If only I had the means; being in the unenviable (now) cohort of the unmasked, untested, undistanced, unjabbed, unasked, uninformed (by order of the fully boosted willfully complicit 'victims' and 'drug pushers' that contribute to this mass genocidal transhumanist agenda, branded Conspiracy Theorist by the Conspirators via projection psy…
If only I had the means; being in the unenviable (now) cohort of the unmasked, untested, undistanced, unjabbed, unasked, uninformed (by order of the fully boosted willfully complicit 'victims' and 'drug pushers' that contribute to this mass genocidal transhumanist agenda, branded Conspiracy Theorist by the Conspirators via projection psychology used against the "unwashed" despicables; now not only villified, now infected unwittingly unwillingly, most likely. Apart from the Sovereignty of my original architect/builder.
If only I had the means; being in the unenviable (now) cohort of the unmasked, untested, undistanced, unjabbed, unasked, uninformed (by order of the fully boosted willfully complicit 'victims' and 'drug pushers' that contribute to this mass genocidal transhumanist agenda, branded Conspiracy Theorist by the Conspirators via projection psychology used against the "unwashed" despicables; now not only villified, now infected unwittingly unwillingly, most likely. Apart from the Sovereignty of my original architect/builder.
Yes, pretty horrendous.
You said a mouthful and a half! (Wrote)