Myself, David Nixon, and others wish to reveal the very thing i discovered recently. It has shown incredible results via visual urine analysis and by recovery.
I can't tell you how much your research and this article means to me. I'm literally crying as I type this. You are giving us all a gift of hope that can't be underestimated at a time when many of us have lived without that for so long now we forgot it exists or is possible.
I'm an old woman with various serious health issues who is dying regardless of this tech, but I have also zero doubt the tech is inside me (I believe it's now in everyone. No, I don't have a microscope..I'm almost fully blind so it'd be useless to me anyway) and my days have increasingly become more difficult to deal with thanks to being constantly shed on and having been the unwilling recipient of PCR tests necessary to receive med care for a bad fall a couple years ago.
Please understand I would never in any way hold you responsible for anything that happens because I *will* be trying this out of desperation and hope. I'm not so stupid as to do that. I accept sole responsbility for my own actions and consequences arising from them.
If it's any help I'll type out any noticable effects, if that will help anyone towards any research?
I also just want to say a quick note on buying sodium citrate. These days most of us use Amazon, yes? The past couple of years I've been having trouble obtaining good quality supplements via Amazon. No matter which company supplies them, it seems Amazon does the packing and delivery. Invariably things come here tampered with...jars that have been opened, supplement tubs likewise,,, and we have given up ordering food items because they always arrived damaged, tainted or tampered with in some way.
Can I suggest purchasing straight from manufacturers if that is possible? Because, speaking personally, I haven't trusted Amazon for a long time.
To all of you working on this, you are heroes, no doubt about it. I know you didn't want to jump the gun and probably truly wanted more time to research but given how many of us have been giving you the "are we there yet?" you have provided the information and research for us to use or not.
That is free will...another thing rapidly disappearing in today's dystopian world.
Here's one old woman who can't thank you enough.
My life is foreshortened anyway. That I don't have a long future ahead of me is a certainty. But this gives me hope I can spend what's left of it in better bodily comfort than I currently have.
I am so sorry that i am struggling to catch up with all these beautiful posts. I am so happy to be involved in what i do. I used to hate it, but now i feel the reward more than the inconvenience of it consuming my life. Thank you so much !
I am an old woman with health problems too. I am as hopeful as you are that I can repair some of the damage which keeps me housebound. I am keeping a close eye on these reports and results before rushing to buy anything. I am concerned that my kidneys and liver are likely to be quite stressed purely because they have served nearly 72 years hard labour already!
Fingers firmly crossed for a genuine breakthrough for all our sakes!
SEE research on oral Hydrogen Peroxide for COPD. one lady had a tank and she nebulized with a solution i made at 1.25% to saline. But she said screw that the oral solution was far more affective and she had never been so relieved in years. There are clinics specializing in h202 for COPD now. ;) enjoy your google search H202 and COPD. good luck.
I put food grade peroxide 35% and distilled water in a mister, and it helps a lot with breathing issues/colds etc. Many have cured cancers too using the oral route. Oxygenation therapy is expensive when done in a clinical setting , but we can do it ourselves using it these ways I mentioned above.
I have 50% peroxide, because my trade in life was as an animal hide tanner. Although I no longer work I still have all my tools and suchlike. I use an oxygen machine at home which has a nebuliser and am wondering if I can figure out the ratio of peroxide to distilled water I could use it in that. Thanks for your comment. :)
Quercetine got one old lady I know off her oxygen. In two weeks she was leaving her oxygen in the car instead of dragging it behind her. She was playing outside chasing her great grandkids. I had no idea when I suggested it to her as she had no color but gray in her face and barely breathing, that it would change her life. She takes one twice daily w/ food. ALL NATURAL product. Opens the lungs, great cardiovascular
I wish I had known about that before. Both my mom and a friend passed from COPD. It's just awful. Sorry to hear you have it too Frances. Hope the H202 can help you.
I have subbed back (it was the "banned" that did it, lol). COPD sucks, eh? But we are still here, still fighting, despite them. I'm not usually this optimistic but the fact there are people actually trying to find ways to deal with this horror is a wonderful thing. I'd begun to believe everyone was content to just talk their way into Humanity's Extinction Event.
do you believe this treatment/flush helps with COPD? My father suffers from COPD, quite severely, on oxygen, and going downhill at a fast rate in the last couple of years.. He smoked a lot for many years, quit in early 2000's but apparently too late to the party
I'm no medically trained person but I do have severe COPD (and also on oxygen every evening) but I can't help but believe that relieving the body of the harm they've dumped into us can only help any underlying issues, because it will give our overloaded systems a much needed break from fighting *that* off. Only my opinion though, but I do believe it. Sympathies for your Dad. I'm old now but in my youth I too smoked heavily. Brought it on myself, not denying it. Quit fifteen years ago but too late to find out that the damage we do to our bodies when we're young and fit enough to bounce back accrues over time and takes "revenge" in our old age. Hoping for the best for your Dad.
Trinity Nutra Lab is the only one I trust that sells 35% food Grade peroxide. Soon the gov. will stop them from selling it. Others sell lower % FGP. Also they use scare tactics saying a woman died. I saw this on you tube a few years back. I know so many people with breathing issues who are doing better or no longer have problems and or cancers. FGP raises the PH in our body. Cancer and other diseases thrive in acid environments, low PH blood. Also, FGP is known to kill cancer on the spot, as seen under a microscope, and of course, they have known this for decades.
Yes it is mold. You breathe Aspegillis niger, Alternaria, Cheatomium Globbosum, and many other common molds with every breathe you take. A 0.2%, or say 1% amount for vague example getting through your products is likely not going to be noticed over what you inhale and eat in food. i have seen no Aspergillis in my supplement sample yet so i am not worried. These are extracts from the material created by organisms. Not the organisms themselves. ;)
Try this product, a friend sent me a video about it few days ago. It contains nano zeolite and it was successful in removing graphene , nano tech and micro plastics. It's called MasterPeace and it comes it a dropper bottle. Here is the link
Had you hovered over my name you would have seen that I am British. No I have not had urinalysis done in at least a decade, maybe more. The NHS may be socialised but it is not the kind of system in which we demand tests. We present to our General Practitioner and we describe our symptoms, when we are ill. He then decides what tests to run, which consultants to send us to and what to prescribe. As I have ZERO respect for allopathy my visits to my GP have been rarer than chicken teeth.
I visited my doc last Thursday complaining of inability to pass water and constipation. He arranged a blood test and gave me a prescription for painkillers and Macrogol. I took one Macrogol, ran a helluva temperature and became tearful. That muck is a petroleum bi-product called PEG that we hear a lot about lately. I eat entirely organic! Can you imagine what allopathic toxic trash did to me?
On Friday night I was up all night dry heaving and farting mucus into the loo.
Perhaps, as he writes...Begin in the 'Shallow End' of the Pool of Risk to allow the Liver and Kidney's some respite as we older crew can do most things we always did. The ole bod just needs more recovery time and a bit of mercy just as our souls. Have no doubt this is effective and sounds as though 1.5 g 4X's per day may be a better answer for some than his 3, 4, 5 g dose BID.
I, too, think this sounds promising and suspected the cure for all these poisons to be something simple as the Psychopaths do not fear for their own families or selves as they stomp all over the world in their Giant CO2 FOOTPRINTS expounding upon their superiority and rationalizing Global War backed by the Demon of Greed for both weath and Absolute Power.
Really good points, many thanks. I agree 100% about the fact the globalists unleashed this upon the world, and by now it's clear it does transmit and affect us all, everyone, whether it's by infection re the injected or the constant spraying or a combination, yet even they, psycophatic and evil as they, would surely not unleash something that would rebound on them and theirs. So there must be, somewhere, an antidote, a buffer, a cure.
Even mother snakes leave their eggs unmolested after laying them and sharks have no appetite following hatching their eggs internally for at least 24 hrs.
Even the most violent creatures on Earth are predisposed towards successful reproduction...
Including the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits...For the most part.
Just saw a documentary about a buddy of Jeffrey Epstein; Canadian Fashion Designer Peter Nygard. He's a man who used to impregnate young women and took them for abortions after 7 months gestation. After the murders in the womb; he scrambled up all into liquid to be consumed by him...For his own immortality/longevity.
Think that must be one of the most evil things ever heard.
I'd say I was shocked re Nygard but sadly, nothing shocks me these days. Discovering the extent to which the elites want us all dead or enslaved was enough of a mindbender to immobilise me for a long time. It took hard focusing on my husband and daughter needing me to snap out of that. In the book Watership Down (it's about rabbits :) ) there's a term for a rabbit caught in the headlights...thrawn, meaning frozen in fear. That's what I was.
One thing that strikes me being alive at this time is that yes, we're in the most danger Humanity has ever been in imo. But should we survive this (collective we, I won't) then we will have such a glorious chance to truly make our world a better place. I know that's a cliche but it's also a truth. The more scum rises to the surface, the easier it is to get rid of it.
Frozen in Fear; 'Cognitive Dissonance' is common in 'Social Anomie' which is what many have been experiencing and overcoming these last three years. At least you're one who had the courage to confront your own condition and NOT stick your head in the sand pretending all was continuing on as normal.
Was with Serial Psychopaths throughout a career; intimately...Professionally. Unlike you, still have a capacity for shock with the horror evil perpetrates. Sometimes, it's not difficult for me to imagine even Satan/Lucifer to be appalled with the evil some humans enact.
We aren't standing for ourselves...It's our children and Grandchildren's Birthright to live Inalienable Rights in Freedom. Perhaps, they'll do a much better job than we as the evil is in the open instead of hidden away in the grass...Ready to strike as has happened these last three or so years.
If Nygard was doing this, you can bet he learned from someone, or something, else in the Cabal and he was not the only one doing it and that it is still being done by many others...
No doubt about it with all this fascinating yet evil technology acquired over all these years the evil hid as they planned their Coup to depopulation and enslave the world. Almost too much to stomach...Literally. Praying hardly helps to tolerate knowing innocents suffer so...
"Praying hardly helps to tolerate knowing innocents suffer so.."
The thing is not enough praying is being done! THAT IS THE PROBLEM..The church' is deadly silent. Christians, instead of warfare praying, are shopping...
And when they do open their mouth, they often don't even know how to pray. The disciples were given authority over all of this evil, but instead of exercising it in 2020, the churches closed on command!.. showing themselves to be useless, powerless, faithless. It's not that prayer is ineffective.. It's that people are not using the tools given to us. I do and continue to pray and see miracles on a daily basis.
My son and I just prayed. And we expect to see miracles here.. we need them!
amazon no. but I get the drift. Amazon is a NWO company and is most likely into gangstalking and v2k and other forms of torment and trying to depopulate us all...
Bezos is like a Trillionaire so yeah he can kill and get away with it.
We'd be wise never to order anything from Amazon ever. I know Starbuck's is owned by Bates, but it seems the coffee has won over our survival instincts. If only we all cared enough to look up and see what's going on. REDRUM!
Yes the powerful 'elites' may be able to kill 'with impunity', but there will be a day of reckoning; the Judgement Day, which they won't be able to escape or buy their way out of...
Swansons is a USA company (250 employees) who has several run ins with the FDA... instigated by big pharmaceuticals.
I am appalled that they would be controlled by any pharmaceutical company... I have and still rely on Swanson products.
It is true that they use pharmaceutical grade products in some of their manufacturing processes.. but this is a stand alone company with 40 depots worldwide... with very high standards.
Hi, I’m just reading old posts, and see your concern with Swansons. I have seen a chart as to who owns who, I last saw it on vigilant fox. I did see Swansons are owned by big pharma or big food.
I’m sorry I can’t show that chart, I can’t find it, but a search of vigilant fox should find it.
I take MMS, Dmso and now sodium citrate and methylene blue. I supplement that with Nac, glutathione,quercetin, vitC, fulvic acid,metaphor, liquid zeolite. Iodine.
Healthwise I have no known illnesses other than brain fog. First taking SC at 5mg for 8 days and found it bring on the brain fog. Yesterday started on 4.5gm. Again it brought on the brain fog but lasted a shorter period. Will keep at it and see what happen later.
On my 4th wk now at 5gm X2. Brain fog has improved by 80%. Big relief. Will keep going till it's all cleared. After, do we do maintenance or keep as it is..
If you don't want to buy ready-made sodium citrate online you can also just make it at home, all you need is a stove and a few ingredients that are very easy to find.
Nice of you to wonder. I finally ordered the stuff from a reputable manufacturer. (My own batch was a total loss). I took it yesterday for the 1st time ever. Is extreme diarrhea unusual? Only once (thank goodness).. today was no reaction and frankly my dear - I'm feeling great! (have been doing other things to clean up shop, like Oregano Oil, and Black Walnut Oil, intermittently between MMS days. These things cured me of something.. I don't know what, but I'd had malaise for a few weeks. It's gone.
I haven't bought from Amazon in many years. These days, so many companies from China selling their stuff. Nothing wrong with that per se, but why not buy directly from the source if you can figure it out. There are many companies out there that sell nutritional supplements. Why put money into Bezo's already overflowing pockets. He ain't exactly the 'good guy.'
Thank you for sharing that...sympathizing with you, as almost the same as you. Suffering for decades with their silent torture techniques. Just trying to find ANY way of some relief. Praying for all who are suffering, and I am now actually glad that my life is close to the finish line. God will take care of those who are doing this to due time. Our suffering will end, but theirs never will. And, if you know the Lord, as the apostle Paul said, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." THEY LOSE, WE WIN!!!" BLESSINGS TO all fellow sufferers, and praying for relief and healing. And giving thanks to all who are working so hard to find help. Pray for them, that our enemies cannot stop them or harm them any more than they already have. Pray for their protection, as we all do what our Lord Jesus said: "Who will speak up for me against the evildoers?" And that we are to expose them. THANK YOU ALL WHO ARE STEADFASTLY DOING SO! OUR GOD REIGNS!!!
I've read what Karl said in his first post when he shared his finding. I then read comments about him holding back due to monetization. The joke here is he told us all for free and has done so early. Monetization is the key here. He had to share now because the cost of getting monies to do full research isn't there. Trust me, I've worked and fund raised for some of the biggest names in my younger days. He's given you the name and he's asked you to be responsible and make your own judgements by providing you links and so forth. I'm writing this because of qs in the comments. Karl showed an image of the brand he used. It's up to us to find a brand and trust it. Due to his obvious lack of funds we could help him by writing our brand, dosage and improvement or decline in health. This helps us all help each other. Anyone can pee in a cleen jar and let others know the colour and if possible to lid it and note changes over 3 days. Each and everyone of us here are the answer. Share this Substack with everyone and everywhere. It might attract a larger force and we will power. I know so many are hooked on meth blue but that's fine if your full of harmful bacteria and will do Jack sh** for nano tech. I spent today looking again. In 1991 I gave birth to a child that did not make white blood cells. Through begging labs he trialed treatments. I take blood seriously and it's all the fund raising and working with research labs I understand Karl and team are just at the start here. That's why I know that he will need serious funds to buy some basic lab equipment to figure out refining and safety of this products. I'm gonna assume it's gonna need to be combined to make it slow release with something that is not gonna effect the product effects. If we assume money is the hold back then please let us share our results. The food product is available in every county. I noted some countries as little as 2 dollars but the postage was 50 to 100 dollars. So the next step was to find the product made each country I looked at. Names vary but Google had the info. The price was under five dollars with postage. So please search and share country and price.
Karl can you create a page that is just for us to share results and one for our purchases so that we can help move the research along?
Fascinating findings, Karl. Very well written summary with the appropriate cautions. We live in a one-size-fits-none environment, essentially the exact inverse of the jab doctrine. So I find your cautious optimism very refreshing and sensible. Well done.
Thank you for your tremendous contributions towards a better humanity, based on the principle of mutuality - instead of this demented psychopathic mess of our "controllers" - I already added your discovery to the section about detoxing in the "encyclopedia of resistance" :
You can make sodium citrate yourself on the stove with water, Vitamin C and sodium bicarbonate. They use it for making cheese sauces so there are a ton of recipes online for it.
Also alpha linoleic acid and sodium citrate are used in the production of nanospheres and ALA is also a chelator that crosses the blood brain barrier so it may help too.
Organic hemp oil pills are one of the best sources of ALA and easily obtained. My wife and I have been taking 2g of hempseed oil pills a day for a few years now... that and glutathione were the first things I took after we realized we had gotten the shedding magnetism. Or maybe thats what stopped it.
I dont work there or anything but I got mine in bulk from
Good thinking, we were talking about the methods of sourcing at home and other stuff. So it is good to be thinking this way as long as the end product is the same
The last part of the process of making SC is to evaporate all the water, it has to be dried out completely in order to store it. If by "fresh" you mean the solution that you get after the sodium bicarbonate has reacted with the citric acid (which is sodium citrate and water), technically you could, but it makes it harder to dose it, and you can't store it properly, so it's a bad idea. I see no benefit at all in doing that, since evaporating it only takes about 20 minutes, and then you can weigh the sodium citrate and store it without any worry.
Not only is that a great answer.. so logical... I'm sitting here stirring my first batch of Sodium Citrate and decided to look at my phone... since the stirring process is so extended. And I got your answer and i'm delighted! Thank you very much!
Congratulations ! You're welcome. Use very low heat when you're doing the evaporation, a spatula is really useful for that part because the sodium citrate can easily stick to the bottom of the saucepan.
I recently stumbled across info that some people are emitting a mac address when using a bluetooth scanner. I thought this was a hoax so with the intention of disproving it, I installed Bluetooth Scanner OS on my iphone and started scanning myself and my neighbourhood. I scanned one child at a bus stop and he emitted an unregistered mac OS address to my shock. I scanned another woman and her dog in a field with no one around. Only the woman was emitting two unregistered mac addresses. Another woman and her dogs that I scanned did not emit an unregistered mac address.
If some people are emitting a mac address signal as self scanned through an app, it would be interesting to scan them everyday to see if the signal still stays intact.
I'm a skeptic and am hoping for a different understanding of these mac addresses. Please forward me to people knowledgeable in this field.
I've done the same. I've picked up nearly 400 MAC addresses in a grocery store on one day. I would say about 95% of them are unknown. If you really want to test it, go out to a cemetery and scan fresh graves because they're still emitting a BT signal.
I did end up going to a cemetery to respectfully scan dead people (a new low place in my life lol) and had inconclusive results.
As I've learnt from other experts, most of the unknown addresses are part of mesh networks and are expected. Since most of the cemetary was too close to vehicles, houses or utilites, I picked up those unknown and expected mac addresses from mesh networks. If I had access to a recent burial in a very large cemetery, this may have given me a positive result.
A well controlled experiment in a large field with people controlled for no technology is the experiment I would like to repeat as shown in Bluetruth documentary.
I live in a rural area. There are cemeteries out here with nothing nearby for miles. The closest little town is a 20-minute drive. No houses, cars, or people out at the cemeteries for the most part. If you get a chance try to find one on Google Earth and head out there. I thought it was a bunch a nonsense until I was able to pick them up. I'm using a BT Scanner by Zoltan Pallagi. You'll know when you're getting closer to the signal when the RSSI dBm drops low. The lowest I've ever seen it was about -50 dBm.
I tried tracking this for maybe a week with some known vaxxed neighbors, I didnt put in a ton of effort but it seemed to me that they changed. Its hard because you have to check when everyone is at work and school, find all the devices that show up and dont change, then try to keep track of when people are getting home.
I gave up because it doesnt really matter but it seemed like they changed to me. I kept meaning to but never went back to a cemetary where I had found signals though.
You are correct, they do change. Sometime after the first discovery when the cell is not connected anymore, they rotate to a new random mac. I have been tracking this as well. So the mac addresses themselves are not being used as identifiers, the identifier string is bound up in the BLE protocol they are using.
The mac then is only used as a means to make a connection and transfer data via a mesh network.
Great discovery,likely changing Mac address is by design to downplay number assigned in Bluetooth implant and to yes just keep connected.
Perhaps the greatest proof of a media and govt plotting and pretending it's not there ie Nazi level barcode tag but no 60 minutes not even 6 seconds from any of them ,even 99.9 % of the alleged right TRUTHERS! HOW can this be?
Same with the COVID hospital remdesivir and sedatives to respirator killing floor for now $500,000 payoffs to hospital by who exactly? Anyone know?-- No one reporting and our relatives still walking into hospitals getting fake PCR and then vented- HOW?
Mass mind controlled or tell me what? Why are some unaffected ie problem existed prior COVID= controlled or posessed or both or very weak willed suggestibles contingent tossed in to..
We weren't so bad 30 years ago...I think it's demonic possession enmass as primary..but so hard to face any if these options..we must though,stand apart or get sucked into the abyss vibe their radiating...
I saw a video online (on YTube probably) sometime last year I think it was, of a study carried in a rural area somewhere in Europe in the middle of nowhere, with no phone masts for miles around.
They got a mixture of vaccinated and unvaccinated people to walk one at a time across a field with no technology on their person (ie no mobile phones, smart watches, etc) and into a barn/log cabin where those carrying out the experiment were waiting with their laptops poised ready to pick up any signals emanating from the individuals.
Some gave off MAC addresses as they entered the cabin, and others didn't. Sure enough, it turned out that the vaccinated people emmited MAC addresses and the unvaccinated didn't!
I'm afraid I can't recall the title of the video, which is not very helpful...😕
There was one study done in France, can't find the video .. But there's also "BlueTruth", a documentary made in south america where they did a study in the middle of nowhere on unjabbed and jabbed people, and people who did the "PCR" or not. Only those unjabbed AND who refused the "PCR" didn't give off a MAC.
making, in the words of one monster, hackable animals.. What is it with Zionists, that love to call all others 'animals'.. as they do the Palestinians....?
I was going to say that I thought the study I saw was carried out in France, so that's probably the same one. Thanks for the link to the other video, I'll have a look.
I recall seeing that video myself around that time, not sure if it was on YouTube though. Seem very legit, events happened just as you described if my memory serves unfortunately, I can’t recall the channel or who posted it.
I reached a new low in my life and went to the local cemetery to respectfully scan dead people in the hopes of getting mac addresses.
First, I used a better app nRF Connect to track bluetooth signals. Mac addresses from nearby houses, vehicles are actually created from mesh networks and are normal. These need to be removed as a variable. The key is to go to an environment far from any technology (lights, underground utilities, cars, key fobs, smart cards, clothing security tags).
I didn't conclusively find any mac addresses from 2021-23 burials after walking in a grid pattern. This isn't conclusive as its possible only recent burials or heavily spread cities could give off mac addresses.
interesting point. have you checked if the emitting people had any connected stuff. i think unregistered adress can be emitted by some equipment via a "anomymisation protol".
i tried also but it is sometimes difficult to ask people if they have a smartphone or not...
There are some very well done controlled tests for MAC address. I also saw where they went to a cemetery of recently deceased and most of the graves were emitting signals!
Check out the "BlueTruth" documentary. It's real. These are self-assembling nano devices that seem to be powered by the energy of the body's cells. You can check everyday, if the person is alive, it's highly likely that the bluetooth device will be active. The malware swab (what the perpetrators call the "PCR test") installs this technology, it's not just the injections.
The skin is very good at absorbing minerals applied to it... so yes.. for those who still need to try a safer method try soaking a flannel with sodium citrate over your liver area...some other fact may be of interest here... the cell produces energy via the ATP switch that governs exchange of potassium ions with sodium ions... apparently there are two sodium ions to potassium.. somehow you may be rebalancing cellular respiration which improves mitochondrial function .. hence improved mind and energy output... the body simply “dumps” excess into the white pot with a lid.
I would like to learn and know more about this, so that more people can be helped. I have a large audience on Telegram, and I think I can help get the word out. I produced a documentary about Chlorine Dioxide, and it truly is an amazing substance, but this information regarding sodium citrate is also quite amazing and I have a lot of people that are vaccine injured in the group and may benefit greatly. Thank you for posting this.
Does this effect animals too? I’ve lost 2 dogs this year. One was 17 and had been going down for a time. The other, a rescue, who was fine, and then not fine, eating as usual, then could not open her mouth to eat or drink, because of tumor that came out of nowhere.
Now it seems my other 2 dogs are very lethargic, seem ill but eat well which is a good sign. Rescue was vaxxed, dog vaxes. Mine are not.
When rescue was put down the vet shook his head and mumbled, “cancer, it’s just rampant. Never seen so much of it.”
That is not something I could tell you. But I bet there are papers on the uses on animals for other purposes already. Have a look and post anything good you find for others. Thanks ;)
Use a three drop dose of m m s per 25kg live weight. Best to get jim hum bles book downloaded and read protocol for animals. Not medical advice blah blah blah
I have an acquaintance that cured her little dogs mouth tumor with a diluted MMS solution. It was inoperable because it was embedded in the jaw. She squirted it in her dog's mouth I think twice a day. It was visibly gone after a matter of weeks. She showed us all before and after photos. I should be seeing her this weekend and can ask her dosages etc. If you like, please respond to this post so I will know how to get back to you.
My rescue was taken in, came to us after an amputation of large, non-malignant, tumor on her knee. She had horrible teeth, several cleanings,but was as sweet as could be. When she developed this tumor, I could not subject her to more surgery. She was 13 and as a tripod, struggled anyway. We had to let her go. Thank you.
My current pack of two are older dogs, 13, in today’s aging system. They just seem lethargic. They walk fine, eat, are interested in things. I just sense they do not feel well.
Consider Astaxanthin for dogs... about 5mg per day will make a huge difference to their mitochondria.. it is why age is so debilitating... both for animals and humans... an antioxidant par none.
Mms is well known for its medicinal properties. Question is, was it this stuff, or something more disease related they were suffering at that time. Mms seems to be having limited affect on nano for most recently.
No nano as far as I know. It was a cancerous tumor in the mouth that was embedded in the jaw and inoperable according to the vet. My friend was devastated and decided to try MMS and it reversed the tumor.
FYI, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of us that pray for all of you doing good out in front. I used to try and name you all, but gratefully there are too many of you to name that I do a blanket prayer 'for all those working for good out front". I pray that you are Protected, Guided and Blessed. So grateful for all of you🙏🙏🙏
You're going to love this.. I don't know how I found your comment with 500 comments on this article!!.. But a family that was here as guests at my house tonight.. left about 2 hours ago.. had come over to learn how to help their dog, who had suddenly developed a tumor in its mouth.. I told them about Chlorine Dioxide (MMS)..and invited them over to show them how to prepare it... And here you are providing the confirmation! Is God good?
Followed Jim about two decades ago...when the Red Cross took on his product (malaria) and then were forced to stop usage (WHO, if I remember correctly that is)
I would like to hear more. My friend is treating her dog with MMS right now, who has the same tumor in the mouth - affliction. I showed her the material the same day I came across this discussion later that night. It was a sort of '2nd witness'. Right now her dog is being treated (2 days already) but is still languishing. At 13.5 years of age, a slow recovery, (if at all) is to be expected. But anyithing you wish to contribute is welcome. (Yes, I read Jim Humble's animal protocol a few years ago, and used MMS to cure my own dog of Lyme Disease).
We lost two chickens in the last two months. Both with the same strange illness that nothing could fix. Their final symptoms were neurological. I have hope now that I may be able to treat our animals.
My chickens all got ill, and my cats when I first got ill 3 years ago. So did the kids. They put it in water on our street from what we could tell. Our neighbour got ill like me too. We both nearly died I think.
I'm so sorry that you and your family and neighbors had to suffer this way. There is no better motivation for a solution than to watch family members and self go downhill, especially when you know it's not normal. I'm so thankful you have persevered! My illness has driven me to find answers as well. We get a 'gas chamber' in our area. The low, thick clouds seal in toxic smoky air. It affects our voices and throat, I get other symptoms, too. And that's what took our chickens.
I had a cat who died of leucosis at the age of 7, after 6 years of vaccination against leucosis.
I regularly give my current cat (non-vax) L-Lysine and (very little) ascorbic acid.
Last year, in my garden in France, on the same day, two birds (a blackbird and a robin) were immobilized for several minutes in an abnormal position, on the day they switched on the CERN particle collider.
And I've been suffering from mental fog, severe fatigue and sleep problems for years.
Ma chienne adorée Olga vient de mourir à 5 ans d'un cancer très suspect ! Il est possible que je l'ai contaminée avec mon sang pourri. Je suis ravagé de douleurs. Non Vaxx, mais après de gros travaux dentaires, il me semble que je suis foutu. 19 sessions de chélation EDTA /vit C/Oxygène en IV en Allemagne n'ont pas suffi. Le médecin allemand croit voir des candidas albicans dans mon sang mais c'est de la nanotech !!! L EDTA a réussi à casser les rouleaux, mais la nanotech s'est développée ! Le docteur Ana appelle cela des "mésogènes"... Pourquoi vacciniez vous votre chat ? Tous les vaxx sont pourris !... Je suis allé en Allemagne, ai dépensé des milliers d'euros, mais rien à faire. J'en suis à essayer le CS, tous les jours NAC et vit C, sans la vit C, je ne pourrais pas sortir de mon lit...
C'était il y a plus de dix ans. Déjà à l'époque , j'en étais à ne plus vouloir me vacciner moi. Mais j'avais encore l'impression que je ne voulais pas prendre de risque pour mes animaux... Evidemment, depuis, je suis radical. Les médecins m'ont empoisonné, les vétos ont empoisonné mes animaux, en ayant le cynisme de me faire culpabiliser.
Pour mon chat actuel qui n'est pas vacciné, je lui donne régulièrement de la lysine (500 mg, de la poudre) avec de la vit C (hyper diluée) .
Comme je l'ai écrit ailleurs, le citrate de sodium a rapidement fait cesser des micro vibrations de la mâchoire ; j'en ai pris 3-4 semaines, puis pause et ça revenait légèrement. Depuis j'en prends environ deux jours par semaines (4 prises). J'ai l'impression d'être plus isolé contre l'électricité parasite.
Hello Jeanice. I'm in the center of a suburb: 5G about 100 m away (in a church tower), and less than a kilometer away are 4 other 5G towers. I have the smart meter and so do the neighbors. I don't have a cell phone, but the person I live with does. I've cut the wifi on the box and the 2 computers are wired, no bluetooth, no wi-fi. The street lamps are going to be replaced with LEDs.
I replaced the grounding rods, but I couldn't get below 98 ohms: I don't have more than a meter of ground in the garden, and it's rock underneath.
Please make a determination to move away from this place. I know money is an issue for many people, as it has been for me for many years. But once you determine that you must move, the universe will somehow support you in doing just that. It is important to get out of the high density areas as quickly as possible. The situation has become very serious.
It is good you have no bluetooth or wifi in your house. While you are still there, you might consider purchasing a faraday canopy to sleep in. This is the one I invested in: Had to borrow money to get it, but I got it and I believe it saved my life.
I got my answer about what happened to you. How horrible. Thank God you survived and now look at all you are doing to help yourself and others. Surely He is guiding your work, to the benefit of us all.
There's no 1 solution fix all problem. Best to have knowledge on what you know about healing other than from big pharma drugs. Thanks to Karl and his dedicated associates that we now have another life saving solution for this.🙏🙏🙏
The great thing is that this should work for everyone. I know of no allergies to SC, do check though. But you can't stop a reducer reducing stuff. It does what it do, lol. The only problems would be liver and kidney issues not handling the flush of extreme junk levels being cleaned out. So maybe tiny servings with lots of liver and kidney support there for more gradual cleaning and symptom relief. Unsure yet how those guys will manage it all. Thanks for your support. Happy new year!
Happy New Year Karl. Hope 2024 will bring you better health and new discoveries..thanks for all you've done for humanity.. like to know how SC will perform on those that took the jabs
Karl - I think you mentioned you purchased an EMF meter in another post. What are the radiation levels in and around your home? This is a key to understanding what is making people and animals so sick.
Where i am staying now they vary from low- medium-to very high depending on where you are in the building. In my opinion research shows low as even being able to affect mitochondria and other functions.
100% correct! This lab-created radiation is affecting all living systems!!! It is not the same as the natural radiation emanating from our Source. It is deadly and we are now surrounded by it. Most people have no idea how much danger they are in. I've written a book on this topic called "Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?". Amazon immediately banned it so you can only get it through my website here: But the point is, it is urgently necessary for people to minimize their exposure and the exposure of their pets and children. I've also done a 2.5 hour webinar on this topic that includes a demonstration of how to make changes in your home: THIS is the key to a full recovery and the full restoration of our humanity. As long as we are exposed to these alien frequencies and radiation, their nanotech will keep building inside our bodies. We have got to bring the whole wireless grid down.
Dr Ardis says they are using venoms to make people sick with 'covid' and its in the jabs too.. they put it in the water. this link has info from Dr Ardis toward the bottom of the article.
His expose explained also why they set out to banning cigarettes from the 70's on.. as if they cared. We see where Nicotine is an antidote for snake venom.
Are you brave? Can it help us find out more, since they are fine then not fine. Courage will help us win-"No guts, no glory". Dr. Howard Loomis-Enzyme Nutritionist and D.C. I'll never forget his response when I had no guts. And now I do. Aging helps.
I have found that aging and trust in Almighty God has helped me to become brave and courageous in the face of much adversity, having been a 'Targeted Individual' for the past 11 & half years (covertly targeted by the government, apparently for dissenting to their tyrannical agenda...)
The same happened to me, we didn't like them fogging us with "chrysanthemun" while we slept in our beds during the hot August nights in a desert city. It was a test run for the mosquito bite pandemic, a long time ago. We had to turn off any air conditioning, miserable. They don't like it when you don't like what they're doing. It means your over their target. Inversion, I think it's called?
I am a student of Bengston's distant healing work. I don't participate with the group now. But, from what I've learned, there is a process that I feel I can share, it isn't his but a version of it with other wise people's ideas that we'd benefit by learning and to practice.
We can very much change this if we see ourselves done with this nasty business, behind us. But to be practical, we need to use our imagination more to our benefit. It is powerful. I'll walk you through.
So, imagine what would you be doing this very moment if things were as you want them, in your wildest of imagination, no holds barred, detailed pictures help. Right now, where would you be, what would the air smell like, can you tell a friend this story, how we all succeeded in this fight? Can you see this, in real time, feel it in all of your varied senses you can call upon? Then, like a card deck shuffling, each picture you see in your mind's eye, the new state of your being, down to your toes, you can feel it in pictures or segments. Now, shuffle the deck, over and over, each snapshot passing by, go faster, tap your foot or clap to get the momentum and go as fast as you can.
After you're done, see it as done, you did a good spin with the wheel of creative imagination, the vortex got it's start, you're done with it, get a nice drink of water.
Things have been known to shift from shifting your idea about what this reality is. It isn't stable.
To end, Orwell isn't welcomed here, he's a plant, it was a device for us to image. Nope, he's over... That's my opinion. I learned it from others who have had unbelievable success with this technique, but we have to give it a try. It doesn't work otherwise.
There is an unfoldment that we've all needed, it's here. Let the Beauty to Come happen, now.
Thanks for taking the time to share what works for you 🙂. Personally I prefer to follow practices as outlined in the Bible, such as prayer and meditating on God's Word.
As for George Orwell's 1984, so much of it is happening right now, however I take your point that he could have been used as a conduit by governments to prepare the minds of the people for what was already in the pipeline further down the road.
The Bible predicts (prophecises) in even greater accuracy the events of today... Revelations Chapter 13 v 16-17 for example says: 'He (the beast/anti-christ) will cause all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark IN their right hand or IN their forehead and no man may (be able to) buy or sell save (ie, other than) he that has the mark (of the beast)'. This, I believe, points to microchip implants, which as we know are currently being trialed in various countries where volunteers have a microchip inserted into their hand containing their bank account details. When paying for goods and services they simply swipe their hand across specially adapted tills in retail outlets, thus dispensing with the need for any other method of payment (cashless society).
Yes, I do this sometimes, in fact today as I took my 2 mike walk. I envisioned my sons new home at the beach near us, as he is 2,000 mikes away from us and talking about coming closer to live.
The new home, with just enough room for him, on the ground floor as he has a prosthetic knee. And the house has a small guest suite for my husband and I when we visit. The house is just perfect. I envisioned him running an art store, studio as he is an artist and has studied art and loves it.
they spray in our neighorhood... even up and into people's driveways.. I just called them and they don't spray in front of our house anymore. Our houses are pretty far apart so it has been helpful
At age 55, having owned dogs and cats my entire life, this past year I’ve lost a cat to cancer (age 7!) and my dog is currently in chemo for lymphoma! Drs are unable to answer why mid aged healthy pets are now developing cancer at high rates. The cat had not been vaxxed. The dog was prior to my marrying his owner 😊 but not since I arrived on scene 6+ years ago.
It's the wireless radiation!!!! OMG - I wish I could shout it from the rooftops with a megaphone so that people would hear me! It is urgently necessary to get rid of the wireless devices and go back to wired technology.
Thanks Carol. I've run across his work before and he is actually part of a film I am currently watching here: Personally, I do not think any form of manmade electricity is safe. Although he is using frequencies in his electroculture to offset the wireless damage, I still would prefer to have the entire wireless grid (and ultimately the entire electrical grid) shut down so we can move toward more earth-based, "free" energies rather than continue using these noxious, lab-created frequencies. When I did the research for my ultrasound book, I learned how they are generating these frequencies and it is not pretty. It is also no surprise that these frequencies and radiation are so damaging. They are being created through the torture and abuse of molecules called atoms and also the electro-shock torture of crystals. Manmade electricity is wholly anti-life and the wireless grid exponentially raises the death energy to a frightening degree. Hence, pets, birds, insects, etc. are dying. 1 in 6 children in the US is neurodevelopmentally disabled. 1 in 28 boys is autistic. And this is just scratching the surface of the damage these lab-created energies are causing. People need to understand the danger.
What are the radiation levels in your house? How close are you to cell towers? Do you have wifi and cell phones and cordless phones and a smart meter, etc., that have turned your house into a microwave oven? THIS is what is killing the pets and the veterinary industry is NOT going to tell you what is making the animals sick. The pets are the first to go down because they are smaller (note insects and birds are dying in droves). Children are the next to become ill from the radiation. People need to WAKE UP to radiation issue. Not only are these wireless devices killing people, they are the key to activating the technology that people have been injected with.
You nailed :t. Ici, La France. I have lost my so beloved husky Olga from cancer. She was only 5 ! I am devastated, I bet she had been poisoned by her vaccines and/or by my own fluids (blood), sweat.... (((they))) want to eliminate pets too... My blood is a mess, and I have some visible nanotech in it. I am trying CS now, as many EDTA IV sessions have not worked ! I am still very tired...
I would look into fenbendazole.. most cancers are parasitic driven... especially in animals... you have to consider they use any source of water.. eat infected foods they happen upon.. and mingle with other animals who may be carriers.
I agree with Matt 100%. Karl, thank you for the gift of life. One question - is this sodium dihydrogen citrate E331(i), disodium hydrogen citrate E331(ii), or TriSodium Citrate Dihydrate E331(iii)?
I checked the site for which form of sodium citrate the product was but there is no clue in the product information. Are you saying that you think the form is trisodium citrate dihydrate? E331(iii)
Can we make our own trisodium citrate? 30g of FG bicarbonate with 10g citric acid with a little water - let gas off, will end up with a little extra water due to reaction.
Today I noticed something rather extraordinary which I attribute to taking the Sodium Citrate. i was in the kitchen preparing food, and I opened a package of food grade humate and suddenly could smell it. Normally, I have a rather poor sense of sense, with a history of sinus/ ear infections. My nose seems to have opened up-- this is a very dramatic change for me and I think the Sodium citrate is busy cleaning out gunik!
So, I'm thinking with a kitchen chemist mindset. I'm guessing, Sodium Citrate is clabbering the synthetic particles out of your blood stream. Can you do a distilled water enema to dilute and eliminate faster, further? Kidneys would be my concern, you've only got two.
I hope this helps. So grateful for your courage to try things and share. You made my day.
I forgot to add a small amount of salt to the distilled water, this would support osmolarity, you need to dump the clumps. Add castor oil packs to the liver supports the liver's energy to detox without spoiling the experiment.
No additional salt please read the paper work. You have to keep your intake to a safe dosage due to salt content so please Do not add salt. God bless x
Thank you. Can you guide me to where I can read the paper work, where can I look?
From my perspective, that isn't what I had known, and to date, what I've read in Kalcker's book is the most recent. He is an enema advocate and he sights that Dr. Angel Gracia has positive effects of seawater ingestion in humans and animals, this is the work that I'm aware of. There are examples of seawater, pg. 78 that shows contrasting photographs before and after treatment that clearly demonstrate structural and tissue recovery. No kidney damage has been found.
If it isn't an osmolar exchange, as in the gradient difference to encourage fluid towards the bowel to exit, would it not help draw fluids towards the bowel to exit? That is why I wouldn't use only distilled water. If you use distilled water, the distilled water would be drawn through the intestinal membrane and body tissue and the bloodstream, which from where the bowel contents are going to migrate as well,. i.e. into the body, the wrong direction. This is why, in my opinion and understanding, you'd want to do what you can to not add to the toxic load that the experiment could be making. That is why you'd add salt, to move fluid toward the exit. But, I'm open to what you know so I can adjust my understanding of this, if I can see that it is a valid argument to not use salt.
To another aspect of this experiment, perhaps only a purest of salt so another mineral in the experiment isn't introduced to the experiment?
So really, please it would be a valuable piece that I want to learn about. Share the paper work so I can study this further. Again, thanks ahead.
Also, I had thought about DMSO but it would throw off the experiment. It could change the waste back into another form, then we can't properly identify what we think is being eliminated. It would, if I were conducting this experiment to do one step at a time to be as scientific as we can do in our low tech study of this.
Thank you for helping me explain my thoughts on this, just to be clear so we can move in the right direction. I'm very optimistic about this.
If they are concerned about oral dumping too much into your blood, I would be double concerned about rectal. I would say dont do it... or at least start with very very low concentrations.
I would certainly use distilled water. I may also try DMSO with sodium citrate. As I already use DSMO regularly, but I'm going to wait on that for now.
I am hopeful that I can repair some of the damage which keeps me housebound. I am keeping a close eye on these reports and results before rushing to buy anything. I am concerned that my kidneys and liver are likely to be quite stressed purely because they have served nearly 72 years hard labour already!
Fingers firmly crossed for a genuine breakthrough for all our sakes!
Maybe very low amount with lots of milk thistle. I think there are some very good liver cleanses out there too. I think Dr hulda Clarke has a good one I've been told.
I went ahead and bought a lot of it just in case. I remember Amazon removing NAC off their website during covid. You never know if they'll taint it or make it difficult to obtain later.
Autotherapy quickly cured my LONGTIME allergies which nothing else cured. If I get stung by a bee, autotherapy makes it immediately go away. I'm told the same it true for a snakebite. Dr. Amanda Vollmer (with Dr. Cowan) has videos about it.
I had similar success with another salt something very readily available. I became very sick with morgellons in Dec 2020. I saw this in present I the slime-like-gel form, crystal, and solid hairlike and granule presentations. I was covered in sores swollen fatigued and brainfog riddled. It was out of desperation I decided to alkalize my body using baking soda. There is a therapeutic level to take to clean out the system... but I took too much the first time just wanting to purge the parasitic-like thing taking my body over. (That’s all I could compare it to although it did not feel alive like all other life forms in creation, It felt alien and dark)...I read that parasites prefer acidic environments hence my plan to alkalize...When I took too much too fast my body was rapidly purging crystalline structures from every pore that jumped out of my body like a magnet repelling another magnet. I had never experienced a herxheimer reaction before and It freaked me out. I went to the hospital where I talked to a CdC infectious disease specialist who asked me pointed questions about several inobservable symptoms I had been having. i thought he was going to have a solution. I told him about the baking soda and that this infection had previously reacted to frequencies. The other doc had earlier started me on an antibiotic treatment IV because my lymph nodes were swollen the size of golf balls (this was happening prior to taking baking soda my neck chin and lips were swollen inflamed and opening up in weeping sores with fibers crystals granules and slime like gel coming out of them slowly)
As soon as I mentioned to the CDC about frequencies and the baking soda he stopped the antibiotic and ordered me commited against my will under threat of arrest to the psych ward. He advised me to stop taking baking soda. So the opposite of what he told me became my prescription (However more measured) and I made great improvements. I now combine an alkalization routine of 1/2 tsp baking soda a few times a day along with iodine and mineral supplements and gum spirits of turpentine cleanses. I came back from the brink of death this way. Healing is possible!!!
It's sad, I git similar abuse when I got ill. I was in a real mess head to to and they said noting was wrong and then there was the fun and games you speak of too. Baking side helps by lowering raising the PH but it has effects not comparable to this. I am bicarbinate soda fan though, alkalizing is good. But this also regulates PH better I believe too.
I agree with you there are good effects which baking soda does not provide heightened sensation clarity, pain relief, energy, lifted mood, and I’ve noticed the stubborn lesions on my legs are healing instead of the same plaques returning. I did experience a heightened level of swelling for the first few days, but that has subsided completely today. Which is day 6.
"he stopped the antibiotic and ordered me commited against my will under threat of arrest to the psych ward.." Just WOW. God bless you for pulling through that one.
I can't tell you how much your research and this article means to me. I'm literally crying as I type this. You are giving us all a gift of hope that can't be underestimated at a time when many of us have lived without that for so long now we forgot it exists or is possible.
I'm an old woman with various serious health issues who is dying regardless of this tech, but I have also zero doubt the tech is inside me (I believe it's now in everyone. No, I don't have a microscope..I'm almost fully blind so it'd be useless to me anyway) and my days have increasingly become more difficult to deal with thanks to being constantly shed on and having been the unwilling recipient of PCR tests necessary to receive med care for a bad fall a couple years ago.
Please understand I would never in any way hold you responsible for anything that happens because I *will* be trying this out of desperation and hope. I'm not so stupid as to do that. I accept sole responsbility for my own actions and consequences arising from them.
If it's any help I'll type out any noticable effects, if that will help anyone towards any research?
I also just want to say a quick note on buying sodium citrate. These days most of us use Amazon, yes? The past couple of years I've been having trouble obtaining good quality supplements via Amazon. No matter which company supplies them, it seems Amazon does the packing and delivery. Invariably things come here tampered with...jars that have been opened, supplement tubs likewise,,, and we have given up ordering food items because they always arrived damaged, tainted or tampered with in some way.
Can I suggest purchasing straight from manufacturers if that is possible? Because, speaking personally, I haven't trusted Amazon for a long time.
To all of you working on this, you are heroes, no doubt about it. I know you didn't want to jump the gun and probably truly wanted more time to research but given how many of us have been giving you the "are we there yet?" you have provided the information and research for us to use or not.
That is free will...another thing rapidly disappearing in today's dystopian world.
Here's one old woman who can't thank you enough.
My life is foreshortened anyway. That I don't have a long future ahead of me is a certainty. But this gives me hope I can spend what's left of it in better bodily comfort than I currently have.
That is no small thing.
I am so sorry that i am struggling to catch up with all these beautiful posts. I am so happy to be involved in what i do. I used to hate it, but now i feel the reward more than the inconvenience of it consuming my life. Thank you so much !
We appreciate you responding. Thank you.
I am an old woman with health problems too. I am as hopeful as you are that I can repair some of the damage which keeps me housebound. I am keeping a close eye on these reports and results before rushing to buy anything. I am concerned that my kidneys and liver are likely to be quite stressed purely because they have served nearly 72 years hard labour already!
Fingers firmly crossed for a genuine breakthrough for all our sakes!
Wishing you all the very best, Frances. Hang in there! ((((hug)))))
I have subscribed to your stack. We are in the same situation. I have advanced COPD too.
SEE research on oral Hydrogen Peroxide for COPD. one lady had a tank and she nebulized with a solution i made at 1.25% to saline. But she said screw that the oral solution was far more affective and she had never been so relieved in years. There are clinics specializing in h202 for COPD now. ;) enjoy your google search H202 and COPD. good luck.
I put food grade peroxide 35% and distilled water in a mister, and it helps a lot with breathing issues/colds etc. Many have cured cancers too using the oral route. Oxygenation therapy is expensive when done in a clinical setting , but we can do it ourselves using it these ways I mentioned above.
Thanks for the suggestion! I found a UK supplier here:
I have 50% peroxide, because my trade in life was as an animal hide tanner. Although I no longer work I still have all my tools and suchlike. I use an oxygen machine at home which has a nebuliser and am wondering if I can figure out the ratio of peroxide to distilled water I could use it in that. Thanks for your comment. :)
Quercetine got one old lady I know off her oxygen. In two weeks she was leaving her oxygen in the car instead of dragging it behind her. She was playing outside chasing her great grandkids. I had no idea when I suggested it to her as she had no color but gray in her face and barely breathing, that it would change her life. She takes one twice daily w/ food. ALL NATURAL product. Opens the lungs, great cardiovascular
I wish I had known about that before. Both my mom and a friend passed from COPD. It's just awful. Sorry to hear you have it too Frances. Hope the H202 can help you.
Huge thanks for this, I'm always trying to find ways to get relief and will research it. You're a gem, Karl!
I try, thank you for being awake. And for fighting for freedom!
I have subbed back (it was the "banned" that did it, lol). COPD sucks, eh? But we are still here, still fighting, despite them. I'm not usually this optimistic but the fact there are people actually trying to find ways to deal with this horror is a wonderful thing. I'd begun to believe everyone was content to just talk their way into Humanity's Extinction Event.
do you believe this treatment/flush helps with COPD? My father suffers from COPD, quite severely, on oxygen, and going downhill at a fast rate in the last couple of years.. He smoked a lot for many years, quit in early 2000's but apparently too late to the party
I'm no medically trained person but I do have severe COPD (and also on oxygen every evening) but I can't help but believe that relieving the body of the harm they've dumped into us can only help any underlying issues, because it will give our overloaded systems a much needed break from fighting *that* off. Only my opinion though, but I do believe it. Sympathies for your Dad. I'm old now but in my youth I too smoked heavily. Brought it on myself, not denying it. Quit fifteen years ago but too late to find out that the damage we do to our bodies when we're young and fit enough to bounce back accrues over time and takes "revenge" in our old age. Hoping for the best for your Dad.
Trinity Nutra Lab is the only one I trust that sells 35% food Grade peroxide. Soon the gov. will stop them from selling it. Others sell lower % FGP. Also they use scare tactics saying a woman died. I saw this on you tube a few years back. I know so many people with breathing issues who are doing better or no longer have problems and or cancers. FGP raises the PH in our body. Cancer and other diseases thrive in acid environments, low PH blood. Also, FGP is known to kill cancer on the spot, as seen under a microscope, and of course, they have known this for decades.
Oxygenation therapy will help instantly! See my post below under Karl's post.
Frances, consider trying powdered lemon juice instead of aspergillis -derived CA in a DIY sodium citrate.
DIY sodium citrate from citric acid and baking soda!
I drink real lemon juice with bicarb quite often! Especially in the summer months!
Excellent point. 99% of all manufactured citric acid comes from aspergillus niger now. Lemon juice for the win.
not as bad as you would think in my own opinion.
So the aspergillis niger not bad in your opinion? Can you expound? I thought that was mold. Thanks
Yes it is mold. You breathe Aspegillis niger, Alternaria, Cheatomium Globbosum, and many other common molds with every breathe you take. A 0.2%, or say 1% amount for vague example getting through your products is likely not going to be noticed over what you inhale and eat in food. i have seen no Aspergillis in my supplement sample yet so i am not worried. These are extracts from the material created by organisms. Not the organisms themselves. ;)
And it’s gmo’d aspergillus
Chanca piedra is amazing for liver and kidneys .., please look into it. Maybe it can help you
Try this product, a friend sent me a video about it few days ago. It contains nano zeolite and it was successful in removing graphene , nano tech and micro plastics. It's called MasterPeace and it comes it a dropper bottle. Here is the link
Had you hovered over my name you would have seen that I am British. No I have not had urinalysis done in at least a decade, maybe more. The NHS may be socialised but it is not the kind of system in which we demand tests. We present to our General Practitioner and we describe our symptoms, when we are ill. He then decides what tests to run, which consultants to send us to and what to prescribe. As I have ZERO respect for allopathy my visits to my GP have been rarer than chicken teeth.
I visited my doc last Thursday complaining of inability to pass water and constipation. He arranged a blood test and gave me a prescription for painkillers and Macrogol. I took one Macrogol, ran a helluva temperature and became tearful. That muck is a petroleum bi-product called PEG that we hear a lot about lately. I eat entirely organic! Can you imagine what allopathic toxic trash did to me?
On Friday night I was up all night dry heaving and farting mucus into the loo.
I am sending the Macrogol back to the P-Harmacy.
Perhaps, as he writes...Begin in the 'Shallow End' of the Pool of Risk to allow the Liver and Kidney's some respite as we older crew can do most things we always did. The ole bod just needs more recovery time and a bit of mercy just as our souls. Have no doubt this is effective and sounds as though 1.5 g 4X's per day may be a better answer for some than his 3, 4, 5 g dose BID.
I, too, think this sounds promising and suspected the cure for all these poisons to be something simple as the Psychopaths do not fear for their own families or selves as they stomp all over the world in their Giant CO2 FOOTPRINTS expounding upon their superiority and rationalizing Global War backed by the Demon of Greed for both weath and Absolute Power.
Really good points, many thanks. I agree 100% about the fact the globalists unleashed this upon the world, and by now it's clear it does transmit and affect us all, everyone, whether it's by infection re the injected or the constant spraying or a combination, yet even they, psycophatic and evil as they, would surely not unleash something that would rebound on them and theirs. So there must be, somewhere, an antidote, a buffer, a cure.
Even mother snakes leave their eggs unmolested after laying them and sharks have no appetite following hatching their eggs internally for at least 24 hrs.
Even the most violent creatures on Earth are predisposed towards successful reproduction...
Including the Demons Wearing Human Being Suits...For the most part.
Just saw a documentary about a buddy of Jeffrey Epstein; Canadian Fashion Designer Peter Nygard. He's a man who used to impregnate young women and took them for abortions after 7 months gestation. After the murders in the womb; he scrambled up all into liquid to be consumed by him...For his own immortality/longevity.
Think that must be one of the most evil things ever heard.
I'd say I was shocked re Nygard but sadly, nothing shocks me these days. Discovering the extent to which the elites want us all dead or enslaved was enough of a mindbender to immobilise me for a long time. It took hard focusing on my husband and daughter needing me to snap out of that. In the book Watership Down (it's about rabbits :) ) there's a term for a rabbit caught in the headlights...thrawn, meaning frozen in fear. That's what I was.
One thing that strikes me being alive at this time is that yes, we're in the most danger Humanity has ever been in imo. But should we survive this (collective we, I won't) then we will have such a glorious chance to truly make our world a better place. I know that's a cliche but it's also a truth. The more scum rises to the surface, the easier it is to get rid of it.
Completely agree with you.
Frozen in Fear; 'Cognitive Dissonance' is common in 'Social Anomie' which is what many have been experiencing and overcoming these last three years. At least you're one who had the courage to confront your own condition and NOT stick your head in the sand pretending all was continuing on as normal.
Was with Serial Psychopaths throughout a career; intimately...Professionally. Unlike you, still have a capacity for shock with the horror evil perpetrates. Sometimes, it's not difficult for me to imagine even Satan/Lucifer to be appalled with the evil some humans enact.
We aren't standing for ourselves...It's our children and Grandchildren's Birthright to live Inalienable Rights in Freedom. Perhaps, they'll do a much better job than we as the evil is in the open instead of hidden away in the grass...Ready to strike as has happened these last three or so years.
Les serpents juifs !
If Nygard was doing this, you can bet he learned from someone, or something, else in the Cabal and he was not the only one doing it and that it is still being done by many others...
No doubt about it with all this fascinating yet evil technology acquired over all these years the evil hid as they planned their Coup to depopulation and enslave the world. Almost too much to stomach...Literally. Praying hardly helps to tolerate knowing innocents suffer so...
"Praying hardly helps to tolerate knowing innocents suffer so.."
The thing is not enough praying is being done! THAT IS THE PROBLEM..The church' is deadly silent. Christians, instead of warfare praying, are shopping...
And when they do open their mouth, they often don't even know how to pray. The disciples were given authority over all of this evil, but instead of exercising it in 2020, the churches closed on command!.. showing themselves to be useless, powerless, faithless. It's not that prayer is ineffective.. It's that people are not using the tools given to us. I do and continue to pray and see miracles on a daily basis.
My son and I just prayed. And we expect to see miracles here.. we need them!
I agree! What are the demon posed people using to protect themselves?
amazon no. but I get the drift. Amazon is a NWO company and is most likely into gangstalking and v2k and other forms of torment and trying to depopulate us all...
Bezos is like a Trillionaire so yeah he can kill and get away with it.
We'd be wise never to order anything from Amazon ever. I know Starbuck's is owned by Bates, but it seems the coffee has won over our survival instincts. If only we all cared enough to look up and see what's going on. REDRUM!
Yes the powerful 'elites' may be able to kill 'with impunity', but there will be a day of reckoning; the Judgement Day, which they won't be able to escape or buy their way out of...
The deal is, big Pharma has bought many supplement companies. Swanson, for one.
Although Swanson does sell many non-Swanson brands.
Can you furnish any papers to support your claim?
Swansons is a USA company (250 employees) who has several run ins with the FDA... instigated by big pharmaceuticals.
I am appalled that they would be controlled by any pharmaceutical company... I have and still rely on Swanson products.
It is true that they use pharmaceutical grade products in some of their manufacturing processes.. but this is a stand alone company with 40 depots worldwide... with very high standards.
did a second post, do see the links at the bottom on the post titled more info on sodium citrate.
Hi, I’m just reading old posts, and see your concern with Swansons. I have seen a chart as to who owns who, I last saw it on vigilant fox. I did see Swansons are owned by big pharma or big food.
I’m sorry I can’t show that chart, I can’t find it, but a search of vigilant fox should find it.
Just read yr note. For getting that extra life try researching Methelyne Blue and Iteracare..
Thank you, I certainly will. :)
What brand do you like?
I take MMS, Dmso and now sodium citrate and methylene blue. I supplement that with Nac, glutathione,quercetin, vitC, fulvic acid,metaphor, liquid zeolite. Iodine.
Healthwise I have no known illnesses other than brain fog. First taking SC at 5mg for 8 days and found it bring on the brain fog. Yesterday started on 4.5gm. Again it brought on the brain fog but lasted a shorter period. Will keep at it and see what happen later.
On my 4th wk now at 5gm X2. Brain fog has improved by 80%. Big relief. Will keep going till it's all cleared. After, do we do maintenance or keep as it is..
Now my brain fog lasts about 60 mins but not severe..still doing the same amount..
vitamin C will neutralize the MMS it should be spaced out for example take the supplements at night after using MMS during the day
Wow! How'ya feeling?
If you don't want to buy ready-made sodium citrate online you can also just make it at home, all you need is a stove and a few ingredients that are very easy to find.
It takes hours though, and if you mess up the proportions you can wiind up with a rock that won't come out of your pot!
You know the drill :) Hope you're doing well.
Nice of you to wonder. I finally ordered the stuff from a reputable manufacturer. (My own batch was a total loss). I took it yesterday for the 1st time ever. Is extreme diarrhea unusual? Only once (thank goodness).. today was no reaction and frankly my dear - I'm feeling great! (have been doing other things to clean up shop, like Oregano Oil, and Black Walnut Oil, intermittently between MMS days. These things cured me of something.. I don't know what, but I'd had malaise for a few weeks. It's gone.
Glad to hear that it's working for you !
What are the side effects of sodium citrate (alk) citric acid?
Common side effects of sodium citrate/citric acid are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and water retention.
OH! Ok. Thank you so much!
Caution using oregano oil can be toxic
Everything is toxic.. the key is the dose.
If this helps...I have read that without enough b vitamins diarrhea can occur while ingesting citrus.
Source is: The Ultimate Healing System, by Donald Lepore, N.D.
Try They have it for 20$ for 2 lb jar. 🙏🙏🙏
I haven't bought from Amazon in many years. These days, so many companies from China selling their stuff. Nothing wrong with that per se, but why not buy directly from the source if you can figure it out. There are many companies out there that sell nutritional supplements. Why put money into Bezo's already overflowing pockets. He ain't exactly the 'good guy.'
Thank you for sharing that...sympathizing with you, as almost the same as you. Suffering for decades with their silent torture techniques. Just trying to find ANY way of some relief. Praying for all who are suffering, and I am now actually glad that my life is close to the finish line. God will take care of those who are doing this to due time. Our suffering will end, but theirs never will. And, if you know the Lord, as the apostle Paul said, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." THEY LOSE, WE WIN!!!" BLESSINGS TO all fellow sufferers, and praying for relief and healing. And giving thanks to all who are working so hard to find help. Pray for them, that our enemies cannot stop them or harm them any more than they already have. Pray for their protection, as we all do what our Lord Jesus said: "Who will speak up for me against the evildoers?" And that we are to expose them. THANK YOU ALL WHO ARE STEADFASTLY DOING SO! OUR GOD REIGNS!!!
You may have failing health, but you still have your Humanity, which is more than the perpetrators of this inanity ever will!!- Thank you!!-
Best post anywhere that I have seen for 3 years.
Congratulations .
Thanks Matt, thanks for pushing me onto the stack too. You guys have been great! To think I nearly gave up a while back Egh.
Very grateful for both of you guys. Thank you so much for your dedication, tenacity, and efforts in finding some answers.
Roundly seconded
I've read what Karl said in his first post when he shared his finding. I then read comments about him holding back due to monetization. The joke here is he told us all for free and has done so early. Monetization is the key here. He had to share now because the cost of getting monies to do full research isn't there. Trust me, I've worked and fund raised for some of the biggest names in my younger days. He's given you the name and he's asked you to be responsible and make your own judgements by providing you links and so forth. I'm writing this because of qs in the comments. Karl showed an image of the brand he used. It's up to us to find a brand and trust it. Due to his obvious lack of funds we could help him by writing our brand, dosage and improvement or decline in health. This helps us all help each other. Anyone can pee in a cleen jar and let others know the colour and if possible to lid it and note changes over 3 days. Each and everyone of us here are the answer. Share this Substack with everyone and everywhere. It might attract a larger force and we will power. I know so many are hooked on meth blue but that's fine if your full of harmful bacteria and will do Jack sh** for nano tech. I spent today looking again. In 1991 I gave birth to a child that did not make white blood cells. Through begging labs he trialed treatments. I take blood seriously and it's all the fund raising and working with research labs I understand Karl and team are just at the start here. That's why I know that he will need serious funds to buy some basic lab equipment to figure out refining and safety of this products. I'm gonna assume it's gonna need to be combined to make it slow release with something that is not gonna effect the product effects. If we assume money is the hold back then please let us share our results. The food product is available in every county. I noted some countries as little as 2 dollars but the postage was 50 to 100 dollars. So the next step was to find the product made each country I looked at. Names vary but Google had the info. The price was under five dollars with postage. So please search and share country and price.
Karl can you create a page that is just for us to share results and one for our purchases so that we can help move the research along?
Great response 👍
Fascinating findings, Karl. Very well written summary with the appropriate cautions. We live in a one-size-fits-none environment, essentially the exact inverse of the jab doctrine. So I find your cautious optimism very refreshing and sensible. Well done.
Thank you for your tremendous contributions towards a better humanity, based on the principle of mutuality - instead of this demented psychopathic mess of our "controllers" - I already added your discovery to the section about detoxing in the "encyclopedia of resistance" :
Nice, thank you
Excellent Substack
You can make sodium citrate yourself on the stove with water, Vitamin C and sodium bicarbonate. They use it for making cheese sauces so there are a ton of recipes online for it.
Also alpha linoleic acid and sodium citrate are used in the production of nanospheres and ALA is also a chelator that crosses the blood brain barrier so it may help too.
Organic hemp oil pills are one of the best sources of ALA and easily obtained. My wife and I have been taking 2g of hempseed oil pills a day for a few years now... that and glutathione were the first things I took after we realized we had gotten the shedding magnetism. Or maybe thats what stopped it.
I dont work there or anything but I got mine in bulk from
Good thinking, we were talking about the methods of sourcing at home and other stuff. So it is good to be thinking this way as long as the end product is the same
"How to Make Sodium Citrate at Home for Cheesemaking":
He says that you can make it with water, sodium bicarbonate, and citric acid. Sorry for linking to a yt video.
Reposted it here:
Do we have to 'dry it' and reconstitute the SC later? Or can we just drink it fresh mixed in water?
The last part of the process of making SC is to evaporate all the water, it has to be dried out completely in order to store it. If by "fresh" you mean the solution that you get after the sodium bicarbonate has reacted with the citric acid (which is sodium citrate and water), technically you could, but it makes it harder to dose it, and you can't store it properly, so it's a bad idea. I see no benefit at all in doing that, since evaporating it only takes about 20 minutes, and then you can weigh the sodium citrate and store it without any worry.
Not only is that a great answer.. so logical... I'm sitting here stirring my first batch of Sodium Citrate and decided to look at my phone... since the stirring process is so extended. And I got your answer and i'm delighted! Thank you very much!
Congratulations ! You're welcome. Use very low heat when you're doing the evaporation, a spatula is really useful for that part because the sodium citrate can easily stick to the bottom of the saucepan.
Quick question do I have to also Stir it till this stuff stops bubbling... I see it's taking a very long time...🤪
Be careful with Ala and glutathione, if you have amalgam fillings. Both can redistribute mercury.
I recently stumbled across info that some people are emitting a mac address when using a bluetooth scanner. I thought this was a hoax so with the intention of disproving it, I installed Bluetooth Scanner OS on my iphone and started scanning myself and my neighbourhood. I scanned one child at a bus stop and he emitted an unregistered mac OS address to my shock. I scanned another woman and her dog in a field with no one around. Only the woman was emitting two unregistered mac addresses. Another woman and her dogs that I scanned did not emit an unregistered mac address.
If some people are emitting a mac address signal as self scanned through an app, it would be interesting to scan them everyday to see if the signal still stays intact.
I'm a skeptic and am hoping for a different understanding of these mac addresses. Please forward me to people knowledgeable in this field.
Dr Len ber is researching Mac address phenomena. See his substack.
Sabrina is well known. she can be hard to follow, but says some interesting stuff.
What have you learned from her so far?
I've done the same. I've picked up nearly 400 MAC addresses in a grocery store on one day. I would say about 95% of them are unknown. If you really want to test it, go out to a cemetery and scan fresh graves because they're still emitting a BT signal.
I did end up going to a cemetery to respectfully scan dead people (a new low place in my life lol) and had inconclusive results.
As I've learnt from other experts, most of the unknown addresses are part of mesh networks and are expected. Since most of the cemetary was too close to vehicles, houses or utilites, I picked up those unknown and expected mac addresses from mesh networks. If I had access to a recent burial in a very large cemetery, this may have given me a positive result.
A well controlled experiment in a large field with people controlled for no technology is the experiment I would like to repeat as shown in Bluetruth documentary.
I live in a rural area. There are cemeteries out here with nothing nearby for miles. The closest little town is a 20-minute drive. No houses, cars, or people out at the cemeteries for the most part. If you get a chance try to find one on Google Earth and head out there. I thought it was a bunch a nonsense until I was able to pick them up. I'm using a BT Scanner by Zoltan Pallagi. You'll know when you're getting closer to the signal when the RSSI dBm drops low. The lowest I've ever seen it was about -50 dBm.
I tried tracking this for maybe a week with some known vaxxed neighbors, I didnt put in a ton of effort but it seemed to me that they changed. Its hard because you have to check when everyone is at work and school, find all the devices that show up and dont change, then try to keep track of when people are getting home.
I gave up because it doesnt really matter but it seemed like they changed to me. I kept meaning to but never went back to a cemetary where I had found signals though.
You are correct, they do change. Sometime after the first discovery when the cell is not connected anymore, they rotate to a new random mac. I have been tracking this as well. So the mac addresses themselves are not being used as identifiers, the identifier string is bound up in the BLE protocol they are using.
The mac then is only used as a means to make a connection and transfer data via a mesh network.
Great discovery,likely changing Mac address is by design to downplay number assigned in Bluetooth implant and to yes just keep connected.
Perhaps the greatest proof of a media and govt plotting and pretending it's not there ie Nazi level barcode tag but no 60 minutes not even 6 seconds from any of them ,even 99.9 % of the alleged right TRUTHERS! HOW can this be?
Same with the COVID hospital remdesivir and sedatives to respirator killing floor for now $500,000 payoffs to hospital by who exactly? Anyone know?-- No one reporting and our relatives still walking into hospitals getting fake PCR and then vented- HOW?
Mass mind controlled or tell me what? Why are some unaffected ie problem existed prior COVID= controlled or posessed or both or very weak willed suggestibles contingent tossed in to..
We weren't so bad 30 years ago...I think it's demonic possession enmass as primary..but so hard to face any if these options..we must though,stand apart or get sucked into the abyss vibe their radiating...
Don’t know if true,
Aren’t chips in clothes these days?
Karl keeps mentioning a specialist.? SHAIMON YANOWITZ. Not sure if this guy is on Substack or if he advises Karl, David, Peter and others.
yes he does.
I saw a video online (on YTube probably) sometime last year I think it was, of a study carried in a rural area somewhere in Europe in the middle of nowhere, with no phone masts for miles around.
They got a mixture of vaccinated and unvaccinated people to walk one at a time across a field with no technology on their person (ie no mobile phones, smart watches, etc) and into a barn/log cabin where those carrying out the experiment were waiting with their laptops poised ready to pick up any signals emanating from the individuals.
Some gave off MAC addresses as they entered the cabin, and others didn't. Sure enough, it turned out that the vaccinated people emmited MAC addresses and the unvaccinated didn't!
I'm afraid I can't recall the title of the video, which is not very helpful...😕
There was one study done in France, can't find the video .. But there's also "BlueTruth", a documentary made in south america where they did a study in the middle of nowhere on unjabbed and jabbed people, and people who did the "PCR" or not. Only those unjabbed AND who refused the "PCR" didn't give off a MAC.
making, in the words of one monster, hackable animals.. What is it with Zionists, that love to call all others 'animals'.. as they do the Palestinians....?
I was going to say that I thought the study I saw was carried out in France, so that's probably the same one. Thanks for the link to the other video, I'll have a look.
La quinta columna would be a typical source.
It was on Comusav, English subtitles, it was with people who use Kalcker's work, in Mexico.
I recall seeing that video myself around that time, not sure if it was on YouTube though. Seem very legit, events happened just as you described if my memory serves unfortunately, I can’t recall the channel or who posted it.
Maybe Barnerias documentary "Hold On" :''HOLD-ON---Primum-Non-Nocere''-(2021)%C2%B0%C2%B0------(Hold-up-N%C2%B02):c
I reached a new low in my life and went to the local cemetery to respectfully scan dead people in the hopes of getting mac addresses.
First, I used a better app nRF Connect to track bluetooth signals. Mac addresses from nearby houses, vehicles are actually created from mesh networks and are normal. These need to be removed as a variable. The key is to go to an environment far from any technology (lights, underground utilities, cars, key fobs, smart cards, clothing security tags).
I didn't conclusively find any mac addresses from 2021-23 burials after walking in a grid pattern. This isn't conclusive as its possible only recent burials or heavily spread cities could give off mac addresses.
A Role for Bottom-Up Synthetic Cells in the Internet of Bio-Nano Things?
The link breaks when I post it but you can google the above title and likely find info that you seek in the references of this paper.
interesting point. have you checked if the emitting people had any connected stuff. i think unregistered adress can be emitted by some equipment via a "anomymisation protol".
i tried also but it is sometimes difficult to ask people if they have a smartphone or not...
There are some very well done controlled tests for MAC address. I also saw where they went to a cemetery of recently deceased and most of the graves were emitting signals!
I've read a Mac address can be read standing over the grave of someone who passed having been jabbed.
Check out the "BlueTruth" documentary. It's real. These are self-assembling nano devices that seem to be powered by the energy of the body's cells. You can check everyday, if the person is alive, it's highly likely that the bluetooth device will be active. The malware swab (what the perpetrators call the "PCR test") installs this technology, it's not just the injections.
Thank you for finding this out & sharing it with us - most excellent & hopeful observation - genius
The skin is very good at absorbing minerals applied to it... so yes.. for those who still need to try a safer method try soaking a flannel with sodium citrate over your liver area...some other fact may be of interest here... the cell produces energy via the ATP switch that governs exchange of potassium ions with sodium ions... apparently there are two sodium ions to potassium.. somehow you may be rebalancing cellular respiration which improves mitochondrial function .. hence improved mind and energy output... the body simply “dumps” excess into the white pot with a lid.
I would like to learn and know more about this, so that more people can be helped. I have a large audience on Telegram, and I think I can help get the word out. I produced a documentary about Chlorine Dioxide, and it truly is an amazing substance, but this information regarding sodium citrate is also quite amazing and I have a lot of people that are vaccine injured in the group and may benefit greatly. Thank you for posting this.
Please email (not for comments folks) help keep the email box clean and readable. Thanks people!
Excellent. Please share a link to your documentary. And many thanks for your work.
Does this effect animals too? I’ve lost 2 dogs this year. One was 17 and had been going down for a time. The other, a rescue, who was fine, and then not fine, eating as usual, then could not open her mouth to eat or drink, because of tumor that came out of nowhere.
Now it seems my other 2 dogs are very lethargic, seem ill but eat well which is a good sign. Rescue was vaxxed, dog vaxes. Mine are not.
When rescue was put down the vet shook his head and mumbled, “cancer, it’s just rampant. Never seen so much of it.”
Would this substance help animals?
Thank you so much!
That is not something I could tell you. But I bet there are papers on the uses on animals for other purposes already. Have a look and post anything good you find for others. Thanks ;)
Use a three drop dose of m m s per 25kg live weight. Best to get jim hum bles book downloaded and read protocol for animals. Not medical advice blah blah blah
Ps, all animals of all kinds will be affected including fish. Papers have shown the dots or Q-dots in fish and other places over the years.
I have an acquaintance that cured her little dogs mouth tumor with a diluted MMS solution. It was inoperable because it was embedded in the jaw. She squirted it in her dog's mouth I think twice a day. It was visibly gone after a matter of weeks. She showed us all before and after photos. I should be seeing her this weekend and can ask her dosages etc. If you like, please respond to this post so I will know how to get back to you.
I use MMS ( CDS chlorine DIXOIDE) solution. Check out The Universal website 😀
Wow, thank you! That's a great website. I have it on deck but haven't used it yet. I have instructions for both CDS by Andres Kalcker and MMS.
you will get much more info on MMS here:
Try this>
Thank you! I'll check this out.
Thank you. I do know of MMS.
My rescue was taken in, came to us after an amputation of large, non-malignant, tumor on her knee. She had horrible teeth, several cleanings,but was as sweet as could be. When she developed this tumor, I could not subject her to more surgery. She was 13 and as a tripod, struggled anyway. We had to let her go. Thank you.
My current pack of two are older dogs, 13, in today’s aging system. They just seem lethargic. They walk fine, eat, are interested in things. I just sense they do not feel well.
Consider Astaxanthin for dogs... about 5mg per day will make a huge difference to their mitochondria.. it is why age is so debilitating... both for animals and humans... an antioxidant par none.
What is MMS? Thank you.
Check out the website
The Universal
it is "Miracle Mineral Solution" also known as Chlorine Dioxide. You can find info on Bitchute or Rumble with works by Andreas Kalcker, Jim Humble.
Everything you could want or need to know about MMS is at this link.
Mms is well known for its medicinal properties. Question is, was it this stuff, or something more disease related they were suffering at that time. Mms seems to be having limited affect on nano for most recently.
No nano as far as I know. It was a cancerous tumor in the mouth that was embedded in the jaw and inoperable according to the vet. My friend was devastated and decided to try MMS and it reversed the tumor.
FYI, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of us that pray for all of you doing good out in front. I used to try and name you all, but gratefully there are too many of you to name that I do a blanket prayer 'for all those working for good out front". I pray that you are Protected, Guided and Blessed. So grateful for all of you🙏🙏🙏
It has been working very well for covid, which is actually venom toxins
You're going to love this.. I don't know how I found your comment with 500 comments on this article!!.. But a family that was here as guests at my house tonight.. left about 2 hours ago.. had come over to learn how to help their dog, who had suddenly developed a tumor in its mouth.. I told them about Chlorine Dioxide (MMS)..and invited them over to show them how to prepare it... And here you are providing the confirmation! Is God good?
God is Good. He works is mysterious ways. I'm sending good thoughts your friend's dog heals.
Thank you. I would appreciate the Info.
Followed Jim about two decades ago...when the Red Cross took on his product (malaria) and then were forced to stop usage (WHO, if I remember correctly that is)
I would like to hear more. My friend is treating her dog with MMS right now, who has the same tumor in the mouth - affliction. I showed her the material the same day I came across this discussion later that night. It was a sort of '2nd witness'. Right now her dog is being treated (2 days already) but is still languishing. At 13.5 years of age, a slow recovery, (if at all) is to be expected. But anyithing you wish to contribute is welcome. (Yes, I read Jim Humble's animal protocol a few years ago, and used MMS to cure my own dog of Lyme Disease).
We lost two chickens in the last two months. Both with the same strange illness that nothing could fix. Their final symptoms were neurological. I have hope now that I may be able to treat our animals.
My chickens all got ill, and my cats when I first got ill 3 years ago. So did the kids. They put it in water on our street from what we could tell. Our neighbour got ill like me too. We both nearly died I think.
I'm so sorry that you and your family and neighbors had to suffer this way. There is no better motivation for a solution than to watch family members and self go downhill, especially when you know it's not normal. I'm so thankful you have persevered! My illness has driven me to find answers as well. We get a 'gas chamber' in our area. The low, thick clouds seal in toxic smoky air. It affects our voices and throat, I get other symptoms, too. And that's what took our chickens.
I had a cat who died of leucosis at the age of 7, after 6 years of vaccination against leucosis.
I regularly give my current cat (non-vax) L-Lysine and (very little) ascorbic acid.
Last year, in my garden in France, on the same day, two birds (a blackbird and a robin) were immobilized for several minutes in an abnormal position, on the day they switched on the CERN particle collider.
And I've been suffering from mental fog, severe fatigue and sleep problems for years.
Ma chienne adorée Olga vient de mourir à 5 ans d'un cancer très suspect ! Il est possible que je l'ai contaminée avec mon sang pourri. Je suis ravagé de douleurs. Non Vaxx, mais après de gros travaux dentaires, il me semble que je suis foutu. 19 sessions de chélation EDTA /vit C/Oxygène en IV en Allemagne n'ont pas suffi. Le médecin allemand croit voir des candidas albicans dans mon sang mais c'est de la nanotech !!! L EDTA a réussi à casser les rouleaux, mais la nanotech s'est développée ! Le docteur Ana appelle cela des "mésogènes"... Pourquoi vacciniez vous votre chat ? Tous les vaxx sont pourris !... Je suis allé en Allemagne, ai dépensé des milliers d'euros, mais rien à faire. J'en suis à essayer le CS, tous les jours NAC et vit C, sans la vit C, je ne pourrais pas sortir de mon lit...
C'était il y a plus de dix ans. Déjà à l'époque , j'en étais à ne plus vouloir me vacciner moi. Mais j'avais encore l'impression que je ne voulais pas prendre de risque pour mes animaux... Evidemment, depuis, je suis radical. Les médecins m'ont empoisonné, les vétos ont empoisonné mes animaux, en ayant le cynisme de me faire culpabiliser.
Pour mon chat actuel qui n'est pas vacciné, je lui donne régulièrement de la lysine (500 mg, de la poudre) avec de la vit C (hyper diluée) .
Comme je l'ai écrit ailleurs, le citrate de sodium a rapidement fait cesser des micro vibrations de la mâchoire ; j'en ai pris 3-4 semaines, puis pause et ça revenait légèrement. Depuis j'en prends environ deux jours par semaines (4 prises). J'ai l'impression d'être plus isolé contre l'électricité parasite.
This is radiation sickness? Do you have wireless devices in your house? How close are you to cell towers? Or to neighbor's wifi or smart meters?
Hello Jeanice. I'm in the center of a suburb: 5G about 100 m away (in a church tower), and less than a kilometer away are 4 other 5G towers. I have the smart meter and so do the neighbors. I don't have a cell phone, but the person I live with does. I've cut the wifi on the box and the 2 computers are wired, no bluetooth, no wi-fi. The street lamps are going to be replaced with LEDs.
I replaced the grounding rods, but I couldn't get below 98 ohms: I don't have more than a meter of ground in the garden, and it's rock underneath.
Please make a determination to move away from this place. I know money is an issue for many people, as it has been for me for many years. But once you determine that you must move, the universe will somehow support you in doing just that. It is important to get out of the high density areas as quickly as possible. The situation has become very serious.
It is good you have no bluetooth or wifi in your house. While you are still there, you might consider purchasing a faraday canopy to sleep in. This is the one I invested in: Had to borrow money to get it, but I got it and I believe it saved my life.
I got my answer about what happened to you. How horrible. Thank God you survived and now look at all you are doing to help yourself and others. Surely He is guiding your work, to the benefit of us all.
I hope someone is guiding me otherwise i am like a loose canon :D lol
Someone is guiding you.. and someone is praying for you. :>}
That is horrible Karl. Sorry
There's no 1 solution fix all problem. Best to have knowledge on what you know about healing other than from big pharma drugs. Thanks to Karl and his dedicated associates that we now have another life saving solution for this.🙏🙏🙏
The great thing is that this should work for everyone. I know of no allergies to SC, do check though. But you can't stop a reducer reducing stuff. It does what it do, lol. The only problems would be liver and kidney issues not handling the flush of extreme junk levels being cleaned out. So maybe tiny servings with lots of liver and kidney support there for more gradual cleaning and symptom relief. Unsure yet how those guys will manage it all. Thanks for your support. Happy new year!
Happy New Year Karl. Hope 2024 will bring you better health and new discoveries..thanks for all you've done for humanity.. like to know how SC will perform on those that took the jabs
Thanks, will be interesting indeed to see larger feedback surface. The New Year is almost here, Enjoy !
Karl - I think you mentioned you purchased an EMF meter in another post. What are the radiation levels in and around your home? This is a key to understanding what is making people and animals so sick.
Where i am staying now they vary from low- medium-to very high depending on where you are in the building. In my opinion research shows low as even being able to affect mitochondria and other functions.
Also, please consider reading this post on my substack:
100% correct! This lab-created radiation is affecting all living systems!!! It is not the same as the natural radiation emanating from our Source. It is deadly and we are now surrounded by it. Most people have no idea how much danger they are in. I've written a book on this topic called "Are Wireless Devices Really Safe?". Amazon immediately banned it so you can only get it through my website here: But the point is, it is urgently necessary for people to minimize their exposure and the exposure of their pets and children. I've also done a 2.5 hour webinar on this topic that includes a demonstration of how to make changes in your home: THIS is the key to a full recovery and the full restoration of our humanity. As long as we are exposed to these alien frequencies and radiation, their nanotech will keep building inside our bodies. We have got to bring the whole wireless grid down.
Dr Ardis says they are using venoms to make people sick with 'covid' and its in the jabs too.. they put it in the water. this link has info from Dr Ardis toward the bottom of the article.
His expose explained also why they set out to banning cigarettes from the 70's on.. as if they cared. We see where Nicotine is an antidote for snake venom.
Are you brave? Can it help us find out more, since they are fine then not fine. Courage will help us win-"No guts, no glory". Dr. Howard Loomis-Enzyme Nutritionist and D.C. I'll never forget his response when I had no guts. And now I do. Aging helps.
I have found that aging and trust in Almighty God has helped me to become brave and courageous in the face of much adversity, having been a 'Targeted Individual' for the past 11 & half years (covertly targeted by the government, apparently for dissenting to their tyrannical agenda...)
Amen, Carol. Sorry for your suffering, but you and God have turned it to good.
Amen. Thank you Lisa.
The same happened to me, we didn't like them fogging us with "chrysanthemun" while we slept in our beds during the hot August nights in a desert city. It was a test run for the mosquito bite pandemic, a long time ago. We had to turn off any air conditioning, miserable. They don't like it when you don't like what they're doing. It means your over their target. Inversion, I think it's called?
George Orwell's '1984' 😕
I am a student of Bengston's distant healing work. I don't participate with the group now. But, from what I've learned, there is a process that I feel I can share, it isn't his but a version of it with other wise people's ideas that we'd benefit by learning and to practice.
We can very much change this if we see ourselves done with this nasty business, behind us. But to be practical, we need to use our imagination more to our benefit. It is powerful. I'll walk you through.
So, imagine what would you be doing this very moment if things were as you want them, in your wildest of imagination, no holds barred, detailed pictures help. Right now, where would you be, what would the air smell like, can you tell a friend this story, how we all succeeded in this fight? Can you see this, in real time, feel it in all of your varied senses you can call upon? Then, like a card deck shuffling, each picture you see in your mind's eye, the new state of your being, down to your toes, you can feel it in pictures or segments. Now, shuffle the deck, over and over, each snapshot passing by, go faster, tap your foot or clap to get the momentum and go as fast as you can.
After you're done, see it as done, you did a good spin with the wheel of creative imagination, the vortex got it's start, you're done with it, get a nice drink of water.
Things have been known to shift from shifting your idea about what this reality is. It isn't stable.
To end, Orwell isn't welcomed here, he's a plant, it was a device for us to image. Nope, he's over... That's my opinion. I learned it from others who have had unbelievable success with this technique, but we have to give it a try. It doesn't work otherwise.
There is an unfoldment that we've all needed, it's here. Let the Beauty to Come happen, now.
Thanks for taking the time to share what works for you 🙂. Personally I prefer to follow practices as outlined in the Bible, such as prayer and meditating on God's Word.
As for George Orwell's 1984, so much of it is happening right now, however I take your point that he could have been used as a conduit by governments to prepare the minds of the people for what was already in the pipeline further down the road.
The Bible predicts (prophecises) in even greater accuracy the events of today... Revelations Chapter 13 v 16-17 for example says: 'He (the beast/anti-christ) will cause all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark IN their right hand or IN their forehead and no man may (be able to) buy or sell save (ie, other than) he that has the mark (of the beast)'. This, I believe, points to microchip implants, which as we know are currently being trialed in various countries where volunteers have a microchip inserted into their hand containing their bank account details. When paying for goods and services they simply swipe their hand across specially adapted tills in retail outlets, thus dispensing with the need for any other method of payment (cashless society).
We live in interesting and scary times...
Yes, I do this sometimes, in fact today as I took my 2 mike walk. I envisioned my sons new home at the beach near us, as he is 2,000 mikes away from us and talking about coming closer to live.
The new home, with just enough room for him, on the ground floor as he has a prosthetic knee. And the house has a small guest suite for my husband and I when we visit. The house is just perfect. I envisioned him running an art store, studio as he is an artist and has studied art and loves it.
We are the creators of our own reality. ~Seth
they spray in our neighorhood... even up and into people's driveways.. I just called them and they don't spray in front of our house anymore. Our houses are pretty far apart so it has been helpful
I didn't understand what you said. It has been helpful that they spray? Is that what you mean?
they don't spray near our house anymore because I requested them not to
At age 55, having owned dogs and cats my entire life, this past year I’ve lost a cat to cancer (age 7!) and my dog is currently in chemo for lymphoma! Drs are unable to answer why mid aged healthy pets are now developing cancer at high rates. The cat had not been vaxxed. The dog was prior to my marrying his owner 😊 but not since I arrived on scene 6+ years ago.
Are you vaccinating them? They have found this in the pet injectables. I stopped vaccinating mine about 7 years ago. They are doing fine.
Glyphosate. My 8 yr old got lymphoma from glyphosate or Round up that Landlord refused to stop using. Gone in a month.
You might look into FloridaSharkman on Truth.
Protocol for cancer. Helped many. Very inexpensive.
Focus on parasites.
It's the wireless radiation!!!! OMG - I wish I could shout it from the rooftops with a megaphone so that people would hear me! It is urgently necessary to get rid of the wireless devices and go back to wired technology.
You would appreciate views of Matt @ cultivate/
He speaks of this often. I concur.
Thanks Carol. I've run across his work before and he is actually part of a film I am currently watching here: Personally, I do not think any form of manmade electricity is safe. Although he is using frequencies in his electroculture to offset the wireless damage, I still would prefer to have the entire wireless grid (and ultimately the entire electrical grid) shut down so we can move toward more earth-based, "free" energies rather than continue using these noxious, lab-created frequencies. When I did the research for my ultrasound book, I learned how they are generating these frequencies and it is not pretty. It is also no surprise that these frequencies and radiation are so damaging. They are being created through the torture and abuse of molecules called atoms and also the electro-shock torture of crystals. Manmade electricity is wholly anti-life and the wireless grid exponentially raises the death energy to a frightening degree. Hence, pets, birds, insects, etc. are dying. 1 in 6 children in the US is neurodevelopmentally disabled. 1 in 28 boys is autistic. And this is just scratching the surface of the damage these lab-created energies are causing. People need to understand the danger.
What are the radiation levels in your house? How close are you to cell towers? Do you have wifi and cell phones and cordless phones and a smart meter, etc., that have turned your house into a microwave oven? THIS is what is killing the pets and the veterinary industry is NOT going to tell you what is making the animals sick. The pets are the first to go down because they are smaller (note insects and birds are dying in droves). Children are the next to become ill from the radiation. People need to WAKE UP to radiation issue. Not only are these wireless devices killing people, they are the key to activating the technology that people have been injected with.
You nailed :t. Ici, La France. I have lost my so beloved husky Olga from cancer. She was only 5 ! I am devastated, I bet she had been poisoned by her vaccines and/or by my own fluids (blood), sweat.... (((they))) want to eliminate pets too... My blood is a mess, and I have some visible nanotech in it. I am trying CS now, as many EDTA IV sessions have not worked ! I am still very tired...
I would look into fenbendazole.. most cancers are parasitic driven... especially in animals... you have to consider they use any source of water.. eat infected foods they happen upon.. and mingle with other animals who may be carriers.
I agree with Matt 100%. Karl, thank you for the gift of life. One question - is this sodium dihydrogen citrate E331(i), disodium hydrogen citrate E331(ii), or TriSodium Citrate Dihydrate E331(iii)?
I beleive E331 is usually a mix of 3. I will check my tub tomorrow. Any may work possibly and the properties May all be the same. But good point.
Karl, I just got an email. The form of the product is E331(iii).
They responded fast.
What company? thx!
Look at the picture. It's cheap. X
Yes, but would prefer a source in the US.
Lisa, here’s one. FloridaLabs
I checked the site for which form of sodium citrate the product was but there is no clue in the product information. Are you saying that you think the form is trisodium citrate dihydrate? E331(iii)
I’m thinking it is. *iii* Tri, as in 3
Hey Terisa, they confirmed it was E331(iii) by email.
I saw that comment of yours.
I was just breaking down the “iii” as being Tri, as in TriSodium
Can you provide a link as to where you purchased?
Can we make our own trisodium citrate? 30g of FG bicarbonate with 10g citric acid with a little water - let gas off, will end up with a little extra water due to reaction.
Any biochemists lurking here?
No, but I did sleep in a holiday Inn last night 😁
You need to take what you are doing there and balance the chemical equation for it, then see what is being produced.
Wow! Nice web site. Never had that at University in the 80’s!
Today I noticed something rather extraordinary which I attribute to taking the Sodium Citrate. i was in the kitchen preparing food, and I opened a package of food grade humate and suddenly could smell it. Normally, I have a rather poor sense of sense, with a history of sinus/ ear infections. My nose seems to have opened up-- this is a very dramatic change for me and I think the Sodium citrate is busy cleaning out gunik!
Yes the loss of smell and taste was an issue for me a while back. It will help I believe and you should get taste back too.
So, I'm thinking with a kitchen chemist mindset. I'm guessing, Sodium Citrate is clabbering the synthetic particles out of your blood stream. Can you do a distilled water enema to dilute and eliminate faster, further? Kidneys would be my concern, you've only got two.
I hope this helps. So grateful for your courage to try things and share. You made my day.
I wouldn't want to risk doing it faster. The blood images look like it is doing it very rapidly already. Too much will knock your kidneys for 6.
Are you familiar with Autotherapy.. its in my report here. This is a real deal.
I forgot to add a small amount of salt to the distilled water, this would support osmolarity, you need to dump the clumps. Add castor oil packs to the liver supports the liver's energy to detox without spoiling the experiment.
No additional salt please read the paper work. You have to keep your intake to a safe dosage due to salt content so please Do not add salt. God bless x
Thank you. Can you guide me to where I can read the paper work, where can I look?
From my perspective, that isn't what I had known, and to date, what I've read in Kalcker's book is the most recent. He is an enema advocate and he sights that Dr. Angel Gracia has positive effects of seawater ingestion in humans and animals, this is the work that I'm aware of. There are examples of seawater, pg. 78 that shows contrasting photographs before and after treatment that clearly demonstrate structural and tissue recovery. No kidney damage has been found.
If it isn't an osmolar exchange, as in the gradient difference to encourage fluid towards the bowel to exit, would it not help draw fluids towards the bowel to exit? That is why I wouldn't use only distilled water. If you use distilled water, the distilled water would be drawn through the intestinal membrane and body tissue and the bloodstream, which from where the bowel contents are going to migrate as well,. i.e. into the body, the wrong direction. This is why, in my opinion and understanding, you'd want to do what you can to not add to the toxic load that the experiment could be making. That is why you'd add salt, to move fluid toward the exit. But, I'm open to what you know so I can adjust my understanding of this, if I can see that it is a valid argument to not use salt.
To another aspect of this experiment, perhaps only a purest of salt so another mineral in the experiment isn't introduced to the experiment?
So really, please it would be a valuable piece that I want to learn about. Share the paper work so I can study this further. Again, thanks ahead.
Also, I had thought about DMSO but it would throw off the experiment. It could change the waste back into another form, then we can't properly identify what we think is being eliminated. It would, if I were conducting this experiment to do one step at a time to be as scientific as we can do in our low tech study of this.
Thank you for helping me explain my thoughts on this, just to be clear so we can move in the right direction. I'm very optimistic about this.
Go to the top of the page and click the blue links. All. The info is there x
You've saved me some time, you read my mind. Thank you!
Karl has the links above in the articles. God bless
Castor oil packs are wonderful. Great suggestion.
If they are concerned about oral dumping too much into your blood, I would be double concerned about rectal. I would say dont do it... or at least start with very very low concentrations.
Yes, good thinking. The speed and efficacy we think we see is what ads caution to the whole concept. Thanks
I would certainly use distilled water. I may also try DMSO with sodium citrate. As I already use DSMO regularly, but I'm going to wait on that for now.
I am hopeful that I can repair some of the damage which keeps me housebound. I am keeping a close eye on these reports and results before rushing to buy anything. I am concerned that my kidneys and liver are likely to be quite stressed purely because they have served nearly 72 years hard labour already!
Fingers firmly crossed for a genuine breakthrough for all our sakes!
Maybe very low amount with lots of milk thistle. I think there are some very good liver cleanses out there too. I think Dr hulda Clarke has a good one I've been told.
I went ahead and bought a lot of it just in case. I remember Amazon removing NAC off their website during covid. You never know if they'll taint it or make it difficult to obtain later.
You may want to take a look at this blog post. Autotherapy is helps some people
Autotherapy quickly cured my LONGTIME allergies which nothing else cured. If I get stung by a bee, autotherapy makes it immediately go away. I'm told the same it true for a snakebite. Dr. Amanda Vollmer (with Dr. Cowan) has videos about it.
I had similar success with another salt something very readily available. I became very sick with morgellons in Dec 2020. I saw this in present I the slime-like-gel form, crystal, and solid hairlike and granule presentations. I was covered in sores swollen fatigued and brainfog riddled. It was out of desperation I decided to alkalize my body using baking soda. There is a therapeutic level to take to clean out the system... but I took too much the first time just wanting to purge the parasitic-like thing taking my body over. (That’s all I could compare it to although it did not feel alive like all other life forms in creation, It felt alien and dark)...I read that parasites prefer acidic environments hence my plan to alkalize...When I took too much too fast my body was rapidly purging crystalline structures from every pore that jumped out of my body like a magnet repelling another magnet. I had never experienced a herxheimer reaction before and It freaked me out. I went to the hospital where I talked to a CdC infectious disease specialist who asked me pointed questions about several inobservable symptoms I had been having. i thought he was going to have a solution. I told him about the baking soda and that this infection had previously reacted to frequencies. The other doc had earlier started me on an antibiotic treatment IV because my lymph nodes were swollen the size of golf balls (this was happening prior to taking baking soda my neck chin and lips were swollen inflamed and opening up in weeping sores with fibers crystals granules and slime like gel coming out of them slowly)
As soon as I mentioned to the CDC about frequencies and the baking soda he stopped the antibiotic and ordered me commited against my will under threat of arrest to the psych ward. He advised me to stop taking baking soda. So the opposite of what he told me became my prescription (However more measured) and I made great improvements. I now combine an alkalization routine of 1/2 tsp baking soda a few times a day along with iodine and mineral supplements and gum spirits of turpentine cleanses. I came back from the brink of death this way. Healing is possible!!!
It's sad, I git similar abuse when I got ill. I was in a real mess head to to and they said noting was wrong and then there was the fun and games you speak of too. Baking side helps by lowering raising the PH but it has effects not comparable to this. I am bicarbinate soda fan though, alkalizing is good. But this also regulates PH better I believe too.
I agree with you there are good effects which baking soda does not provide heightened sensation clarity, pain relief, energy, lifted mood, and I’ve noticed the stubborn lesions on my legs are healing instead of the same plaques returning. I did experience a heightened level of swelling for the first few days, but that has subsided completely today. Which is day 6.
Karl, thank you for posting your research. I began suffering from long Covid or shedding from vaccinated folks. I tried a lot of things.
I started drink fresh lemon juice every day for vitamin C, but lemons also contain citric acid.
I want to try the sodium citrate as well.
"he stopped the antibiotic and ordered me commited against my will under threat of arrest to the psych ward.." Just WOW. God bless you for pulling through that one.