Information regarding Sodium Citrate
Previous discovery that SC removes large quantities of tech has shown to be a positive experience for most. Here are some follow on details and info.

Here is the link to the discovery I made less than a month ago.
Lots of people have been digging up the dirt on Sodium Citrate. How does it work, How much should one take, are there side effects, and is there anything better. Well, we have a whole bunch of interesting info on this here. Also, is it better than EDTA, DMSA, NAC, etc, at removing the toxic materials we want gone? We will delve in to what is being noticed so far.
BEFORE CONTINUING - It has been a continued effort to make clear that these findings so far are observational and that nothing on this site is medical advice!!!!!!
It is a project in the works for experienced and qualified people to elaborate on. No responsibilty is accepted for those who choose to try any of the natural, and non-drug products being researched here.
That being said there should be no responsibility in researching the use of products already proven to be safe by industry and certainly not products which are deemed safe to consume as a food product anyway of course.
Several interesting points regarding safety using Sodium Citrate are known.
Using the WEBMD interactions tool online and various other tools we see no known contraindications with any drugs so far as we can tell, however always check against any medication you may be taking to be sure. Sodium Citrate is not a drug remember, it is a food product used for many purposes in the food industry, found in small amounts in fruits, and often as a food additive. Its safety under certain quantities is well established for over 100 years.
A clever chemistry scientist in our network noticed a product which has been in use for over 100 years and quotes safe use in doses up to 20gm’s a day. This product is Andrew’s Liver Salts. It contains Sodium Citrate in larger amounts than any product found anywhere else and for such reason is a good port for historic information and as a point of data reference regarding the safe use of Sodium Citrate. It does have some other parts in the mix and over the 100+ years some fairly mild indications have been noted with this product.
A section from the information on Andrew’s Liver salts provided at this link:
A few notes from the site. There are other sites which display similar info.
4.3 Contraindications
Patients with impaired hepatic and renal function.
This product is contraindicated in patients with a prior hypersensitivity reaction to magnesium sulphate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, citric acid or any other ingredient of the preparation.
Persons on a sodium restricted diet e.g. those suffering from hypertension or congestive heart failure, should not use this product unless directed by a doctor.
We already know that some people with liver and kidney issues have had problems taking Sodium Citrate due to the amount of junk Sodium Citrate reduces and removes from the body. Those people have reported they are seeking liver and kidney cleansing options with a support protocol to increase function before trying Sodium Citrate at lower doses again. It may not be an option for all, but for people without these issues we have seen extremely positive results that have puzzled many of us due to the rather broad range of serious symptoms that have been being resolved rather rapidly for those individuals who shared their experience.
Another extract here implies that any interaction with medicines is minimal and that only drug delivery specifics may be be affected to records knowledge so far. Always assume this could be wrong with anything !
4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
Magnesium sulphate, in common with other magnesium salts, may interfere with the absorption of tetracycline and alkalinisation of the urine may modify excretion of drugs for which the excretion is pH sensitive.
The acid neutralizing capacity of the product may alter the absorption profile of pH specific drugs given concomitantly.
Sodium Citrate benefits (Very Impressive) according to many studies such as:
Mitochondrial function improvement
anticoagulation of whole blood
Reduction and removal of harmful agents and toxins
Chelation of calcium
Regulation of acidosis
Anti-tumor action
The list is rather large so lets stick to a few examples here, more can be found online in peer reviewed databases.
Providing useful tips on the use of citrate for the treatment of tumors.
DRUG BANK - Sodium Citrate uses and method of action
Citrate – new functions for an old metabolite
Citrate Induces Apoptotic Cell Death: A Promising Way to Treat Gastric Carcinoma?
Sodium citrate and anaerobic performance
Citrate salts for preventing and treating calcium containing kidney stones in adults
The search for benefits using sodium Citrate is rather lengthy so i will end the catalogue there, but you get the point. And if you read ALL the papers linked here already you will see rather surprising effects on body function and impact on many diseases. Do read more online, it is rather exciting.
The next Question, is EDTA, Sodium CItrate, or DMSA?
EDTA and Sodium Citrate have the ability to pull out different unwanted nasties. each does not have the same properties or methods of action as other. EDTA seems worth the occasional use going by its ability to chelate and it is more of a chelator than a reducer like sodium Citrate which can only chelates calcium.
EDTA is too expensive for most people to take via IV and it certainly doesn’t reach the blood brain barrier either, no evidence that it can exists yet anyway.
Most of us are having cognitive decline and neuro-degeneration issues which EDTA can maybe reduce the effects of very slightly but cannot approach the brain where much help is needed it would seem, we need to cleanse the whole body and gain cognitive benefits too in my opinion.
Sodium Citrate on the other hand can reach the blood brain barrier and this has reflected in those who have given positive feedback so far. My relief was rather instant and a good friend with neuro-degenerative disease began speaking more fluently since, which was rather unexpected for both of us.
Sodium Citrate is cheap, can be taken orally, and possibly has better ability to remove some elements of the technology vs EDTA. I cannot confirm that but have been told Sodium Citrate provided cognitive benefits that EDTA did not. Also it seems after Sodium Citrate use we see very cloudy urine with lots of sediment that appears to revert back to complex constructive processes after some time on the slide, so we know what this sediment material is since we can see it via microscopy and given a little time for it to reorder itself.
The chelation of calcium is thought to be possibly beneficial since many have been experiencing bone, hair, and tooth loss. Deposits of calcium may have ended up in other places of the body due to the nano-tech/synthetic biology technology and seem to be bringing misplaced calcium into the blood before it is also urinated out. I feel this is likely correct since now i have less wearing of my teeth, my hair seems to grow faster and darker again, and i feel stronger in all my joints. So we are still looking to figure that one out.
DMSA is a no brainer since it has much higher toxicity itself and also does not reach the blood brain barrier. One specialist said she used it for years before discontinuing it for these reasons. It is just a tool they were taught to default to and experience has shown them better options over time.
There are many options for chelation and reduction, But most of them which have such great ability to do so are synthetic and rather complex. In most of those cases there are toxicity and other implications such as high cost too.
Potassium Citrate, magnesium Citrate, and Methylene blue do not seem to posses any of the same major effects that Sodium Citrate did so far. In fact I could not see any positive effect with the first two mentioned that was seen using the Sodium Citrate, neither add to blood on a slide, nor taken orally.
I am searching for other safe and natural solutions that might be superior, or to use in combination. We can see it removes larger materials and dot like structures rather well, but it does seem that sodium Citrate seems to reach most of the body including the brain, and when it does that material ends up in the blood before hitting the organs which will try to remove it. How much is already in a person is not yet known, but we do see large amounts of the horrible material coming back in to the body via water, food, and many other sources.
The last few posts show that our own body seems to be producing some of these materials via some kind of alteration to our biology as also highlighted using scientific evidence by the great Clifford Carnicom.
The blood cells breakdown after time and dots seem to be created in those cells and cells are also created separately from masses of other foreign material in the blood. Essentially the fact many of us have gotten back our bodily function and the use of our brain to some degree surely shows very positive action and also indicates the theory above to possibly be correct .
There may be very large amounts of this foreign material in places like the brain. We already see studies showing concentrations of the vaccine material in sexual reproductive organs, the heart, the lungs, and the brain. These are all highly electrically active parts of the body and we know that this material is stimulated by several factors including light and electrical energy.
Michael Merrick, and myself have both produced electrical experiments previously showing some of the behavior of this material under low currents. We did not expect the results we had gotten using slightly different visual techniques to Clifford Carnicom who was our original inspiration, but the results were shocking to observe. See old posts on this on my substack.
I have stuck to taking 3-4 grams of Sodium Citrate twice a day mostly, others have been trying different amounts split differently through out the day. Some have had issues due to poor kidney and liver function prior to the major cleansing of these materials. There is no set rule for anyone, only data showing safe uses for most up to 20grams a day depending on there current body function. Some see great difference after half a teaspoon within hours, some see no huge notable difference without much higher amounts. Some have seen little benefit for 3 or 4 days where others see it rapidly. Some are seeing cloudy urine after use with the material coming at as lots of white sediment, while others are seeing thick gels too, and large structures. Some are leaving their urine to sit or taking samples to look at days or weeks later and seeing very active nanotechnology structures forming and lighting up. For these reasons it is hard to give anyone the facts beyond simple data at this point, and it is a rather large responsibility without the funding and bodies to help do so.
I cannot profess to know everything about how this works or what is happening so far, i can only refer to what we have seen, what we know about Sodium Citrate and its reducing properties, and the responses from people coming back to myself, David Nixon, and various other chains who have been trying to observe the effects.
It has been a good experience so far, but there will always be those who do not respond well to something most others do. And it is for this reason that none of us offer our findings as medical advice of any kind.
We offer it as personal research that remains open to others experience’s who believe themselves to be of the criteria to do such testing and make their own observations.
People get excited and want you to know as much as huge organiations sometimes don’t about their products apparently…lol, or I mean they want data for which we could not possibly produce without the facilities and funding to do so.
As a person like any other who is looking for solutions I do what i can, within my ability and facility access to do so. I do it on a shoe string and with living with problems of my own.
I would add a PS at the end that we are looking at a second agent that probably doesn't work as well but is better tolerated for all.
I would like to invest in some more lab equipment such as a spectrophotometer and other tools for now. Please consider supporting our ability to do so by donating with KO-FI below.
Thank you all! And please make sure to read the next follow on post.
Congratulations, Bravo, Well Done!!!
Karl; I know you and a lot of people have been working on this and so many other Solutions. On behalf of myself and the rest of the Great Unwashed we wish to extend our Thanks and Gratitude👍🤣😎
A few important comments - bone, teeth and hair loss are a result of RADIATION POISONING . This technology is radiation-based meaning people that have the tech in their system are walking wireless receivers and transmitters. This is why they are having trouble with their bones, teeth and hair. It is IMPERATIVE for those who have a load of this tech in their body to get rid of wireless devices in their homes and go back to safe and sane wired technology.
FYI - both wireless and ultrasonic radiation wreak havoc with the calcium signaling of the body. According to the work of Dr. Martin Pall, a reaction with what is known as "voltage-gated calcium channels" occurs and a flood of calcium enters into the cells causing a variety of neuropsychiatric issues including exhaustion, depression, memory problems, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
View the work of Dr. Martin Pall here:
And see here to understand that the evil ones are DELIBERATELY messing with calcium signaling in order to control brain circuitry and impulses:
It would be good if people would consider reading my book to better understand what I am saying here. All of my books have been banned by Amazon and can only be found on my website here:
Under the circumstances, it seems to me that any product that helps move excess calcium out of the body is a good thing.
To deal with calcium deposits like kidney and gallbladder stones, chanca piedra might be a better option.