A fascinating post Karl - and quite encouraging that you are investigating with methods I had no idea existed. This is such an expansive and awe-inspiring journey for nubes like me to follow you on. It's also encouraging that you are collaborating with bio-chemistry experts to figure out how all these puzzle pieces fit together - it seems a massive task that needs to be shared among and across the broad spectrum of talented minds available. One such I would recommend is Prof Robyn Cosford, if she isn't already involved. She is certainly of the right inclination and skill set. And while I'm thinking of great minds, and one I know you revere, have you noted that it will be Clifford C's 71th birthday on the 19 Jan ? He deserves a 'hip hip hooray' from all of us (as you will one day I'm sure : ). I hope my suggestions aren't a distraction from the fantastic work you're doing. Cheers and encouragement.

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Great comment and notation that its Cliffords 71st this Friday.

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Hi Karl, you are really pinning the details down on this micro menace world. Always interesting to learn more about em. The more you discover the more there is TO know….something you pointed out in this article stumps me…how can something be both biology and synthetic? Or were they just occupying the same space in the RBC’s? When you were applying the dyes?

On another note I like the camera comp….I’m in too, ciao

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Camera comp up! Thanks. You can have anything anyway they want it. I probably slipped up there with the specifics since I usually would say inorganic and organic more precisely. Anything can be either or a combo of both if so designed that way. :D

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What do we do to enter?

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If you are a previous donator of KO-FI (and you are my friend) then you only have to be present to answer the questions at draw time when that is announced. Anyone entering has to of been a donation supporter at the time of closing ;) good luck KooppyKat :D

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mmmm mysterious stuff.....

Thankyou !

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They are both biological and synthetic via artificial bioengineering. CRISPR technology and other technologies have made the splicing of synthetics with natural biological life a reality.

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Hello my favorite Pirate, so another question how then do we call them? are they synths or biologic? perhaps we could call them "abominations" to settle it. Something in my mind just can't grasp this concept/ reality

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Hi KK,

The “creators” of these “abominations” (well said!) refer to them as “Synbio”. You can find many articles/papers on-line which use this term.

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yes of course, my problem is I don't think we can umbrella-term all of the un-natural entities we are encountering as all being synthetic biology. Perhaps nano-tech-syn-bio covers it simplistically. As it really is a fusion of un-natural (manmade) bio-mimickery forms whose end result process morphs (results) in to "gadgets" "circuitry" "chips"= tech objects??? etc....

Truth is, it's my deep seated lived fact of being a true lifeform, a true biologic entity of original creation....that grates with all this abomination fakery - that stops me from even making any understood sense that it is even worthy of category . "I" am the problem here. Every fibre of my human being does not want to afford that this abomination is seen as any sort of "life", It's an insult to all of true creation. It is a problem I cannot overcome, nor want to.

You blaze a good trail Veronica, I see you all over the place !

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You’re so kind! But I think you have much more of a presence on SS than I do.

I’m just a pleb who has taken on the risk of challenging some of our most revered “Freedom Fighters” with honest questions & admonishments which aren’t ever answered or addressed. Yet I hope for those who read my queries (and sometimes demands) that they too see the incongruities I’m challenging & the logic in my arguments (assuming that I am being logical & making the right assessments, and if not, then people should challenge me as well).

Debate is important & necessary in a constitutional republic, And I hope, in the end, that others will follow my lead to challenge THEIR “heroes” when something strikes them as being awry or untoward.

No one gets a pass. We are where we are because we failed over the decades to ask the right questions. And now, if we hope to build a new society, we should demand transparency, and accountability, no matter who the leaders are.

Already there is a new elite class developing within the Freedom Movement whose Egos grow larger by the day. We the “Plebs” must arrest this type of development. And we must fight this insidious tendency to monetize information & censor dissenters which is becoming a growing issue on SS & other platforms.

We should all stay true to the ideals of public debate, free speech, & the free exchange of ideas. Those who have a prominent platform should never discount or underestimate an idea/suggestion offered by the “Plebs”. GOD speaks to the great as well as to the small. WE ARE ALL HIS VESSELS. 😊

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Abominations, clever and dear kk.

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I am interested in the drawing, Karl; I'm in

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I believe you have supported over the threshold, so you are in sir! Good luck.

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It would be interesting to see the effect of Fenben on the blood contamination. So many using the FIRM protocol with success. It's the only thing so far that helps with the skin eruptions . Reishi and iodine being part of the protocol. I'm keen to get a scope at some point, though any interpretation will be from a layman's perspective at this time.

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i quit the firm protocol years ago when i started realizing all the fenbendazole was from Merck and was contaminated very badly via microscopy. Also the source of the FIRM protocol claim that Athelia FUNGUS is the cause of morgellons based on no actual evidence whatsoever. I actually got booted from that group after showing them microscopy that questioned the narrative they pushed and then a whole bunch of horrible stuff happened to me after. There is a history there i will not go into, but i will say that if i told you the whole story you would likely be very shocked. Steve Knows who i am and i have messages somewhere where he actually admits that he knew the Fenbendazole was contaminated. I sent copies of those messages to others a long while back. The whole thing had a very CIA feel about it. The evidence for this is as much as needs be is that the work coming out not just from me but from others shows athelia as not being the cause of synthetic biology and nanotechnology. When this stuff damages your immune system so badly at first some get secondary infections and their body becomes almost soil to pathogens, fungus, and bacteria. The anti-microbial and anti-fungals will get you rid off these slowly but will not cure the thing that caused it in the first place. You will think it is curing you until long later when you realize that something still wont budge and other symptoms slowly creep in on top gradually. Sodium Citrate, activated charcoal, Nattokinase, and a few others like H202, CDS is far superior to those protocols after you have used those kinds of protocols to rid parasites, fungus, and bacteria. That is all they can do.

I would take occasional fenbedazole still because i like the cleanse it gave for parasites and other stuff, but i cannot find any that doesn't contain really suspect stuff that should not be in it.

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Thanks for that considered reply Karl. I haven't sensed anything suspicious about the group and spoke at length with a an RN from the group. Needless to say, it goes against better judgment to be using any Big Pharma product and I have done so due a last resort measure, despite trying many more 'natural' alternatives. I have reinstated charcoal, something that has always given some relief from brain fog and quite possibly saved this body a couple of times from complete collapse. I am assuming that you tested Steves products as well then. Are you in living in Australia? Curious, as to whether you have tried Biohawk products? I have been trying to order some though its relatively expensive but it sure is very potent compared with any other ginger I have used. Thank you, I'm always very appreciative of feedback such as this. Unfortunately as it may be, I had just ordered some additional salve, thinking it would have undergone rigorous testing by Steve. I now question whether my current health deterioration is somehow linked with its use, or perhaps something else I have been using. I have started back on a David sized dose of sodium citrate again and will see how it goes. With so much conflicting information, it becomes an even more challenging path to navigate as everyone seems to believe their own minds filter and interpretation of events and solutions. I can only keep an open mind and go with what feels right at the time, trial and error.

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I have heard from others that have messaged me in the us and the uk that they had to stop using the salve due to worsening effects. That was their opinion, not mine. I wish not to disclose names or my full experience. but there is something very stinky about that group indeed. i can share in private.

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I'll message you my email as i am interested in more details. One thing I have noticed using the fenben mixed with coconut oil topically is that it appeared worse before seeing any improvement. Another thing though that I remain dubious about is the cotton seed oil used in the salve , not something I would usually ever consider using and that all the ingredients aren't disclosed.

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I haven't used Fenben in a while only bc I just don't trust any pharms at this point. In fact - I don't even trust most vitamin supplements. Let's face it - vitamin supplements are like voting - if they actually worked they would be outlawed. I have noticed some interesting things that have helped me though. The energy in my home comes exclusively from electric. Last winter before I got an energy efficient wood stove my symptoms were horrible. Now I've noticed when I turn the electric way down and burn only wood a huge improvement. Perhaps I am breathing in through the air - activated charcoal? And btw - I do take activated charcoal during warmer months. Also have switched out LED lights and replaced with incandescent. Unplugging all routers and modems before you go to bed I believe is crucial. And of course pray and fight this evil technology with nature. Tony P's formulas have helped me greatly - his skin protective stuff w/ citric acid, pure asprin etc is brilliant. I appreciate the fellow experimenters on this site. Go Team Human!

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Hi Juan,

Can you divulge the “citric acid, pure aspirin ...” remedy please for the benefit of all readers here.

Also, are you aware Tony has a Substack now under TonyP?

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There are a couple of diff formulas he has. Here's one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOuFNcy8B5I

I personally use another one when I go outside....1 cup pure aloe vera gel, 1 tsp citric acid, 1/4 tsp pure Salicylic Acid, powdered vit c (can't find the amount but it wasn't alot - if you go through his videos you can prob find- maybe a tsp or so), and I used 10 drops of iodine -think he used more. I''m not an md - just a human experimenting on myself (w/ my own consent) since they are experimenting on me without my consent.

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Thanks! Can you clarify about the remedy for you to go outside? Do you mix the substances together in and then slather your skin?

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I've used the aloe vera gel formula when I go outside. I know he did a video on this I just can't find it. It's more important in the summer then the winter. But, again, I change it up. Nature will always win in the war against technological totalitarialysm (sp?).

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I'm done with the Fenben after looking at searches about Mercks nano tech involvement. Thanks again for the nudge Karl and Just Lou.

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Sorry to say. Fenben is or was on my list of wonder drugs for its excellent ability to inhibit the formation of microtubulin (fungal growth and cancer) and for its ability to kill a broad spectrum of parasites among many things. Very annoying now everything is pharm fudged up.

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Yes for sure. Still I see people having results with cancer and morgs but as you have pointed out the bigger picture may be a very different story.

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I've had CDB/Morg for a long time and because some find it stops producing through the skin w/ various protocols does not mean they are cured. Antibiotic treatment is a prime example. Many people found relief taking large doses but once they discontinued, CDB/Morg returned. Sometimes in spades. Also taking large doses of antibiotics indefinitely has serious consequences ike cancer. Any chemical protocol will take its toll with continued usage in my experience. I may be proven wrong and hope I am, but until then, caution.

Personally, I know no one to date who has been cured of CDB/Morgs regardless of protocols. I do know some who claim cure, but I have no knowledge of the veracity of their claims.

I also learned through years of experience not to take what anyone testifies to online as the truth necessarily. There are enormous interests involved and it is nothing to pay someone a small amount to give false testimony, infiltrate or even form "support" groups. There is much at stake and they will go to any lengths to keep their stakes secure and secretive. Do not underestimate their intentions and plans.

If there is a way to encourage us to use up our resources by spending money on contaminated and damaging protocols, why would they not do this? It's relatively simple to do and they can make some cash doing it while draining sick people's pockets.

This is why I trust only independent research. Karl, Clifford, matt, Will, David N. to name a few.

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What about Dr. Ana Mihalcea?

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This is horrible as it was saving people's lives. A wonderful alternative to chemo. Now what?

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Hi Karl,

Great work!

As regards the testing of fenbendazole, did you test all 3 brands shown on fenbendazole.org -- Fenben Lab, Panacur C, & Home Lab?

And despite the contaminants, do you think it still has some value in the treatment/curing of cancer?

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I could not say on how it is different now with cancer. I would say check the Joe tippins FB groups and see what's happening in their. The one that seemed clean to me was panacur, and I don't know that it still is anymore to be honest. Do let me know if you see others test it.

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I did take Fen/panacur for about 6 months at the start of the "pandemic". I took it after reading Joe T's testimony. I do believe that cancer is actually parasitic in nature.

My symptoms were cured but do I think it helps w/ our current situation - not really.

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Karl- Would Itraconazole be contaminated? I was considering taking it because I suffer from mold illness as well as lyme disease & waiting on my CIRS labs. Dr Andrew Campbell from the US advises the use of Itraconazole for this , others use it for colonized mold.

There are also herbs that work as anti-fungals. Maybe they are safer?

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Many people reported fenbend to be contaminated after trump said it was the cure on TV.

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I haven't seen anything of him mentioning Fenben just hydroxychloroquine. Do you have a link thanks?

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I'm following Karl. I have responded to his comment re contamination but didn't see any reference to Trump.

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Many morgies took Fenbendazole. When Donald Trump came out of hospital saying he was cured he stated that Fenbendazole was the cure. People started testing their supplies and many reported it to be contaminated. Karl was not on Substack back then. He used to pop into morgellons Facebook groups. He was researching long before he started on here. I think it was before he fled for his life.

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Thanks for this. More food for thought.

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Hi Lou,

if I remember correctly, when Trump came out of the hospital after supposedly contracting Covid, I believe he stated that he was given Regeneron - which is an experimental mono-clonal antibody therapy. I remember being very surprised at his announcement because he had already recommended the use of HCQ. Yet he couldn’t use this very simple and inexpensive & highly effective drug (as proven by Dr. Zelenko)? Obviously, Trump was trying to generate money for this new pharmaceutical by his mention/endorsement and thereby give those who had invested in the product a substantial profit.

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I never heard Trump mention FenBen. He had monoclonal antibodies, remdesivir, & Pepsid. He never said he took fenben. Here's what he was given:


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Sorry, the fen bend was on a morgellons fb group some time ago. I just realised I gave you a link to meth blue.

I think Karl said he was taking it and testing it about 2 or 3 years ago.

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Great work as usual. I will def have to find a 20 from somewhere.

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Have you tried colloidal silver in any of your experiments?

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mild effects of relief when i had taken it orally. no huge improvements for me there so i haven't pursued it microscopically.

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Thanks for responding Karl. I was just curious if there would be a reaction with Microscopy or spectroscopy. I'm not too familiar with the science. But it still is fascinating. They didn't teach us anything like that back in the 70's when I was in high school. Genome modification wasn't exactly on the radar back then.

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There may or may not be, but since it does not indicate a huge benefit actually taking it i find it hard to spend time testing it past that unless there is something which might strongly infer a possible benefit. My money is on reduction agents, oxidants and antioxidants, and p enzymes. :D

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“P enzymes” = protease enzymes?

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Has Very mild effects when taking it. Gave me no notable or large benefits so I have not checked in samples.

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I think he did a long time ago from reading his posts on a morgellons group on fb. Don't know if he is still in those groups.

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Thanks for letting me know. Appreciate it.

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Jan 14, 2024
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Hmmm...I've never read anything negative about it. I bought my CS generator 23 years ago and still going strong.

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Jan 14, 2024
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it certainly has helped many with keep disease and symptoms at bay for years with all kinds of things.

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Great! 80 yrs old huh? I'll be 71 in April. I still think and feel like I'm in my 50's.

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I read they found tons of the tech in collidal silver.

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I cannot post on David Nixon's site as I cannot afford subscription due to disability.

Is anyone checking the world supply of sodium citrate for nano shit? I could only get hold of some that is produced in China. I suspect the majority of it comes from China. Is it clean?

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I say looks okay, I mean what others have tested. Your Chinese stuff I would not know. Sorry

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Only a scope can tell, but oddly it is one of the only things several people have told me looks okay.

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Please consider the implications of this article, from a book by Serge Monast of 1995, of The Exposé, UK, the last part is what is happening right now:


An audio book in French is available here:



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Jan 15, 2024
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Bonjour KK!

I'm thankful for your comment! The link has been corrected. I don't know what has happened, They are trying so hard to shut down The Exposé...

What??? 150⁰ C!!! Gee, you must be melting out there! At least you can cook your breakfast without electricity...🙃 I really whish I could send you some of our cold winds. Beaming you here could result in a huge thermal shock for you, my dear. Hope you'll find a refreshing pool.

Time to shovel what the last storm has left before Tuesday's next snow fall...

Take care.

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Jan 16, 2024
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I knew it couldn’t be 150°C. :))))

Unfortunately, I missed Will’s latest catch. When was it, when I lost Internet connection during last snowstorm? Sniffff! A meatausorus?

I’m afraid you won’t catch me today, for I’m going to bed early tonight; couldn’t take a nap today.

Have a sunbath for me. LOL! I’m torturing you. Go to the library under the air conditioner; anti-melting it should be.

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What about Methylene Blue !!!!

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Read other posts. Click on his pick above and you will see a post about meth blue.

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The camera would be a great prize but I think it should be 14 days for those of us that have to plan budgets the hard way. Do I just donate and say camera in the comments box in donations?

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The luciferase hydrogels synthetic cells are multidimensional quasicrystals, research CERN & Obama’s Brain Initiative with Dr Sylvester James Jr

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On the topic of disabling this stuff, I just remembered a video I watched with my kids some time ago and it stuck in my mind. It was an interview with a guy who was experimenting with microwaves before the invention of the household microwave. What struck me was how healthy he looked for his age. Not perfect, but given how most people "age", he was doing better than average. I know you said household microwaves are no good, but maybe this guy was playing with a different form that actually does work?


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As sinister as this stuff is, it is fascinating. Brilliant work and images. Thank you.

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A bit off topic but those with chronic diseases if they haven’t come across Arkadi Prokopov and the interview with j Mercola- https://www.bitchute.com/video/Yldk7UB2V0Sp/ where at around 50 minutes Lymes disease is mentioned - might be interesting

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Does anyone know about the electrical conductivity of Sodium Citrate in dissolved or liquid form?

As I'm investigating the answer to my question, I have come across another aspect of SC as a reducing agent of graphene oxide into the highly electrically conductive and harmful rGO. Any thoughts?

Pls. note - I am not casting aspersions on SC. Just asking questions.

Here's a quote that has caused concern :

Among the main toxicological effects of rGO, some studies have already shown that rGO induces cytotoxicity in a wide diversity of cell lines of human origin such as lung cells (Mittal et al., 2017), intestinal cells (Cebadero-Domínguez et al., 2022a,b), or liver cells (Ahamed et al., 2020; Cebadero-Domínguez et al., 2022b), among others. Furthermore, other toxicological mechanisms involve oxidative stress (Bengtson et al., 2016, Cebadero-Domínguez et al., 2022a), genotoxicity (Cebadero-Domínguez et al., 2022c,d), or neurotoxic effects by increased apoptosis and cell cycle arrest on neural cell lines (Kang et al., 2017).


Thanks in advance.

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Hi Pirate S,

Where is the quote from the study that says “SC as a reducing agent of graphene oxide [leads to] the highly electrically conductive and harmful rGO”? Are you perhaps quoting Shawn Melville?

But where in the linked study does it specifically speak about SC because the actual quote you extracted/provided doesn’t give any support for your question?

Not trying to cast aspersions on your concern but pls quote directly from the study you posted as regards SC so your question can be rightly addressed.

Thanks 🙏

P.S. Just wanted to respond to your comment on a reply I made previously on another one of Karl’s articles. SC is a type of salt in the same way that baking soda and Epsom salts are different types of salts. No, SC is not table salt, but chemically it is nonetheless identified as a type of salt. See:


You can also do further research regarding “cell salts” of which there are 12 main ones and an additional 15 others. See links below:



I initially had no idea about the chemical composition of various substances, so just wanted to share with you what I learned.


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Sodium Citrate is a compounded chemical substance whereas sodium, magnesium, potassium, etc., are elements, not compounds.

While sodium, a salt, is an ingredient of sodium citrate, citrate is not a salt. Compounds of elemental salts with other ingredients are not the same.

They are quite different from one another and function differently in the human body.

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Yes. I know SC is a salt. There are many kinds and they have different properties.

Magnesium is a salt though it isn't a reducer like SC so it doesn't have the same effect on graphene oxide.

I searched the following question : Is Sodium Citrate used as a reducing agent of Graphene Oxide. A variety of articles were listed and I read them. It seems SC is used often to reduce GO to rGO in order to vastly improve the electrical conductivity of GO to rGO, so I didn't include those links. Using SC to reduce GO to rGO is common practice, apparently.

I am more concerned with the effects of rGO in the human body, so that's the link I listed. SC as a reducer of GO is well established and a "given", whereas the damaging effects of rGO in the human body are less well known. I remember reading and watching videos from various sources several years ago about the damage rGO does in the human body when it was first determined GO is in the injections.

I am not familiar with Shawn Melville.

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Also note that just because the ctrical conductivity of go may be increased in a reduced form, it does not mean it will increase its circuitry performance in every application. Data only needs a certain amount of conductivity to be achieved and theevel is far less critical in shorter connections. We do not know which forms of graphene their designs may utilise. Analysis so far has not been ideal by most parties and at best when wrapped inayers around a q_dot or in a structure it can be hard not to get misleading results where wavwngth is concerned.

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Thanks for your response. Did you read the paper I linked above? GO doesn't conduct electricity in any significant way while rGO conducts very well. Almost like pristine graphene which is known as a superconductor.

I realize no one knows yet how much GO has been introduced into human bodies, but GO is GO regardless of form. I am thinking you mean the shapes of the GO as they can be formed into sheets and balls, etc.?

I'm more curious about rGO. Once reduced, from what I read, it's toxic to biological life. Especially the immune system but many other organs and tissues as well.

So it isn't just the conductivity of rGO I want to know more about, it's the other effects.

When you listed (below) silicon, silver, gold, proteins, etc., has anyone analyzed the composition and confirmed they are indeed those materials?

If you can point me to papers on analysis I would appreciate it.

GO can be reduced to rGO in several ways so we have no idea if their intention was for it to be introduced as GO and then reduced to rGO or not. Though SC is very commonly used as a reducer of GO to rGO because it works really well in the reduction process.

Regardless of intention, if rGO is as toxic as I read it is, it is something to be concerned about. If the quantities of GO are unknown as this time, they are unknown. Maybe a little GO, maybe a lot.

I'm not saying GO isn't an interesting compound rather that rGO has been proven toxic to biological tissues.

rGO may not have immediate impact as so many things don't. People have had this nanotech in their bodies for decades and many are completely unaware. Unlike myself who has produced materials through my skin. So it varies widely from one individual to another.

I also wonder how you could tell if at least some of the tech you have observed isn't built from GO?

I hear you that more analysis is coming. Thanks, again.

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Hey pirate, I hate to say I struggle to go finding all the citations on requests but I really do at the moment. So much going on with this research I am not even sleeping properly again. I read that paper a long while back and indeed it is all toxic. But make no mistake, if they tell you any of it is mildly toxic or not toxic it is all lies. Every bit of this stuff is very toxic one way or another. You can see from the different articles with all the different structures and phenomena shown that what we are seeing is of complex many materials. All of their methods for creating structures like this consist of very toxic materials. That I can tell you. We know what we are seeing can only be done using proteins and DNA as part of that and so hence the polymers showing up too. I would like to confirm the analysis done by others using HPLC (Liquid Chromography), and much more. I would feel better commenting then. Recent SEM and analysis done by an anymous doctor/scientist abroad showed the presence of silicon q-dots, gold and silver nano particles. More was noticed also and inorganic structures detected too. Can't wait to know more soon!

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Thanks, Karl.

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Your stated that SC turns GO to rGO. Where is an actual quote from one of the studies you read which states this fact? Pls provide. Thanks 🙏

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As I previously stated all you have to do is google "Is sodium citrate used as a reducer of GO to rGO." You will find a multitude of articles. Read any one you choose.

SC has been used for many years to reduce GO to rGO for many industrial purposes.

You can easily find your own proof if interested.

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Thanks, good answer, also see my comment above to pirate. There are other problems with people touting graphene, graphene, graphene, graphene. Lol

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I'm not touting graphene. Just asking questions. Not sure why the subject of GO makes you LOL?

I first heard of the dangers of rGO from Ricardo Delgado of LQC some years ago. He is a sound scientist as far as I've determined.

GO is in many products and medications as well, so we are ingesting it regularly.

I began looking into the electrical conductivity of SC because I was feeling some odd electrical effects from taking SC and the research led to graphene and rGO reduction by SC in regards to electrical conductivity.

While SC is a salt it is not at all the same as magnesium, potassium, Epsom salts, etc. Each is distinct in properties and effect. If all salts were the same they would be used to reduce GO to rGO as well.

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Also it is worth considering that gold and silver nano particles and Q-dots are common used as cunductors and are present too. Gold being a super conductor. I lol'd not because of you, but because I often see this same query and we really don't even know enough details yet to assume one things is good or bad, or how much of which material is present in all honesty. It is very difficult to make determination of the partly unknown. I suspect the gold NP's and Q-dots would be their main choice of conductor and maybe the graphene used as a method of absorbing and amplifying energy as infra red photonic output. But that is just a guess from what I have been seeing. Maybe not the case at all, no one knows how it works yet or which is the conductor choice and which is something else.

Hope you are well pirate!

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I am not as interested in the conductivity of rGO as I am the toxicity of rGO to the immune system and other functions and tissues in the human body.

I understand gold and silver may be used to conduct electricity as well as rGO but I'm not comparing the toxicity of reduced gold or silver (if that's possible) to the toxicity of reduced rGO. The conductivity and the toxicity of rGO are two separate issues/subjects.

I am still interested in one issue. The toxicity of reduced rGO in the human body.

I understand no one has the answer to my questions. Except that it has been established rGO is harmful to the human body. The question remains - How much GO is in the human body and how much rGO is damaging?

We know GO is present in the human body. We know SC reduces GO to a harmful compound called rGO. The rest is to be determined.

I pray no one finds the harms of the treatment outweigh the benefits to any significant degree. I want SC to work though we all need to be informed as well.

Thanks for the insight and your work. I hope you are well as well.

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Many people have brought this up. We don't actually know how much of it is even graphene. It has deffinately been over touted since there are tonnes of other materials in here, mostly polymers and other nanoparticles. Silicon Q-dots, silver NP's, gold NP's, proteins and more. The conductivity of something will not necessarily lend you to an inferrable suggestion. And if the graphene is not meant to be in rGO state by their design and you reduce it to rGO then you may well be making progress still ? Alot of these claims and falsly terming everything graphene is misleading people. Graphene on its own is cool, but isn't a product with very intelligible ability on its own, it is but one of 100's if not thousands of toxic ingredients in the product. The results microscopically, in blood, and in symptom reduction would be far more telling in my own opinion until we have beeter analysis confirmed. It is coming, we have plans and others are working towards it. Recent SEM of sames we were shared did also not show a majority og graphene being the case. But more must be done.

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Lol bugger. Finally got one in the mail and he said its the only live feed one and mines worse.



Keep up the good work Karl

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Thanks, that does not look bad for 229 and with hdmi output. 2.9umx2.9um pixel size might be reasonably light sensitive too for darker images. I hope it works well for you. Good stuff.

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It's ok, better than good enough for my level of science but typical i won't better now.

The bloke I use has offered to show me around the scope and haven't had much to upload, work etc

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Agh awesome, can't wait to see you join the realm of those who see behind microscopic curtains! Lol

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