Jesus at that point if that was what he wanted me to do then there would have to be certain things come to pass. Not testing him per-see just asking him to create or have certain things happen. I am not one for the pulpit and can't speak very good But I write and I said to him I want a way for me to reach the populace without being on a pulpit. The Internet came about so yeah.

Even though others have lived with v2k for far more years than I they aren't doing it for God.

God has answered me I truly believe in telling me that the vaccine is the Mark of the beast when so many keep looking at other things. most people look to a one man Antichrist and I've known from the first time reading scripture there wont be. As a collective man fulfills that already. ALl the worlds Govts do. Romans 13 never said to obey Govt I researched this and it's true it didn't. But the word Power used in Romans 13 means liberty not power.

The word power means in the original Greek Exousia Exousia means liberty. Power is like the third or fourth down on the list of things Exousia could mean. So it should say obey the higher liberty not power. Which is why so many; Jews were slaughtered in ww2 they were obeying the higher power not liberty.

I don't go to church neither I think they're all false prophets they teach crap.

Love one another fulfills the law. which is the higher liberty. Scripture also say that's the standard we will be judged on is the higher liberty. So yeah all I need is that statement in scripture itself for proof I am onto something correct not just testimony of Devils like it says to be aware of.

I've been one to want to know I hate being told crap even as a kid I've liked truth not lies or dumbed down truth.

So yeah thanks. for all you say makes me feel good to know and hope I am doing what God wants me to do. yeah this is all AI a computer god damned thing.

I don't know I know they say we all do but not sure I've done a lot of detoxing and it doesn't seem to do much. Yeah I take the Sodium Citrate stuff it may help but I've not noticed much of the v2k breaking any. Only time I notice something is when I soak in the tub with Epson salt and Borax, if I keep my head under the water long enough I notice static coming in.

Yeah I've gotten the gangstalking too I had some women stand not 50ft away a year or so ago with either her cell phone or radio say Grandfather into it. I heard it in v2k. I turned she pointed to whatever it was she used then turned and went back into her house which was just a few yards from me at that time. They're house has been torn down since. While I forgave her I still prayed God for revenge against her and other gangstalkers. I had in one day four houses burn down in my Trailer court where we live. They'd killed two of my dogs just before this, so one day I went driving into the mountains praying and telling God you have to kill them they killed two of my dogs and just almost yelling to him. That very night after getting back four houses burnt down and killed some of their pets. SO yeah God as long as we forgive don't take revenge for ourselves, like they do he will take revenge for us.

Put on the full armor the shoes of the Gospel the breast plate of Righteousness, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith the sword of the spirit and the cloak of revenge. Forgive them and when God acts don't take pleasure in it.

I want to be one of the two witnesses and or of the 144,000 they will be granted supernatural power to help take on the beast and for me these AI creatures tormenting me. I know it could mean death but I need to or want to. I believe that it doesn't mean I will be killed too so...

But yeah I stand up against this crap and have less than 3 months left now so will see...

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I’ll get back to you on your substack. Didn’t know if I could make a comment, being a subscriber not paying!

With Sod.Cit. you need to be consistent with you dosing, like once a day or twice or three times, stick to it, and have the same amount each time. And take urine samples-I don’t have a scope but I can see stuff in my urine! And it seems to grow, even in the fridge.

I didn’t take a “control” sample before I started, but this SC is making stuff come out in my wee.

And don’t stop SC suddenly, because, as Karl C has said, it seems to be pulling nano out from organs including the brain, and if we’ve got a lot of nano in our blood, going to the kidneys to wee it out-if it’s in the blood, and still coming out from other organs, we could have a blood clot or someting like that form in the blood, or an organ, we don’t want to do that.

I went out today, I’m usually at home, doing home things-I took a urine sample, and I can’t see through it-it seems to be so cloudy with stuff. I went to a regional town, walking around a bit, so maybe just being outside there I breathed in a lot of crap. It doesn’t take long for stuff in the lungs to get into our blood, then “filtered” out to urine. I guess it can get in via our skin, as well.

I use a metric half teaspoon, to make sure I get the same amount of SC, twice a day. This is an experiment, it seems to be working for me-I don’t want anyone to get in trouble medically. We’re already up against so much. I guess I’ll keep taking this until I get clear urine. SC is doing an awesome job for me, anyway!

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