Has anyone tried oregano oil?

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Fungus are easily treated with antibiotics…. Worth trying!

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Author

Unfortunately the largest amount of fungus is not well treated by antibiotics. They do make a few that work somewhat against a few. But azoles and antifungals are the usual route for best success. Slime mold and amoeba like fungus are a different beast too. Some eat some bacteria. Orange and grapefruit whites are the only thing I've found to inhibit the growth of dicty so far, so I hope its not dicty, but I feel it is. Maybe that's why a slime Mold may have been used here, very durable. Hope you are well Danyele!!!

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I knew a farmer in Queensland that hated chemicals so found alternatives when able.

He used (extensively)Colloidal silver for his fungus control on all his crops (fruit and veg).

I'm wary of the metals and c60 for obvious reasons but my speculation of potential risks aren't necessarily an actual concern.

Full disclosure I've used all three in my protocols at times.

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Building on this comment, Karl have you used nano silver in conjunction with Boron?

a natural antiviral anti-fungal combo from Cliff Carnicom's colleague:

https://www.terral03.com = for Nano Silver-Sodium Borate regimen - additionally....

Earth Clinic: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax.html

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/Borax

Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor: https://www.brighteon.com/12948cfd-4c05-4352-bbef-f21c6fa8ffa1

Morgellons Disease Treatment: https://www.brighteon.com/f0038520-18a7-4fc8-b60a-bf68c81896e1

How to Mix, Use and Store Your Nano Silver: https://www.brighteon.com/0a11df24-30c0-4756-bb44f-9335fc928ab3

A natural safe, effective alternative to Pharma antibiotics: https://youtube.com/watch?v=loxFckpUq44

20Mule Team Borax is 99+ % pure sodium borate

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Interesting alternatives. Thank you!

Many links to videos are no longer available…

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I’m good. Thanks for asking!

Do you eat the white of grapefruit and lemons (= quercetine)? Here is a recipe for a higher concentration that can be frozen because the liquid does not keep more than a week in the fridge:


Thymol essential oil: « It is one of the main compounds of thyme essential oil. Both thymol and thyme essential oil have long been used in traditional medicine as expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, and antiseptic agents, mainly in the treatment of the upper respiratory system. » Thymol has clinically proven anti-cancer properties.


Wormwood (Artemesia, absinthe) is an immune system booster (beware of its antipyretics side effects) and antiparasitic:


Eastern people say only Death is stronger than Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) seeds infusions or oil, which also contains thymoquinone:



Hoping this will be of some help to you and others.

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This is great info to share with people indeed. I used to make qeurcetin this way but found it did not work as well as qeurcetin complex. it seemes to be much more bio available with bromelain.. i took wormwooh for a while as artemesia tea, this helped remove some lyme co-infections. omg it tasted soooo bitter lol.

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You are right for those products and they have an awful taste! However, they were of some help for me.

Thyme taste about the same to me, but nigella is ok. I only have started a nigella treatment last week, so I’ll see if I get some relief within the next months. Natural medicines usually take some time to be effective.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Karl.C

Have you tried wormwood?

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i have a while back. it was good for babesia i think at that time. I had lyme co-infections.

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Sorry but antibiotics and antifungals have done nothing for me. I have Aspergillus fumigatus and have been on augmenting, clarythromiacin and now almost 12 months doxycycline. I've also had 2 weeks itraconazole antifungal that made me so I'll and set me back further. It's affected my ability to walk, breath and I just going to the loo wipes me out. I've heard many Aspergillosis patients now being tried on Co trimoxaxole as they have found that there are many of us who are not responding to azolls.

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Thats why i mentioned SSKI, studies have shown how NO FUNGUS can resist it so far. How ever its a slower healing process. I need to find those papers again when i get time. There are many many studies stating that same thing. Im going to start it again myself. I honestly dont think the Aspergilis everyone is talking about right now is normal aspergillis and we know that many have weakened or dysfunctional immune systems with science studies coming forward and talking about children with VAIDS (Vaccine induced AIDS). This is now being found in many children as the studies showed in someone else's post here on substack the other day. When will they ever tell their patients ? Probably never.

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What is SSKI?

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Potassium iodide 70% saturated solution.

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Have you tried binders? What about okra?Okra is great for binding mold.

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I love okra, don't get it here. Grew it in the USA and it was tasty. Thanks for the idea!

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blown away once again by your information and visuals. Since you've mentioned dicty ive seen much of my personal specimens looking very similar, i may even have the whole life cycle or close. working on putting the info together. very thankful for your extensive knowledge and visuals and most of all you sharing that at this critical time, Invaluable information

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Hey Kim, nice. Youll have to show me the cycles if you think you see them too. I saw you were looking into it. Its all crazy stuff. I might go back to eating fruit peels again to see if it helps.

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yes, will share what I can put together for sure,. You eat the whole peel, or just the white? Ive tried boiling them but not actually eating the peels themselves. Far too crazy this crap and so many different things in the mix its all ridiculous and infuriating!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Karl.C

We badly need a protocol that works. Please try some stuff and look at your blood BEFORE and AFTER and post your results. That's what we need right now.

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Unfortunately for specific pathogens or organisms your best hope is to identify them first. You could be there for a thousand years till you find 1 thing it can't with stand. Detoxers, binders, chelators are all a lot easier to find and test in a dish, and on ones self if known to be safe. But actual complex organisms of hardy fungus nature can be much trickier to kill. Many fungus go into a protective state when threatened. Really we want to kill, or inactivate until they have been flushed out over time. Sski should affect it maybe, but that's a slow treatment indeed. Some azoles, ivermectin, etc, affect fungus and ameoba like organisms also.

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Thank you gani, sorry i was busy recently.

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Hey Karl, bit random you're good at tech.

Too expensive but do you think it would be useful?


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Looks like a hoax too me. Nothing like a real RIFE machine. Not powerful enough and even the coils look like pseudo science stuff. Fancy shaped coils don't work as well as tesla coils and standard helmholtz coils. Mopa and GB4000 is the closest I've seen to good on the market. RIFE used a lot of power, these people are using almost none.

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Thanks mate. My brother in laws an electrician and works on the huge trains hauling iron ore. Unfortunately even though he's vaxx damaged he's not interested, yet anyway.

I contacted a german company but it was out of my ability to afford.

The offer is still there mate, I'd buy a unit off you ;)

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Thank you brother. Unfortunately I got distracted from the build and went to microscopy matters more so right now. Rife will help disease for sure, but I don't think it will help our more pressing issue with the tech right now. It seems to complicated for Rife to take it out without knowing everything about it. I'm sorry about your brother, I have family too who are I'll and now scared of vacccciness. I think this next wave of lies will be one to wreak real terror unfortunately.

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All good mate, we're all following our hearts. To move the mountain you need shovels and we're all digging from a different spot.

Meet you in the middle if not before

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Indeed, I think we need those giant quarry type machines for digging right now though

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I'm lucky, I just look at my feet and keep stepping forward. Life finda a way and we are all made of life.

If not you, not me or any of the other thousands of people like us, someone will discover a way.

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Unfortunately, I can see it in my blood test also. Thanks Karl for your fantastic work!

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Have you taken ivermectin?

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