Very good. I've had high BP too over the last few years. Not sure what it is now, since I've been ignoring it. It doesn't affect my ability to do my physical chores, and I'm not overweight. I'm getting more comfortable with mitigating the nano-tech. "It is what it is" and I'm not going to change "the controllers' " objectives. But I can …
Very good. I've had high BP too over the last few years. Not sure what it is now, since I've been ignoring it. It doesn't affect my ability to do my physical chores, and I'm not overweight. I'm getting more comfortable with mitigating the nano-tech. "It is what it is" and I'm not going to change "the controllers' " objectives. But I can change my attitude and response to it. I've adopted Shawn Melville's attitude of "no fear". I use mantras. "I am love. I am peace. I am compassionate." They are good reminders for me until I become peace, love and compassion. I feel like I've set up the best tech defense, which makes me feel empowered. Feeling empowered is significant. I can relax since feeling empowered. I pray too and trust that God is directing me. But I also follow the Amish mantra of "pray and move your feet".
Well done. I like that Amish mantra. I definitely struggle with feeling disempowered, for a variety of reasons, many from my childhood. Oddly, “COVID” has perhaps helped me see myself more clearly, and deal with some of those issues, so for that, I can be grateful. Best of luck.
Very good. I've had high BP too over the last few years. Not sure what it is now, since I've been ignoring it. It doesn't affect my ability to do my physical chores, and I'm not overweight. I'm getting more comfortable with mitigating the nano-tech. "It is what it is" and I'm not going to change "the controllers' " objectives. But I can change my attitude and response to it. I've adopted Shawn Melville's attitude of "no fear". I use mantras. "I am love. I am peace. I am compassionate." They are good reminders for me until I become peace, love and compassion. I feel like I've set up the best tech defense, which makes me feel empowered. Feeling empowered is significant. I can relax since feeling empowered. I pray too and trust that God is directing me. But I also follow the Amish mantra of "pray and move your feet".
Well done. I like that Amish mantra. I definitely struggle with feeling disempowered, for a variety of reasons, many from my childhood. Oddly, “COVID” has perhaps helped me see myself more clearly, and deal with some of those issues, so for that, I can be grateful. Best of luck.