Aloha to everyone and mahalo for your great work and devotion to science and the truth. ALL information derived from these different lighting techniques is valuable. The ability to adjust the frequency of the laser light might be something to investigate. This being said, my thoughts are more focused on the surface charges used in the self assembly process. While it is difficult to imagine how any particular frequency of light would illuminate surface charges, Kirlian optical methods would do just that. Furthermore, the frequency of the Kirlian high voltage source could also be varied and optically observed. Information theory leads me to believe that the Corona Discharge observed in Kirlian optical methods would make these self assembling nanoparticles and processes more transparent and more understood than they are now. One more thing; We do know that EDTA IV is effective in cleaning up the blood and restoring normalcy. A case could be made for using or oral doses of Potassium Iodide, which is a non-toxic Ionic Binary Salt that can be used to chelate heavy metals and toxins from the blood. this should be done after 6 hours fasting and no food for 2 hours after ingestion, because the actions of the bipolar Ions I- and P+ will quckly be spent combining with minerals and nutrients in the blood. Unfortunately, I am not setup to test KI oral chelation for this purpose, but it is a simple test that can be performed both in vitro and in vivo by those scientists and doctors who are.

As for a Kirlian apparatus using a microscope, I might be able to produce such prototype apparatus that could be used safely, if some researcher was interested to use it.

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I know that Dr Mihalcea hugely prefers EDTA delivered IV as opppsed to orally, but I only had access to the latter, and took it daily for a month, last thing at night on an empty stomach, and then I took zinc/magnesium/calcium suppliments in the morning to compensate for loss of those metals. I can't really comment on effectiveness as I felt 100% healthy both before and afterwards!

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EDTA is a large molecule. It is not so easily absorbed through the intestinal wall. Once it is in the bloodstream, it is somewhat stressful on the kidneys especially when it is chelated with heavy metals and toxins. Just curious why you chose to use EDTA in that you did not have symptoms and had no way of verifying its before/after effects. This being said, while the Borax Protocol will not clear the blood as in IV EDTA, it is said that it prevents nano-particle self assembly. I have tried several times to get Dr. Mihalcea to test borax both in vitro and in vivo, but so far there has been no response. I am a bit curious about this seeming disconnect, as I am not the only one who has seen videos about borax, including an interview with one of the origional 300 scientists, most of whom have been since murdered for their knowledge about this. BTW if you search Bitchute.com and Earthclinic. Com you can find plenty if information about the Borax Protocol. Never use any borax product that is Scented and not pure.

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Thank you for your response. Regarding why I chose EDTA treatment despite having had no adverse health issues: I have come to understand that some health issues are merely 'waiting to happen', and I tend to follow advice from people who I feel have earned my trust. The Borax Protocol is something new to me.

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You might also be interested in Potassium Iodide (KI) as a Nutritional Supplement. I have used KI as a nutritional supplement and as an oral chelator for over two years, with excellent results. Here is the protocol that I developed after much research and currently use.


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That is indeed interesting, thank you, I will look into that! On a recommendation, I was taking iodine 'complex', made from natural extracts, but on another recommendation (I can't exactly remember the reason given against it) I stopped.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C


Iodine is a halogen which means 'salt former'.

Other halogens include bromine which is not considered extremely toxic, but has no known metabolic use and Chlorine which is considered toxic, yet has many known fundamental metabolic uses as in billions of cells in the body with chloride channels. Sodium chloride, which is simple table salt, is a binary salt as is potassium Iodide. Bromine is used in the production of about half of the commercially produced breads.


Also, I would like to stress the importance of being kind to your body and making dietary and lifestyle changes gradually vs. abruptly. Being kind to oneself is the first step in learning how to be kind to others. Making incremental changes and observing the effects of these changes may often seem like too slow of a process at first, but it esrablishes a solid foundation on which true health and vitality can be built.

Dr . Sircus has published numerous articles on Iodine and about Magnesium as well, that you may find interesting and enlightening..

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Also no drug resistant fungus has ever been known to resist it's effects with long term use ;)

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I actually have made a salt cell kirlian plate 6 months ago. I was just waiting for a larger HV transformer to pop up. I forgot about it. Interpretations from kirlian photography might be very interesting but not a huge deal is known about it in order to infer too much. None the less I want to try it. I have the first microscope analyzable plate built I believe. The first attempt jumped 40,000v into my camera and damaged the CCD even with insulation. Unfortunately 40,000v was not quite enough for my design so an upgrade is needed.

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I appreciate your response to my post regarding kirlian microscopy. 40,000 volts sounds like a lot, as some of the hv kirlian hv power supply kits that I looked at were in the range of 3,000 volts. The apparatus that I envisioned had the hv electrode below the microscope and the grounded electrode which is comprised of some kind of conductive salt water sandwiched between two glass plates on top of the slide with the sample. This way, the microscope, camera and the reseacher would be shielded from the hv discharge. Grounding the microscope would not be such a great idea as this makes it part of the discharge circuit. No doubt this is a tricky apparatus to design and setup safely.

In any case, 40,000 volts is way too much to expose a drop of blood to, and is, in my opinion, intended for kirkian photographs of much larger objects. If you search online, you will find inexpensive kits for kirlian hv power supplies that develop about 3,000 volts. The kits I found could easily be modified to scan a frequency range, as well, using the 12vdc part of the circuitry.. I suggest using this type of power supply if you still want to try making kirlian microscopic photographs. In any case, be careful.

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Just inquired via my gp about doing a live blood analysis at 200x magnification for me (told the doc I was looking for hydrogel filaments, quantum dot technology and/or micro dots). Not surprising, he said both the corp he works for and Mayo don’t do it. May the seed take root…

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It is not encouraged by western governance. They do not like live blood analysts. They deny that microscopy has its uses in some cases. Try telling that to Lyme patients who mostly have successfull diagnosis using dark field Egh.

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I have a friend that has suffered greatly with Lyme but can’t find help in treating it. Can you suggest a resource?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023Author

Dr Richard Horowitz does a few good books and is considered pretty high up in the LyMe healing game.

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Thank you - I shall relay that name!

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PLEASE SEE MY SPELLING OF HIS NAME AGAIN. i corrected it because i spelt it wrong before. so sorry.

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The correction has not been displayed. Is Horowitz incorrect?

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Hi Karl

I have emailed my bloods

My contact is 07739647424

UK. I woukd like to hear from you.

I am going for another live screen in November if there is anything I can do regarding sending video or more photos please let me know.

I am fascinated by blood and water and the time we are in the middle of. It’s dreadful and exciting at same time. Definitely not bland or mediocre. I feel we are on and in the early beginning of a massive shift… yes there will be casulities and it is a dark night of but … there is love and light. We can and are raising our consciousness which I believe is a frequency to what it was meant to be … might sound nuts but that’s usually the sign one is on the right track 🌸🙏

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I haven't received anything yet. I did send you a mail. Can you confirm receiving it Fiona. Also I've screen shot this post, you may wish to delete your number.

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Please send me another email if you haven’t received photos … I think email link may have closed

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You can keep my number . I hope you can give me some feedback. 🙏

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I have some extra ordinary blood samples I would like to share with you. Please send me an email address so I can forward them to you. My blood is full of them I am well in mind body and soul. I think they may be a sign . The person who screened my blood said not nano tech and she did not know what they were. I have been following yours and Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea s work and I think they are different to all slides and video pictures I have seen. I don’t think they are negative at all but fascinated to have some feedback


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Hey, i have sent you an email. I hope it finds you well. Interested in seeing your samples..


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Trying to work out how to send photos of blood on this . I don’t suppose you can send email ?

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Could you help me find someone who is prepared to comment on them ? All running a mile as it’s unknown 🤔

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Hello Dr Carl, great to hear about your work! I gave been trying ro set up similar research where I live; have left a message with Dr Ana M, and maybe soon I will be able to speak with her. Where are you based?

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Or are you conpletely set up to do the necessary blood analysis work on samples you receive by post?

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I am moving at the moment unfortunately. One has also has to be careful with offering microscopy services on blood in the UK due to their rules. It's great you managed to get yours looked at.

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I haven't yet managed to get mine looked at yet! I am from the UK but I don't live there; I live in Romania, eastern Europe. I've been trying to set up something up here similar to what Dr Mihalcea is doing; I know a couple of medics here who might (in theory) come on board, but it would take a while to get anything going. I myself have no medical background whatsoever, but I have the motivation and maybe I can get some funding...

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I think following one of Dr Ana's courses might do you well. She offers good training from what I told. Respect for your curiosity in this field of useful medicine.

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I think I would like to follow one Dr Ana's courses (assuming my complete lack of medical training until now would not be an obstacle). But on her dranamihalcea com website it still says "Courses Coming Soon". I might actually be willing to learn microscopy from scratch if I have to...

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It is worth learning. Do have a search online for others. But do some research and confirm it is not one of those dodgy companies.

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This sounds good, the more merrier as they say. Thanks for the title but I'll have to just take Karl without the Dr lol. Where are you based?

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Hi, Karl!

I wonder, what kind of microscopy you were employing when producing these very pictures?

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Hi Zev, I used Polarised light, bright field, and UV at 410nm. Also scanning laser microscopy and dark field on other occasions.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Thank you Karl! There is something I would like to share with you regarding the choice of equipment you might be very interested in. It could potentially be a game changer Please, let me know. Mine is levin_z@yahoo.com

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Responded to you via email! Thanks

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Please let us all know so if there’s a certain type of microscope out there we should strive for, we get the right one!

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What's your best guess on what the ribbons found in blood are made of?

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First my apologies if this has been answered in previous posts, I am new to all of this. Has Ivermectin been used by those suffering with this horror? Or any of the drugs found to be helpful against the vax? My thought is they may share similar characteristics. Thank you.

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Hi, about blood clots: there are plastic eating worms ; could we use their enzymes to disolve them?

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl.C

I believe Lumbrokinase is worm based and can be used in place of Nattokinase to dissolve fibrin in clots.

Nattokinase is from the Natto plant, and is soy based(from Japan). Those that are restricted from soy should use Lumbrokinase.

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Men should not eat soy since it is heavy in estrogen. It destroys men and their testosterone. The idea of any extra worms in me is scary. I wouldn't trust it lol

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I believe soy along with corn are two of the most heavily treated products with glyphosate.

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