Hi, I don’t at all doubt that yours and your colleagues microscopy is absolutely valid.
I do just want to talk about sodium citrate, I was looking for the latest post from you Karl, when I came across this one. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just an update about how it’s going for me. I haven’t got a structured record, but I started with a p…
Hi, I don’t at all doubt that yours and your colleagues microscopy is absolutely valid.
I do just want to talk about sodium citrate, I was looking for the latest post from you Karl, when I came across this one. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just an update about how it’s going for me. I haven’t got a structured record, but I started with a pinch, twice a day, which was fine.
I’ve worked my way up to 1/4 teaspoon (Au metric), over a few days, and have been having this dose twice a day for about 5 days. No problems, except maybe some loose stool, which is a big deal for me, as I have failed back surgery and am having strong pain killers, so I’m usually constipated. Another person may have diarrhoea. The S.C. in 1/4 teaspoon weighs 1.5 grams.
I haven’t been having any symptoms, but wanted to try S.C. I haven’t noticed any bad effects, nor any brain fog improving. This could be because of my pain killers though. Maybe I’m eliminating nano in my poo!
The S.C. I have is crystalline. It says a few things on the jar-it’s for use in food, bought from a chefs’ supply company. It quotes Usage from 2gram per kg/litre, I think they’re referring to food.
Also “A naturally occurring salt used in the food industry as an acidity regulator and preservative. S.C. can be used in the straight method of spherification to neutralise a low pH. When used with fats it acts as an emulsifier. Use S.C. in melted cheese to create a better mouth feel without the greasy after taste.”
I’ve been wondering if S.C. May work by “rolling” a lot of the nano into a ball, and somehow the body eliminates it like this. Also the pH of blood, and organs may be important.
I’ve been looking at some of your previous posts Karl-it’s important to note what happened to you and your bodily fluids when we are doing our own research, I believe. We’re all different. Just because I didn’t have an immediate reaction doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. My adult son has type 1, insulin dependent diabetes, and I know the nano is in insulin because of Dr Ana’s work. He lives at home, so unless he’s got clean batches of insulin (unlikely), my small family are directly exposed to this junk. I haven’t given him any S.C. yet, I want to see what happens to me first, and observe others’ reactions. My son has no nano symptoms that I know of. None of us have had microscopy applied to our blood or urine, so don’t know what’s going on in there. Thanks Karl, for all you are doing!
Thanks for the update, there are benefits for those have diabetes think I may have added a paper in theast sodium citrate info post. I was also sent papers for light yam as being fantastic for helping those with diabetes. It has great properties too. The sodium citrate will liky have different stool reactions with people since many are missing the balanced gut flora we should have. Take acid resistant capsule probiotics and eating fermented foodsike kefir, Kimchi, kumbucha can really help there. I do find my stool very slightly softer but still within normal expectations. Some peoe. Did say it took several days for them to see benefits and some said they had to take higher dosages. It can vary on how much of the stuff is in you, how long it has been bad for, and if you drink tap water or other soiled dietary intake. There are variables since this stuff is everywhere now. Sodium citrate can also work slightly different depending on how much ascorbic acid is present in the lower intestines. It alters whether the sodium citrate is absorb mostly from the gut or the lower intestine interestingly. We know alot about it ready but as you say you only enough once a million people have done it lol
We should be sharing our weight in regard to this experiment, also. I am about 70kg, overweight for female my age. I doubt it, but I wonder if S.C. stores in fat cells. I haven’t researched enuf, but it’s water soluble, so probably mainly exits in our wee, so we need to take it daily. I think you mentioned that in a comment somewhere else Karl.
I believe the citrate part is desired by the cells which is where it gets great mitochondrial boosting properties. But mostly it will attach to other positively charge materials and exit in urine. Being a sodium in nature it travels the body very well and reaches even the brain which is how it must be getting cognitive benefits for so many including me, David, and others in the Close circle.
I tried maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of SC daily for a few weeks and didn't notice anything in particular, but as you say everyone's different. I have an 'autoimmune' type of arthritis, for example. Speaking of gut issues, I found a while back that the best thing by far (for me anyway) was chicken bone broth daily. I've also just started 16:8 intermittent fasting which does seem to be doing something, although early days yet.
The fasting likely is helping the autoimmune side, I wonder what your cause of autoimmune is. Look into venus flytrap ;) Matt J. O. B took 3 or 4 days ateast to start seeing any stuff exit his urine and the benefits slightly Slower to kick in for him there in NZ too. But yes, we are all different
Although I have no proof, my suspicion is a couple of tetanus shots I had over 40 years ago that initially gave me an acute case of psoriasis, literally overnight. This eventually subsided - over a few decades! Psoriatic arthritis didn't begin until about 10 years ago, following 6 or 7 annual 'free' flu shots from an employer. After a break from these shots for a few years, I unfortunately had another one in 2018 which caused my first-ever severe case of hives over my upper torso.
Oh, ok. I may be seeing something in my pee. I’ve left it to settle, but it may just be dust that was in the cup! I hope it’s more than that. Will keep putting posts about what I see happening. With my rudely naked eye, no scope!
I personally feel everyone has this stuff to remove, we know some do not seem to be symptomatic yet, others seem to have tonnes of it gotten to the brain for instance and see huge differences in their suffering and neurological issues.
Yes, your body believes it's going to starve to death if you even think about fasting, but that's the point really - it's more of a mental barrier than anything else. You actually have to start to realise this though. The best way is to ease into it, gradually reducing your eating 'window' each day. At the moment, I am basically just skipping breakfast - so not eating between 8pm and 12 noon the following day. In fact, if you keep yourself occupied in the morning, you don't even think about food. There's also plenty of good books on the subject in public libraries if you need extra motivation - I've just finished Dave Asprey's 'Fast this Way' for example. Apparently a process called autophagy (clearing out the junk) starts at about the 14-hour mark - there's a few studies on PubMed that support this, eg showing measurable improvements in eliminating waste products from the brain within 24 hours.
Hi Karl, I’ve doubled my dose of SC to 3 gram twice daily. I finally remembered to do a urine sample, first thing in the morning, and it looks like there’s stuff in there. It’s not sinking like yours did, but staying in suspension.
I’ve taken a mid arvo (afternoon-Aussie slang) sample and will update when I can.
Maybe, if what’s in my sample is nano, maybe I’ve been exposed to it less than you Karl-I live rural, I think we get less chemtrails, but we do get a fair dumping of the rubbish. Gotta factor in my son’s insulin, I expect that to be shedding on me a lot.
Still not giving my son SC until I’m through experimenting on myself! I’ve been taking it (at lower doses), for about 10 days I think. Will check that. I still notice no change in how I’ve been feeling.
Well if you have noticed no change that could be good? Well assuming you ft fine anyway. Checking under the scope should be the only way most can see if it is nano waste in the urine. I am surprised you did not at least feal more clarity and energy as most seem to who are even non symptomatic.
There is definitely something in my first wee of the day. It settled down to the bottom after 1 1/2 hours.
My afternoon wee appears to be clear, no extra goodies.
I’ll do another sample before bed.
I have no reason to expect anything else than nano in the morning sample, but as you say, without a scope I can’t know. It’s definitely too much to just be dust. As for feeling better, extra energy, well I’ve got failed back surgery (there’s actually a syndrome called that)-so I can’t go jumping or running around! But I’m taking fairly potent pain killers, and they could keep me from feeling better as far as brain fog goes. I’m trying to get off them-not easy!
But yeah, I didn’t feel too bad before I started SC. Maybe I do feel better in the head, but it’s been gradual, so I haven’t noticed it?
I checked, and I’ve been taking SC for 13 days. Started with a pinch, twice a day for one day, then 1/8th teaspoon (0.75 g) for 3 days, then 1/4 tspn (1.5 g) for a week, and now 1/2 teaspoon (3g) twice a day, yesterday and today. (All amounts listed are twice a day, approx 12 hours apart. With food or not, doesn’t seem to matter to me.
I really think the tablets I take for my back are masking any extra energy, but I maybe do have a bit more brain power. Maybe more will come as I keep going. I would like to stay on this dose to see what happens.
With the urine samples, do you think it’s best to put them straight in the fridge, or leave them out for a while? Today’s samples I left out of the fridge for a few hours to see what would happen. I’ll have to put tonight’s sample in the fridge almost straight away, as I’ll be going to bed almost straight after.
I should have done a control sample or 2 before I started on SC, then at least one, every time I changed dose. Maybe I really did have worse brain fog!
Hello, if you take several grams of sodium citrate a day, bear in mind that there is a possibility of developing metabolic alkalosis.
Sodium citrate is converted in the body to citrate and sodium bicarbonate. Too much bicarbonate can push the pH value of the blood above 7.45.
The resulting citrate is fed into the citrate cycle, for example.
Let's take a look at the two substances.
Citrate is an important inhibitor of urinary stone formation by binding calcium in the blood to calcium citrate. High levels of citrate in the blood reduce the risk of calcium oxalate stone formation. It is also used to prevent blood clotting in vitro and during dialysis.
Sodium bicarbonate raises the pH value of the blood. However, if you take a lot of Na-citrate, a lot of sodium bicarbonate is produced and metabolic alkalosis can develop!
I will ask a few questions that may arise and answer them to the best of my knowledge.
1) Why do some people feel more energetic when they take NA citrate?
> The citrate released supports the citric acid cycle, which is responsible for energy production, among other things.
2) Why do some people feel better after taking NA citrate?
> Bicarbonate deficiency is the most commonly overlooked health disorder worldwide. Problems associated with a shift in pH to the acidic range are alleviated. The deficiency often occurs after the age of 45. It also counteracts the formation of red blood cells. Bicarbonate now normalizes this acidic pH value of the blood and corrects many health disorders.
Citrate can bind metal ions and dissolve e.g. kidney stones, helps with constipation, is an effective anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting by binding calcium ions, which are crucial for the clotting process.
3) Can sodium citrate be harmful?
> After metabolization, the citrate can combine with aluminium to form aluminium citrate. This is absorbed twice as well as other compounds. This metal can then of course also enter the brain together with the citric acid.
While the citric acid is broken down here, the aluminum remains behind and is stored there. Aluminum has a highly toxic effect on nerve cells, causing devastating damage. (Alzheimer's/Parkinson's) The citrate may also accelerate the transport of toxic metal ions, which are collected by the nanobots, into the brain?
5) Why is the urine cloudy and what is the sedimentation?
> It is e.g. calcium citrate that is bound in theblood by the citrate. The more acidic you are, the higher the calcium level in the blood can be. It can also be a component of urinary stones, kidney stones, etc.
4) How strongly does it cleanse from hydrogel?
Karl.Cs writes: "As I continued to monitor my blood, I noticed that on the seventh day it looked a little less bad in the darkfield microscope." Dr Ana normalized the blood with EDTA after two days. So it looks like EDTA has a much stronger effect.
Positive effects can occur in older people or people with hyperacidity through bicarbonate. citrate can also have a positive effect. the danger is that citrate increases the absorption of aluminum in the body and brain.
I consider long-term high intakes to be critical for the reasons mentioned.
Hi again! Do you have a link to your comment that says citrate can combine with aluminium and other metal ions and enter the brain? And that aluminium compounds enter the brain twice as well as other compounds?
I’ve done a search on the web, but a link would be handy.
Thanks. It’s not that I don’t believe you, goodness, I take everything I can into consideration in these awful times.
First of all, I am not talking about citric acid from fruit, but about isolated citric acid as it is produced today. No longer from lemons but with molds.
It also shows the cell-damaging effect of aluminum citrates.
So my tip: If you take citrates, take orthosilicic acid [ Si(OH)4] at the same time.
This is recommended by Dr. Klinghardt. He says aluminum and glyphosate are the two most common toxins today.
Protection against aluminum and thus also a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's is therefore possible, namely when there is sufficient silicic acid in the body. Evidence for this is provided, for example, by a scientific study published in the journal Alzheimer's disease and associated disorders in 1987 ( 1 ). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3453743/
Ok, I’ll have a look at the studies. I didn’t think you were trying to criticise me, sorry if I came across that way. I’m pretty sure all insulins are full of nanotech. I think I read Dr Ana saying all injectables she has tested have the nanotech, including dental anaesthetics, so I’m figuring that anaesthetic, analgesia for operations in hospitals would contain it also.
The trick is staying out of hospital. They’d probably give the covid “vax” for good measure.
But isn’t silicon present in these injectables, or blood that’s tainted by shedding? I think-emphasis on think-that I’ve seen spectrometry on the covid vax for one, that shows silicon in it (+ anything and everything else) and probably some of the other injectables. But I’ll look at the studies, thanks for the links.
I was thinking maybe having Sod. Citrate 3 days on, and four days off, per week, or something like that.
I have a question-out of all the substacks that are around, how in the world did you get on here, and make a comment on what I’m doing? I mean no offence, I’m just genuinely curious!
Hello, don't get me wrong, I don't want to criticize you. I think it's great that you're doing this for your son. And not everyone dares to look these things that are happening in the face. they ignore it. Other insulin products would now have to be investigated. Whether they are also contaminated or just Lantus. I think Dr. Ana's results are solid and her treatment is the basis for me at the moment. I also don't like being dependent on EDTA infusions. Yes, I also find it a financial burden. I will now answer your question.
I am also trying to find an affordable detox. I'm combining several things. Here is what I am doing:
Daily I take NAC, vitamin C and I will still buy malic acid.
My "insider tip": Take NIACIN. It's cheap. It helps to flush out stored toxins and heavy metals. Take it with a "flush effect".
Dr. Yu, a physician and detoxification specialist, developed a detoxification protocol based on niacin, exercise and sauna to treat US soldiers who became seriously ill from pesticides, burning oil wells and uranium munitions during the Gulf War. This particularly severe form of poisoning with dioxins and heavy metals became known as 'Gulf War Syndrome' and the program developed especially for the soldiers achieved astonishingly good results. Alongside chelation infusions, it is one of the few ways of getting rid of heavy metal poisoning.
1) I take liposomal EDTA. Once a month. That's 4 portions. Costs 20€.
Capilarex. I'm trying it right now. It's not that cheap. 10 servings 80€.
I'm taking the 10 at the moment. I take 1 portion then 2 days break.
Capilarex also binds heavy metals. Not specifically one like the chelates, it also binds a lot of other garbage, like preservatives, tars... So the strength lies in the range.
Capilarex is used in Russian clinics with great success.
So far, there is no toxin that has not shown a positive reaction with Capilarex
This has the advantage over EDTA and DMSA that it does not remove the useful metal ions from the body, only the calcium level has to be readjusted afterwards.
2) Methylene Blue. As a cleaning agent for the polymer hydrogel and a strong electron donor.
5-10 drops daily. Costs 100ml 20€.
3) I take vitamin C in combination with OPC. Because OPC increases the effect of vitamin C tenfold.
4) Pure oil. To dissolve polymers such as styrene. 2 drops daily. It contains 8ml pure oil of oregano oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, chamomile oil, frankincense oil costs 11€.
5) MSM organic sulphur is one of the most efficient detoxifying agents. The crystals formed are like little cleaning devils. It also helps with neurological diseases, as MSM can cross the blood-hybrid barrier and increases the flexibility and transparency of cell membranes.
This is a bit much for my frazzled brain at the moment, it’s nearly bedtime for me down under.
I’ve had a strange day today, and feel sleep coming on.
I’ll get to reviewing what you’ve sent to me tomorrow, assuming I’ll have time.
Thanks for sending me these studies, but I would like an answer as to how you got to my comments to say what you said, thanks in advance.
I’ll have to look up these prices you’ve quoted, as I don’t know offhand the rate of exchange of euros to Aussie dollars! They look inexpensive, but I take a lot of supplements as well, it all adds up.
That afternoon wee I said had nothing in it on Feb 5th, I kept it in the fridge, and some stuff formed! I think when I first looked at it, maybe I didn’t look hard enough, and just thought nothing was there. I checked again later and still nothing, but by that time, I think the stuff had sunk, and I didn’t shake it, but left it in fridge until after yesterday’s (Feb 6) morning sample. I have become confident that I can shake the samples a bit, and stuff will show itself, and I did shake the Feb 5th sample and got a shock as to how much I could see!
I keep calling it stuff, as I don’t have a scope, so can’t say for sure that it is nano. But I have no reason to think it’s anything else, especially as it seems to grow. I see with my eyes, long chains, particle looking things, and largish closed curved type shapes.
Today, Feb 7th, I went out for a few hours, and I went to my doctor for my pain tablets that I’m trying to get off. I took a urine sample after I’d been home for an hour or so, and it was very cloudy when I looked at it, could hardly see through it. So I put it down for about 5 hours, and looked again-it was like 2mm thick of stuff on the bottom of the cup. I shook it, and it separated like milk that had gone off. So clumping. No chain or globule type structures, but just like bad milk. Maybe I got all sorts of shedding at the doctors’, even though I was not really near many people, except the doctor. Would he have had the jab? (Not my usual Dr coincidentally.) But then I was in the pharmacy for a while, again not near other people for long. Then went to 2 different supermarkets, so who knows?
I’ll see if I can do another sample tomorrow morning. If anyone’s wondering, I am using disposable plastic drinking cups-not very thick, but this does not seem to be anything leeching from the plastic, and I’ve not used the same one twice. We have them left over from a party a while back, and they have been covered up in the original packaging, stacked into one another.
Maybe I should buy a kids’ chemistry set, for some test tubes! Nah, that would be too hard for me to use/store, etc.
I’ll keep doing these updates, I’m still taking 3 gram S.C. Twice a day.
Sodium citrate has papers on having large regulatory effects on diabetes, also look at light yam. I stear away from O young after finding out most of his work is not his own and then after he took others work and claimed that as his own too. See the interview he did with the image of David Nixons vaccine chip. Apperantly he and his team of scientists took that image in 2021 even though he doesn't have a team of scientists as far as 8 am aware, and he doesn't have an electron microscope either as he claims. I was highly dissapointed because I followed him for a year or so and the more stuff i read the more I realized that all of it had been documented by others first. Most of his science papers as he calls them are just theories which have huge holes in them at best, and some of the things he seemed to of discovered have no science behind those either. The pattern grew and things just got worse the more I read. There was an image he claimed was a photomicrograph of clotted blood and i laughed my self silly because it was a stock image animated In Photoshop. So from there on I realised that this man was after money and would only misguide people a large part of the time. I see recently he is moving up and has a new partner in study. Unfortunately some of his recent product recommendations sound like snake oil with bold claims and buzz words which are rather discouraging. This is just my opinion, but I know when someone is not being honest and you can actually prove it if you know enough about the content he has produced and the origins of it. I was sadly dissapointed. Never trust a doctor who flys across the globe for interviews and takes his lab coat just to incept the image into your mind. All the world's top doctors just wear suits or normal clothes because people know they are real doctors, PhD's, and scientist. They don't have to pack their lab coat to prove it, that is selling an image and in psychology they know why people do that. I sometimes enjoy investigating these characters now since at one point I didn't realize I was being duped, most of them have all the same mistakes going. Info that can't be backed, claims they don't explain satisfactorily, qualifications from dodgy companies that no longer exist after legal issues, stealing others work, etc.
Patti, his peer review articles as he terms the are not peer reviewed by anyone, see https://www.drrobertyoung.com/peer-reviewed-articles and note then none of the papers I could find at a glance constitute as being peer reviewed. Also, reading most of his claims to parasites in the shot, backing of hydra which is not hydra, and various other things is shocking, No-one else has found these things across many investigations going on, maybe the plant trichome which is wrongly termed a hydra. A scientists or medical professional would not confidentially refer to it as a hydra for fear of being embarrassed. He even states some images which are bright field as being Phase contrast, and all kinds of weird crap that makes no sense. He never does any proper analysis himself, its all pictures and claims. And i would love to see his Electron microscope. At the end of the day, when you see all this and the dude pinching others work as his own then it is up to you whether or not you think their work is top notch. Personally, that tells me more than enough. Smoke and mirrors is not for me. No ones denying that he does do some good stuff, but he pushes himself deceptively as being much more in my own opinion. You have to have an eye for when someone is selling horse crap, some of us have it and some do not. We all know about PH being advantage. Many knew before Oyoung existed too. Promoting things is different to being a good scientist ,and he pretends to be just that from what I have read of his stuff.
As I said I was a Dr Oyoung fan in the beginning. I did not let anyone else influence me. My reasons above are good enough. No denying hes done good stuff, but he is not what he makes out by a long shot and it doesn't mean deceiving people to increase his image popularity and funding is okay in my opinion. If your good, be honest, and say only what is science. When you have nothing to say, say nothing at all is a good policy, don't post assertions without backing or solid analysis. don't incept badly formed theories as being peer reviewed when they are not, that is dishonest and intentional.
Hi, I don’t at all doubt that yours and your colleagues microscopy is absolutely valid.
I do just want to talk about sodium citrate, I was looking for the latest post from you Karl, when I came across this one. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just an update about how it’s going for me. I haven’t got a structured record, but I started with a pinch, twice a day, which was fine.
I’ve worked my way up to 1/4 teaspoon (Au metric), over a few days, and have been having this dose twice a day for about 5 days. No problems, except maybe some loose stool, which is a big deal for me, as I have failed back surgery and am having strong pain killers, so I’m usually constipated. Another person may have diarrhoea. The S.C. in 1/4 teaspoon weighs 1.5 grams.
I haven’t been having any symptoms, but wanted to try S.C. I haven’t noticed any bad effects, nor any brain fog improving. This could be because of my pain killers though. Maybe I’m eliminating nano in my poo!
The S.C. I have is crystalline. It says a few things on the jar-it’s for use in food, bought from a chefs’ supply company. It quotes Usage from 2gram per kg/litre, I think they’re referring to food.
Also “A naturally occurring salt used in the food industry as an acidity regulator and preservative. S.C. can be used in the straight method of spherification to neutralise a low pH. When used with fats it acts as an emulsifier. Use S.C. in melted cheese to create a better mouth feel without the greasy after taste.”
I’ve been wondering if S.C. May work by “rolling” a lot of the nano into a ball, and somehow the body eliminates it like this. Also the pH of blood, and organs may be important.
I’ve been looking at some of your previous posts Karl-it’s important to note what happened to you and your bodily fluids when we are doing our own research, I believe. We’re all different. Just because I didn’t have an immediate reaction doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. My adult son has type 1, insulin dependent diabetes, and I know the nano is in insulin because of Dr Ana’s work. He lives at home, so unless he’s got clean batches of insulin (unlikely), my small family are directly exposed to this junk. I haven’t given him any S.C. yet, I want to see what happens to me first, and observe others’ reactions. My son has no nano symptoms that I know of. None of us have had microscopy applied to our blood or urine, so don’t know what’s going on in there. Thanks Karl, for all you are doing!
Thanks for the update, there are benefits for those have diabetes think I may have added a paper in theast sodium citrate info post. I was also sent papers for light yam as being fantastic for helping those with diabetes. It has great properties too. The sodium citrate will liky have different stool reactions with people since many are missing the balanced gut flora we should have. Take acid resistant capsule probiotics and eating fermented foodsike kefir, Kimchi, kumbucha can really help there. I do find my stool very slightly softer but still within normal expectations. Some peoe. Did say it took several days for them to see benefits and some said they had to take higher dosages. It can vary on how much of the stuff is in you, how long it has been bad for, and if you drink tap water or other soiled dietary intake. There are variables since this stuff is everywhere now. Sodium citrate can also work slightly different depending on how much ascorbic acid is present in the lower intestines. It alters whether the sodium citrate is absorb mostly from the gut or the lower intestine interestingly. We know alot about it ready but as you say you only enough once a million people have done it lol
We should be sharing our weight in regard to this experiment, also. I am about 70kg, overweight for female my age. I doubt it, but I wonder if S.C. stores in fat cells. I haven’t researched enuf, but it’s water soluble, so probably mainly exits in our wee, so we need to take it daily. I think you mentioned that in a comment somewhere else Karl.
I believe the citrate part is desired by the cells which is where it gets great mitochondrial boosting properties. But mostly it will attach to other positively charge materials and exit in urine. Being a sodium in nature it travels the body very well and reaches even the brain which is how it must be getting cognitive benefits for so many including me, David, and others in the Close circle.
Kindest regards
Thanks heaps for that feedback, I’m going to increase the dose a bit.
I tried maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of SC daily for a few weeks and didn't notice anything in particular, but as you say everyone's different. I have an 'autoimmune' type of arthritis, for example. Speaking of gut issues, I found a while back that the best thing by far (for me anyway) was chicken bone broth daily. I've also just started 16:8 intermittent fasting which does seem to be doing something, although early days yet.
The fasting likely is helping the autoimmune side, I wonder what your cause of autoimmune is. Look into venus flytrap ;) Matt J. O. B took 3 or 4 days ateast to start seeing any stuff exit his urine and the benefits slightly Slower to kick in for him there in NZ too. But yes, we are all different
Although I have no proof, my suspicion is a couple of tetanus shots I had over 40 years ago that initially gave me an acute case of psoriasis, literally overnight. This eventually subsided - over a few decades! Psoriatic arthritis didn't begin until about 10 years ago, following 6 or 7 annual 'free' flu shots from an employer. After a break from these shots for a few years, I unfortunately had another one in 2018 which caused my first-ever severe case of hives over my upper torso.
BTW, what do you mean by venus flytrap?
Yes, Venus flytrap?
Hi, are you still taking SC?
No, at the time I could only get enough from interstate for a couple of weeks use.
Oh, ok. I may be seeing something in my pee. I’ve left it to settle, but it may just be dust that was in the cup! I hope it’s more than that. Will keep putting posts about what I see happening. With my rudely naked eye, no scope!
I personally feel everyone has this stuff to remove, we know some do not seem to be symptomatic yet, others seem to have tonnes of it gotten to the brain for instance and see huge differences in their suffering and neurological issues.
I hope the fasting helps you. I don’t know if I could do it, for various reasons, but one day I may be forced to do it!
Yes, your body believes it's going to starve to death if you even think about fasting, but that's the point really - it's more of a mental barrier than anything else. You actually have to start to realise this though. The best way is to ease into it, gradually reducing your eating 'window' each day. At the moment, I am basically just skipping breakfast - so not eating between 8pm and 12 noon the following day. In fact, if you keep yourself occupied in the morning, you don't even think about food. There's also plenty of good books on the subject in public libraries if you need extra motivation - I've just finished Dave Asprey's 'Fast this Way' for example. Apparently a process called autophagy (clearing out the junk) starts at about the 14-hour mark - there's a few studies on PubMed that support this, eg showing measurable improvements in eliminating waste products from the brain within 24 hours.
Thanks for that, I know a bit about autophagy, how it’s good for us. I just can’t be doing the fasting for a while.
Hi Karl, I’ve doubled my dose of SC to 3 gram twice daily. I finally remembered to do a urine sample, first thing in the morning, and it looks like there’s stuff in there. It’s not sinking like yours did, but staying in suspension.
I’ve taken a mid arvo (afternoon-Aussie slang) sample and will update when I can.
Maybe, if what’s in my sample is nano, maybe I’ve been exposed to it less than you Karl-I live rural, I think we get less chemtrails, but we do get a fair dumping of the rubbish. Gotta factor in my son’s insulin, I expect that to be shedding on me a lot.
Still not giving my son SC until I’m through experimenting on myself! I’ve been taking it (at lower doses), for about 10 days I think. Will check that. I still notice no change in how I’ve been feeling.
Well if you have noticed no change that could be good? Well assuming you ft fine anyway. Checking under the scope should be the only way most can see if it is nano waste in the urine. I am surprised you did not at least feal more clarity and energy as most seem to who are even non symptomatic.
There is definitely something in my first wee of the day. It settled down to the bottom after 1 1/2 hours.
My afternoon wee appears to be clear, no extra goodies.
I’ll do another sample before bed.
I have no reason to expect anything else than nano in the morning sample, but as you say, without a scope I can’t know. It’s definitely too much to just be dust. As for feeling better, extra energy, well I’ve got failed back surgery (there’s actually a syndrome called that)-so I can’t go jumping or running around! But I’m taking fairly potent pain killers, and they could keep me from feeling better as far as brain fog goes. I’m trying to get off them-not easy!
But yeah, I didn’t feel too bad before I started SC. Maybe I do feel better in the head, but it’s been gradual, so I haven’t noticed it?
I checked, and I’ve been taking SC for 13 days. Started with a pinch, twice a day for one day, then 1/8th teaspoon (0.75 g) for 3 days, then 1/4 tspn (1.5 g) for a week, and now 1/2 teaspoon (3g) twice a day, yesterday and today. (All amounts listed are twice a day, approx 12 hours apart. With food or not, doesn’t seem to matter to me.
I really think the tablets I take for my back are masking any extra energy, but I maybe do have a bit more brain power. Maybe more will come as I keep going. I would like to stay on this dose to see what happens.
With the urine samples, do you think it’s best to put them straight in the fridge, or leave them out for a while? Today’s samples I left out of the fridge for a few hours to see what would happen. I’ll have to put tonight’s sample in the fridge almost straight away, as I’ll be going to bed almost straight after.
I should have done a control sample or 2 before I started on SC, then at least one, every time I changed dose. Maybe I really did have worse brain fog!
Morning sample of urine (Aus time ) stuff in there! Last night I couldn’t get a sample. Still 3 gram twice a day.
Hello, if you take several grams of sodium citrate a day, bear in mind that there is a possibility of developing metabolic alkalosis.
Sodium citrate is converted in the body to citrate and sodium bicarbonate. Too much bicarbonate can push the pH value of the blood above 7.45.
The resulting citrate is fed into the citrate cycle, for example.
Let's take a look at the two substances.
Citrate is an important inhibitor of urinary stone formation by binding calcium in the blood to calcium citrate. High levels of citrate in the blood reduce the risk of calcium oxalate stone formation. It is also used to prevent blood clotting in vitro and during dialysis.
Sodium bicarbonate raises the pH value of the blood. However, if you take a lot of Na-citrate, a lot of sodium bicarbonate is produced and metabolic alkalosis can develop!
I will ask a few questions that may arise and answer them to the best of my knowledge.
1) Why do some people feel more energetic when they take NA citrate?
> The citrate released supports the citric acid cycle, which is responsible for energy production, among other things.
2) Why do some people feel better after taking NA citrate?
> Bicarbonate deficiency is the most commonly overlooked health disorder worldwide. Problems associated with a shift in pH to the acidic range are alleviated. The deficiency often occurs after the age of 45. It also counteracts the formation of red blood cells. Bicarbonate now normalizes this acidic pH value of the blood and corrects many health disorders.
Citrate can bind metal ions and dissolve e.g. kidney stones, helps with constipation, is an effective anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting by binding calcium ions, which are crucial for the clotting process.
3) Can sodium citrate be harmful?
> After metabolization, the citrate can combine with aluminium to form aluminium citrate. This is absorbed twice as well as other compounds. This metal can then of course also enter the brain together with the citric acid.
While the citric acid is broken down here, the aluminum remains behind and is stored there. Aluminum has a highly toxic effect on nerve cells, causing devastating damage. (Alzheimer's/Parkinson's) The citrate may also accelerate the transport of toxic metal ions, which are collected by the nanobots, into the brain?
5) Why is the urine cloudy and what is the sedimentation?
> It is e.g. calcium citrate that is bound in theblood by the citrate. The more acidic you are, the higher the calcium level in the blood can be. It can also be a component of urinary stones, kidney stones, etc.
4) How strongly does it cleanse from hydrogel?
Karl.Cs writes: "As I continued to monitor my blood, I noticed that on the seventh day it looked a little less bad in the darkfield microscope." Dr Ana normalized the blood with EDTA after two days. So it looks like EDTA has a much stronger effect.
Positive effects can occur in older people or people with hyperacidity through bicarbonate. citrate can also have a positive effect. the danger is that citrate increases the absorption of aluminum in the body and brain.
I consider long-term high intakes to be critical for the reasons mentioned.
Hi again! Do you have a link to your comment that says citrate can combine with aluminium and other metal ions and enter the brain? And that aluminium compounds enter the brain twice as well as other compounds?
I’ve done a search on the web, but a link would be handy.
Thanks. It’s not that I don’t believe you, goodness, I take everything I can into consideration in these awful times.
First of all, I am not talking about citric acid from fruit, but about isolated citric acid as it is produced today. No longer from lemons but with molds.
1) Here is a study that confirms an accelerated absorption of aluminum sulfate in the presence of citric acid. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9788754/
2) Here the transport of aluminum citrate through the blood-brain barrier is examined:
The uptake of aluminum citrate was about 70% faster than that of citrate!
3) Another article that confirms the accelerated uptake of aluminum in the presence of
citric acid: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3948402/
It also shows the cell-damaging effect of aluminum citrates.
So my tip: If you take citrates, take orthosilicic acid [ Si(OH)4] at the same time.
This is recommended by Dr. Klinghardt. He says aluminum and glyphosate are the two most common toxins today.
Protection against aluminum and thus also a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's is therefore possible, namely when there is sufficient silicic acid in the body. Evidence for this is provided, for example, by a scientific study published in the journal Alzheimer's disease and associated disorders in 1987 ( 1 ). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3453743/
Ok, I’ll have a look at the studies. I didn’t think you were trying to criticise me, sorry if I came across that way. I’m pretty sure all insulins are full of nanotech. I think I read Dr Ana saying all injectables she has tested have the nanotech, including dental anaesthetics, so I’m figuring that anaesthetic, analgesia for operations in hospitals would contain it also.
The trick is staying out of hospital. They’d probably give the covid “vax” for good measure.
But isn’t silicon present in these injectables, or blood that’s tainted by shedding? I think-emphasis on think-that I’ve seen spectrometry on the covid vax for one, that shows silicon in it (+ anything and everything else) and probably some of the other injectables. But I’ll look at the studies, thanks for the links.
I was thinking maybe having Sod. Citrate 3 days on, and four days off, per week, or something like that.
I have a question-out of all the substacks that are around, how in the world did you get on here, and make a comment on what I’m doing? I mean no offence, I’m just genuinely curious!
Hello, don't get me wrong, I don't want to criticize you. I think it's great that you're doing this for your son. And not everyone dares to look these things that are happening in the face. they ignore it. Other insulin products would now have to be investigated. Whether they are also contaminated or just Lantus. I think Dr. Ana's results are solid and her treatment is the basis for me at the moment. I also don't like being dependent on EDTA infusions. Yes, I also find it a financial burden. I will now answer your question.
Also, I’m being Guinea pig for my son who uses insulin. We know what Dr Ana found there! I’m doing this for him!
Sorry, distracted, I can’t afford EDTA, I should have added
Hi Michael, what do you suggest then?
I am also trying to find an affordable detox. I'm combining several things. Here is what I am doing:
Daily I take NAC, vitamin C and I will still buy malic acid.
My "insider tip": Take NIACIN. It's cheap. It helps to flush out stored toxins and heavy metals. Take it with a "flush effect".
Dr. Yu, a physician and detoxification specialist, developed a detoxification protocol based on niacin, exercise and sauna to treat US soldiers who became seriously ill from pesticides, burning oil wells and uranium munitions during the Gulf War. This particularly severe form of poisoning with dioxins and heavy metals became known as 'Gulf War Syndrome' and the program developed especially for the soldiers achieved astonishingly good results. Alongside chelation infusions, it is one of the few ways of getting rid of heavy metal poisoning.
1) I take liposomal EDTA. Once a month. That's 4 portions. Costs 20€.
2) A real alternative to EDTA!
Capilarex. I'm trying it right now. It's not that cheap. 10 servings 80€.
I'm taking the 10 at the moment. I take 1 portion then 2 days break.
Capilarex also binds heavy metals. Not specifically one like the chelates, it also binds a lot of other garbage, like preservatives, tars... So the strength lies in the range.
Capilarex is used in Russian clinics with great success.
So far, there is no toxin that has not shown a positive reaction with Capilarex
This has the advantage over EDTA and DMSA that it does not remove the useful metal ions from the body, only the calcium level has to be readjusted afterwards.
2) Methylene Blue. As a cleaning agent for the polymer hydrogel and a strong electron donor.
5-10 drops daily. Costs 100ml 20€.
3) I take vitamin C in combination with OPC. Because OPC increases the effect of vitamin C tenfold.
4) Pure oil. To dissolve polymers such as styrene. 2 drops daily. It contains 8ml pure oil of oregano oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, chamomile oil, frankincense oil costs 11€.
5) MSM organic sulphur is one of the most efficient detoxifying agents. The crystals formed are like little cleaning devils. It also helps with neurological diseases, as MSM can cross the blood-hybrid barrier and increases the flexibility and transparency of cell membranes.
This is a bit much for my frazzled brain at the moment, it’s nearly bedtime for me down under.
I’ve had a strange day today, and feel sleep coming on.
I’ll get to reviewing what you’ve sent to me tomorrow, assuming I’ll have time.
Thanks for sending me these studies, but I would like an answer as to how you got to my comments to say what you said, thanks in advance.
I’ll have to look up these prices you’ve quoted, as I don’t know offhand the rate of exchange of euros to Aussie dollars! They look inexpensive, but I take a lot of supplements as well, it all adds up.
That afternoon wee I said had nothing in it on Feb 5th, I kept it in the fridge, and some stuff formed! I think when I first looked at it, maybe I didn’t look hard enough, and just thought nothing was there. I checked again later and still nothing, but by that time, I think the stuff had sunk, and I didn’t shake it, but left it in fridge until after yesterday’s (Feb 6) morning sample. I have become confident that I can shake the samples a bit, and stuff will show itself, and I did shake the Feb 5th sample and got a shock as to how much I could see!
I keep calling it stuff, as I don’t have a scope, so can’t say for sure that it is nano. But I have no reason to think it’s anything else, especially as it seems to grow. I see with my eyes, long chains, particle looking things, and largish closed curved type shapes.
Today, Feb 7th, I went out for a few hours, and I went to my doctor for my pain tablets that I’m trying to get off. I took a urine sample after I’d been home for an hour or so, and it was very cloudy when I looked at it, could hardly see through it. So I put it down for about 5 hours, and looked again-it was like 2mm thick of stuff on the bottom of the cup. I shook it, and it separated like milk that had gone off. So clumping. No chain or globule type structures, but just like bad milk. Maybe I got all sorts of shedding at the doctors’, even though I was not really near many people, except the doctor. Would he have had the jab? (Not my usual Dr coincidentally.) But then I was in the pharmacy for a while, again not near other people for long. Then went to 2 different supermarkets, so who knows?
I’ll see if I can do another sample tomorrow morning. If anyone’s wondering, I am using disposable plastic drinking cups-not very thick, but this does not seem to be anything leeching from the plastic, and I’ve not used the same one twice. We have them left over from a party a while back, and they have been covered up in the original packaging, stacked into one another.
Maybe I should buy a kids’ chemistry set, for some test tubes! Nah, that would be too hard for me to use/store, etc.
I’ll keep doing these updates, I’m still taking 3 gram S.C. Twice a day.
Sodium citrate has papers on having large regulatory effects on diabetes, also look at light yam. I stear away from O young after finding out most of his work is not his own and then after he took others work and claimed that as his own too. See the interview he did with the image of David Nixons vaccine chip. Apperantly he and his team of scientists took that image in 2021 even though he doesn't have a team of scientists as far as 8 am aware, and he doesn't have an electron microscope either as he claims. I was highly dissapointed because I followed him for a year or so and the more stuff i read the more I realized that all of it had been documented by others first. Most of his science papers as he calls them are just theories which have huge holes in them at best, and some of the things he seemed to of discovered have no science behind those either. The pattern grew and things just got worse the more I read. There was an image he claimed was a photomicrograph of clotted blood and i laughed my self silly because it was a stock image animated In Photoshop. So from there on I realised that this man was after money and would only misguide people a large part of the time. I see recently he is moving up and has a new partner in study. Unfortunately some of his recent product recommendations sound like snake oil with bold claims and buzz words which are rather discouraging. This is just my opinion, but I know when someone is not being honest and you can actually prove it if you know enough about the content he has produced and the origins of it. I was sadly dissapointed. Never trust a doctor who flys across the globe for interviews and takes his lab coat just to incept the image into your mind. All the world's top doctors just wear suits or normal clothes because people know they are real doctors, PhD's, and scientist. They don't have to pack their lab coat to prove it, that is selling an image and in psychology they know why people do that. I sometimes enjoy investigating these characters now since at one point I didn't realize I was being duped, most of them have all the same mistakes going. Info that can't be backed, claims they don't explain satisfactorily, qualifications from dodgy companies that no longer exist after legal issues, stealing others work, etc.
Patti, his peer review articles as he terms the are not peer reviewed by anyone, see https://www.drrobertyoung.com/peer-reviewed-articles and note then none of the papers I could find at a glance constitute as being peer reviewed. Also, reading most of his claims to parasites in the shot, backing of hydra which is not hydra, and various other things is shocking, No-one else has found these things across many investigations going on, maybe the plant trichome which is wrongly termed a hydra. A scientists or medical professional would not confidentially refer to it as a hydra for fear of being embarrassed. He even states some images which are bright field as being Phase contrast, and all kinds of weird crap that makes no sense. He never does any proper analysis himself, its all pictures and claims. And i would love to see his Electron microscope. At the end of the day, when you see all this and the dude pinching others work as his own then it is up to you whether or not you think their work is top notch. Personally, that tells me more than enough. Smoke and mirrors is not for me. No ones denying that he does do some good stuff, but he pushes himself deceptively as being much more in my own opinion. You have to have an eye for when someone is selling horse crap, some of us have it and some do not. We all know about PH being advantage. Many knew before Oyoung existed too. Promoting things is different to being a good scientist ,and he pretends to be just that from what I have read of his stuff.
As I said I was a Dr Oyoung fan in the beginning. I did not let anyone else influence me. My reasons above are good enough. No denying hes done good stuff, but he is not what he makes out by a long shot and it doesn't mean deceiving people to increase his image popularity and funding is okay in my opinion. If your good, be honest, and say only what is science. When you have nothing to say, say nothing at all is a good policy, don't post assertions without backing or solid analysis. don't incept badly formed theories as being peer reviewed when they are not, that is dishonest and intentional.
Thanks, have seen some of his pH work, will look further. Thank you for caring. 🙂