I think everyone is alot more tired overall. It's like our life force energy is being throttled, or worse, siphoned off.
People overall look so much older than they are, more tired, less mentally alert, it's like we're all under some kind of energetic attack.
Driving anywhere is exhausting knowing that drivers everywhere are passing out while driving and then crashing into other moving, parked cars.
I am seeing abandoned light trucks smashed on sides of the roads.
It's like someone is weaponizing people to lose control and crash into others.
People have no idea that these unleashed nanoparticles are wreaking havoc internally, causing micro vascular clotting, blood flow restrictions, attacking their internal organs. I can on. They are completely unaware and the media can't report on the vaxxine harms because the media is owned.
It is good to know what is happening to blood, behaviour etc but its also of course a burden and weigh heavily on the mind naturally. Apart from attempts at legal action against corporations including governments ( which takes many years, needs lots of money etc) what can we do? It seems that the human race has very little time to save itself from extinction/transhumanism etc. Not that I am trying to be defeatist but the psychopaths doing this have so much money hence power that they own practically eveything on earth; education, MSM, medicine, lthe law often, government, finance, banks & more. I realise many people assume God will step in and save so we need to do nothing but pray and believe. The latter is fine but so far billions are being maimed and killed so surely we need to act ASAP but how? One fantasy is that people kidnap Fauci, Gates, Schwab etc and or high ranking types creating this genocide and inject them with a truth drug so they reveal all ie the poisons, the plans, the antidotes if any..These Satanists (apparently many of the richest killers are) must be immune to the poisons so the truth drug would reveal how they thrive while committing global genocide ie poisoning air, water, food, 'medicine' etc. When they have spilled the beans the peoples court will decide their fates..
Working on stuff, lots of stuff. But for now spreading awareness is the best thing others can do. Be not afraid, stay calm and know we are all in this together. We can only do our best in all good intention. Hopefully the universe will look after us in tandem.
On YouTube is a video add for the Nanotechnology Program at University of Waterloo. It states Nanotechnology was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines. Nanotechnology is spoken about in a positive light. The negative side effects are not being focused on. I wonder if these Hydrogels these Nanotechnologies are responsible for tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is mentioned in associated paperwork. Are Hydrogels being mistaken for Cancer, I wonder. Are the Hydrogels growing continually and could they then be mistaken as a cancerous growth/malignant growth. Perhaps Transhumanisim is not what we assume it is.
I have a feeling that these two men are very protected and kidnapping them would have major consequences. Great idea, but can't imagine it actually happening There are many others involved as well, so taking just two out won't make a big difference. They have taken over so many parts of the government and congress is bought and paid for. It is also an international event and there are many criminals involved. I have heard if people get rid of their smart phones and don't pay taxes, maybe something will shift. Doubt it because they have a hard core agenda. This is much bigger than people realize and if doctors would stop pushing the virus narrative it might help. Morticians have stepped up, but believe they are ignored. People are sick and dying (not all) but over time it might change. Great thought, but would take the right people and lots of planning. Plus, you get rid of two bad people ten more would step up to the plate to fill in. Klaus Sshwab has a son who is worse than he is. My hope is that they will divide and start going after each other. How would you dismantle the UN, WEF, and the Who and our government? It would be a massive undertaking. Look what happened to the J6 people who just attended a rally and ended up in jail for months on end. Jane
I agree that the problem is mind bogglingly vast and complex byt they I tend to kill 99% of people anyway so why not fight even for a while? People are clever enough to think of a solution if tgmhey work together - taking a few out might only be a drop in the ocean but so far tgey get away with genocide yearly for decades with little or no opposition. True that people do not want to go to jail prob but undetectable methods of winning have to be created. Jackson mean nothing ic millions oc people burn them down.... Its us or them it really is.
The energetic attack weapon is ChinaCCP world largest psionic ELF transmitter doing spin-spin DNA/RNA damage on everyone (e.g. 2/3 of the world) that results in protein miscodings, etc. You need an on body ELF to de-link from ChinaCCP psionic ELF as well as scalar transmitters and nanotech aggregators. Welcome to applied bioenergetics to thrive in this evil world (e.g. the dragon, ChinaCCP) where we have NATO Alliance (the eagle) vs. ChinaCCP Coalition (the dragon) neurowar going on now.... the war unseen by many.
Brandon, the dragon in The Bible has always been satan aka the serpent. It’s got nothing to do with the Chinese year of the dragon. The Chinese use their dragons to scare away evil spirits. Not saying they won’t do bad things.
The Eagle in Revelation is a symbol of God’s wrath-I doubt that it symbolises NATO. Maybe, but it’s a long shot.
Patent W0 2020 060606 Title: Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Microsoft Licensing LLC I think fulfilled Revelation 13: 16 to 18. That a mark will be needed to buy and sell. Nanotechnologies pass through the forehead and right hand. I hope spreading truthful information will save lives sooner than later. This is all very concerning. Industry and companies I hope will find a way to put the breaks on this Nanotechnology Industry.
I looked up ELF, and found it is extremely low frequency radio waves, where the wavelengths range from 1,000km to 100,000km long. I found the study of this to be quite confusing, but with such long wavelengths, they can penetrate into the ionosphere-some articles mention HAARP in relation to this. I also found these radio waves are useful to communicate underwater, e.g. to submarines.
I found that about 5 countries have these transmitters, including America. Because the wavelengths are so long, they degrade easily. I couldn’t understand about psionic ELF. I don’t understand what an on body ELF is. The antennae for ELF waves are very long, so I don’t get how one could wear something to mitigate this on their body.
I did read that ELF waves can be deleterious to health, possibly causing cancer and other damage. I didn’t find anything per se about DNA and RNA damage.
I’ve done my part to try and understand what you’re saying Brandon, but could you please explain in layman’s terms so we can all understand? Thank you 🙂
Hi Brandon, what is a body ELF and where can this be purchased?
when did this startup? I'm guessing it started up in the summer of 2023 timeframe? plus the massive bombardment of nanoparticles in the air, water, food, everywhere?
I don't understand Brandon's answers or how he has come to the conclusion that China is responsible for everything at a time where we know who really is and it isn't China. The harms are being done by this material in interaction with complex wireless signals from the supposed 5g towers which are operating up to 80ghz, so not even 5g really. Brandon's theories mind boggle me In all honest opinion. Not meant in any bad way, I just feel it is all unfounded gobbledy gook.
I am visiting my elderly parents in WA state. Oh my word--I was verbally attacked by a cashier in Costco and I still can't figure out why. My mom was verbally attacked twice in the hospital ER by nurses. There have been 3 fatal car accidents in the last 60 days just in this area. And I don't evenknow where to start with the mistakes made by every person that is handling paperwork or money--where is their head? Where is this going to end up for humanity...
I am looking for a new GP. My last visit was upsetting due to his attitude. He is probably in his early 40's and has MS, so maybe that is why. He is cranky, gets my records goofed up and basically ignored and sends me to a specialist. If I don't do exactly what he wants when he wants he gets angry....coincidence? If doctors go down then what? My husband's cardiologist took four shots. My dad's cardiologist about three years ago yelled at him for not taking a shot. He said "because of you I have to take another shot." My dad was blind and deaf and 93 years of age. Needless to say we left and my father was swabbed so many times and died May 3, 2022. He was treated like a criminal in the hospital and was swabbed more! I had to ask for oxygen and moved him to a different room. They were ignoring him and he tried to leave the hospital. They didn't even call me. Lots of stories out there, but it really can mess with your head. It is hard to see people suffer and especially if it is a family member. Jane
I know exactly what you are saying. The way my mom is being treated is elder abuse. I am afraid to leave her with them. At 90 she is too timid to speak up. And they all seem so distracted and angry. Interestingly--I spent some time with my cousin twice while here, then on the 3rd visit we were alone outside and he just abruptly said You didn't take those kill shots did you? I said No, why? He said Me either and I could tell you didn't.
You can call the state and report it. My folks were in two facilities and I didn't understand that I could contact an ombudsman and tell them what was happening. They are typically volunteers, but they do know the laws involved. I had to move them and the second place was worse. They wanted to split them up because they couldn't take care of my mom with Parkinson's. So, we moved and in the end they were separated and she died five weeks later. I could write so many stories about this 7 year experience with professionals that would lie straight to my face and not think anything of it. Sort of like our government.... I was too afraid to call but the second place I had no choice. Many others were calling the state as well and they were shut down for 8 months. Know one could move in until they satisfied state law. When that happens you know things are bad. I was with them every day because I didn't trust anyone to be kind. My mom had dementia and without my dad being there it would have been bad. The vulnerable people in this world like children, the disabled and the elderly need to be protected. My mom was too timid to speak up too and she thought she had to do what they said. I kept telling her they were working for her and she was paying them, but it never landed. After my father passed I never went back to that building and will never go near it again. If people speak up maybe someone will listen at some point. Jane
Gosh Jane, that’s awful. Good on you though, for making the phone call to say how bad it was. And you are so right, I don’t think I’ve seen this written as succinctly as you put it about protecting the vulnerable. We say it at home, often, but it’s so true.
I’m just sick of gov’ts trying to get the “vulnerable” to get jabs for covid, flu, RSV, shingles etc. None of us should be having these things, but gov’ts especially target pregnant women, children, elderly, and the immunocompromised. All the people who should be DIScouraged from having these jabs.
Ages back, in about 2017-18 (it seems like ages)-I saw a poster somewhere, saying pregnant women should get the fluvax. I just couldn’t understand why, as I knew pregnant women should avoid vaccines. Well, I certainly know why now!
I have to speak on the internet while I can, as our so called gov’t will be bringing in the misinformation laws soon. We’re protesting etc, but most things just get shoved through. Australia here!!! For now!
I live in the Pacific NW and what you wrote does not surprise me. If not for grown kids and grand kids we would be out of here. Things are a bit crazy everywhere I am afraid. Take care, Jane
I am so sorry to see this. I guess it's in all of us. By the Grace of God let solutions be found.
A person posted this link on a substack article but I can't remember if on yours, Matts, Dr. Ana ect. An article from UC San Diego 2015 about an occillating electrical field that attracts nano particles so they can be removed from blood. I did comment to Matt but haven't seen a response. https://phys.org/news/2015-11-electric-fields-nanoparticles-blood-ease.html I know you've tried sodium citrate with some success. Have you tried Tony P's triangle, 420's green laser or borax? Thanks for all your hard work.
Borax (e.g. Boron) is in a lot of supplements, a lot of them have boron as an ingredient as well as high end foods have sodium citrate added (e.g. $10 beef jerky with 28 grams of protein). Here is use of bioenergetics (Lakhovsky coils present in the treatment room (e.g. synbio removal room)). electrostasis.substack.com/p/experiment-112-data-validated-working
Nailed it in your article. One very important body organ proving to be a great entry point, our eyes. For those who think they are experiencing ingress from the eyes, I have found sealed glasses offer great relief. You can get these with any lens type, but the secret is they need to stop ingress, the same as dust protection glasses with a gasket seal to your face.
I have also taken this one step further with a reflective lens to relieve VLC (visual light communication) from device and PC screens, which appears to work.
100% correct the eyes are the gateway to the soul per say for people that get contaminated with synthetic biology nanotechnology with neurotechnology linkages. The synthetic biology wetware bug that I've disrupted regrows and links into visual cortex for energy source. It doesn't like yellow light at all, blue light it grows rapidly (e.g. field of optogenetics with quantum dots within the wetware spybug enable this).
Cos, thank you for sharing your eye protection idea! Can you please share a link to what you’re successfully using? And, I suppose the acid test of that success would be some kind of reading being taken to assess if you’re being optogenetically messed with, yes?
These are what I’m using these days. I’d love to get your insight!
They should produce similar results, being enclosed. These are similar to what I am using. https://www.milwaukeetool.com/products/performance-safety-glasses-with-gaskets . The range is quite large from many manufacturers, along with multiple lens types and also can include readers. The gaskets are cheap and easy to replace.
This is purely to stop particle ingress, as what I am stopping is physical particles. I normally wear readers for reading but began to notice gradual deterioration of vision and irritation, so I started testing and noticed with a physical enclosed barrier I was able to regain my eye sight and completely stop irritation.
With what I have been capturing in the water vapor of our atmosphere, logic tells me it is highly likely to be the same hydrogel fibers.
Plastic is also quite good at shielding from specific radiation particles we are being bombarded with due the earth's weakening magnetic field. Ben at Suspicious Observers on YT also mentions this. Shielding your eyes when you sleep will also reduce or even stop 'dry eyes' caused by ELF, RF.
As for VLC (visual light communication), and reflective lens's, I have noticed significantly less irritation from PC screens when wearing reflective as opposed to non reflective lenses. VLC is simply light strength/brightness, here is an article: https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-r/opb/rep/R-REP-SM.2422-2-2022-PDF-E.pdf
For background on the borax / boron, Go to bitchute.com and search for "a solution they do not want you to know" featuring Dana Ashley. Evidently boron has multiple health uses. 420 and Matt j. o. a. b. Have their own substacks and have been experimenting with green and blue lasers. They can tell you the frequency and 420s site lists where to buy it. I will need to confirm 420's exact substack name. I haven't made a triangle or bought a laser, but I do take hot baths with Epsom salt, borax, and baking soda that has been recommended by Tony p and also Dr. Carrie Madej.
I personally do both, but you can do whatever you feel is warranted in your situation.
I am not advising dosages, but a light pinch 2-4 times a day in a full glass of water and a tablespoon for each bath, or a cup full for one of occasions 3-4 days apart.
Sorry, Tony p is Tony Pantolaresco who designed several antinano and EMF devices because he is a targeted individual. He's formally a herbalist and self-taught on the other stuff. In addition he recommends baths, herbs and various salts to detox.
You can also find interviews of him on bitchute. 🙂
Tony P has some great remedies but detox baths is not one. If they are spraying the "public" skies w/ chems - what do you think they are doing w/ the "public" water supply? Also, pls use discernment. If TP is targeted then why does he publicly tell everyone that he had to escape to Arizona? Isn't that like putting a target on your back? .......?
I don't advise the spike or electro related therapies. We have shown these all to be sime devices which serve as energy transferring devices, not EMP power level devices or comex frequency devices. After what we have seen I would never be electrifying or charging emf into my body knowing that it also does not remove the tech.
Here is a link to build the triangle. The green lasers are a new discovery thathave been clearing up the blood. Borax is just Boron, a trace mineral that has been shown to disrupt nanotech and also to quite handily reduce arthritis, even severe in nature.
I don't advise either since the specifics of the technology we have shown so far have proven to be enhanced by energy devices with simple wave structures like the spike, rife, dc, and a charge. The laser is actually what is used to enhance these materials for viewing in a lab by laser microscopy. Also the laser had no effect on samples we tried a year ago. We used laser scanning microscopy with a 532nm green laser and all was still active. Light interacts with the material and may change it's morphological appearance but is not destroying it or removing it from your body. Nobody has managed to show any satisfactory proof of it either except after images of blood that still clearly contain all the materials and another showing a ring constructor shrinking which is what they do without light anyway. So I have no idea how the lasers turned into a miracle cure. Bizarre really. We would of noticed lasers doing something positive a long time ago if it worked. The scanning laser images we took showed that everything was still morphing.
A lot of us have been taking a pinch of Borax in water for quite awhile. My local grocery store used to carry it all of the time, but as this news broke about it being useful, it disappeared from the shelves. A very curious coincidence, but it is still available on Amazon.
You should thank God that you don't have either of those stores! You can go on line and order from co-op, I just would not buy from DAMAZON,,, I would not order from Dam-a-zon if it were free!
Do you know if anyone who has taken borax had their blood checked? Is that what people are taking it for or other things. That is what is so tricky about all of this. Karl and Dr. Nixon have listed three things that work, but others either haven't seen it or don't agree. So, sodium citrate, activated charcoal and thieves oil do clear the tech. It doesn't remove it all or Karl would not have posted what he did. They have tested many substances and borax might have been of the early tests. It is not on the list of the big three as I call them. Lots of people suggesting things and searching, but without proof that the blood is clean and clear why take it? I bought boron as well and it didn't do anything for me at all. Drank the borox water before buying the boron. Nothing....not sure what it even suppose to do. I was so concerned and was willing to try just about anything. How to stay safe during this process has been interesting. The hard part is that most of us can't test our blood and so I just put all of my apples in Karl and Dr. Nixon's basket and see what happens. Stay safe, Jane
This is biblical. It surely must have passed through people's minds the strong possibility we are living witnesses to prophecy unfolding in real time.
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." - Jesus Christ on the last days and what to expect. Matthew 24 : 22
There is as much to unpack in Jesus' words as there is on Karl's slides.
I know how angry and saddened this makes people. I thank you, Karl for having the courage to keep going. In His final words to us about the end, Jesus said,
"Endure unto the end."
This is a eugenics program masquerading as transhumanism. They don't care how many people they murder and are only interested in the ones who can transition with them. They are undergoing this transition as well though I'm guessing they have vastly superior treatments should anything go wrong for them.
They want to live forever. As their own gods. The rest of humanity, the ones who transform into living robots, fleshbots, will be their people.
They will be as gods and the fleshbots will be their people. That's their fantasy.
God has a plan and their fantasy will remain just that. A fantasy. God will prevail. Have no fear.
Get right with God. Pray. Love Him and one another with all your body, mind and soul.
And keep looking for a solution. This isn't over yet. Hope is far from lost. Endure.
From the Book of Mormon a second witness of Jesu Christ in Ether 8:25 it states:
25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.
I would admonish all of you to grab a copy of the Book of Mormon and read it for yourself. Also, Jeremiah from the Old Testament is a contemporary of Nephi who is the first of many prophets who authored the book as guided by the Holy Ghost. I promise that if you read the book with a sincere desire to know, you will come to know it a warning to us today!!
This may not be the correct platform, and does not immediately help Karl, could also be a bit of a rant :-), but I would like to share my theory which is appearing to be closer to the mark every day.
You might recall tyrant's Prince Charles and Klaus mention 'we have a very short window of opportunity' several times. What I think they are actually referring to is taking advantage of the earth's weakening magnetic field, via the Pole shift, and effectively high jacking all the additional electrical and charged particle activity, to either kill or convert.
The last major Sun activity was on the 19th April, which was not all that large, but had greater impact on Earth due to the weakened magnetic field. See Suspicious Observers on YT.
I am EMF sensitive and notice the increases in energy particles when they occur, my body is attempting to reject, like many EMF sensitive. We are not all loaded with toxin's, many are simply Canaries in the coal mine with our bodies attempting to reject.
Where does that leave us? Well mitigation from solar activity, in all the ways you can think of, and slowing foreign particulate growth, detoxing and everything else the great Substack heroes are finding and sharing.
I do hope this is of some use with our thoughts, I am an engineer (plus), and quite analytical and at this stage have very little patience for time wasting.
I feel my health could be far better if this stuff wasn't in us. I still have tinnitus, some up and down energy with mild fatigue. Some mild neurological issues that come and go every day. These things are all far worse without charcoal and sodium citrate. We notice most now have that kind blood and that some still feel absolutely fine. Obviously we are seeing huge increase in symptom expressing diseases everywhere now.
Hmm looking pretty ominous. I guess we will find out very soon what the transition goal actually is.
How do you feel Karl?
The extension of this I dread, is we might start to see an accelerated amount people start to lose their scruples, and worse. So many normies are still at football and in front of the TV. A ton of bricks might just be heading their way.
Not to hammer my beliefs on anyone, but what you've said is exactly what Jesus said would happen at the end. Horrors will be unfolding all around and people will carry on as if nothing is happening as in the days of Noah right before the flood. Until it's too late. PRAY.
People have been praying for thousands of years and look at the planet and people..The super rich own everything and now openly reveal.their global genocide by injections and other methods. I am not anti praying but it has not stopped the evil powerful people from their work ever - billions of people are maimed and dead due to the 'vaccines', designed poverty, looting of all countries by military leaving all to starve... Apart from armed resistance of some kind I do not see the human race surviving now that those who have been killing for 2 hundred yrs or more (Rothschilds, Royals & other billion & trilloinaires running the world) have tge technology to destroy all humans relatively easily ie self assembling nanotech colonising/destroying human bodies.
God foretold all this. It's a process and not one we in our short lifespans can relate to easily. I understand you want proof and so do many people, but that is the challenge of faith. In these times of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ we live by faith and not by physical proof. The leap of faith spoken of is terrifying to many and so rejected by many. That's why Jesus said the path is narrow and few will find it.
We are being given a completely unfettered chance to choose God or not to choose God. If God were to interfere with man's decisions and the consequences of those decisions, he would be swaying people and preventing people from fully maturing in faith. Remaining as little children who must be held back from running into oncoming traffic. If we want to run into oncoming traffic (and apparently we do) we are completely free to do so, though there are consequences.
God is not the cause of the horrors of this world. We are. I know it looks bleak. It always has looked bleak in a world that denies God yet He has given us a Way to redeem ourselves despite our poor decisions .
All things are possible with God. He has promised this will end once everyone has had the opportunity to come to Him or reject Him. I think we're drawing close so each person's decision is and always has been very crucial to what happens next for each individual. God wishes all to come to Him.
I have had Morgellons/CDB for over twenty years. I understand your anger and frustration. I've shared it, but I have also been given great gifts that have saved me throughout this ordeal. Gifts I will never give up or stop being grateful for regardless of what becomes of me in this world. This is only the beginning. Not the end.
Your words are wonderful, powerful and much needed echoes of the truth. You have a gift of very clear articulation not many possess. I hope others get this about you….a very good spokesperson with good timing. Hearing these reminders from you is always very comforting, thank you for these echoes! KK
Pirate is right, I don’t know when I’ve ever seen a short summary about truth of God said so well.
I certainly relate to what you’re saying also Neve O. Pirate says for us to endure to the end, or rather, Jesus said it. We don’t just stop and pray and hope this will fix everything, although praying sure helps! We keep going, just as Jesus did, until his last minute on Earth as a man. We encourage, and help Karl and the other micronauts, so they can help us!
No one on this Earth knows exactly when Jesus will return. God wants people to turn to him.
But we can do both. And if one embraces Jesus, one shall be saved, whenever the end comes.
How do you know people are 'saved' when dead? The current Bible is clearly written by humans (men) eg very few women allowed In to it even though women are 50% at least of the human race and it is known that women led early Christianity as much as men did.Jesus, if he existed (and that is not proven given the lack of mention of him by anyone writing at the time including historians.. ) he died ie he is dead so will not be 'returning'. So much of what Christians believe resembles fairytales unfortunately. You and others believe in thousands of things that do not have a speck of proof attached to them ie 'Faith'. If you pretended the Bible did not exist and looked at the world honestly you would realise that the (evil) very rich types have ruled and enslaved people for thousands of years and are currently not being stopped from killing billions of people for their agenda. But that is fine I suppose because the man made book called the Bible says the world will end in a horrific nightmarish way..So better accept it as inevitable... If people managed to rise up and destroy those committing global genocide the human race might be saved but Christians are meant to pray and accept 'the truth' etc
Look at Christian Zionists..The whole Bible reinterpreted by Scofield ( paid by Zionists) a fraudster who lied that Israel is God's chosen people so these Christians are happy to see genocide of Palestinians whose country stolen to create Israel. Sorry this is a long comment.
Hi, The New Testament was written about 2000 years ago-men were the warriors and heads of the families, and the Apostles Matthew Mark Luke and John wrote the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament. So women were very much behind the men. So not really written about, but important throughout Scripture.
I’m a fairly new Christian, only 18-19 months, but I’ve learnt a lot. I do know that a lot of this takes faith, it is a choice, to believe or not.
But I am certain Jesus lived when the scripture says he did. He lived for 33 years, and was a scholar, schooling the Pharisees about Jewish Law and God. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity-God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and The Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ own people had him killed, but this was part of God’s plan. The Jews already believed in God, but God needed the non-Jews to follow him also, this is where Jesus comes in. He was born of a woman, but a virgin, so supernaturally, God’s Son, and Son of Man. As an adult, he was teaching scripture and performing miracles, which nobody else could do.
After he died, he went down to hell to have the great fight with satan, then three days later he was seen as a Heavenly Figure, returned to the land. He was seen by his Apostles, and others, Mary Magdeline being one, I think. See, as I said, I’m a new Christian, but I don’t want to say anything that’s not true. Jesus gave his Apostles The Holy Spirit, so they could spread the good news about Jesus, and they could also perform miracles.
The last Book in The Bible, Revelation, describes what will happen in End Times. It’s full of metaphors, and can be confusing, but it’s relevant to what’s happening today. Where we are up to, I can’t say. But all this tyranny will end when Jesus returns again, to rule for a thousand years.
So to invite Jesus into one’s heart is to have Jesus “in you”, and those who do this will be saved “in Jesus”. God judges every soul, but people’s souls have to go via Jesus to God. That’s what Christians believe, sort of basically.
Don’t think I like God’s plan here one iota, I don’t. I am doing what I can do against this evil, and trying to live a normal life at the same time. It’s very hard to be Christian with all this pressure, plus we know it get’s worse.
I wouldn’t be here on Karl’s substack if I didn’t know all the evil going on with WEF/UN/WHO, gov’ts (I’m Aussie btw), Billionaires, Illuminati families and their offshoots, Royal families of Europe, Masons and the female version, child and people trafficking, etc, etc. Now all this transhumanism and the blood changing, vaxxed or not.
I didn’t even want to become Christian, but things were going so badly that I thought I’d give it a go, and I like it, but it’s terribly hard! It’s terribly hard just being in this world, but we all keep going.
Oh, that Scofield character, I know of him and what evil he did, but I don’t know a lot. Israel is awful, the terrible things they are doing. There are many religions in Israel, not just Jews, but the Zionists are terrible. But I don’t know who talks about Christian Zionists-real Christians have nothing to do with Zionists. Jews are God’s “chosen”, not Christians, no Christian should be happy to see what’s happening in Gaza. It’s a disgrace, at best.
I have to stop now, but I hope I’ve explained a bit from a personal point of view. I stress again, it’s a choice to be Christian. I was almost the opposite of Christian, and we do run on a lot of faith, but much truth also in The Bible. I don’t go to church btw, we don’t have a decent one near us.
I also believe in people “rising up” to stop this, but how? We’ve got to support Karl, he’s doing the hard work with his own blood! This man is a warrior!
Neve, when you are dead and gone will anyone be able to prove you ever existed? Once those who knew you are gone? Do you really think that's just the end of you? That your life is meaningless and signifies nothing as well as those you love? If your answer is yes, it must be a very bleak existence indeed and I am grateful I'm not living that existence any longer. I used to. I understand it, but there is a better way and it's not your way. It's God's way.
Any coward or pessimistic or materialistic person can disparage God if all they base their argument on is the material world and nihilism. It takes real courage to make the leap of faith God requires. That's the point. He wants you to find the best in yourself. Despite anything a man has or hasn't done. To the world. To the bible. To each other. To Jesus Christ when people crucified Him for nothing. For no crime whatsoever. Jesus died under the same circumstances we all find so abhorrent. He was innocent and He was murdered anyway.
You could give me a list of all the people you believe need to be eliminated and I could line them up for you and you could eliminate them and I guarantee before they breathed their last breath, another man would take their place.
That's not solution to anything to just keep eliminating evil people. There is an endless supply of them and always has been. So unless you want to stand at the ready to serve as an executor for all your days, perhaps you want to consider an alternative solution.
There is a solution, but not one you want. That's your choice. But simply because you choose what you choose does not mean the other way doesn't exist. It does. You simply don't want it and reject it. Again, your prerogative. As God ordained when He gave each one of us free will to choose for Him or against Him.
Just another thing Neve, I don’t believe Jesus is going to save us all. There is much suffering in store, and God wants people to turn to him, so people’s spirits/souls will eternally be in Paradise. I do not believe in just praying and doing nothing until Jesus returns. I have been trying very hard to help stop what these psychopaths want to do to us in this world.
Those who accept Jesus into their lives and live an honest life so to speak, will have a much better chance of staying away from hell, where people’s spirits will be tortured for eternity. People like B.Gates, Soros and sons, all the way to Rothschilds will go to hell for eternity, forever being tortured. Imagine that! Eternity of pain.
I’m certainly nothing great, but I don’t want good people going to hell.
I do not see a speck of proof thatv justice happens after people die & even if it does its too late...Billions ie the whole human race is being destroyed but we are meant to 'wait', pray, 'be good', ' worship Jesus' who died etc. The Bible was written by human men - eg the Roman Empire one author to mind control blilions of people using fear of 'hell' etc. The evil ones know the book is wholly or mainly fiction so do as they please knowing that most people will do nothing. Not that I tend to disrespect people but they are grasping at straws often it seems & read the book for every single issue on earth instead of acting with others for justice and truth here and now.
Mocking people for not realising is easy to do but Government, doctors, the WHO, Universities & many more have all been complicit in the lies about the 'vaccines'. These WEF governments employ many psychologists to design their strategies for fooling people.
Sooo… this is going to come off as creepy but if you have an open mind, and believe like I do, that this tech-nology is alien in origin then feel free to look deeper into this… the trick is to see what’s hidden in plain sight: Picture 1 - zoom in, object inside the transparent synthetic shell appears to be a snake body with a triangular shaped head in the upper right position of the artificial chip.
Then picture 3 - very disturbing, if rotated 90° to the right, you can clearly make out large, almond shaped eyed aliens…
In my opinion, I think of it like an artist signing their painting
This is the direction that Dr. Bryan Ardis was speaking about when he revealed that Covid 19 stands for Cobra Venom and there are 19 peptides in the venom. I know the internet has blasted him off as possible controlled opposition (that is said about pretty much every truth teller now) but his first video explaining what he found is quite compelling. That is where I learned why nicotine works against Covid--it was always a mystery why my 90 year lifetime smoker mom never got sick with Covid. It seemed like she should have been one of the first to perish.
And why UK government suddenly very 'caring' about smokers and campaigning to help them stop.Our WEF gov and royals are at the helm of this genocide; Rothschilds and UK royals are the same family & WEF is lead by Schwab and Charles with the former having a Rothschild mother hence also related by blood etc. Many if not all WEF are Zionists also hence the slaughter ic Palestinians and much of the Middle East for the planned 'Greater Israel'... So much of the evil is connected which I had not expected.
It's been proven many times now nicotine is so helpful to the body. It block not only snake venom peptides, but fluoride and many other poisons from passing through the blood brain barrier.
There is a lot more in these shots than cobra venom and peptides. Try SV40 that creates turbo cancer. Cobra venom does not do that. Nicotine will help you if you are bitten by a snake, but this shot is way past using nicotine. Karl has tested it and he has said it does not clear the synthetic biology in the blood. I don't believe Dr. Ardis has given any evidence that his blood is clear or anyone else's for that matter. His videos and his information is very compelling. I listened to him and it made so much sense. Then I come here and I see these horrible photos of synthetic biology and want Dr. Ardis to see them. I don't know exactly what he believes, but think he knows it is a bioweapon and was created with snake venom. Also, my son-in-law has been a smoker for years and has long covid. Nicotine by itself is not harmful, but all of the chemicals that are added are what harms a person. If more doctors like Dr. Ardis would look at these photos things might change. Just an opinion, but I believe there is a lot of division about the cause of these events and many antidotes have been presented. There is probably only one and so far I don't think it has been found. Not trying to be negative, but there is so much at stake right now. Jane
I agree and the researchers are helping so much to try and figure out what is going on. I appreciate everyone sticking their necks out to help all of us.
Creepy may be where we need to go yet to find more answers. Although I am seeing more 'reptilian' signs over time associated to this, be careful of Pareidolia.
Where are all the Arrests for all the people responsible for this human tragedy ? As valuable and informative all these images are, I think we have reached a limit…. In other words, how much more evidence do we need to see to arrive at the conclusion that we’re screwed? I mean, How to we even begin to stand up to the Military Industrial Complex etc. ? These are Military Programs to Depopulate !
I think you're right. We have reached a limit. It is time to reach out to God.
The one true God. He is the only logical solution. Though we must keep searching for answers. And listen to God's response.
Amendment : I need to add - "They" have Voice of God weaponry that mimics God. If anyone hears external voices or voices in their heads, that is not God. He is subtle and reveals Himself in relavatory ways, not by speaking in a man's voice inside or outside someone's head. Pray for discernment. Then hone this skill and use it. Test every spirit and ask if it's of Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived. Because deception is coming. It's already here. PRAY.
Given that our internal dialogues are packed full of familial conditioning, predictive programming from propaganda and selected false histories and partial truths, I am very suspect of my " own" thoughts.
I attempt to remember to counter this by doing a lot of listening to my own internal dialogue and how it interprets " information" from external sources ( as opposed to what the trees and birds tell me).. Then analyse not only the languages used, the chain of information and it's Generation Loss, but my own responces, be they gut feeling, conditioned emotional or specifically critical.
Just the act of listening to my own chatter helps me to distance myself ( at least for a time) from subjectivness and the opinions that I offer to myself and the world.
There is an interesting novel written by an historian titled THE TENANTS OF TIME. The premise is an historian who attempts to ascertain the initial event(s) that sparked the war between Northern and Southern Ireland which supposedly began in a small village. The historian goes to the village and interviews anyone he can find who can give him information on the event(s) that took place. It goes from there as you might imagine and into some areas about human perception and recollection and memories that are very interesting. The book stuck with me due to the insights on what we call "history", be it national or personal.
Your process is very interesting as well. Becoming one's own "observer" in part. And yet, the subjective self is so alive and can't be denied.
Thankyou, I'll have a look for the book you mentioned.
Humans are such a crazy creature with such infinite capacities... I guess we just couldn't continue in unlimited expansion without some sort of debt to pay.
As you quoted, and I will probably will misquote " we must endure until the end" as painful as that may be....
I have often thought of taking the " easy" way out, but my Christan upbringing ( and studies into other pathways) keeps warning me away from that option.... And if it was easy and their were no consequences, or ripple effect, I don't think many people would still be here! ( Maybe I should befriend happy people 😁)
There seems to be a very indistinct line in my perception of fear between what is instinctual, what is rational and what is just the fear of loss of what I have gained during my time here ( mentally, materially and spiritually).
Well...all bibles are tainted with the hand of man including the KJV. I think God made that clear when he allowed the name of a violent homosexual, King James, to emblazon his name on every copy. We are not to worship any dead book. Only the Living God.
That being said, I am grateful we have the bible as a vital tool. Many would be lost without it. Though an illiterate blind person who has never read the bible can have a thriving wonderful relationship with Jesus without the bible. All things are possible.
I also agree the KJV is the most trustworthy of all versions though nothing in this fallen world is to be trusted entirely. Thank you, Jesus.
Pirate Studebaker says, I also agree the KJV is the most trustworthy of all versions.
You say, you are gravely wrong about this.
No matter what anyone says about something there is always someone saying you're wrong. Who knows where the real truth is? Now someone will say, I know the real truth. This is the human condition and one reason everything is the way it is. Not that it shouldn't be. There are universal truths but even this is argued about.
This isn't meant to denigrate anyone even if it is taken that way.
You're right. We all see through a glass darkly and none of us knows the mind of God, though He has told us someday we will know Him.
So, once again, it's man's ego, not the truth that compels man to say he alone knows the truth and everyone who doesn't agree with him is wrong.
God gives wisdom and insight to each of us as He sees best. Perhaps why we are encouraged to share what He gives us like puzzle pieces that help one another to see the greater picture.
Have you considered that it's not a book called the bible, but Jesus who is The Perfect Word of God? The Word Made Flesh. The Word that was with God from the beginning long before any ink was put to any paper. How can the bible be God's Word if the Word has been with God from the beginning of time? It is certain a book called the bible was not with God at the beginning of time. So what does this mean? In Revelation when Jesus returns, a name is written on Him that reads, "The Word of God." That's His name. His name given to Him by God. That's who He is. He is The Word of God. Just consider what I'm saying.
God is not the author of confusion. But all those translations and versions and people who wrote the words in the text of the bible have caused confusion. I don't think it matters how meticulous a man is, no one is perfect. Only Jesus is perfect.
Yes, I have an authentic copy of the KJV and it's the only bible I've read.
Ohhhh fk. This is shocking. I had a gut feeling it was synthetics taking over.im believing God to overcome this. I have no idea. How. But can we overcome this. After all it’s just human or satanic and Gods power is stronger than he thst is in the world. Practically wat can we do to stop the tec. ?And spiritually. We needyo pray. That’s the main 1. But hey wat a time to be alive. We hold the key to humanity’s future. May God help us.
Yes, I've been following his, Dr Mihalcea's and Dr Nixon's investigations and findings, and concerned for their safety, in particular. I was wondering why they've been permitted to share, but it's become clear that most people prefer to remain ignorant and trusting of the 'goodwill' of their 'leaders'. They are probably not considered a threat for this reason. Also, it is all too much for many to take in, to believe. And, there is the resignation that accompanies predictive programming.
The shots have momentum and that is playing out, and will for many years. I suspect 'they' are all in retreat hiding waiting for the 'cov' exercise to produce results.
If I can make another suggestion, also from my experience. First you need to see where and what is intruding your home space, where you eat, and heal while getting good sleep. Personally I have mapped out my home and where EMF, RF and ELF intrusions are coming from, mainly ignorant neighbors. I then sleep in the optimal location, which is no longer my bedroom. Note it is impossible to shield from ELF.
When you know what type (EMF, ELF, RF) is intruding, you can then make wiser decisions on what shielding to purchase.
I have tried nearly all clothing and bed sheeting, which can get very costly ($400 bed sheet etc) until I narrowed it down. The neighbors smart meter is near unstoppable, and it is part sonic and part electric, I have recorded it and can play it back now.
What could I do? Solid large obstacles help. Humidity plays a huge part as the atmosphere becomes more conductive through water vapor.
I believe if we can adjust and mitigate enough through good sleep healing and good diet we can at least buy time to move forward to find more solutions.
Moving forward the BLE mesh network will be part of what is used with our WBAN (hive communication).
It is made from apple pectin I believe. I used to take it and it does detox metals. I had to stop bc if affected my nerve endings due to a condition that is quite painful. It s a good supplement. Not sure it will dissolve tech....
Thank you. Some who remove these structures (morticians) say it feels like Silicone, which to date, is unable to be removed from the body (localised tissue infiltrate can be excised only).
Those photos of the long clots are so awful. I can't imagine having that in your body for more than five minutes and still be alive. I had a swollen calf on left leg and my doc sent me in immediately for an ultra sound. No clot, just a bit of edema. It doesn't even look like it would fit in your veins, but am not a medical person. I wouldn't want to be the person doing that job! They should take all of the jars that hold these clots and take them to Congress for viewing. Jane
Thank you Mary-Ann. All I can say, in my current level of understanding, is that the human body, and in fact the biosphere, is fearfully and wonderfully made, and the more understanding man has, the less able he is to apply it without catastrophic sequelae. And of course, many things are used for evil in the pretense of good. I can't arrive at any other truth I'm afraid.
Reseach tony pantalleresco. He has interviews and YouTubes from 10-13 years ago talking about polymers and the self reputation of them. G.oxide, detoxifying this crap. inexpensive ways using simple ingredients. He has radio shows from years ago that are full of information ahead of its time.
Only 2 questionable sources have detected graphene, so far nobody else has in their analysis yet. The graphene hype keeps falling flat on its face so far. We had a dentist test various anesthetics with heat and a magnet and none of these things were repeatable either. Also graphene is not magnetic, neither are the copper coins people were showing stick to them. Just weird
Would chlorine dioxide helpful in getting rid of the hydrogels and polymers? Dr. Andreas Kalcker talks about it being successfully used in clearing out spike protein. I wonder if it the bigger stuff would be too lrge for the CDS to break it down?
Thank you for taking the time in answering our questions and keeping us informed! Appreciate it!
Thats a lie to get spike protein outside with chlorine dioxide.The chlorine dioxine gives the blood more oxygen,yes and on the end it falls together as salt in the blood.Kalcker made a lot of money with his Statements,because hopeless sick people follow him and spend their last money for his books or his Workshops here in Germany.I hate people like him making money on sick people and sell them his lie!!!
Holy mole. Wow! Angry must be an understatement after finding this. So many people do not realize what falls from the skies may be causing this. A beautiful clear blue sky one minute Then a line, two, three, pretty soon the sky is full of lines that disperse like cloudy mist, then the sky is gray, no longer blue. My fruit plants will not produce…the birds are not nesting…..aphids and mites are thriving, however. 🤔
Terral Croft has a Substack and he reckons we need borax and nano silver to disable the tech so the haarp carrier wave pulses don’t effect the tech and release the pathogens.
Karl has there been any test on using silver and borax?
Also has there been any tests on chlorine dioxide?
Karl has mentioned that nano silver activates the tech. I bought nano silver from Terral Croft and it is not a good idea. Not sure about borax or chorline dioxide? Karl has tested so many items but not sure about the last two. I think if he had we would know about it now. They are using sodium citrate, thieves oil, and activated charcoal. I don't think anything else has been added to the list. He was going to try enzymes, but these photos might suggest that didn't work. Maybe needs more time. Jane
Yes, but educate and experiment, maybe even get a dark field microscope and become familiar with what you are seeing, then test.
Dr Karl and Dr Ana have found several items that can offer certain degree's of relief and detoxing, but detoxing can only offer temporary relief, as we are surrounded by the 'tech' poison. These suggestions seem to be more effective on some than others. Why? I am not sure but have theories, but we cannot just give up.
I think everyone is alot more tired overall. It's like our life force energy is being throttled, or worse, siphoned off.
People overall look so much older than they are, more tired, less mentally alert, it's like we're all under some kind of energetic attack.
Driving anywhere is exhausting knowing that drivers everywhere are passing out while driving and then crashing into other moving, parked cars.
I am seeing abandoned light trucks smashed on sides of the roads.
It's like someone is weaponizing people to lose control and crash into others.
People have no idea that these unleashed nanoparticles are wreaking havoc internally, causing micro vascular clotting, blood flow restrictions, attacking their internal organs. I can on. They are completely unaware and the media can't report on the vaxxine harms because the media is owned.
It is good to know what is happening to blood, behaviour etc but its also of course a burden and weigh heavily on the mind naturally. Apart from attempts at legal action against corporations including governments ( which takes many years, needs lots of money etc) what can we do? It seems that the human race has very little time to save itself from extinction/transhumanism etc. Not that I am trying to be defeatist but the psychopaths doing this have so much money hence power that they own practically eveything on earth; education, MSM, medicine, lthe law often, government, finance, banks & more. I realise many people assume God will step in and save so we need to do nothing but pray and believe. The latter is fine but so far billions are being maimed and killed so surely we need to act ASAP but how? One fantasy is that people kidnap Fauci, Gates, Schwab etc and or high ranking types creating this genocide and inject them with a truth drug so they reveal all ie the poisons, the plans, the antidotes if any..These Satanists (apparently many of the richest killers are) must be immune to the poisons so the truth drug would reveal how they thrive while committing global genocide ie poisoning air, water, food, 'medicine' etc. When they have spilled the beans the peoples court will decide their fates..
Working on stuff, lots of stuff. But for now spreading awareness is the best thing others can do. Be not afraid, stay calm and know we are all in this together. We can only do our best in all good intention. Hopefully the universe will look after us in tandem.
Anything you can share yet? Wondering what to take right now to. slow this down besides sodium citrate. Are the enzymes working? Anything else?
On YouTube is a video add for the Nanotechnology Program at University of Waterloo. It states Nanotechnology was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines. Nanotechnology is spoken about in a positive light. The negative side effects are not being focused on. I wonder if these Hydrogels these Nanotechnologies are responsible for tissue engineering. Tissue engineering is mentioned in associated paperwork. Are Hydrogels being mistaken for Cancer, I wonder. Are the Hydrogels growing continually and could they then be mistaken as a cancerous growth/malignant growth. Perhaps Transhumanisim is not what we assume it is.
I have a feeling that these two men are very protected and kidnapping them would have major consequences. Great idea, but can't imagine it actually happening There are many others involved as well, so taking just two out won't make a big difference. They have taken over so many parts of the government and congress is bought and paid for. It is also an international event and there are many criminals involved. I have heard if people get rid of their smart phones and don't pay taxes, maybe something will shift. Doubt it because they have a hard core agenda. This is much bigger than people realize and if doctors would stop pushing the virus narrative it might help. Morticians have stepped up, but believe they are ignored. People are sick and dying (not all) but over time it might change. Great thought, but would take the right people and lots of planning. Plus, you get rid of two bad people ten more would step up to the plate to fill in. Klaus Sshwab has a son who is worse than he is. My hope is that they will divide and start going after each other. How would you dismantle the UN, WEF, and the Who and our government? It would be a massive undertaking. Look what happened to the J6 people who just attended a rally and ended up in jail for months on end. Jane
I agree that the problem is mind bogglingly vast and complex byt they I tend to kill 99% of people anyway so why not fight even for a while? People are clever enough to think of a solution if tgmhey work together - taking a few out might only be a drop in the ocean but so far tgey get away with genocide yearly for decades with little or no opposition. True that people do not want to go to jail prob but undetectable methods of winning have to be created. Jackson mean nothing ic millions oc people burn them down.... Its us or them it really is.
Typo! Meant to say 'Jails' mean nothing if many people together destroy them.
The energetic attack weapon is ChinaCCP world largest psionic ELF transmitter doing spin-spin DNA/RNA damage on everyone (e.g. 2/3 of the world) that results in protein miscodings, etc. You need an on body ELF to de-link from ChinaCCP psionic ELF as well as scalar transmitters and nanotech aggregators. Welcome to applied bioenergetics to thrive in this evil world (e.g. the dragon, ChinaCCP) where we have NATO Alliance (the eagle) vs. ChinaCCP Coalition (the dragon) neurowar going on now.... the war unseen by many.
Brandon, the dragon in The Bible has always been satan aka the serpent. It’s got nothing to do with the Chinese year of the dragon. The Chinese use their dragons to scare away evil spirits. Not saying they won’t do bad things.
The Eagle in Revelation is a symbol of God’s wrath-I doubt that it symbolises NATO. Maybe, but it’s a long shot.
Patent W0 2020 060606 Title: Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data Microsoft Licensing LLC I think fulfilled Revelation 13: 16 to 18. That a mark will be needed to buy and sell. Nanotechnologies pass through the forehead and right hand. I hope spreading truthful information will save lives sooner than later. This is all very concerning. Industry and companies I hope will find a way to put the breaks on this Nanotechnology Industry.
The ionsire psychos own most companies - no point hoping for help from them.
I looked up ELF, and found it is extremely low frequency radio waves, where the wavelengths range from 1,000km to 100,000km long. I found the study of this to be quite confusing, but with such long wavelengths, they can penetrate into the ionosphere-some articles mention HAARP in relation to this. I also found these radio waves are useful to communicate underwater, e.g. to submarines.
I found that about 5 countries have these transmitters, including America. Because the wavelengths are so long, they degrade easily. I couldn’t understand about psionic ELF. I don’t understand what an on body ELF is. The antennae for ELF waves are very long, so I don’t get how one could wear something to mitigate this on their body.
I did read that ELF waves can be deleterious to health, possibly causing cancer and other damage. I didn’t find anything per se about DNA and RNA damage.
I’ve done my part to try and understand what you’re saying Brandon, but could you please explain in layman’s terms so we can all understand? Thank you 🙂
Hi Brandon, what is a body ELF and where can this be purchased?
when did this startup? I'm guessing it started up in the summer of 2023 timeframe? plus the massive bombardment of nanoparticles in the air, water, food, everywhere?
Good questions! How about some answers so we can understand you Brandon!
I don't understand Brandon's answers or how he has come to the conclusion that China is responsible for everything at a time where we know who really is and it isn't China. The harms are being done by this material in interaction with complex wireless signals from the supposed 5g towers which are operating up to 80ghz, so not even 5g really. Brandon's theories mind boggle me In all honest opinion. Not meant in any bad way, I just feel it is all unfounded gobbledy gook.
Yes, as you can see, I looked into what he said somewhat, but I got very confused! Nice to “see” you Karl !
we need something the average persob has access to
There are "entities" above, not human... you forget DARPA !
I don't think anyone was saying that all have been affected but that many have
I am visiting my elderly parents in WA state. Oh my word--I was verbally attacked by a cashier in Costco and I still can't figure out why. My mom was verbally attacked twice in the hospital ER by nurses. There have been 3 fatal car accidents in the last 60 days just in this area. And I don't evenknow where to start with the mistakes made by every person that is handling paperwork or money--where is their head? Where is this going to end up for humanity...
I am looking for a new GP. My last visit was upsetting due to his attitude. He is probably in his early 40's and has MS, so maybe that is why. He is cranky, gets my records goofed up and basically ignored and sends me to a specialist. If I don't do exactly what he wants when he wants he gets angry....coincidence? If doctors go down then what? My husband's cardiologist took four shots. My dad's cardiologist about three years ago yelled at him for not taking a shot. He said "because of you I have to take another shot." My dad was blind and deaf and 93 years of age. Needless to say we left and my father was swabbed so many times and died May 3, 2022. He was treated like a criminal in the hospital and was swabbed more! I had to ask for oxygen and moved him to a different room. They were ignoring him and he tried to leave the hospital. They didn't even call me. Lots of stories out there, but it really can mess with your head. It is hard to see people suffer and especially if it is a family member. Jane
I know exactly what you are saying. The way my mom is being treated is elder abuse. I am afraid to leave her with them. At 90 she is too timid to speak up. And they all seem so distracted and angry. Interestingly--I spent some time with my cousin twice while here, then on the 3rd visit we were alone outside and he just abruptly said You didn't take those kill shots did you? I said No, why? He said Me either and I could tell you didn't.
You can call the state and report it. My folks were in two facilities and I didn't understand that I could contact an ombudsman and tell them what was happening. They are typically volunteers, but they do know the laws involved. I had to move them and the second place was worse. They wanted to split them up because they couldn't take care of my mom with Parkinson's. So, we moved and in the end they were separated and she died five weeks later. I could write so many stories about this 7 year experience with professionals that would lie straight to my face and not think anything of it. Sort of like our government.... I was too afraid to call but the second place I had no choice. Many others were calling the state as well and they were shut down for 8 months. Know one could move in until they satisfied state law. When that happens you know things are bad. I was with them every day because I didn't trust anyone to be kind. My mom had dementia and without my dad being there it would have been bad. The vulnerable people in this world like children, the disabled and the elderly need to be protected. My mom was too timid to speak up too and she thought she had to do what they said. I kept telling her they were working for her and she was paying them, but it never landed. After my father passed I never went back to that building and will never go near it again. If people speak up maybe someone will listen at some point. Jane
Gosh Jane, that’s awful. Good on you though, for making the phone call to say how bad it was. And you are so right, I don’t think I’ve seen this written as succinctly as you put it about protecting the vulnerable. We say it at home, often, but it’s so true.
I’m just sick of gov’ts trying to get the “vulnerable” to get jabs for covid, flu, RSV, shingles etc. None of us should be having these things, but gov’ts especially target pregnant women, children, elderly, and the immunocompromised. All the people who should be DIScouraged from having these jabs.
Ages back, in about 2017-18 (it seems like ages)-I saw a poster somewhere, saying pregnant women should get the fluvax. I just couldn’t understand why, as I knew pregnant women should avoid vaccines. Well, I certainly know why now!
I have to speak on the internet while I can, as our so called gov’t will be bringing in the misinformation laws soon. We’re protesting etc, but most things just get shoved through. Australia here!!! For now!
Look in that crevice just so. of the belt line!!!
I live in the Pacific NW and what you wrote does not surprise me. If not for grown kids and grand kids we would be out of here. Things are a bit crazy everywhere I am afraid. Take care, Jane
How did they change?
I am so sorry to see this. I guess it's in all of us. By the Grace of God let solutions be found.
A person posted this link on a substack article but I can't remember if on yours, Matts, Dr. Ana ect. An article from UC San Diego 2015 about an occillating electrical field that attracts nano particles so they can be removed from blood. I did comment to Matt but haven't seen a response. https://phys.org/news/2015-11-electric-fields-nanoparticles-blood-ease.html I know you've tried sodium citrate with some success. Have you tried Tony P's triangle, 420's green laser or borax? Thanks for all your hard work.
Borax (e.g. Boron) is in a lot of supplements, a lot of them have boron as an ingredient as well as high end foods have sodium citrate added (e.g. $10 beef jerky with 28 grams of protein). Here is use of bioenergetics (Lakhovsky coils present in the treatment room (e.g. synbio removal room)). electrostasis.substack.com/p/experiment-112-data-validated-working
Nailed it in your article. One very important body organ proving to be a great entry point, our eyes. For those who think they are experiencing ingress from the eyes, I have found sealed glasses offer great relief. You can get these with any lens type, but the secret is they need to stop ingress, the same as dust protection glasses with a gasket seal to your face.
I have also taken this one step further with a reflective lens to relieve VLC (visual light communication) from device and PC screens, which appears to work.
100% correct the eyes are the gateway to the soul per say for people that get contaminated with synthetic biology nanotechnology with neurotechnology linkages. The synthetic biology wetware bug that I've disrupted regrows and links into visual cortex for energy source. It doesn't like yellow light at all, blue light it grows rapidly (e.g. field of optogenetics with quantum dots within the wetware spybug enable this).
Brandon, what are you wearing these days to prevent opto hijacking? Or is that an issue that requires all of your multiple health hacks?
Cos, thank you for sharing your eye protection idea! Can you please share a link to what you’re successfully using? And, I suppose the acid test of that success would be some kind of reading being taken to assess if you’re being optogenetically messed with, yes?
These are what I’m using these days. I’d love to get your insight!
They should produce similar results, being enclosed. These are similar to what I am using. https://www.milwaukeetool.com/products/performance-safety-glasses-with-gaskets . The range is quite large from many manufacturers, along with multiple lens types and also can include readers. The gaskets are cheap and easy to replace.
This is purely to stop particle ingress, as what I am stopping is physical particles. I normally wear readers for reading but began to notice gradual deterioration of vision and irritation, so I started testing and noticed with a physical enclosed barrier I was able to regain my eye sight and completely stop irritation.
With what I have been capturing in the water vapor of our atmosphere, logic tells me it is highly likely to be the same hydrogel fibers.
Plastic is also quite good at shielding from specific radiation particles we are being bombarded with due the earth's weakening magnetic field. Ben at Suspicious Observers on YT also mentions this. Shielding your eyes when you sleep will also reduce or even stop 'dry eyes' caused by ELF, RF.
As for VLC (visual light communication), and reflective lens's, I have noticed significantly less irritation from PC screens when wearing reflective as opposed to non reflective lenses. VLC is simply light strength/brightness, here is an article: https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-r/opb/rep/R-REP-SM.2422-2-2022-PDF-E.pdf
and this one should give you a good idea of where I am coming from, particularly section 3. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349881372_Effect_of_Coronavirus_Worldwide_through_Misusing_of_Wireless_Sensor_Networks
Some solutions are simple, others not so.
Thank you, good person!
The dragon is satan
Well i guess i should be dead by now cauz i consume borax and i am still kicking & at 80yrs can still kick a 6' dude under the chin!!!
For background on the borax / boron, Go to bitchute.com and search for "a solution they do not want you to know" featuring Dana Ashley. Evidently boron has multiple health uses. 420 and Matt j. o. a. b. Have their own substacks and have been experimenting with green and blue lasers. They can tell you the frequency and 420s site lists where to buy it. I will need to confirm 420's exact substack name. I haven't made a triangle or bought a laser, but I do take hot baths with Epsom salt, borax, and baking soda that has been recommended by Tony p and also Dr. Carrie Madej.
You might want to chk out Chlorine dioxide at jimhumble.com
Do you ingest borax or only bath in it?
I personally do both, but you can do whatever you feel is warranted in your situation.
I am not advising dosages, but a light pinch 2-4 times a day in a full glass of water and a tablespoon for each bath, or a cup full for one of occasions 3-4 days apart.
Sorry, Tony p is Tony Pantolaresco who designed several antinano and EMF devices because he is a targeted individual. He's formally a herbalist and self-taught on the other stuff. In addition he recommends baths, herbs and various salts to detox.
You can also find interviews of him on bitchute. 🙂
Tony P has some great remedies but detox baths is not one. If they are spraying the "public" skies w/ chems - what do you think they are doing w/ the "public" water supply? Also, pls use discernment. If TP is targeted then why does he publicly tell everyone that he had to escape to Arizona? Isn't that like putting a target on your back? .......?
I don't advise the spike or electro related therapies. We have shown these all to be sime devices which serve as energy transferring devices, not EMP power level devices or comex frequency devices. After what we have seen I would never be electrifying or charging emf into my body knowing that it also does not remove the tech.
Here is a link to build the triangle. The green lasers are a new discovery thathave been clearing up the blood. Borax is just Boron, a trace mineral that has been shown to disrupt nanotech and also to quite handily reduce arthritis, even severe in nature.
I don't advise either since the specifics of the technology we have shown so far have proven to be enhanced by energy devices with simple wave structures like the spike, rife, dc, and a charge. The laser is actually what is used to enhance these materials for viewing in a lab by laser microscopy. Also the laser had no effect on samples we tried a year ago. We used laser scanning microscopy with a 532nm green laser and all was still active. Light interacts with the material and may change it's morphological appearance but is not destroying it or removing it from your body. Nobody has managed to show any satisfactory proof of it either except after images of blood that still clearly contain all the materials and another showing a ring constructor shrinking which is what they do without light anyway. So I have no idea how the lasers turned into a miracle cure. Bizarre really. We would of noticed lasers doing something positive a long time ago if it worked. The scanning laser images we took showed that everything was still morphing.
A lot of us have been taking a pinch of Borax in water for quite awhile. My local grocery store used to carry it all of the time, but as this news broke about it being useful, it disappeared from the shelves. A very curious coincidence, but it is still available on Amazon.
To hell w/Amazon, Child trafficking bas-turds, You can buy 20 mule team or Harris borax at Co-op feed store,,,
I have no stores to buy it at where Iive. I know that's hard to believe, but we don't have Walmart or Starbucks either.
You should thank God that you don't have either of those stores! You can go on line and order from co-op, I just would not buy from DAMAZON,,, I would not order from Dam-a-zon if it were free!
Do you know if anyone who has taken borax had their blood checked? Is that what people are taking it for or other things. That is what is so tricky about all of this. Karl and Dr. Nixon have listed three things that work, but others either haven't seen it or don't agree. So, sodium citrate, activated charcoal and thieves oil do clear the tech. It doesn't remove it all or Karl would not have posted what he did. They have tested many substances and borax might have been of the early tests. It is not on the list of the big three as I call them. Lots of people suggesting things and searching, but without proof that the blood is clean and clear why take it? I bought boron as well and it didn't do anything for me at all. Drank the borox water before buying the boron. Nothing....not sure what it even suppose to do. I was so concerned and was willing to try just about anything. How to stay safe during this process has been interesting. The hard part is that most of us can't test our blood and so I just put all of my apples in Karl and Dr. Nixon's basket and see what happens. Stay safe, Jane
Would you be so kind as to tell me why it was removed!!!
This is biblical. It surely must have passed through people's minds the strong possibility we are living witnesses to prophecy unfolding in real time.
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." - Jesus Christ on the last days and what to expect. Matthew 24 : 22
There is as much to unpack in Jesus' words as there is on Karl's slides.
I know how angry and saddened this makes people. I thank you, Karl for having the courage to keep going. In His final words to us about the end, Jesus said,
"Endure unto the end."
This is a eugenics program masquerading as transhumanism. They don't care how many people they murder and are only interested in the ones who can transition with them. They are undergoing this transition as well though I'm guessing they have vastly superior treatments should anything go wrong for them.
They want to live forever. As their own gods. The rest of humanity, the ones who transform into living robots, fleshbots, will be their people.
They will be as gods and the fleshbots will be their people. That's their fantasy.
God has a plan and their fantasy will remain just that. A fantasy. God will prevail. Have no fear.
Get right with God. Pray. Love Him and one another with all your body, mind and soul.
And keep looking for a solution. This isn't over yet. Hope is far from lost. Endure.
"This isn't over yet". No it's not. Psalm 64.
From the Book of Mormon a second witness of Jesu Christ in Ether 8:25 it states:
25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.
I would admonish all of you to grab a copy of the Book of Mormon and read it for yourself. Also, Jeremiah from the Old Testament is a contemporary of Nephi who is the first of many prophets who authored the book as guided by the Holy Ghost. I promise that if you read the book with a sincere desire to know, you will come to know it a warning to us today!!
Agreed. Thanks for the scripture. I'll read it again.
No weapon formed against us will prosper...
The weapons are greatly prospering
This may not be the correct platform, and does not immediately help Karl, could also be a bit of a rant :-), but I would like to share my theory which is appearing to be closer to the mark every day.
You might recall tyrant's Prince Charles and Klaus mention 'we have a very short window of opportunity' several times. What I think they are actually referring to is taking advantage of the earth's weakening magnetic field, via the Pole shift, and effectively high jacking all the additional electrical and charged particle activity, to either kill or convert.
The last major Sun activity was on the 19th April, which was not all that large, but had greater impact on Earth due to the weakened magnetic field. See Suspicious Observers on YT.
I am EMF sensitive and notice the increases in energy particles when they occur, my body is attempting to reject, like many EMF sensitive. We are not all loaded with toxin's, many are simply Canaries in the coal mine with our bodies attempting to reject.
Where does that leave us? Well mitigation from solar activity, in all the ways you can think of, and slowing foreign particulate growth, detoxing and everything else the great Substack heroes are finding and sharing.
I do hope this is of some use with our thoughts, I am an engineer (plus), and quite analytical and at this stage have very little patience for time wasting.
"You might recall tyrant's Prince Charles and Klaus mention 'we have a very short window of opportunity' several times."
Satan knows he has but a short time. You may want to consider the logic of God. His wisdom.
Karl you should chk out jimhumble.com it is call chlorine dioxide,,,
If you are not already, I would recommend following "Suspicious Observers." Speaks to solar activity, radiation and much, much more.
so, Karl, how do YOU feel, health wise, with that kind of blood?
I feel my health could be far better if this stuff wasn't in us. I still have tinnitus, some up and down energy with mild fatigue. Some mild neurological issues that come and go every day. These things are all far worse without charcoal and sodium citrate. We notice most now have that kind blood and that some still feel absolutely fine. Obviously we are seeing huge increase in symptom expressing diseases everywhere now.
Yes, that is what I would like to know also, not only for everyone's benefit, but Karl's as he has been wonderful with all his efforts.
Hmm looking pretty ominous. I guess we will find out very soon what the transition goal actually is.
How do you feel Karl?
The extension of this I dread, is we might start to see an accelerated amount people start to lose their scruples, and worse. So many normies are still at football and in front of the TV. A ton of bricks might just be heading their way.
Not to hammer my beliefs on anyone, but what you've said is exactly what Jesus said would happen at the end. Horrors will be unfolding all around and people will carry on as if nothing is happening as in the days of Noah right before the flood. Until it's too late. PRAY.
People have been praying for thousands of years and look at the planet and people..The super rich own everything and now openly reveal.their global genocide by injections and other methods. I am not anti praying but it has not stopped the evil powerful people from their work ever - billions of people are maimed and dead due to the 'vaccines', designed poverty, looting of all countries by military leaving all to starve... Apart from armed resistance of some kind I do not see the human race surviving now that those who have been killing for 2 hundred yrs or more (Rothschilds, Royals & other billion & trilloinaires running the world) have tge technology to destroy all humans relatively easily ie self assembling nanotech colonising/destroying human bodies.
God foretold all this. It's a process and not one we in our short lifespans can relate to easily. I understand you want proof and so do many people, but that is the challenge of faith. In these times of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ we live by faith and not by physical proof. The leap of faith spoken of is terrifying to many and so rejected by many. That's why Jesus said the path is narrow and few will find it.
We are being given a completely unfettered chance to choose God or not to choose God. If God were to interfere with man's decisions and the consequences of those decisions, he would be swaying people and preventing people from fully maturing in faith. Remaining as little children who must be held back from running into oncoming traffic. If we want to run into oncoming traffic (and apparently we do) we are completely free to do so, though there are consequences.
God is not the cause of the horrors of this world. We are. I know it looks bleak. It always has looked bleak in a world that denies God yet He has given us a Way to redeem ourselves despite our poor decisions .
All things are possible with God. He has promised this will end once everyone has had the opportunity to come to Him or reject Him. I think we're drawing close so each person's decision is and always has been very crucial to what happens next for each individual. God wishes all to come to Him.
I have had Morgellons/CDB for over twenty years. I understand your anger and frustration. I've shared it, but I have also been given great gifts that have saved me throughout this ordeal. Gifts I will never give up or stop being grateful for regardless of what becomes of me in this world. This is only the beginning. Not the end.
Thank you, Jesus.
Your words are wonderful, powerful and much needed echoes of the truth. You have a gift of very clear articulation not many possess. I hope others get this about you….a very good spokesperson with good timing. Hearing these reminders from you is always very comforting, thank you for these echoes! KK
Blablabla... i cannot bear this figure...
Don’t let’s argue amongst ourselves-focus on the villains who are doing all this. They want to divide and conquer us, don’t let it happen.
Pirate is right, I don’t know when I’ve ever seen a short summary about truth of God said so well.
I certainly relate to what you’re saying also Neve O. Pirate says for us to endure to the end, or rather, Jesus said it. We don’t just stop and pray and hope this will fix everything, although praying sure helps! We keep going, just as Jesus did, until his last minute on Earth as a man. We encourage, and help Karl and the other micronauts, so they can help us!
No one on this Earth knows exactly when Jesus will return. God wants people to turn to him.
But we can do both. And if one embraces Jesus, one shall be saved, whenever the end comes.
How do you know people are 'saved' when dead? The current Bible is clearly written by humans (men) eg very few women allowed In to it even though women are 50% at least of the human race and it is known that women led early Christianity as much as men did.Jesus, if he existed (and that is not proven given the lack of mention of him by anyone writing at the time including historians.. ) he died ie he is dead so will not be 'returning'. So much of what Christians believe resembles fairytales unfortunately. You and others believe in thousands of things that do not have a speck of proof attached to them ie 'Faith'. If you pretended the Bible did not exist and looked at the world honestly you would realise that the (evil) very rich types have ruled and enslaved people for thousands of years and are currently not being stopped from killing billions of people for their agenda. But that is fine I suppose because the man made book called the Bible says the world will end in a horrific nightmarish way..So better accept it as inevitable... If people managed to rise up and destroy those committing global genocide the human race might be saved but Christians are meant to pray and accept 'the truth' etc
Look at Christian Zionists..The whole Bible reinterpreted by Scofield ( paid by Zionists) a fraudster who lied that Israel is God's chosen people so these Christians are happy to see genocide of Palestinians whose country stolen to create Israel. Sorry this is a long comment.
Hi, The New Testament was written about 2000 years ago-men were the warriors and heads of the families, and the Apostles Matthew Mark Luke and John wrote the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament. So women were very much behind the men. So not really written about, but important throughout Scripture.
I’m a fairly new Christian, only 18-19 months, but I’ve learnt a lot. I do know that a lot of this takes faith, it is a choice, to believe or not.
But I am certain Jesus lived when the scripture says he did. He lived for 33 years, and was a scholar, schooling the Pharisees about Jewish Law and God. Christians believe in the Holy Trinity-God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and The Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ own people had him killed, but this was part of God’s plan. The Jews already believed in God, but God needed the non-Jews to follow him also, this is where Jesus comes in. He was born of a woman, but a virgin, so supernaturally, God’s Son, and Son of Man. As an adult, he was teaching scripture and performing miracles, which nobody else could do.
After he died, he went down to hell to have the great fight with satan, then three days later he was seen as a Heavenly Figure, returned to the land. He was seen by his Apostles, and others, Mary Magdeline being one, I think. See, as I said, I’m a new Christian, but I don’t want to say anything that’s not true. Jesus gave his Apostles The Holy Spirit, so they could spread the good news about Jesus, and they could also perform miracles.
The last Book in The Bible, Revelation, describes what will happen in End Times. It’s full of metaphors, and can be confusing, but it’s relevant to what’s happening today. Where we are up to, I can’t say. But all this tyranny will end when Jesus returns again, to rule for a thousand years.
So to invite Jesus into one’s heart is to have Jesus “in you”, and those who do this will be saved “in Jesus”. God judges every soul, but people’s souls have to go via Jesus to God. That’s what Christians believe, sort of basically.
Don’t think I like God’s plan here one iota, I don’t. I am doing what I can do against this evil, and trying to live a normal life at the same time. It’s very hard to be Christian with all this pressure, plus we know it get’s worse.
I wouldn’t be here on Karl’s substack if I didn’t know all the evil going on with WEF/UN/WHO, gov’ts (I’m Aussie btw), Billionaires, Illuminati families and their offshoots, Royal families of Europe, Masons and the female version, child and people trafficking, etc, etc. Now all this transhumanism and the blood changing, vaxxed or not.
I didn’t even want to become Christian, but things were going so badly that I thought I’d give it a go, and I like it, but it’s terribly hard! It’s terribly hard just being in this world, but we all keep going.
Oh, that Scofield character, I know of him and what evil he did, but I don’t know a lot. Israel is awful, the terrible things they are doing. There are many religions in Israel, not just Jews, but the Zionists are terrible. But I don’t know who talks about Christian Zionists-real Christians have nothing to do with Zionists. Jews are God’s “chosen”, not Christians, no Christian should be happy to see what’s happening in Gaza. It’s a disgrace, at best.
I have to stop now, but I hope I’ve explained a bit from a personal point of view. I stress again, it’s a choice to be Christian. I was almost the opposite of Christian, and we do run on a lot of faith, but much truth also in The Bible. I don’t go to church btw, we don’t have a decent one near us.
I also believe in people “rising up” to stop this, but how? We’ve got to support Karl, he’s doing the hard work with his own blood! This man is a warrior!
Blablabla !No one knows who wrote the gospels !! No one !
Neve, when you are dead and gone will anyone be able to prove you ever existed? Once those who knew you are gone? Do you really think that's just the end of you? That your life is meaningless and signifies nothing as well as those you love? If your answer is yes, it must be a very bleak existence indeed and I am grateful I'm not living that existence any longer. I used to. I understand it, but there is a better way and it's not your way. It's God's way.
Any coward or pessimistic or materialistic person can disparage God if all they base their argument on is the material world and nihilism. It takes real courage to make the leap of faith God requires. That's the point. He wants you to find the best in yourself. Despite anything a man has or hasn't done. To the world. To the bible. To each other. To Jesus Christ when people crucified Him for nothing. For no crime whatsoever. Jesus died under the same circumstances we all find so abhorrent. He was innocent and He was murdered anyway.
You could give me a list of all the people you believe need to be eliminated and I could line them up for you and you could eliminate them and I guarantee before they breathed their last breath, another man would take their place.
That's not solution to anything to just keep eliminating evil people. There is an endless supply of them and always has been. So unless you want to stand at the ready to serve as an executor for all your days, perhaps you want to consider an alternative solution.
There is a solution, but not one you want. That's your choice. But simply because you choose what you choose does not mean the other way doesn't exist. It does. You simply don't want it and reject it. Again, your prerogative. As God ordained when He gave each one of us free will to choose for Him or against Him.
God Bless.
Just another thing Neve, I don’t believe Jesus is going to save us all. There is much suffering in store, and God wants people to turn to him, so people’s spirits/souls will eternally be in Paradise. I do not believe in just praying and doing nothing until Jesus returns. I have been trying very hard to help stop what these psychopaths want to do to us in this world.
Those who accept Jesus into their lives and live an honest life so to speak, will have a much better chance of staying away from hell, where people’s spirits will be tortured for eternity. People like B.Gates, Soros and sons, all the way to Rothschilds will go to hell for eternity, forever being tortured. Imagine that! Eternity of pain.
I’m certainly nothing great, but I don’t want good people going to hell.
I do not see a speck of proof thatv justice happens after people die & even if it does its too late...Billions ie the whole human race is being destroyed but we are meant to 'wait', pray, 'be good', ' worship Jesus' who died etc. The Bible was written by human men - eg the Roman Empire one author to mind control blilions of people using fear of 'hell' etc. The evil ones know the book is wholly or mainly fiction so do as they please knowing that most people will do nothing. Not that I tend to disrespect people but they are grasping at straws often it seems & read the book for every single issue on earth instead of acting with others for justice and truth here and now.
Merci et bravo !!!
Mocking people for not realising is easy to do but Government, doctors, the WHO, Universities & many more have all been complicit in the lies about the 'vaccines'. These WEF governments employ many psychologists to design their strategies for fooling people.
Sooo… this is going to come off as creepy but if you have an open mind, and believe like I do, that this tech-nology is alien in origin then feel free to look deeper into this… the trick is to see what’s hidden in plain sight: Picture 1 - zoom in, object inside the transparent synthetic shell appears to be a snake body with a triangular shaped head in the upper right position of the artificial chip.
Then picture 3 - very disturbing, if rotated 90° to the right, you can clearly make out large, almond shaped eyed aliens…
In my opinion, I think of it like an artist signing their painting
This is the direction that Dr. Bryan Ardis was speaking about when he revealed that Covid 19 stands for Cobra Venom and there are 19 peptides in the venom. I know the internet has blasted him off as possible controlled opposition (that is said about pretty much every truth teller now) but his first video explaining what he found is quite compelling. That is where I learned why nicotine works against Covid--it was always a mystery why my 90 year lifetime smoker mom never got sick with Covid. It seemed like she should have been one of the first to perish.
And why UK government suddenly very 'caring' about smokers and campaigning to help them stop.Our WEF gov and royals are at the helm of this genocide; Rothschilds and UK royals are the same family & WEF is lead by Schwab and Charles with the former having a Rothschild mother hence also related by blood etc. Many if not all WEF are Zionists also hence the slaughter ic Palestinians and much of the Middle East for the planned 'Greater Israel'... So much of the evil is connected which I had not expected.
And JSUK Klaus was arrested and taken to gitmo, And died in the hospital from coming down from Adrenochrom before they could tribunal him!!!
Well if you don’t know already nicotine kills the venom in the jabs vax, Another good web-site www.vaxinfo.org
It's been proven many times now nicotine is so helpful to the body. It block not only snake venom peptides, but fluoride and many other poisons from passing through the blood brain barrier.
There is a lot more in these shots than cobra venom and peptides. Try SV40 that creates turbo cancer. Cobra venom does not do that. Nicotine will help you if you are bitten by a snake, but this shot is way past using nicotine. Karl has tested it and he has said it does not clear the synthetic biology in the blood. I don't believe Dr. Ardis has given any evidence that his blood is clear or anyone else's for that matter. His videos and his information is very compelling. I listened to him and it made so much sense. Then I come here and I see these horrible photos of synthetic biology and want Dr. Ardis to see them. I don't know exactly what he believes, but think he knows it is a bioweapon and was created with snake venom. Also, my son-in-law has been a smoker for years and has long covid. Nicotine by itself is not harmful, but all of the chemicals that are added are what harms a person. If more doctors like Dr. Ardis would look at these photos things might change. Just an opinion, but I believe there is a lot of division about the cause of these events and many antidotes have been presented. There is probably only one and so far I don't think it has been found. Not trying to be negative, but there is so much at stake right now. Jane
I agree and the researchers are helping so much to try and figure out what is going on. I appreciate everyone sticking their necks out to help all of us.
Creepy may be where we need to go yet to find more answers. Although I am seeing more 'reptilian' signs over time associated to this, be careful of Pareidolia.
Where are all the Arrests for all the people responsible for this human tragedy ? As valuable and informative all these images are, I think we have reached a limit…. In other words, how much more evidence do we need to see to arrive at the conclusion that we’re screwed? I mean, How to we even begin to stand up to the Military Industrial Complex etc. ? These are Military Programs to Depopulate !
I think you're right. We have reached a limit. It is time to reach out to God.
The one true God. He is the only logical solution. Though we must keep searching for answers. And listen to God's response.
Amendment : I need to add - "They" have Voice of God weaponry that mimics God. If anyone hears external voices or voices in their heads, that is not God. He is subtle and reveals Himself in relavatory ways, not by speaking in a man's voice inside or outside someone's head. Pray for discernment. Then hone this skill and use it. Test every spirit and ask if it's of Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived. Because deception is coming. It's already here. PRAY.
Given that our internal dialogues are packed full of familial conditioning, predictive programming from propaganda and selected false histories and partial truths, I am very suspect of my " own" thoughts.
I attempt to remember to counter this by doing a lot of listening to my own internal dialogue and how it interprets " information" from external sources ( as opposed to what the trees and birds tell me).. Then analyse not only the languages used, the chain of information and it's Generation Loss, but my own responces, be they gut feeling, conditioned emotional or specifically critical.
Just the act of listening to my own chatter helps me to distance myself ( at least for a time) from subjectivness and the opinions that I offer to myself and the world.
There is an interesting novel written by an historian titled THE TENANTS OF TIME. The premise is an historian who attempts to ascertain the initial event(s) that sparked the war between Northern and Southern Ireland which supposedly began in a small village. The historian goes to the village and interviews anyone he can find who can give him information on the event(s) that took place. It goes from there as you might imagine and into some areas about human perception and recollection and memories that are very interesting. The book stuck with me due to the insights on what we call "history", be it national or personal.
Your process is very interesting as well. Becoming one's own "observer" in part. And yet, the subjective self is so alive and can't be denied.
Thankyou, I'll have a look for the book you mentioned.
Humans are such a crazy creature with such infinite capacities... I guess we just couldn't continue in unlimited expansion without some sort of debt to pay.
As you quoted, and I will probably will misquote " we must endure until the end" as painful as that may be....
I have often thought of taking the " easy" way out, but my Christan upbringing ( and studies into other pathways) keeps warning me away from that option.... And if it was easy and their were no consequences, or ripple effect, I don't think many people would still be here! ( Maybe I should befriend happy people 😁)
There seems to be a very indistinct line in my perception of fear between what is instinctual, what is rational and what is just the fear of loss of what I have gained during my time here ( mentally, materially and spiritually).
Well...all bibles are tainted with the hand of man including the KJV. I think God made that clear when he allowed the name of a violent homosexual, King James, to emblazon his name on every copy. We are not to worship any dead book. Only the Living God.
That being said, I am grateful we have the bible as a vital tool. Many would be lost without it. Though an illiterate blind person who has never read the bible can have a thriving wonderful relationship with Jesus without the bible. All things are possible.
I also agree the KJV is the most trustworthy of all versions though nothing in this fallen world is to be trusted entirely. Thank you, Jesus.
Pirate Studebaker says, I also agree the KJV is the most trustworthy of all versions.
You say, you are gravely wrong about this.
No matter what anyone says about something there is always someone saying you're wrong. Who knows where the real truth is? Now someone will say, I know the real truth. This is the human condition and one reason everything is the way it is. Not that it shouldn't be. There are universal truths but even this is argued about.
This isn't meant to denigrate anyone even if it is taken that way.
You're right. We all see through a glass darkly and none of us knows the mind of God, though He has told us someday we will know Him.
So, once again, it's man's ego, not the truth that compels man to say he alone knows the truth and everyone who doesn't agree with him is wrong.
God gives wisdom and insight to each of us as He sees best. Perhaps why we are encouraged to share what He gives us like puzzle pieces that help one another to see the greater picture.
Have you considered that it's not a book called the bible, but Jesus who is The Perfect Word of God? The Word Made Flesh. The Word that was with God from the beginning long before any ink was put to any paper. How can the bible be God's Word if the Word has been with God from the beginning of time? It is certain a book called the bible was not with God at the beginning of time. So what does this mean? In Revelation when Jesus returns, a name is written on Him that reads, "The Word of God." That's His name. His name given to Him by God. That's who He is. He is The Word of God. Just consider what I'm saying.
God is not the author of confusion. But all those translations and versions and people who wrote the words in the text of the bible have caused confusion. I don't think it matters how meticulous a man is, no one is perfect. Only Jesus is perfect.
Yes, I have an authentic copy of the KJV and it's the only bible I've read.
Ohhhh fk. This is shocking. I had a gut feeling it was synthetics taking over.im believing God to overcome this. I have no idea. How. But can we overcome this. After all it’s just human or satanic and Gods power is stronger than he thst is in the world. Practically wat can we do to stop the tec. ?And spiritually. We needyo pray. That’s the main 1. But hey wat a time to be alive. We hold the key to humanity’s future. May God help us.
Dr Karl,
Are you using EMF protection devices? Could these help?
You may be a target.
It's in everyone. Not just Karl. Though he may be a target.
Look at Karl's earlier posts and the stacks he recommends and you'll see many people's blood samples all showing the same things.
It's in us all.
Yes, I've been following his, Dr Mihalcea's and Dr Nixon's investigations and findings, and concerned for their safety, in particular. I was wondering why they've been permitted to share, but it's become clear that most people prefer to remain ignorant and trusting of the 'goodwill' of their 'leaders'. They are probably not considered a threat for this reason. Also, it is all too much for many to take in, to believe. And, there is the resignation that accompanies predictive programming.
Karl C. and SAM's Substack are seeing the same as what Dr. M. is seeing. Rapid progression in all people.
I don't think "they" care at all about what we know and understand. "They" think their plan is moving ahead and nothing can stop them.
But "they" are very, very wrong. God will stop them. In a way no one can ignore. God Bless.
God better hurry up- cause people are suffering & dying. Children included.
In this fallen world people have always been suffering and dying. Children included.
Pray for them.
The shots have momentum and that is playing out, and will for many years. I suspect 'they' are all in retreat hiding waiting for the 'cov' exercise to produce results.
They always push and retreat in cycles.
I saw an interview of Ana Mihalceas where she describes a murder attempt using Mind Control which left her badly injured and she almost died.
This is no surprise, as hideous as it is.
If I can make another suggestion, also from my experience. First you need to see where and what is intruding your home space, where you eat, and heal while getting good sleep. Personally I have mapped out my home and where EMF, RF and ELF intrusions are coming from, mainly ignorant neighbors. I then sleep in the optimal location, which is no longer my bedroom. Note it is impossible to shield from ELF.
When you know what type (EMF, ELF, RF) is intruding, you can then make wiser decisions on what shielding to purchase.
I have tried nearly all clothing and bed sheeting, which can get very costly ($400 bed sheet etc) until I narrowed it down. The neighbors smart meter is near unstoppable, and it is part sonic and part electric, I have recorded it and can play it back now.
What could I do? Solid large obstacles help. Humidity plays a huge part as the atmosphere becomes more conductive through water vapor.
I believe if we can adjust and mitigate enough through good sleep healing and good diet we can at least buy time to move forward to find more solutions.
Moving forward the BLE mesh network will be part of what is used with our WBAN (hive communication).
Thank you. I hadn't heard of the malic acid.
It is made from apple pectin I believe. I used to take it and it does detox metals. I had to stop bc if affected my nerve endings due to a condition that is quite painful. It s a good supplement. Not sure it will dissolve tech....
Thank you. Some who remove these structures (morticians) say it feels like Silicone, which to date, is unable to be removed from the body (localised tissue infiltrate can be excised only).
Those photos of the long clots are so awful. I can't imagine having that in your body for more than five minutes and still be alive. I had a swollen calf on left leg and my doc sent me in immediately for an ultra sound. No clot, just a bit of edema. It doesn't even look like it would fit in your veins, but am not a medical person. I wouldn't want to be the person doing that job! They should take all of the jars that hold these clots and take them to Congress for viewing. Jane
I have read that these structures don't show on currently used screening tests because they aren't physiological.
Thank you Mary-Ann. All I can say, in my current level of understanding, is that the human body, and in fact the biosphere, is fearfully and wonderfully made, and the more understanding man has, the less able he is to apply it without catastrophic sequelae. And of course, many things are used for evil in the pretense of good. I can't arrive at any other truth I'm afraid.
Thank you for the work you do.
Reseach tony pantalleresco. He has interviews and YouTubes from 10-13 years ago talking about polymers and the self reputation of them. G.oxide, detoxifying this crap. inexpensive ways using simple ingredients. He has radio shows from years ago that are full of information ahead of its time.
Only 2 questionable sources have detected graphene, so far nobody else has in their analysis yet. The graphene hype keeps falling flat on its face so far. We had a dentist test various anesthetics with heat and a magnet and none of these things were repeatable either. Also graphene is not magnetic, neither are the copper coins people were showing stick to them. Just weird
that is not true their are many that found with elektro microscope carbon
Would chlorine dioxide helpful in getting rid of the hydrogels and polymers? Dr. Andreas Kalcker talks about it being successfully used in clearing out spike protein. I wonder if it the bigger stuff would be too lrge for the CDS to break it down?
Thank you for taking the time in answering our questions and keeping us informed! Appreciate it!
Thats a lie to get spike protein outside with chlorine dioxide.The chlorine dioxine gives the blood more oxygen,yes and on the end it falls together as salt in the blood.Kalcker made a lot of money with his Statements,because hopeless sick people follow him and spend their last money for his books or his Workshops here in Germany.I hate people like him making money on sick people and sell them his lie!!!
Thank you.
Holy mole. Wow! Angry must be an understatement after finding this. So many people do not realize what falls from the skies may be causing this. A beautiful clear blue sky one minute Then a line, two, three, pretty soon the sky is full of lines that disperse like cloudy mist, then the sky is gray, no longer blue. My fruit plants will not produce…the birds are not nesting…..aphids and mites are thriving, however. 🤔
Terral Croft has a Substack and he reckons we need borax and nano silver to disable the tech so the haarp carrier wave pulses don’t effect the tech and release the pathogens.
Karl has there been any test on using silver and borax?
Also has there been any tests on chlorine dioxide?
Karl has mentioned that nano silver activates the tech. I bought nano silver from Terral Croft and it is not a good idea. Not sure about borax or chorline dioxide? Karl has tested so many items but not sure about the last two. I think if he had we would know about it now. They are using sodium citrate, thieves oil, and activated charcoal. I don't think anything else has been added to the list. He was going to try enzymes, but these photos might suggest that didn't work. Maybe needs more time. Jane
I trie
D looking for Karl post about silver but it’s hard when there’s no search on peoples pages
This is false
I messaged Karl.C and he said he hasn’t tested it yet but it’s on the bench waiting to be tested.
He said he said that it could possibly work but didn’t think it was a good idea.
He thought enzymes and chelators are probably the way to go.
Hi Karl,
What can clean up this stuff in our blood? We are being systematically destroyed from within our own bodies.
Yes, but educate and experiment, maybe even get a dark field microscope and become familiar with what you are seeing, then test.
Dr Karl and Dr Ana have found several items that can offer certain degree's of relief and detoxing, but detoxing can only offer temporary relief, as we are surrounded by the 'tech' poison. These suggestions seem to be more effective on some than others. Why? I am not sure but have theories, but we cannot just give up.
Is Karl a doctor???
Bummer. How is your blood pressure and pulse?