Karl, "thank you" is only a tiny word compared to my gratitude. If the whole ship sinks as a result of the coordinated attack on us, we will stay human in spirit until the end.

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Thank you. Our spirit is ours and ours only. They can't take it!

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They can't...& yet can't they mess with our minds & make us do things that we would never do, normally? It does appear that way. That's my greatest fear.

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Unwittingly and unwillingly is your defence! What is commited to God's hand can in nowise be plucked out or chucked out. Stay strong!

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Yes, unfortunately that is absolutely what is going on. Actually, weaponized frequency is a greater culprit in that sense. Nobody can say for sure at this point, but my thinking is that the nanotech is actually more about biosurviellance and making your body into more of an antenna for bio-coded directed energy, aka DNA resonant frequency.

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Are you talking about v2k/voice to skull type stuff? Because I feel I know this is happening, to at least one person I’ve come across on line. There are probably many more, but I feel a real connection to this one person I mean

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Yes. I often describe it as V2K because that is an easy way for it to be understood for people who are new to neurowarfare, but in practice, there can really be myriad things going on when your brain is hooked up to a super computer. V2K I feel like would be more of a session-by-session interferance, whereas most Targeted Individuals are basically hooked up to a supercomputer *all day* with DNA resonant frequency, also known as bio-coded directed energy. Whistleblowers note that bio-coded directed energy is the equivalent of being hooked up via fiberoptic cable to super computer all the time, I think with the exception of when you are sleeping (tho synthetic dreams are also common, probably with the use of other tech). So with that going on, really some of the manipulation can be like a symbiosis of yourself and the super computer, or a digital twin deepfake of you, rather than something that is just inserted session by session from a non-integrated source. That being said, V2K is an accurate term to describe what about 2/3 of Targeted Individuals experience. I would just like to emphasize that there is a whole range of degrees to which thinking can be influenced and thoughts can be inserted, some of which are much more integrated into the subject's native patterns of thinking than *traditional* V2K, which might be more like a separate person (or a computer) making a phone call directly into your head.

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well explained easy to digest, thankyou

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Yikes, this is really freaky. I’m going to have to read what you’ve written a few times before I get it, I think!

You don’t have to rewrite it, I’m a bit tired and distracted at the moment, so I’ll read this again when I’m not so tired. Thanks very much though.

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This is all true. We are 2 whistle blowers standing up to expose this for the last 10 years. We are Citizens Against Harmful Technology. Our site is www.targetedhumans.org . Think good thoughts to manifest a better future. We are more powerful with our thoughts than we think.

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Thank you so much, Karl. I can understand what some of this stuff is doing since I've watched it in it's earlier incarnation. It is remaking us in it's image.

Something interesting in the last months. My dreams are being hijacked. There are certain consistencies that make me think there is some kind of Russian influence driving the dreams. As if the "operator" is trying to make the details of the dreams "American", but doesn't know enough about Americans and so many of the details seem Russian in nature. I can give details if anyone is interested.

In other words, my dreams are being driven by some kind of access to my mind when I'm sleeping. Also, my circadian rhythm switched almost overnight from normal to up all night and sleeping during the day. This would also be more in keeping with a time schedule from another location.

I know this sounds bizarre, but it's happening. As mentioned, I've had Morgellons/CDB for a long time and now the current tech is added in and I think this kind of remote mind control may be a next step.

I am not saying these are Russian invaders. Rather labs all over the world engaged in various experiments for data gathering to see where they are with their progress of controlling minds.

Anyway, having had these dreams constantly for months now, I am sure they aren't mine. One reason being it's not me in the dreams. More like a constructed avatar that is missing the authenticity mark.

On reason I'm mentioning this today is the nature of the dreams has escalated in scare tactics. A large black shape attacked several times trying to overtake my sleeping body and it was so threatening and intense it woke me up. After two tries and with sincere prayers to God, it left. But this was something else. A new level. I do think it had a goal of enveloping my body in itself. I thank God He stopped it.

I know they are transforming the body, but the brain is an organ and I think it may be the prize they want to win. Like in any war - to win the "Hearts and Minds" of the enemy. Which is us.

Your work is incredible and the further we go, and rapidly, the more we need to know. I pray you and your team receive the funds to continue your work.

Anyone reading this please donate if you can. AND PRAY TO GOD ALMIGHTY.

Fear not he who can destroy the body because as the inimitable MC Hammer sez :

"Can't Touch This." They cannot touch our souls unless we willingly give them though they can trick you into giving it. But you need protection. Seek Jesus now. Don't be deceived.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be886Ezi30g Hammer is now a Christian Minister...

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Oh Dearest Pirate, I have only just logged onto reading Karl’s paper and your account here concerns me for your sake. I am praying for you my friend. You did the right thing to call on Jesus particularly…in his own words to us, told us to just call his name and he will come to you and protect you. I too, decades ago had exactly this encounter you described with a dark evil being and I scared myself doing just that when the dark entity came at me in the dark. Yes, I have been facing off with this darkness - always…and I yelled out his name three times - and the thing left. I am so sorry to hear of your mind invasion…find a way to fight it, if you are able to get out in to nature, it helps so much, as it reminds us of all that is so good about being alive ourselves. Don’t ever be afraid Pirate, work harder at marvelling at your own humanity, think back on all of the wonderful adventures you’ve been on, places, crazy wonderful times you’ve had…and keep re-living all that good mileage, over and over..find stuff to make you smile, laugh and cry, happy tears of joy.

Re-knit all that good stuff over and over in your waking mind…pray before you sleep, and therefore have rebuilt all that you’ve earnt living here in this beautiful world with us. I hope you hear something in this to help you fight back and get this stupid crap out of your caring, brilliant mind. Stay strong, sending you much LOVE and STRENGTH from your kooky little sister down under!! KK, Love you Pirate

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Thank you so much for all your true advice and that you care enough to tell me about your experiences. Yes, I will start knitting those lovely thoughts together and weave a net around my mind. Elon Musk and his neuralink pale in comparison to your idea. Jesus is right here with me. I don't fear them. They are no match for God Almighty. I feel your love and strength. Thank you, KK. All glory to God.

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You are most welcome my friend....we have to stand together always, united as one against this foe. It was just remarkable how similar the thing that attacked you was - with mine - being so very long ago. Jesus walks alongside with me too, every minute of all my days so far. Your ability to describe what things you do, is so precise.

Yes, we can regenerate just about anything in our bodies, and I know this applies as much to the brain as any other part of us. So how powerful, and so easy for us to regenerate our own memories thus far, reconstructing those neural networks back again and reviving our past recorded experiences, and repeated over again, should this be invaded by that darkness again.

Bless you Pirate, KK

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Wherever two or more of you are gathered in my name there is love. - Jesus Christ (my hero).

To beat the band! Sing it, Johnny...


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Wow Kat, you too! That’s 3 people on this stack already who have had night/sleep encounters with dark beings. Goodness.

My mother-in-law claims to have woken in the night sometime unable to breathe properly because of some dark creature sitting on her chest. She’s not been a believer though. She said whatever it was just went away. If not for my husband believing her, I never would have, as she is unGodly and blasphemous. Who would have thought!

Kat, I’ve been meaning to respond to what you said about your first job, but I never got back to you. It would have been one of the most awesome things to have been doing! It seems like an age ago since we spoke of that.

Hope you are well. I’m ok, as well as can be expected in this traumatic time!

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I'd like to hear about KK's job as well. I don't know why your mother-in-law was relieved of the dark creature. God works are mysterious but always for the best of reasons. We see through a glass darkly. But someday will see everything. WOW.

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KK will have to tell you about her job.

Yeah, my mother-in-law, the Godless creature she is. She’s prone to exaggerating-no matter what my husband has said, I’m not sure I believe she’s telling the exact truth. My husband wouldn’t say it happened for no reason. So I’m stuck between trusting what she said and not trusting. If it happened, God let it happen for a reason. It was a long time ago, before I met my husband. He doesn’t even like his mother anymore, because of her blasphemous nature, and she had put him down when he was struggling with his Christianity.

Yes, God’s works are often mysterious-maybe he was using the dark thing to try and get her to turn to Him.

The weird thing is that she thinks she’s a Christian, but she has no idea of how to be a Christian. I just stay out of her way-we don’t visit her and my husband’s father anymore. I hadn’t been for a long time, and my husband has been searching his soul and the Bible about visiting them. He doesn’t want to go. Also, my husband and our son went there last year, the day after Christmas, and a great big argument erupted between him and his father, who then told my husband to go and not come back. Our son also is not welcome. His mother rang a few weeks ago, and she talks like nothing has happened.

As I said, I stay out of it, but they are in their 80s and have each had about 5 “covid jabs”, she smokes and drinks, he has given up smoking mostly, I think he still drinks a bit. I don’t know how they’re still alive after all this!

But I have to leave things up to my husband. I’ve told him that he may regret not making peace with them soon. Anyway, enough of that, I’ve gone on about it too long. Things will workout how they work out.

Someday we will see everything-indeed Pirate, indeed!

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Darkness is trying to attach itself to someone when it comes over them. At least that's my understanding as of today. So, your MIL may not be telling the entire truth. The thing may have become attached by invitation. There's a good book by M. Scott Peck titled PEOPLE OF THE LIE about his clinical experiences with evil and possession by evil. Some good insights. Chilling. And a good read.

My mother was consumed by her own evil choices at the end of her life. She did some final damaging things to me and others before she died. Though I pitied her, I listened to her and stopped trying to "make it right". She told me she didn't want me to come and be with her at the end. For the first time in our relationship I just said, "Okay." Instead of trying to make it right and going anyway and all the rest I had done with her all my life. I just didn't go. In the last month of her life she told everyone who'd listen what a terrible daughter I was. They all believed her, of course, she was dying and I wasn't there. I must be terrible, right?

She died and I didn't go to the funeral. There were practical reasons that made it virtually impossible for me to get there in time. I would have had to really punish myself and I just didn't go. It took years for me to stop caring what other people think and realize it was fine. As Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead." She had died long before her funeral.

Kissinger and Rothschild (both who recently died...) bodies lived to be 100 years old. Jesus died at 33 years old.

It's quality. Not quantity. That's why a tiny little light can banish vast darkness. Such is the superior quality of light over darkness.

You are a light, Sister. Keep that oil in your little lamp. God Bless.

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Wow Pirate thanks for that very personal comment. It’s not a nice thing to talk about.

My husband often says let the dead bury the dead. It took me a little while to understand what Jesus meant! How typical of Jesus!🙂 Always talking in parables.

Yes, quality, not quantity.

Thanks for your encouragement, Sister. God Bless You too!

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Look into the use of Smart Meters and 5/6G towers. I follow a good website www.NaturalNews with their BRIGHTEON videos It gives me a free newsletter in my inbox every day. When you click on BRIGHTEON though it takes you to BRIGHTEON TV. Go up the left hand side of the page and the words NEW VIDEOS pop up. Use them as you would YouTube. The 5G connect to the nano in the body. It is so insidious. Think I have seen your name before. Don't know whether to call you Brother or Sister in the Lord. Don'r forget to put on the whole armor of God. Had a wonderful dream years ago where i was standing with a group of people under some dark gray clouds. I some how knew I was getting a present/gift from a mighty King. Sudden;y from the cloud a plain beautiful gold sword struck the ground in front of me. Ask God for ideas, He is good at that. Before, I leave Us Nonvaxxed are nicknamed PURE BLOODS. God bless you.

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Thank you for your well wishes. You can call me Sister, Sister. God Bless.

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Does Mike Adams believe this is a virus or tech? I thought he believed it was a virus, but maybe I am wrong. Jane

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Wow, bless you. Prayers that you'll continue to be safe. When you say we need protection, to seek it now, are you referring to God, Jesus?

It is terrifying to think that they can trick or manipulate us into giving them our souls.

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Yes, I mean Jesus. God Almighty. I went back and clarified what I wrote thanks to you, so thank you and for the well wishes.

People who think they can beat Satan or evil energies or whatever they call it, who don't have a living relationship with Jesus are always susceptible to losing their souls. He is the only One who has the wisdom, power and strength to protect us and keep us. Even if someone is able to resist Satan but doesn't have Jesus in their heart when they die, they will lose it all. I know this is true. It's not because I'm so clever, it's just the truth for everyone. God Bless.

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PS - I'm in my 60's but this used to happen to me when I was a child. Like something had taken over my dreams w/ the purpose of terrifying me - so much so that I would wet the bed. My mother was so kind and acknowledged this also happened to her when she was young. I remember laying in bed and whispering the rosary over and over...that tonight wouldn't be a night of terror. Then one night I learned about lucid dreaming where "I" could actually control my dreams. My nightmares went away immediately. Of course it wasn't until decades later that I heard - and learned - about the concept of lucid dreaming. You might want to look this up. In terms of being up all night and having to sleep during the day (bc you're utterly exhausted) you are not the first I've heard say this - I too am having issues. And yes - they are desperately trying to control our bodies and minds. But they won't succeed.

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Thank you, Juan. I have always dreamed lucidly. I can see myself in the dreams and can wake myself up and other self-directed things. But these current dreams are different. It's not me I'm watching in them. It's someone else's idea of who I am. Another person altogether. That's one way I know other people or entities are involved. I keep observing all this in order to get a clearer idea of what's going on.

As far as staying up all night, it's not insomnia. I'm not exhausted. It's that my inner clock has been switched. I'm going to try some things to switch it back.

These are all things to do with the body. I am learning so much.

You are right. They won't succeed. God Bless.

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PS - "it's not me I'm watching in thenm. It's someone else's idea of who I am." This reminds me so much of a "digital twin" - one that will exist in the metaverse. Do you think that's a possibility of what is going on?

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Yes, Juan. I think that's what's going on. I think they may be trying to see how far the influence of the twin can reach to the original (me). That may be the point of the twin since there must be a point otherwise it wouldn't be done.

I think they may be using me since I'm "prepped" with Morgellons/CDB and that's why I'm going into details since others may be next as things progress.

I took you suggestion further and determined to be even more active in my dreams to see what would happen. When the "dream" which is not my dream became boring (as they often do), I stepped in from just observing and sped up the dream to like 5x speed. I could still watch it in super fast motion. See my avatar, etc. Then I could slow it back down at will. After I did this several times, the "dreams" came to an abrupt end.

The moral of my lesson is this - I have a much greater level of control over this than I realized. We'll see what happens next. I don't want to be arrogant and I pray for Jesus to watch over me and give me what I need to negotiate these weird waters.

I think that may be why the dark swarm tried to take over. Because I'm figuring some things out and I'm not afraid because Jesus is by my side helping me all the way.

Thank you so much for your interest. I do think this is at least an aspect of what they're trying to do with the nanotech. Take over our minds and bodies. They can't touch our souls unless we give them through willingness or deception.

I want to emphasize that deception only works if we are willing to be deceived. I worked in films for a long time and it was called the "suspension of disbelief". It means a person knows they are watching a movie but will suspend what they know to be true in order to become emotionally involved and identify with what they're watching - the movie. In other words, you have to be a willing participant regardless of their methods to give away your soul. Your choice. Always your choice.

God Bless.

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Hey pirate did you ever see ”Constantine” Keanu Reeves plays a sort of medium interceding with dark forces…a troubled soul himself…helps a woman solve her twin sister death. Your dark entity literally appears manifest in one section of movie. As a further means to gain your personal ground……it’s a near perfect depiction of what you described “it” was like.

Because of your background in stage..you may already know of the film, and it’s also a distinct possibility that “they” were able to tap into and hack a stored memory you have of this horrible (movie) event - used to scare you just like what happened to you as you slept.

If you wanted to face-off with “it” on your own terms over and again….until it has no effect whatsoever upon you/ your psyche. The thing in this film swarms over him and almost gobbles him up! I held off telling you until now to allow a passage of time to go by….a break from that trauma. For some ppl this is a useful tactic. You may find yourself utterly laughing at the sheer stupidity that thing was and cry yourself laughing instead. Proceed with caution, only you know best. Just a suggestion. xx. KK

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I haven't seen Constantine though I think I'll watch it now. I used to have a terrible prejudice against Keanu that most of the film biz had. I've come to see why they spread this denigration against him and I appreciate him now.

That imagery may be inside my mind since it's not unique. I've read both fictional and nonfictional accounts of similar events. But I don't think they are able to actually access my "real" mind. What they infiltrate me with is not of me. It's made up and I can tell it's being manufactured from another source.

I haven't been plagued in several weeks now. Though last night I had a marvelous dream I believe was of God. I was laying in a hospital ward with others and had been presented with a bill as we all had. It didn't have my name on it or an amount due, only an address. I can't remember the number but the street name was "Hecho". Rumours broke out among the patients some bills were going to be paid. Then on an intercom, the address on my bill was announced and I knew my bill was paid. I had been given a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. This dream was mine. I can tell the difference. Not just because it's a good dream, but there are clear markers of what is of me and what isn't.

This is significant to me because a month ago I was given a strong message from the Holy Spirit I am healed though no changes came in my body. In the days that followed, people were crawling out of the woodwork telling me I was "demon possessed" and needed a human faith healer. I also had the dreams and demonic visitations I spoke of in the same days. I knew in my soul something was wrong in these suggestions about human intervention. Then it hit me. I had already been told by the Holy Spirit I was healed. My faith was being tested. If I had turned to human intervention in fear, it would have been a lack of faith in the Spirit on my part.

I rejected the suggestions. Some had to be rejected strongly. One person became very scary. I searched my soul and was assured I am not demon possessed and last night I was given a dream I have a clean bill of health.

My street address on the bill , "Hecho", means FACT in Portuguese. Amazing, no?

There have been some other things happening spiritually as well, but this is enough for now. A force that boomed on me in my sleep and knocking, etc.

It's all great. No fear. Thank you so much for telling me what you know and helping me. This means so much to me. You are a DARLING DEAR! God Bless.

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Look up "time of day balance" using pressure points.... works great with jet-lag which is caused by your circadian rhythm out of wack

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Found it, Andrew. Thank you. This may work.

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Goodness Pirate, on many levels! Your dreams! I’m an Aussie and all I can say is crikey. (I was saying that before the annoying Steve Irwin and his wife-it’s quite an old Aussie exclamation)

Years ago I learnt something from a psychologist or counsellour, maybe in a book-my memory is shot, anyway I learnt that our dreams are always about us. So as you say, your dreams are being hijacked.

This is beyond my understanding.

I hardly ever remember my dreams. I hardly remember anything. Maybe something’s happening to my memory,-too much aluminium from chemtrails, cookware etc. Maybe I’m just getting old. Doesn’t matter.

Keep us informed Pirate. I’ve slacked off a bit from Bible reading, so many things happening.

I didn’t know MC Hammer is a Christian minister-interesting. That song sticks in my mind from so many years ago.

Will follow your advice, as best I can.

Thanks so much for sharing, this is a very important post from you, thanks Pirate

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I agree my dreams in the past were about me but these aren't and that's how, after having them for many months, I've become sure I'm being hijacked in the night. But it's okay. I woke up in time to stop whatever was happening with God right there to aid me.

I have read the bible and I am grateful we have it, but my relationship with Jesus is one on one. I simply talk with Him all day long.

I am so glad you got something worthwhile from my post. That's my goal and you've helped me reach it. I just want my experiences to help others. Otherwise I'd keep it to myself since I know it opens me to ridicule.

God loves us so much. Don't ask me why. It's all beyond my understanding as well.

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Keep talking to us Pirate, anyone who would ridicule you is a fool. I always get something from your posts. I feel a spiritual connection with you, this happens only sometimes with me, especially on the internet!

You are very experienced in these things that you suffer-I think most of us can learn a lot from you.

That thing that tried to get you when you were sleeping and awake sounds just awful. You are strong in your faith, so you and your prayers to God got rid of it. I don’t want to sound ghoulish, but can you say if anything like this happens again please? If you want to.

I didn’t have time to say this earlier, I had to do something-you don’t need to answer me, I know it can be tiresome.

Just, may God Bless You Pirate, and keep you safe.

May God keep us ALL safe!

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I will tell you if anything comes again. It's not ghoulish. We all need to know and take things for what they're worth to each of us.

I will say the dark thing that came twice was in a mass or form but made of millions of particles. I could see through it and it moved like a swarm of bees or gnats tightly bunched in formation. That's how it tried to envelope my body as I slept. By swarming all over me, but like I said, I woke and called on God and saw it. Then it was gone and I immediately fell asleep again. The second time it came, it was larger than the first and I woke and called to Jesus again. I don't know if I used my voice or not. I cried out with every fiber of my being so it's hard to say because the evil and danger was imminent and so clear. Anyway, it just vanished. Like it folded into the air and was gone. Very fast. Again, I fell immediately back to sleep.

I did have a few of the directed dreams late night. They were intense and weird different from the previous ones, but the same somehow as well. It's like they were trying a different tact. I woke myself up and asked God to take them away and they went. Again, I'm not afraid. More annoyed. I need sleep.

I'm going into this, again, in case others start having similar experiences. I hope not, but I think what's happening to me is an extension of the experiment.

I always pray all day long but especially before sleeping. We don't need to fear these idiots. I don't care how smart they think themselves to be in their arrogance they are no match for God. Thank you, Jesus.

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Hi Pirate, I understand what you mean about a swarm type thing. I don’t like saying this, but it reminds me of some “horror” movies I used to watch, more than a decade ago.

I’m glad you’re more annoyed than anything about the directed dreams. What’s happening to you may well be part of the experiment.

No, I’m not scared of these idiots either, as you say, they are no match for God.

Jesus trumps satan anytime! I talk to Jesus, and God a lot also. I’ll pray that I can achieve even a fraction of your faith Pirate-I’ve got a feeling I’m going to need it.

Thanks for sharing!

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I see strong faith in you and humility. Both are luminous.

We all need more faith. As much as we can muster. That's what this is all about imo. Faith. Not proof. FAITH.

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Thanks Pirate. That’s all I can say right now

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How are you today Pirate? Talk to us when you can!

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I'm much better today as far as dreams and darkness go. No problems last night. Thank you so much for your concern. I am worn out but peaceful.

Something has shifted into the positive. I am watchful, but not worried.

I've felt your love. I mean it. This is amazing really. Thank you, again.

If everything stays in the light this week I want to start writing on my own stack again and stop filling Karl's up. His subjects and discoveries need their own focus. My hesitancy has been due to repercussions that follow. But as I said, something has shifted. God Bless.

Thank you for the space, Karl.

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I’m glad you’re feeling better. Worn out but peaceful. That sounds good!

I’m so glad that something has shifted to positive.

Thanks for the comments about love. It is amazing. I’m quite a shy person when talking about emotions. I get all tongue tied, or in this case thought tied! You really are very kind. I find it hard to accept compliments. I think I’ve always been like that. But never mind about that.

I hope things stay positive for you so you can do some work on your stack.

Yes, I’ll say it also Karl, thanks for the space.

I’m sure he’ll understand-we’ve all got to help each other.

Well, I’m off to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow, I really do hope things stay positive for you Pirate-it’s good that you spoke up about what was happening!

God Bless you too Pirate. Speak up if things go South, else how will we know? Although, if things go south, you may end up in Australia!!! With Dr Nixon, KK and me, but we all live in different parts of this vast country.

Ah, just a joke! Keep your head high!

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Man. A Walkabout sounds really good right about now. So maybe you guys will see me there...

Thank you for your humor. I need to smile.

We are all shy about love since the love we know from one another is so untrustworthy and fails so often. The love I've shown as well as been given. Only Jesus' love is sustaining. The bread of life. The water that quenches our thirst. Life and more abundantly.

I only wish everyone could experience it.

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can't stop hammering now !!! thankyou for this clip...I soooo needed it, makes ma soul sing ! perfect medicine for struggling striving souls KK

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They can't touch THIS. hahahahhahhahhhhha! Thank you, Jesus!

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Hi Pirate, I was just going over posts, you’ll see I did some new replies to you-and I thought I’d have a look at the Hammer clip again. Because Satan and his minions are so big on symbolism, I’m often looking for it. Any way, at the beginning where it says American Music Awards, I saw that if you turn one of the As upside down and attach it to the other A, an upside down cross, or crucifix is formed. Maybe coincidence, but with what we know about the music industry, maybe not a coincidence. The long part of the cross may be a bit thick, and the circles may not quite meet, but that’s what I see. I’m glad Hammer got out of the music industry.

I’ve seen an old black and white photo of the fab four when they were young, all four of them were holding upside down crucifixes. The boys looked so innocent, but were they, even at such an early stage?

Also, something weird happened when I was writing this. First thing, I had to write it twice, as the first time, when I got to writing fab four my screen just froze. Nothing would move. I only use an ipad, for various reasons, and I had to push the “home” button, then do it again to get back to the substack. My post had vanished. This was important to me, as it has happened twice, and both times I had used the word ‘Satan’ in both posts. Obviously it hasn’t happened every time I type satan, but is this another coincidence?

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I doubt it's a coincidence. Is it AI interfering or demonic or both? idk. What I do know is I'm not getting notices about your responses. I am just coming back and checking now periodically. I just saw this one so that's about a week ago and no notice.

Okay. My dreams have shifted again. Nothing for a couple of weeks now, just vague peaceful dreams and sleep. Then last night a new tactic. Very fast forwarded images flashing one after another. Like a slide show in super fast motion. So fast I don't know what most of the images are images of. It seemed to go on and on and I woke myself up and could remember a few of the last images and they were disturbing. Like road kill and a burned tree. idk. I prayed and went back to sleep and they didn't come back.

I have a feeling this is some kind of experiment since I have Morgellons/CDB I am likely primed for this and now we have the new tech introduced, so...

Anyway, it's speculation on my part. I'm still not afraid, though. I can see none of this is me and it's just someone's attempt at something which I can stop by waking myself up and praying. If it happens to others, I hope they remember it's not their own mind. It's a trick. Like your ipad. A trick to try and freaky-deaky you into something like not writing.

Unfortunately, The Beatles are a construct. By the Tavistock Institute. Popular culture is so incredibly influential and is the easiest way to get people to comply with many, many things. This became apparent when the power of Elvis and Marilyn, etc., became evident so it was co-opted and manipulated. The same is true for the Rolling Stones. The Beatles were the "wholesome boys" and the Stones the "bad boys". When John Lennon said they were more popular than Jesus, that was the goal. There is a good book (I have and have yet to read) called Strange Happenings in Laurel Canyon (I think) by Dave McGowan about the creation of the music scene and control of popular culture. He also wrote another book called Programmed To Kill about the manufacturing of serial killers. Mr. McGowan died of a heart attack out of the blue one day. Hmm...

Anyway, anyway, this has all been going on a long time. What's happening now is a kind of end game to what's come before. They are attempting Check if not Checkmate.

Of course, they are only people and we'll see about all this. I have a feeling the story is going to unfold in ways none of them desire. God's will be done.

It's important we all remember we are being manipulated 24/7 and have been all our lives. Doesn't stop me from enjoying the Beatles or the Stones. But I am aware of what's being attempted and I do not consent. Though I am fooled on occasion like anyone else. That's why I rely on God's wisdom and not my own thoughts. We need His love.

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A lot of people, well not a lot, some that I know of who have substacks have found some people aren’t receiving them in their emails, and the substack writers haven’t been able to see who’s getting or not getting their stacks. In fact, I haven’t heard from a couple for a while, I’ll have to go and check.

That’s a weird dream(s) to put up with, it’s a good thing you can wake yourself up and pray. And yeah, these things with my ipad, another incident happened a little while ago, I’m not worrying about it. It’s just that I had to rewrite the comment!

Yes, I have heard of the Tavistock institute. My husband says I have to get rid of my records. I let him and my son burn my Stones, Beatles and Kiss albums, so many more to go. He thinks it’s important as these things can become a portal or something. I’m not going to argue. I can always listen on YouTube. The records do remind me of how life used to be good and fun, so they can go.

It really is amazing to think one’s whole life has been a lie.

All we need is God !

The younger people these days are mesmerised by that Taylor Swift. I feel sorry for them.

Yep, I can’t add any more, except we know the power of prayer and love.

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You didn't think that the reason you feel the Russian influence in your American dreams is because they want you to believe that the Russians are invading your thoughts, not them?

I am sure that the Russians are not the problem but the solution when it comes to Christianity and the protecting power of Jesus.

Please consider learning the Jesus Prayer in the original Old Russian language. This prayer consists of only one sentence and you can't even imagine how much power it has. Please also consider that the last thing you do before going to sleep in the evening is to listen to some songs sung by the monks of Valaam Monastery.

The prayers sung in the Old Russian language by the monks have vibrations that are proven to have healing powers.

The Jesus Prayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7-VLJxLEV4

Valaam Monastery on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCQAkWqvYk8

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I do not trust any religion...

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Nice work Karl and David. This is quite the journey. Let us pray! And may we continue to unpack this wickedness with grace and courage.

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Pray, indeed! My ongoing prayer is that God will not let these evil people be successful, that no matter the technology, we will remain "ourselves" & not turn into cyborgs that are at their mercy.

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How about the BORG? Why are the rich elite building all these bunkers, what are they expecting? Planet X/Niburu? The Nano in the people who got the jab will interact with the 5G/6G, then what. God bless you.

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Todd Callender & his legal researcher, Lisa McGee, found papers (patents?) that talked about cyborgs. They want to control us. Thing is, it appears that even the non-jabbed will have this potential. Dr. David & Karl's article confirms that the unjabbed's blood is looking exactly like the jabbed...which is how the evil ones intended it to be.

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No matter what they do to our bodies they can't touch our souls or take our God-given Spirit. Unless we give it away.

Fear not he who can kill the body. It's all fine no matter what as long as we have FAITH.

With faith we will never be at their mercy but under the protection of Jesus' mercy.

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Very true. However, my fear is that their control will make someone do something that they normally would never have done. Dr. Ed Group says the name of the game is detox, detox, detox. Detoxify the body of all the toxins the evil ones are putting in by air (spraying/chemtrails, in water, foods), detox the colon, the liver, parasites. He said that our liver is clogged from the microplastics in our water, & especially in plastic bottles. His site has the products for the detoxes, & I trust his products over any others. He triple-tests all the raw ingredients, ending with fluorescent microscopy (very high power, high dollar microscope -- only 20 like it in the US). His site is globalhealing.com if interested.

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Detox is a great plan, but what works for one doesn't for another. Detoxing too many things at once is dangerous and if you want this out of your body people can go overboard and harm themselves. Plus, you can detox but will the detox take the tech out of your blood? That is the catch. Sodium citrate, activated charcoal, and possibly thieves oil does remove the tech, but when stopped it keeps going. I think it is going even when you are taking these items. The photos show that. Not trying to discourage this process, but am just waiting and watching. I have been tested genetically by a really good doc and I can only detox at 30 percent. I have tried NAC, glutathione etc. . and can't tolerate it. I react to all of it, so every person is different. The concept it still very important. Will look up the site you suggest. Jane

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It's an ongoing process to keep these terrible things out of our bodies. But I get what you're saying, & I'm sorry you're dealing with that. One great way to detox, believe it or not, is urotherapy. We've been brainwashed to believe our urine is waste -- it is NOT. Our urine is STEM CELLS, geared specifically for our own body. Fresh, the stem cells are in the hundreds. Aged 21 days, it's in the millions! Check out urotherapyresearch.com. Many have healed with this, with near or far infrared sauna, & eating a diet of fresh live foods or juicing raw veges, drinking distilled water (I use the WaterWise 4000 countertop distiller). Also check out https://explore.globalhealing.com/whats-the-best-colon-cleanse-diet/?xnpe_tifc=xkn74FVZxkPuxdx7buhNb9psafeWaeiWhFWNhf4gqfPJVu8Dnk4vaf4LVjncauUlrFo8h.17bIoZbInlOkeN4.VT&utm_source=exponea&utm_campaign=OP_Welcome_Series&utm_medium=email&utm_content=OP_Email_3&mi_u=5193739960520

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I believe urine has been tested for tech and it is there. Don't think I will be doing that anytime soon. I have read about it, but anything with tech is not a good plan. Also, distilled water still has tech. Karl has tested this and that is how I know. If not for these folks wouldn't know much even though I have looked long and hard for answers. The global healing folks I believe are still putting forth that this is a virus. Please correct me is that is not the case. Nicotine patches aren't going to keep the tech from replicating in the body. We bought a distiller and had to replace with a reverse osmosis. Now we use both and think we have the cleanest water n the state. I stopped doing research on antidotes because there isn't one as far as I know. The sodium citrate, thieves oil and activated charcoal do work. It has been tested, but you have to keep taking it. I don't know if Dr. Ardis has tested anyone's blood to even see if the nicotine works. If there is no proof I walk away. It might give people a bit of energy and then they think it is doing something. If they aren't talking about the bioweapon tech I walk away. Lots of discernment needed and it is hard. I have been doing research on morgellons and you wouldn't believe what people are saying works. Many believe absolutely that they have the answer. Then another person comes along and uses something different and say the same thing. If I could get five people to agree on one treatment that would be like a miracle. Not trying to be negative, but very realistic in dangerous times. Thanks for the links. I like to learn new things, but within perimeters I have had to set up for myself. One thing I always look for is are they selling anything? What are they gaining from what they are allowing people to believe? Are they making a name for themselves in the process? People are coming out of the woodwork with every idea under the sun and can scam people quite easily. If you remember at the beginning of this whole mess the PCR tests were set to show that many people would get covid and if you didn't take the shot you would get really sick and die. All a lie. It also worked.....because of fear. I know that castor oil packs on the liver are a good way to detox. I have had two alternative care doctors recommend it, so am going to try it. Going to also work with a functional medicine doctor and am anxious to see what she has to offer. I doubt if she knows about what is in the blood and that could be an issue. I have been sick for a long time, and finding someone who is a good diagnostician is rare. Jane

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Thank you, Becky. I will check him out. Though we have to keep in mind that we can't detox endlessly without causing harm. Like fasting. Which is also an excellent detox but can't be done long term without a break.

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Ditto Rich, nice to see you ! KK

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I am to understand that once inside the cells this tech can express it self!? This alone is beyond outrage. Once that happens 2 networks form: intra and inter.

It really becomes a parent we need to disconnect or disallow the connection from outside. That means faraday cage living and ditching the fucking phone plain and simple dude. Stop the connectivity to our bodies via RF.

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Agreed. But what about the satellite rays...Elon has over 5,000 low-orbit 5G satellites orbit. And who knows where the origination of the directed energy weapons in the fires we've seen are from. Their technology is beyond anything we could ever imagine.

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They have been at this a LONG time.

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Hi again Becky, it was the Oak fire in California-I don’t know when this was (I’m Aussie), but Elsa Scheider of the “Truth Summit” sent an email about it yesterday. Ed Wackerman is the fella in gaol, and he’s got bad brain “stuff”, and a clot below his brain, which could burst in his neck. I don’t know if he’s getting any treatment.

Do you know this fire? Metal melted, as did glass on cars, so not normal. Fire way too hot. Also nearby trees not affected, especially pines, as they burn so easily. Wooden fence posts not burnt, but with scorch marks around where nails/bolts/anything metal was attached. Alloy wheels on cars melted, steel in tyres causing those tyres to burn, and the steel to melt, but tyres without steel in them untouched. Very hot fire, but things you’d expect to burn just did not burn.

I asked myself, what could be attracted to metal to burn it-only thing I can think of is electricity.

I don’t know how to post the link on substack, but if you’re interested (goes for anyone else who’s interested), look up Elsa Scheider (no “n”)-she has a “truth” substack and a “creativity” substack. You’d find her if you want to. She has many photos of this event. Or just look up the Oak fire in California I guess.

Just a random thing, I saw a video last year some time, that showed “scientists” controlling lightning with something metal, somehow! It looked real.

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Makes you consider all the terrible "Natural Disasters" of the past in a different light now hey. Black Saturday fires etc.

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It's hard for me to believe that any of them are truly natural anymore. I watched a video on geoengineering watch that showed massive floods from cloud seeding. People who lost their homes didn't have flood insurance, because they weren't in flood zones. As I've said before, the people behind all this are truly evil. They need to be convicted of crimes against humanity.

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I agree they evil ones need to be incarcerated, but it won't stop anything. More evil ones will just fill their shoes.

God Bless.

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Yep, Even the weather forecasters lie to us. I’ve been watching the weather at my place down under for about 2.5 years now-it’s hardly ever natural, at least that’s what I reckon.

We have to have insurance, it includes flood insurance, and we’re nowhere near anything that could flood naturally! Bizarre! I’m waiting for an extreme event. We’ve had a lot of rain and wind over short periods of time-not normal.

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Thanks for that info! There is so much evidence pointing to directed energy weapons causing these fires. Even glass melting, which would never happen in a normal -- even intense -- fire. And yes, there is no doubt that they can & do control the weather. They did that in Vietnam during the war, but just imagine how the technology has increased since then. The people behind these things are so evil. Doing the work of Satan, to destroy all that God created, including His most precious creation, mankind.

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Yep. But I don’t know how these directed energy weapons are controlled, and from where? Satellites I guess.

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My take on that is: It is alien from far advanced life forms


Highly speculative,

In exchange for adrenacrome and gold.

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This alien life form is just another distraction. Has an alien even been captured? Has a UFO ever been seen close up and examined and pulled apart? The bad guys have been working on this for years. Decades and are way ahead and Dr. Nixon, Karl and others are desperately trying to catch up. Demons can affect men and possess men. Take your pick..... Jane

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Yes, and alien tech (including free energy technologies) reverse-engineered on earth by the "bad guys", keeping it for themselves for dominance ... Look up "Steven Greer", he's exposed all of this, produced a film called "The Lost century", about how these technologies could have changed the world ...

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I listened to Steve Greer for 90 minutes last nite and couldn't believe what I was hearing. He is very convincing, but then I read reviews from people who had attended seminars, classes, etc. etc. They said he is a narcissist, and very rude to people. If in a group waiting for a sighting and if it didn't happen he would blame someone for not having a pure heart. He has also made a lot of money from all of this. His view on death I thought was a bit odd. He says he died, but he is still here therefore he doesn't believe in death? He also is saying that aliens are peaceful , but our government wants us to fear them. I keep reading from various sources that this vax is alien tech. If so, that means it is here to harm and kill. Greer says with great conviction that they are peaceful. He asked one alien where he was and he or she or it responded in English. Very odd.....one thing I did learn was how important it is to take time to meditate and be still. We live in a very demanding, noisy world, so agreed with that much. No desire to levitate or come in contact with anyone but friends and family. Jane

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Thanks for your review Jane!

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I thought Nickolai Tesla did work with free energy, so not sure it’s alien tech.

I will look up Steven G. though……

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I think Tesla and all his stuff is nothing but red herring hopium.

I mean what discovery of Tesla's has been beneficial to anyone? Or resulted in anything really? Other than a big ball with sparks flying around inside that made for a nice photo op? Oooh...

Elon Mush (I misspelled on purpose...) getting to use the name for his dumb crap? Exploding unusable cars? Mush brain. Neuralink is ridiculous. Watch the demo. You would have to be extremely deluded to think Mushy's demo proves anything other than how easily deceived we are. Just like the "Tesla in Space w/ a Mannequin" photoshop idiocy. Mush himself said it looked so fake he couldn't believe anyone "bought" it.

Okay. Enough from my peanut gallery on this topic.

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Yes to all of above. Secrete space program funded by the same group. Uber secret stuff. They are amongst us. If you don’t believe you will never get your answers. It explains just about everything that is “unexplainable”. But you fit the majority.

The Elohim worship cult. Keep following the script, your doing your role…

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I worked with a lot of kids over the years (disabled kids) with learning difficulties etc. Also, worked with "normal" kids and never saw a "grey" amongst them. Do you have to go to a special bar or something to see a grey? I'm probably older than most who post on here and have never seen anything remotely close to any photo I have seen of them. Maybe they don't socialize with humans? I also listen to Sabrina Wallace whose parents worked in secret Space programs for years. Her mother was a Rothchild. She never mentions "greys" and if anyone would know it would be her. The government is saying "yes there are space ships and aliens." I don't believe what they say. I know Q followers are believers in greys, but that does nothing to convince me. I wonder if they have tea parties with Sasquatch & the Lock Ness monster? I did theatre for years as well and there are some really cooky people and never saw a grey. Not even a costume of a grey. Not sure what cult you think I am in, but you might consider what cult you are potentially in. So, are they here to help us or hurt us? I guess we have to blame someone.....or give credit?

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Sabrina may be a psyop as well. Stay frosty on every human subject. I've watched her. I'm still keeping an eye on it. Time will tell.

I agree with you about aliens. It's like any other comic. Fun, but....

God Bless.

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Elohim means God or gods in Hebrew. The Hebrew Bible mentions Elohim about 2,000 times.

What do you mean by Elohim worship cult? I’m not jewish btw.

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I read somewhere recently (I’ve a terrible memory), that the number of Elon’s satellites in orbit are grossly overstated.

I can’t prove or disprove this, as I can’t even remember where I saw it!

I do agree about the direct energy weapons though. There were those green “lines” seen in the sky in/at Hawaii, many months before the Maui “fire”.

I’ve been reading about a similar fire just yesterday, where this fire seemed to attack metal, and trees burnt inside out. There’s an older volunteer firefighter rotting in gaol, he’s quite ill-he’s been charged with these impossible fires. An arborist, 30 years experience has given evidence that this fire is extremely abnormal.

I’ll see if I can find the article.

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Elon's satellites may be overstated, but he still has thousands up there. I believe it was Matt from Cultivate Elevate (on telegram) who said there are over 7000 satellites surrounding our planet, over 3000 inactive. How junky can we be. I remember Reagan talking about weapons from space. This has been going on for decades.

What is gaol? That's so sad about that firefighter. Pure evil, these people are.

It blows my mind that everyone can't SEE that these fires are VERY abnormal. My gosh, the Lahaina fire had evidence everywhere, as shown on citizen reports, & they're not letting people in to rebuild or even to collect insurance money. Totally a land grab by the evil globalists, so sad.

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Yes, the Lahaina fire was so shocking and so abnormal. Most ‘asleep’ people I’ve come across don’t even know about that fire!

There are heaps of satellites up there, who really knows exactly how many?

Gaol is how Aussies are supposed to write jail ! It’s ye olde English I guess. I always write it that way, even though it’s old fashioned.

Yeah, the poor fella, rotting in gaol. He’ll probably die there. Sad. I don’t even know when the Oaks fire was. I’ll have to look it up.

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I have checked into emf products and they are so expensive. Where to start and stop. We started with out water first and got it wrong. Now have to buy an RO system. We shower, so you get one thing figured out and another pops up. We can ditch our phones, but that won't remove any tech which I am sure you know. It might help with the EMF issue and they can't connect to you in that way, but there are so many other ways signals can activate this tech in the blood. This is so bizarre and at times it doesn't seem real other than the fact that people are dying and getting sick. My friend who had a stroke while sitting in front of me and didn't know she had a stroke until she went to the hospital ended up in a hospital that wasn't covered by her insurance. Why? There were no beds in a large city with at least 5 or 6 hospitals. Every bed was full. Same thing happened to my father two years ago. He ended up in a horrible hospital and was treated so poorly and died. It just keeps happening and we need to prepare spritually and psychologically for just about anything to occur.

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Yes. Check out your street lights, pc, laptop, smart meters, anything bluetooth, microwave. Led lights, touch lamps tv, remotes. E Vs or any latemodel vehicle with onboard computer, remote door locks, infact anything programable or hackable. When you have the spike protein via your own immune system, jabbed, inhaled, swallowed, or second hand via shedding of others in your vicinity getting rid of your phone will be of minimal value, and you will have deprived yourself of a device to get help via.

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I believe the spike protein is at least part of the nanotech, if not all of it which sheds into UNjected, like most of us on this page.

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We have facial recognition cameras on street lights in the larger towns “near” me. I’m in rural Australia.

They look like large black buttons on the part of the light facing inwards to the road, but separate from the light itself. Hope this makes sense!

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Oooh Jane, I’m so sorry about your father. That must have been awful. We do need to prepare for just about anything.

I read somewhere that you said your husband has type 1 diabetes-so does my son. He’s 19, but he also has autism, which luckily isn’t too bad compared to some. The autism helps him cope with his diabetes, as everything needs to be fairly logical for him, he’s just about got OCD as well. I saw that your husband has a pod-is that like an insulin pump? My son has to rely on his phone to keep his diabetes in check (especially overnight as you’d know), like your husband needs his phone.

My son can go for a few nights without his phone, but it’s hard. I am absolutely certain that these 2 conditions are from childhood “vaccines”. Especially since the diabetes came on a few weeks after a vaccine he had at the start of secondary school. There is a receiver my son can get to use instead of his phone, but with the autism he’s reluctant to change things. I just know that after a while, the phones have become obsolete to use with the system (dexcom), and who can afford a new phone every so often! The endocrinologists and diabetic “educators” here want data all the time on him, but stuff that, he wants his privacy. We’re going to the diabetic nurse to do Telehealth with an endocrinologist next month, we’ll see how that turns out! My son can be very wilful! But, the receiver may be helpful, by letting us not have to buy a new phone every so often. We also turn our modem/router off every night, so it’s just the bluetooth connection that works overnight, but it still means he has to have this insidious tech going in his room all night. I guess your husband is much the same. Yeah, anyway, they create the problem with rubbish vaccines, then get people to spend a fortune for the rest of their lives, trying to relieve the problem.

Luckily my son is very strong in his faith in God and Jesus. He’s stronger than me. This is a real blessing. We don’t have a decent church near us, I may have mentioned this before to you. I forget everything! I mean this, it’s a real problem for me!

If there’s one thing this stinking pLandemic has done for me, is it’s woken me up to how utterly disgraceful vaccines are-not just the covid things, we know they’re not even vaccines, but every other stinking thing they jab into our babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults.

I hope this is the same for other folk out there in this world which has hurt so many of us! The idiots who caused the pLandemic (and of course so many other things), to work in their filthy disgusting favour, have woken up soooo many people, that I think (hope) a reckoning will happen soon. And that’s before Jesus comes back! These globalists or whatever you want to call them, are of course no match for Jesus Christ!

Sorry for putting this comment here, but I lost track of where I saw your other comment. Don’t fret too much about not being able to afford every item that we need to be free of all the other rubbish, my family can’t afford a lot of stuff either, just have faith that God will supply (in a way), the stuff that we can’t afford. The internet is full of people trying to sell stuff to us in our times of need. It’s quite insane. Stick with Karl and Dr Nixon, and trust in our lord.

I hope this cheers you up a bit, and doesn’t have the opposite effect.

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To live in a cage of our own making is still to live in a cage.

My point being - I think it's fine to try and mitigate but I don't see a physical remedy.

I think this is God's message. Physicality is over. The Spiritual War is on. Choose wisely.

I say this to myself as well.

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Physicality is over. Wow, words I never thought I’d have the capacity to understand, let alone read. But now I understand. I resisted the thought of a Spiritual War. But not anymore. And I definitely know which side I’m on.

Thanks for making this post Pirate, you’re brave to have done so.

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Like Becky says, satellites, RF towers, they’re everywhere. We’d need to live in a full on suit of armour to escape it all.

There’s always the armour of God, if you’re a believer.

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Awesome work Karl. I mention your findings frequently,

along with names like Dominique Guillet, Dr. Ana and Nixon - keep it up at all cost. I am doing my part too!

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Well done! Keep it up friend. We want to keep our freedom. And natural form.

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Hmm. Remember the rainbows in the water after the hazardous materials spill/train derailment in Pennsylvania? What was one of the chemicals? Polyvinyl something? When you mentioned “the colourful altered RBC membranes.” That is what they remind me of. The rainbow circles in the water after a stone was thrown in.

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There is a good chance that poly vinyl chloride may be a part of the ingredients. It has been shown in some others sample analysis if I remember rightly

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Hi Karl, what are you saying in terms of the sodium citrate. ? Thanks very much for your important substack.


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Still helps considerably in my opinion, but helps isn't enough to stop it all. I still take mine everyday and feel worse without it

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Just sodium citrate? What about chlorine dioxide solution -- no help?

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How much do you take, if I might ask?

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agreed - yes, please keep studying if sodium citrate is helping!!

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I don't understand your point. I understand that your field is not in the area of nanotechnology where microscopy is concerned and that most of these things were not apperantly to most medical proffesionals. We have had to learn a lot of NEW stuff we didn't even know existed. What's is your actual point? I will answer to the best of my ability. I would appreciate the expertise of any other proffesionals who would like to jump onboard as the other chemistry scientists and PhD's have with us. Do you have skills you would like to share or are you here for other reasons. I fferring I won't answer you is inception. Inception is a tool of deceit. I don't always read my stack messages because i am very busy. I appolagise for this but can't help it. I am very well attuned to misinformation as we and others get hit with it constantly for 4 years now. Anyone 8 Ferring we can't or won't when we haven't said so is usually up to no good. That is logical. How do you reply?

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Spelling mistakes, sorry. Phone is terrible and it's 1am. Very very tired after live interviews

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Don’t worry about spelling mistakes, we all make them, and AI is trying to fill in words for us if we make a mistake. AI not helpful like this.

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Yes, it's like my phone tries to spell stuff wrong but didn't used to. Maybe it is my neurology

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Ha-I doubt it’s your neurology!

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The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?


I DO NOT COMPLY! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! May more and more wake up and resist and cultivate their health.


Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

I have no fear of 'germs' or 'viruses'. One of the best places to go for reality: https://virustruth.net

I try to live without fear! Fear is the mind-killer!


And these, the criminals behind the NAC and all the other schemes will use hypochondria hysteria and 'climate' hysteria to propagandize the gullible 'sheeple' into complying with TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT which is what this is really about!

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.

AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to KARL.C's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Anger - as expressed in uppercase text and many exclamation marks - can do harm to your health, Amy. We are being confronted by an evil more powerful and worse than anything ever known to humankind. The ONLY power that has the ability to destroy this great force of evil is the omnipotent power of our Judeo-Christian God. The evil definitely will be overcome and be destroyed, not by any - or all - of us screaming in rage and anger, but only by God. So relax, be at peace with God's will and intent. Sincerely ask and ye shall receive His protection. Sincerely, unconditionally believe and ye shall be saved. It's the best approach. Far better than giving yourself heartbreak and a headache by headbanging against a super-strong brick wall that determinedly will not hear you, even if it had ears :-)

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Beautifully stated, much appreciated too. Two sides of the same coin.

"Powerful" nonetheless KK

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Amen. This is so true. Happy emotions are much better for the mind and body then angry ones.

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Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. Thank you, Jesus.

I remind myself of His words sometimes moment by moment.

As needed. Best prescription ever.

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WOOHOO!! Amy is here at last...it took you long enough (hahaahaa) but glad you did.

Love your latest rant, getting better everytime. KK

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Yeah, she is right about a lot of things-take your pick!

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Karl, thank you so much for all you're doing to unravel this horiffic mess that we're in. Gotta say, it's hard for me to be "up" these days...I tend to fall into depression. It's hard to know what all to do, to stay as safe as possible.

As a Christian, I know that God is ultimately in control, but I also know that we are allowed to suffer...maybe a lot...& I fear that our country is under judgment due to turning away from God. I know that we need to be on top of what's going on, which is why I do so appreciate your research, but I'm just struggling right now to live life as normal, when it's so clearly not.

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Jesus i trust in you⚔️

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Thank you for that. I'm trying my best to trust in Jesus. I KNOW that He is in control, but that He allows Satan a certain amount of latitude. Right now, I'm like, Jesus, I trust...help my distrust. Just struggling right now with all that's going on. Feelings of doom come over me & I'm in a depressed state. We're called to be salt & light, & to fight evil...I'm not up for that right now. Gotta get past this.

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Becky, when doom and gloom fill you may i suggest to stop looking at these kind of posts for one week. For me it really helps. One week. God knows what He is doing. Mankind is a fallen creature.

I never knew there was a hierarchy of human beings. I saw this pyramid picture and we were on the bottom! Thought we were all equal but according to that pyramid we are not. Maybe picture of pyramid is in one of Dr Ana M 's posts? Off topic, sorry.

So , prayer is our friend. The Holy Spirit is our light. God is always in control. We just don't always understand.

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Everything happens in cycles. We just have to be patient that "this too will pass". In the mean time, focus on what's at hand and on supporting yourself with healthy choices. Above all, stay focused on being One with God's purpose. It's as simple as changing your mind. Don't let it be in control of you. You take control of it... whenever you find it wanders, refocus it on the good you desire. That's what St. Paul meant when he said, "pray unceasingly for the good you desire".

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Which country are you talking about? I’m Aussie, and most Aussies (imho) are not following God, and I could say the same for many countries around the world, I reckon.

It’s not so much countries being judged, but individuals, obviously this will happen in the end!

But yes, I feel God is making people suffer-my small family are on the suffering list, whilst it seems other people don’t have a care in the world! Or do they?

Once you know, you can’t unknow and even family turn away. I can’t live life as normal either, I just try to make it through one day at a time.

My small family are also Christian, but two of us are struggling Christians at the moment. It’s hard, I agree strongly.

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I'm in the US. But you're right, other countries are turning from God as well, if they ever were for God.

And yes, this will happen in the end. I guess I'm just not ready for it to be that time...am not mentally & emotionally prepared.

Bless you, I'm sorry for your small family, will pray for you.

You're right, once you know, you can't unknow...that's the hard part. Some days I wish I didn't even know. And yet, ignorance is not bliss. I'm doing like you right now, just making it through one day at a time. But I've got to improve my outlook, strengthen my faith & trust in God. I'm not reading His Word as much as I should, maybe increasing that will help, am going to try. And to spend more time in true communication with Him, dedicating time to that each day. And, as I hear so often on the Moody (Christian) Radio programs I listen to throughout the day, express gratitude. For everything. They stress that this can change everything, & lift us up, lift the depression.

Praying you & your small family will find healing & peace amid this darkness surrounding us. Praying that for myself, as well. God bless you.

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Oh, thanks so much for that Becky, thank you for your prayers! I find that if I don’t read Bible regularly, I slack off a lot, saying swear words and just not being as aware of my faith. This may not sound like much, but it’s a very big deal to me.

But on the other hand, I try not to be so hard on myself as well. Because that doesn’t help either! Some days you just can’t win!

Gratitude yes, it’s a big deal. I’m not sure I’ve ever been really good at it, but I’ll try harder. There are so many more people who are worse off than myself and my family. But how can we know if we’re ready for The End? I just keep saying “we’ll have to wait and see what happens.” But I have no idea what’s going to come next! Who does? Maybe the evil ones.

My husband is so cranky lately I’m walking on eggshells! He’s cranky at me, mostly, not our son. I don’t know what I’ve done for him to be so angry at me. It seems to be something from a longtime ago, and something that’s also happening now. This is my main focus of prayer lately, as nobody’s got time right now for grudges, etc. I’m asking God to take it-take care of it, help us out, all sorts of things! I just stay out of his way when this comes on-it really is impossible to talk to him.

So I’ll graciously accept your prayers Becky, as long as you read scripture more. I do find it helps. I also find that it usually doesn’t matter what part of the Bible I focus on when I’m just trying to get back in the habit of reading it. It may be very different for you. Just do whatever works for you! And I’ll try to work on gratitude more.

The main thing is we all have faith, we’re all believers. I often read that we are here at this time for a reason. If you don’t know why you’re here, don’t worry, I don’t know why I’m here either.

Something weird I just thought of-I went into the comments of a Christian Lay-preacher I guess you’d call him. I was surprised I could make a comment, as he usually has a paywall. Anyway, people were talking about Israel and this war etc, I said something, can’t remember, but a Jewish person got the wrong idea from me, and said about how there are so many people who are jealous of Jews, because we’re (they’re) God’s Chosen people. I got such a shock, because this was so bizarre! And I don’t know how any Jew could think that, because us “gentiles” have Jesus! And God! And if this person wanted to limit the debate to Jews, well, I think God’s chosen Jews only number 144,000. How many gentiles are there, who believe? I haven’t a clue! Strange stuff. Maybe it’s strange to me, but not to the person who commented.

Enough of that, we here, we’ll all pray for each other. That’s all good if anyone asks me! God Bless you too Becky!

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Actually, my saying swear words is a big deal to me, as well, & I've used them for the past umpteen months. I've often said, it's my heart, it's not right...the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Hopefully reading scripture more -- which I AM doing, thank you for the encouragement -- will help me in this area, too! Seems to be helping thus far!

I have to work at gratitude, too. Be conscious of it. I heard a few days ago that, at the end of each day, to write down 5 (I think) things that we were grateful for that day. I need to start doing this.

I'm so sorry you have to walk on eggshells to keep from setting your husband off. I've been there before, & it's not fun. Wonder why he's doing that...any ideas? Are you "the bearer of bad news" about what's going on in the world, & maybe he can't fix it so it frustrates him? Or maybe he keeps up with all that's happening, with the same result -- can't fix it (which is a man's desire, to fix problems), so it upsets him?

Wow on the Jewish person's comment. I'm certainly not jealous of them, as I/we have been grafted into God's family! I agree, why would we be jealous of a people who don't believe in Jesus, & have His Holy Spirit with them every single day. I don't know about that 144,000, I thought that was during the tribulation period...? Not sure, though.

Yes, we'll all pray for each other, & that's a great thing!

Hope you're doing well, since writing your last comment. You're on my prayer list.

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Thanks for that Becky !

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Hellorrodynmac, I live in Brisbane Queensland, I'm lonely for Christian companionship. It is a struggle but we are in the End Times. Plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, love ones including pets if you have any. The Lord's blood over your property too. There is a scripture that says THOSE WHO ENDURE UNTIL THE END SHALL BE SAFED. I too try to make it through one day at a time. We must pray for God's strength. I have no family or husband and my best friend who is 83 now Fay could be dead in another state. God placed Fay in my life just over 37 years ago when I was 30 and my precious Mum was dying of cancer. The good Father of us all knew I needed someone then. God bless you.

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Hi Lynette, sorry it’s taken some time for me to get back to you. I am in south east Victoria, so quite some distance from you.

I believe we are in End Times also, although I didn’t want to accept this at first. I’m quite a new Christian, have been for about 18 months. It’s quite hard to be Christian!

I’ve read the scripture that says Those who endure…. We are in for hard times indeed.

Is there not a suitable church in Brisbane for you? I understand if not-we’ve tried Churches of Christ, but they don’t feel right. You know that feeling your spirit gets when something’s not right? We live rural, and only 2 churches we could get to, and they don’t feel right.

My husband was Christian, way before me, and he got me and our adult son into it.

I’m sorry you have no family, and you don’t know what’s happened to your friend. If you really think she’s died, are you able to maybe check that in births deaths and marriages? I’ve never dealt with them. Or if you know where she lives, ask the police to do a welfare check on her?

It sounds like you’ve had a tough time during your life. I don’t pray nearly as much as I should, or read Bible as much as I should. God provides when we have a need.

There are quite a few of us here who are Christian. I’ve found that amongst people who are “awake” during this covid time, most are Christian, or at least, believe in God. There are always livestreams of church sermons, and various pastors on line. I was following one, but a few things have made me doubt him.

So we just read scripture at home, and talk about it at home. Oh, I’ve just remembered there’s a site about home church, I haven’t looked at it yet, but I will, and send you a message about where to find it.

I only get on line sporadically, and thanks for your prayer suggestions-we do have a little dog, and we often wonder if all these radiations from microwave towers outside and wifi inside are getting to him. He’ll be 10 in Sept-he’s a fox terrior x jack russell. You mention property also-I guess you know what the WEF/UN/WHO want to do to us all !

I’ll pray for you Lynette, and may God Bless you also.

I’ll get back to you about home church, when I look at it a bit.

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Dear Sister,

I thought about making a home church once. When I used to go to a Baptist church they would have prayer meetings and sing in my flat every Wednesday night. It was my favorite time of the week. One night I had 15 people in my place not including me. I'm 67 and with the NDIS scheme. I have been a crummy Housing flat for about 10 years and somehow a brand new housing unit fell into my lap. God had a part in it I'm sure, I've just started to pack. I'm like you that I don't pray or read the word as much as I should either. Going to have a busy day this Wednesday. First, I am going to the dentist to get a tooth out then get some antibiotics from the doctor as I have a sore ear on the side my tooth comes out. Please pray that it all goes okay for me that day.

You said you have a fox terrior x jach russell. My best friend who lives in Sydney has a rag doll cat who's 13 and was born at Christmas,

Some prophets say that God has safe havens for us that will be invisible to the outside world. I feel my new unit will be a transition into going into one, My email is soulmate_tiger@yahoo.com. I know of a few good websites that have Christian people running them. Some are doctors. I'll keep you and your dog in my prayers too. God bless you and keep you.

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The pictures are fascinating. And maybe I am just too dense to understand what you are saying. But no matter how you describe these pictures, I don't know what I am looking at. I would need someone to break what is happening in each photo down in the simplest of step-by-step terms, preferably with some kind of control. Absent that, all of this just looks like bubbles to me. Apologies. I love your images.

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It's okay, it is far more complicated really and there are some forms we do not understand fully yet. But we will. A presentation will be coming in video form! So hang in there my friend.

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Hey Karl, just wow, this is so sad and unbelievable. Thank you and all of yall trying so hard to save humanity. I don't know if this is important but I was in alot of pain and took pics of every painful spot from my phone camera and I kept enlarging then snapping a pic and so on. And very tiny ,cannot see with the eye , microscopic size were little flourescent yellow dots in all my painful areas.

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Oh shishtt!

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Looking forward to it! On a side note, my personal blood pressure and pulse have never been better. So, not sure what's going with me, but my measurable numbers seem fine.

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Are you taking supplements that help? My blood pressure is scary high and I'd love to get it normal. Thank you, Tzila.

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Just as an fyi - yrs ago a normal blood pressure was considered your age plus 20 points. The AMA or one of the other alphabet medical industrial complex goons changed it. I used Hawthorn Berry supplements and found they helped. I stopped checking my blood pressure 3 yrs ago as I was sick of the fear porn.

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That doesn’t sound so good if you’re 4 years old!

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lol - I think I messed up on the math. I believe it was your age plus 100 for the top end of blood pressure. So, if you're 60 then 160 for the top of BP would be reasonable. I've got to look it up again....random factoids in my head. Came across this when I was researching why I shouldn't be taking bp medication. I've been off that med for yrs and.....still alive.

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I am not. taking any supplements now, but I did try supplement that contained magnesium, olive leaf, and a couple of other BP lowering herbs and minerals. I cannot say for certain if it did anything.

My blood pressure was running a bit high last year (often 150-160/90-100-ish), and the year before. I was not certain why either, but I did put on a fair amount of weight since, say 2019. However, I have been fasting and eating less for the past year, and I lost about 20 solid pounds. Now, my BP does appear to returned to the 120s/80s range. Last year, I had some 160/90-100 readings for a while, and I was never certain why. The readings were sometimes worse than those of my 97-year-old heavy-smoking father-in-law. And I did not take any of the jabs, but I did supposedly have "COVID" in 2021. I believe fasting has helped to lower my blood pressure and pulse, which is often now in the 60s when I am resting on my bed.

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Do you think your BP came down because you are more accepting of what is happening?

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That is a good question. I have been praying more than ever. I would not underestimate my praying and turning some of worries over to God as having some benefit, though I still struggle greatly with my faith as I have Enlightenment sensibilities ingrained into me. I have also lost 25 pounds. That could also have impacted my BP. I don’t. It’s odd. I was surprised to find it high when I started taking it over the past two years. But it appears to have come down in recent months.

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all good numbers mate !

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There's a vine called "Cat's Claw" (Latin name: Uncaria Tomentosa), it's one of the best natural treatments for high blood pressure (hypertension), and it also cleans up the blood, you just need to make tea from it ...

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If only I had the means; being in the unenviable (now) cohort of the unmasked, untested, undistanced, unjabbed, unasked, uninformed (by order of the fully boosted willfully complicit 'victims' and 'drug pushers' that contribute to this mass genocidal transhumanist agenda, branded Conspiracy Theorist by the Conspirators via projection psychology used against the "unwashed" despicables; now not only villified, now infected unwittingly unwillingly, most likely. Apart from the Sovereignty of my original architect/builder.

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Yes, pretty horrendous.

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You said a mouthful and a half! (Wrote)

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Go to healingfortheages.com. Like Karl & Dr. David, these four doctors have been tirelessly researching how to combat what they're trying to do to us. The conference was free at the time they conducted it, Sept 2023, but I think there's a charge for it now. But trust me, it's worth it. They're also doing monthly masterclasses that are free, info on the site.

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Its the "INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" in real life.

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God Bless you David and Karl and all of the gorgeous micronauts far and wide - and likewise those around the entire globe helping humanity - for their selflessness, bravery and tenacity of spirit to beat this hideously evil joke upon humanity. God wins, we win - it’s as simple as that ! KK

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Very informative information, keep waking people up with this valuable resource

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