It's in the scientific literature some where they use 500 different types of nano zeolites as base materials.

Two main nano zeolites aluminium and silica.

What would innterst me is what the micronised, powdered zeolites from health food shop do. They also have bentonite and diatemaceous Earth available.

Bentonite is the easiest on the digestive tract.

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Arent't there ZEOLITES that DONT CONTAIN ALUMINUM and Calcium Magnesium Bentonite STILL SEEMS TO BE A GOOD OPTION ALONG WITH SODIUM CITRATE/ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. alternating with Borax solution , has anyone disproved this yet ,,,,, and I commmbine it with Sonic frequencies ,,,,, not EMF OR EMR..

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Borax was in the shot analysis between multiple brands, it also was heavily touted by a haarp employee, I used to use it. But it's got toxicity and I have my suspicions about who tried to encourage it in the first place. Some people tried to trick Morgellons people so they would get I'll and not better. Easy to do, make a profile, pretend to be a knowledgeable helper and preach an answer that's harmful. Maybe not the case, but I was surprised to see boron on all the latest shit lists. The most available and common zeolites is mainly what I was referring.there was data on other zeolites, but clay type substance are often likely to dress some lipids. You could go deep for a while. Please do feel free to use chat gpt to resimulate my exercise with other lists of zeolite. Another problem is knowing the exact composition of your zeolites despite the label. Some were tested by In dividuals and others a few years back and had Allsorts in the .

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There probably are Zeolites that don’t contain Aluminium, as MedMan says above, 500 different types of nano zeolites are used as base materials.

But on reading MedMan’s linked article below, the zeolites probably need the aluminium to pass through the acidic medium of our tummies. The article doesn’t specify if there are zeolites without Aluminium. (Unless I missed it, but I don’t think so. The article discusses one particular zeolite.) Does a search not turn this up?

Using sonic frequencies sounds (haha) good-a lot of people seem to be experimenting with this lately.

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Im having great success over a broad range of situations with my complete Sonic frequency /footbath, live music in 432hz. treatment protocol along with Live Vortex mountain water , homemade high frequency HYDROSOLS and known detox and and spike protein inhibitors and Sodium citrate/activated charcoal, alternating with Borax solution and my home grown HERBAL TEA COMBINATION, and essential oils.

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PS teas that have lipid inhibitors in them such as green tea can help at high doses

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Interesting but there is no specific spike protein since it wasn't a viral product as evidence shows, 432hz theory people came up with was false and actually did not happen for the reasons people have been saying, it's a history known to older musicians and was developed to make compatible scales between foreign musicians. It was the only range that fit them all on one piano. Radio could not be tuned to 432hz since the recording was either done At 432hz and if converted after would sound terrible and off speed, plus we had no software to do that in 1950 or capable computers, and the carrier frequency would have to be on the station you are tuning to or their would be every station aying at once on one channel. So Hitler didn't do that to freak people at all and not one bit of it was true. The footbath is a good idea, but don't mess with high power frequency on you, hydrogels are volatile and can turn solid in your body. We just did calculations with AI using all science variables we can find and it was scary to see that combined emfs and other electromagnetic levels can reach the energy levels in blood necessary to polymerize ateast peg2000 and other hydrogels which are on the biocompatible range. I love to see the efforts people make, but I keep warning about inducing energy in a way that is not calculated the evidence says this more likely to clot you if done wrong than you fine a magic frequency (resonant) that does what will all hole. Ease be careful friend.

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Oh!!! Thanks Karl !

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Sounds great!

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I have used this for detoxing and have found it to be very effective especially after dental treatment. (Anaesthetic)

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How often have you used it Elena?

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How would you prevent, slow and/or remove excessive bonds between zeolite/ bentonite and ferrous metals since ferrous cations are catalysts which new 'micromotors', appear? Bentonite takes up certain mycotoxins, this is important

Normal cell toxity would be an issue, how can healthy cells be protected. Just thinking thud thru

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Truthers I follow on social media we’re touting MasterPeace which was supposed to help us detox from these effects of nano particles. I purchased A LOT of it. I took it for about two weeks and started feeling crummy so I stopped taking the product. Zeolite is a primary ingredient in MasterPeace.

Thank you so much for all of your research. I will now have to throw away almost $200 worth of this product but it is not worth my health to consume something that you have proven to facilitate the bio weapon in our bodies.

Keep up the great work! I appreciate you sharing your findings with us.

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Yea it looks shocking from I was shown several months ago. The LBA's on Facebook group were showing images of it. I did warn people in comments, I try not to seem like I am attacking all the dodgy info sources but lately I don't care. Too many are dishonestly feeding us info and dodgy products on false cure claims for the biowarfare

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Hey Karl what about edta, merhlene blue, is there anything that we can take to stop the nanoproduction. My eyes have the nanorexhnolgy with the ribbons, when I start seeing that clear uo I'll know something works. I take things that we here about test it to see how I feel. I've been so heavily targeted. I get hit in the eyes and in my mouth with smart dust ,everywhere I go. I'm better than before ,gluthion and nac helped alot.vit c

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I use sodium citrate wash in my eyes to help that using only RO water. Really helps eyesight and cleanliness in general, papers on that too. Methylene blue is a terrible idea because it can aid some stages of assembly, is synthetic and weakens the DNA backbone allowing your DNA to be more easily altered. I won't take it anymore, I like my own DNA if that's even the case anymore.

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Is there a formula for the sodium citrate wash.? I've been taking edta, it taste so bad ,it's hard for me to take ,methlene blue ,I'm sad to hear this it really helped with my hydrogel .vit c ,I'm doing. The Anna protocol.

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I see you still have your sense of humour Karl-essential for these days! 🙂

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Sorry Karl, but what’s LBA? I’ve seen several different answers, but don’t know which applies! Thanks, and thanks for all your wonderful work! I hope you’re feeling ok-as well as can be expected I s’pose. Well, take heart in knowing we all really appreciate what you’re doing, thanks so much! You do so much amazing work!

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Livblood analysis as In private doctors who use dark field to evaluate the condition of your blood so that they can improve it by diet changes, habits, or even detect Lyme disease.

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Oh, thanks Karl-everything seems so obvious in hindsight. I saw about 10 different answers to what LBA might be, but no mention of Live Blood Analysis!

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Same here - I’ve been taking MasterPeace for a month!

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I never trusted this product,,,,,, or the tobacco /nicotine claims at least for the nano element

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I think MP have video evidence showing the zeolite on a much more powerful scope.

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I doubt it, mine is a 25,000 dollar scope with custom modifications. Next scope up is an electron microscope which is no good for that. Mostab scopes would have a hard time bearing my scope with all the custom high power lighting I've designed and my imager is exceptionally good to. All in all the resolution is amazing, this si

Is why I have the world's best images of what's in blood cells now and other stuff. If you don't believe me spend a week searching for images better. I have been very pleased with all the work I did designing that stuff. And I have new improved designs coming soon, just waiting on all the parts and High power smded boards. I couldn't get a heatsink big enough locally and have had to order giant igbt heatsinks from china to keep everything cool.

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You rock bro !!! And your imagery is world best, glad to hear you think so too ! Honestly

Karl I am blown away with what you have achieved...and I simply can't believe my eyes ...am still up...who can sleep at moments like this? ....not me. I am in quite a bit of shock to tell the truth. The good kind....you must be very proud of what you have designed and brought into being. I wish I could have seen your own reaction when you first saw what you've achieved. Has to have been a great motivation for your stellar research success.

Much Love my clever friend 💙KK

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

I think it would be worth getting the product tested because there are many versions of zeolite and it comes in many particle sizes.

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Yes, but it breaks down in liquids as was shown here. many of the particles will be nanoparticles whether clumped or not. Under the coverslip they were many uM'S in size, in the droplet the clumps break down into the particles. and no chunks are seen. Either way, not really something you want to go testing on yourself to find the answer given all the studies and how those stated things to be. The rest of the clay and other debris in it kind of keep it binded, but once wet and stirred up is able to quickly dissolve if you like. Zeolite is zeolite I would be cautious. just saying.

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Did you do this experiment or someone else?

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Oct 14Liked by Karl.C

So what works? Apart from sodium citrate and activated carcoal. I tried both, so far ok. But for me chlorine dioxide do major thing. I dont have access to darkfield microscope. So i dont know what it does. ClO2 or its precursor Sodium Chlorite was used since 70s to treat all kinds of sickness, incl malaria and recently treat autism as well. Autism mostly due to vaccine btw, since kids brain get zapped with heavy metals such as mercury and aluminum.

The only things i dont like its is quite tedious to consume (8 times a day) and looks like drive the toxin out via skin (very painful, has to suck it out by cupping blood). Otherwise it has been one of main go to for this vaccines errr… toxin i should say

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CD indeed does destroy a huge range of materials for what little you can invest safely, but only so much and what is most worrying is that people focus only on that not realising that CD destroys most things it comes in contact with if the charges are right. It damages polyphenols, nutrients, reacts with metals and minerals, affects some proteins,etc it cannot be used often since it is also causing lots of harm and is very agrressive. It's best used cautiously. Ask chatgpt what else CD destroys, damages, and other effects in the body. This is why I call it aggressive, and my teeth and enamel began wearing with just twice a day use. I couldn't keep it up, I could feel it weakening me too.

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Thank you for your feed back. I was desparate at the time, especially after I got major teeth surgery (3 times in 4 months) in early 2020, and a year later I got sick, fever, very weak (could not do much for 3-4 months), painful at legs. And by reading I know the content of anestetic is similar to that kovid vaccine.

Currently i change it to herbal (extract from 40 different herbals) and also special food (beef rendang) which is cooked in a way to incorporate extra herbal to neutralize whatever in the vacc. Its made locally by herbalist (indonesia).

Also I use thieves oil (mix of 5 aromatic oils), and also made and drink a very special anti toxin mixture: Frankincense, Myrhh and Gold. Frank n Myrhh is crushed then boiled along gold ( I use 1 gr gold bar). Incedently Frankincense, Myrhh and Gold are gifts to Prophet Yesus peace be upon him, and separately those herbs also mentioned by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as cure of disease.

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You take chlorine dioxide 8 times per day?! Is that a protocol recommended to you?

I’m sorry for you that you have to cup the junk out. I can only imagine the pain. 🙁

My adult son has autism-from early childhood “vaccines” I am sure. But all those years ago I had no idea. He also has type one insulin dependent early onset diabetes, also from “vaxes”, I’m sure again. People say it’s hereditary. But I say rubbish to that, no one in either his mum or dad’s family ever had it.

But I didn’t know chlorine dioxide could treat autism! Do you know how much? I’d search, but I’d never find this on-line, unless a group on Facebook or something like it know. I’m not on any other social media except substack.

I hope you are feeling better soon do wi. 🙂

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Defo don't do it more than once, twice max. I had to stop, see answer above

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Helo, I read two books, "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism" 2nd ed, by Kerri Rivera and "Forbidden Health - INCURABLE WAS YESTERDAY" by ANDREAS LUDWIG KALCKER. Autism basically is heavy metal toxins in the brain cells mainly Mercury and Aluminum. You can check toxicity level by testing your hair or your urine. As for newer vacc is more heavy metas (cesium etc), and has other things too (nano stuff, hydrogel etc).

Yes it is 8 times a day (there is chapter in the book). Anyway, now I switched to herbals, and cds for 1-2 times a day for maintenance only.

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Ok, thanks for that do wi. I know of Andreas Kalcker. I’m having trouble finding a metal chelator that crosses the blood brain barrier to chelate out mercury and aluminium. Do you know if anything is mentioned in the books you read?

I also noted your taking of frankincense, myrrh and gold, and straight away thought of Baby Jesus and the gifts from the 3 “wise men”. Wonderful. You use them today like they would have been used in Biblical times. I don’t follow Islam so can’t comment on that, but I didn’t know that Muhammad knew of curing disease with herbs.

Thanks for interesting comments do wi !

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Late Dr Rashid Buttar recommended transdermal DPMS to take out heavy metals from the brain. https://wellnesspharmacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/autism-a-multisystem-oxidative-and-inflammatory-disorder.pdf. fyi He also wrote bestseller book "9 steps to keep doctor away"

His story is quite tragic, as he was administering vacc to his kid up to the moment his kid become autistic. He researched and found a way to detox his kid. It takes him almost a year before his kid returned to normal.

Along the way he used toxicity measurement (usually via hair or urine) to see what kind of metal secreted out.

If you look herbal for heavy metal detox, it includes cholerra and spirulina. I use both and also sea kelp (from modifilan.com) for my nephew to detox.

As for autism, one of the marker is that 100% has problem with digestion, corellates to destruction of gut microba (hence inability of body to expell toxins/heavy metals). So you should add probiotic as well. I use kefir milk (you can make it yourself). Hope this helps!

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Oh, thank you so much for this information do wi ! I need to read it over several times.

I am looking for my adult son who has autism. He was diagnosed very early in life, and I have no doubt his autism is because of childhood “vaccines”. I only wish I knew! It is sad for the late Dr Buttar-I understand how he must have felt. It’s not nice knowing you unwittingly poisoned your own child!

Thank you for the extra information about what your nephew is having to detox. I really appreciate this from you.

One weird thing-my son doesn’t seem to have digestion problems, not even when he was a little boy. But I’ll check this also. I’ll look up kefir milk.

Thank you again do wi-this is really great information, it will definitely help! I’m sure you know that about 1 in 30 children have autism these days-thanks mostly to “vaccines” that don’t help for anything!

I hope your nephew is going along well ! 🙂

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

'People have delved into trusting anyone who isn’t the government and I think it is logical to assume the ops boys know this and have been using it to create diversion or confusion'

Yes, it's a problem alright, truths mixed with half truths.

Thank you so much for your hard work Karl.

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They did exactly that, they built fact checkers, the made people like you and me who post false and confusing facts galore so we think it's true, and they have bombarded FB with false everything as a huge obvious pysops. Lots of people just think all the truths are coming out and that people are waking up because of what they see on FB now. But it happened since the pandemic, and is sister to LGBT, racism, crap laws, fake hacks to take your freedoms, and all that stuff. Now anyone will believe anyone else almost who has a theory about anything almost. That's called derailing people and they need to check facts more critically now when listening to what seems to be a genuine person bringing you truth in FB. Cancer is parasites is another popular false fact, along with how to make natural doxycycline which is only synthetic. But the response love hearts and thumbs show you how many people are falling for this stuff

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What an operation!

I got out of FB maybe 17-20 years ago, got rid of my Cell Phone Feb 2020 after 2 years, no wireless anywhere, trimming down everywhere I can, I vehemently despise the stuff. The writing is on the wall, and tricksters are everywhere.

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Well done CoS

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Thanks Karl. Good work. I was just reading about these porous templates in the research on synthetic cilia biosensors. Zeolite seems to be an efficient substrate for pretty much planting the seeds of synthetic biology.

I have never taken it myself as I was skeptical. People need to know about this. I know many people still taking this. You are a trusted source and I respect you for not monetizing your findings on SC. We need more people of high integrity that will draw the line and not exploit this madness as a business model.

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Thank you, don't forget the uses of charcoal and h202

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Beautiful sentiment, too true

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I should also mention there is pub med literature on supplementing micronised zeolite to pigs. The gut lining was looked at histologically, if memory serves me. None of the micronised zeolites pass through the intestinal lining, it travels along the surface.

The micronised zeolites pull heavy metals out via the process of osmosis. The powdered micronised zeolites have a 50:50 ratio of aluminium to silica crystals. The stuff I. The health food shop is tested for what is called human grade. So the exchange metals in the zeolite lattice is calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium.

Here some interesting literature.

"In vivo experiments with TMAZ and PMA-ZC proved stability in particular to possible aluminum ions leakage into the body under the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. These experiments confirm the safety as no increased aluminum ions concentrations were detected neither in serum nor in organs of animals after supplementation with PMA-ZC and TMAZ [4]. The pores of the ZC, in addition to metal cations and water, can interact with other molecules and ionic groups of organic origin, such as ammonia and nitrates, which bind with different levels of affinity"


So say it with me, " Nano Zeolites bad, micronised zeolites from health food shop good.".

I found this out back in 2015, experimenting on myself as per usual. If it makes you feel better, do it. 😋

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MedMan, I’m sure your memory serves you well. And this reminds me of a Bob Dylan song.

But seriously, that is a very good article, even if quite technical to read.

So you still take the micronised zeolite from your health food shop? You’ve done a lot of experimentation on yourself MedMan, just as has Karl.

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I only take the zeolite, bentonite ect.. if my belly is really playing up, which hasn't happened for many years now. I use probiotics, Bifido and Lacto... Bifido gets rid of polymers and Lacto heavy metals, that's why those biodome bacteria die off, from all the contamination, so they need to be replenished.

Some of us had to be pioneers.

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As far as we could all study, polymers once solid phase take months of exposure to enzymes before even getting hairline cracks. All our biomes are showing to be broken or imbalanced according to professionals in that department we know. Acid resistant capsules are mostly necessary to stop the stomach acid destroying the bacteria before it can colonise. Fermented foods are of huge beeift there with AR caps for wide strain (proven) probiotics. Some brands have unproven and bad strains in them

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Hi again Karl, I came across this site: https://www.rupahealth.com/post/do-probiotics-survive-stomach-acid which suggests that lacto and bifido probiotics have the best probability to get through our stomach acid unscathed.

There are also suggestions on how to make stomach a bit more alkaline, to aid probiotics to pass through stomach’s acidic environment, if any one is interested.

No particular reason to pick this site-it was just there!

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Can you say which brands are unproven, and/or have bad strains in them Karl?

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Dr Group says we need to do a gut cleanse, liver cleanse- three times, a chemical & metal cleanse & then a parasite cleanse

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Karl.C

Ah-thanks so much MedMan, I appreciate your answering me so quickly! What you say makes sense.

You were an early pioneer-I thank you sir! It’s also good to hear from you. Are you ok lately? I hope so. 🙂

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MedMan, hi, I’m calling you again-what do you say to Karl’s comment re probiotics?

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INTERESTING STUFF. now maybe if you get time ask chagpt4.0 if that has the same effect on lipid formations as the other forms. hopefully the answer is no, but I am all used up on chat gpt limit today, I am off to bed after making this last post which is cool.

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Thanks for your post Karl. Could you be more specific on which kind of zeolite you used, was there a brand name and the size?

Could you replicate your experiment using some brands on the market to see if you get the same results?

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Without being specific on brand the answer is in the second paragraph. Use only the first 3 letters of word starting with z then use word contained in (). 😉

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No idea what you are trying to say here, why not just say the word?

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Because I choose not to. If you can’t work it out, that’s on you.

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No offence Caroline but you’re being a bit obnoxious about this, for want of a better word, and also “uppity”.

You’re being like “I know something, here’s a clue for you lot, but you must be stupid if you can’t work out my great knowledge”.

There’s no need for this, we’re all trying to help each other. If you don’t want to follow through on a comment, best to not start on it.

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no need, most good zeolite is often aluminium and silica based. its not the quality that does it, it is the fact it is clay containing nano sized metals and will have the effects noted in the article. I wouldnt be adding much nano anything to me for now, except what is in our food and drinks naturally.

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Anecdotally I seem to have had the same results with the zeolites increasing the formations. Can't say conclusively either way.

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I don't think people believed me last year or my cautionary reasoning. but i hope this clarifies things for many.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Are you kidding !!! With your spectacular footage demonstrations and reportings...even from the roboticus...game set match ! It's very clear information folks....you have quite simply excelled the argument to clarity beyond a doubt imho. Thank "you" simply isnt enough Karl

when people's unwillingness to let go of entrenched misguided ideas are confronted by such sheer poetic brilliance as you have had "performed" for us here. I am left humbled mute. KK

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I couldn't agree more. Vital research, clear explanations of evidence presented. Thank you for your commitment

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Thanks for your investigations Karl, I have been talking natural Zeolites, but that will cease from now on.

I’m at a bit of a loss because I use to take EDTA, but I stopped that too because of toxicity.

Back to the drawing board. But as you say, time is a real issue here.

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I know, the things we found that have helped are now starting need help. As the blood worsens the need for a stronger and more permanent solution is what I am also desperate for. I am finding it harder to fight as the pandemic moves forward, my symptoms slowly creeping back in with the blood worsening visually between us all.

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Don' t forget to pray bro.....All are heard, 💙 xx KK

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Like it Sista !

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Oct 13Liked by Karl.C

Your research is very helpful, to many of us!

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thank you, !

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Whatever may happen in a test tube, humic/fulvic acids are a net positive because they remove graphene from the body: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24857237/

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Karl we really do have a BIG problem if this is true. Much of what we eat contributes to LNP construction.

Can you give me specific substances like zeolite? RR

ChatGPT Plus


Certainly! When it comes to constructing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), there are several specific substances (including lipids and stabilizers) used in various formulations. While zeolite is a porous mineral typically used in adsorption and catalysis (not commonly in LNP construction), there are other precise chemicals, lipids, and excipients frequently employed in LNP formulations. Here are examples of specific substances relevant to LNP creation:

1. Ionizable Lipids

These are critical for encapsulating nucleic acids and facilitating the release of the payload inside cells.

DLin-MC3-DMA: (2,2-dilinoleyl-4-dimethylaminomethyl-[1,3]-dioxolane) is a commonly used ionizable lipid.

ALC-0315: (heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl)(6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy)hexyl)amino)octanoate) is used in the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

C12-200: A potent ionizable lipid used in siRNA and mRNA delivery studies.

2. Phospholipids

These provide structural stability and form part of the lipid bilayer that helps encapsulate the therapeutic cargo.

DSPC: (1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) is a commonly used phospholipid in LNPs.

DOPC: (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) is another example of a phospholipid used in nanoparticle formulations.

3. Cholesterol

Cholesterol helps maintain the stability and fluidity of LNPs.

Cholesterol: Pure cholesterol is typically used in most LNP formulations to enhance the structural integrity of the nanoparticle.

4. PEGylated Lipids

These lipids have polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains attached to them, which help reduce immune recognition and prolong circulation in the bloodstream.

PEG-DMG: (Polyethylene Glycol- Dimyristoylglycerol) is a PEGylated lipid often used in LNP formulations to enhance stability and reduce clearance by the immune system.

PEG-DSPE: (Polyethylene Glycol–Distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine) is another PEGylated lipid that helps to shield LNPs from immune detection.

5. Helper Lipids or Stabilizers

These can act as surfactants or stabilizers during the LNP formulation process, ensuring the LNPs remain stable and do not aggregate or degrade.

Tween 80 (Polysorbate 80): A surfactant used in some nanoparticle formulations to prevent aggregation.

Poloxamer 407: A block copolymer used in some nanoparticle and drug delivery formulations to stabilize particles in solution.

Sucrose: Often used as a cryoprotectant to stabilize LNPs during freeze-drying or long-term storage.

6. Other Specific Lipids in LNPs

Some lipid nanoparticles use specialized or custom-made lipids for optimal delivery of specific cargos.

DOTAP: (1,2-Dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane) is a cationic lipid used in the formulation of lipid nanoparticles for gene delivery.

DODAP: (1,2-Dioleoyl-3-dimethylammonium propane) is another cationic lipid used in LNPs for nucleic acid delivery.

SM-102: A proprietary ionizable lipid used in the Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccine formulation.

7. Excipients and Buffers

To support the overall stability and bioavailability of LNPs, excipients like sugars, salts, and buffers are added.

Sucrose: Acts as a cryoprotectant or stabilizer for LNPs during storage.

Tris buffer: A buffering agent used to maintain the pH in LNP formulations.

Sodium citrate: Used as a buffer in some LNP formulations.

Substances Not Typically Used in LNP Construction (but you mentioned Zeolite):

Zeolite: While zeolites are microporous aluminosilicate minerals, they're typically used in catalysis, molecular sieves, or adsorption, rather than in lipid nanoparticle construction. However, zeolites are used in some drug delivery systems as carriers or adsorbents, but they are not common in lipid-based nanoparticles.

Summary of Key LNP Components:

Ionizable lipids: DLin-MC3-DMA, ALC-0315, C12-200.

Phospholipids: DSPC, DOPC.

Cholesterol: Pure cholesterol.

PEGylated lipids: PEG-DMG, PEG-DSPE.

Helper lipids/stabilizers: Tween 80, Poloxamer 407, Sucrose.

Specialized lipids: DOTAP, DODAP, SM-102.

These specific substances work together to form lipid nanoparticles, creating an efficient system for delivering therapeutic molecules, especially nucleic acids, to cells.

Tú dijiste:

Can you give me names of foods or supplements?

ChatGPT Plus


Here are some foods and supplements that contain key components that can support or potentially enhance lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formation or their function, particularly from a bioavailability or lipid metabolism perspective:

Foods Rich in Lipids Relevant for LNP Formation

Phospholipid-rich Foods

Phospholipids, like phosphatidylcholine, are critical components in LNPs. These foods are rich in phospholipids:

Egg Yolks: High in phosphatidylcholine, which is commonly used in lipid nanoparticle formulations.

Soybeans: Contain soy lecithin, a source of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine.

Sunflower Seeds: Another plant-based source of phospholipids, particularly used in lecithin products.

Organ Meats (e.g., liver): Rich in phospholipids that support cell membrane integrity.

Cholesterol-containing Foods

Cholesterol stabilizes LNPs by enhancing membrane fluidity. Dietary sources of cholesterol include:

Meat (especially fatty cuts).

Shellfish (shrimp, lobster).

Butter and Cream: High in cholesterol, although they should be consumed in moderation.

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Rich Foods

PUFAs contribute to the fluidity and structural integrity of lipid membranes:

Fatty Fish: Such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA).

Walnuts: A good plant source of PUFAs, particularly omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid).

Flaxseeds and Chia Seeds: High in omega-3 fatty acids.

Avocados: Rich in monounsaturated fats that may support lipid stability.

Medium-chain Triglycerides (MCT)

Coconut Oil: A significant source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are used to enhance lipid-based formulations and can support energy metabolism.

MCT Oil Supplements: Often derived from coconut or palm oil, used for enhancing bioavailability in lipid formulations.

Sterols and Stanols Plant-based sterols and stanols have structural similarities to cholesterol and may impact lipid metabolism:

Nuts: Particularly almonds, walnuts, and pistachios.

Legumes: Such as lentils and chickpeas.

Fortified Foods: Some margarines and dairy products are fortified with plant sterols and stanols, which are known to affect cholesterol levels.

Supplements that Contain Lipids or Support Lipid Metabolism

Lecithin Supplements

Soy Lecithin or Sunflower Lecithin: These are rich sources of phosphatidylcholine, a phospholipid used in LNPs and supportive of liver health and lipid metabolism.

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Supplements

Phosphatidylcholine: Available as standalone supplements, derived from soy or egg, to support membrane health and cellular function. It can also enhance lipid-based delivery systems.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Fish Oil: Contains omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which support lipid membranes' fluidity and integrity.

Algal Oil: A plant-based alternative to fish oil, rich in DHA.

Krill Oil: Another rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and phospholipids.

Choline Supplements

Choline Bitartrate: Choline is a precursor for phosphatidylcholine synthesis and plays a role in lipid transport and metabolism.

Alpha-GPC (L-alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine): A choline-based supplement that supports brain and liver function.

MCT Oil Supplements

MCT oil can be taken as a supplement to improve fat absorption and metabolism. It is also used in certain lipid-based drug delivery systems for enhanced bioavailability.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

A lipid-soluble antioxidant that supports mitochondrial energy production and lipid metabolism, often used in liposomal or lipid-based formulations for improved absorption.

Squalene Supplements

Squalene: Found in supplements derived from shark liver oil or plant sources (like olive oil), squalene enhances skin lipid barrier function and may support lipid-based systems in the body.

Summary of Foods and Supplements:

Phospholipid-rich: Eggs, soy, sunflower seeds, organ meats, lecithin supplements.

Cholesterol-rich: Meat, shellfish, butter, cream.

PUFA-rich: Fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, avocados.

MCT-rich: Coconut oil, MCT oil supplements.

Sterols/Stanols: Nuts, legumes, fortified foods.

Supplements: Lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, omega-3 fatty acids, choline, MCT oil, CoQ10, squalene.

These foods and supplements provide the lipid components or precursors that can play supportive roles in forming or stabilizing lipid structures like those used in LNPs for drug delivery.

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Thanks mate ! Think I 'll go and eat some worms

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Hi Karl. Thank you for all your work. Have you looked into EDTA and vitamin C which is highly recommended by Dr Ana Mihalcea? It was also mentioned in the Moderna documents that it is an antidote.

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Hi janet, do you have a copy of these Moderna documents, or do you know where I can go to get a copy? Surely it’s not as easy as doing a search for Moderna documents! Thanks janet.

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Hi rrodynmac. Dr Ana refers to it here in this article https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/another-confirmation-edta-combined

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I suppose it’s fairly easy to get the patents-just put in a request and pay a fee. But do we really expect that Moderna/Pfizer/J&J will include all the ingredients?

Also Dr Ana just happened to have a de-classified CIA document about the study of human consciousness sent to her recently.

I guess all is above board, or is it?

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Yes we have to be careful and I suppose the proof of the pudding is in the eating. The small blinking lights (quantum dots, microbots) which self assemble into structures she see's became disabled when she applied EDTA and vitamin C. I managed to find some liposomal EDTA and take it orally along with 10 grams of vitamin C every week or two. She takes it herself and takes a multi mineral supplement to replace any lost in the Chelation treatment.

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Yes, what I find weird is that the antidote is publicly visible. I don’t think people who want to kill us would readily give out the antidote! Then again, everything is weird these days!

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Yes interestingly enough on the question of detecting the DNA contamination Moderna stated that the methods they were using were inadequate. There's a fuss going on about the cancer causing DNA contamination in Australia Whether Moderna are just quietly covering for themselves or not I don't know. Here's the article and the letter containing the Moderna statement is near the bottom https://julesonthebeach.substack.com/p/all-537-australian-councils-to-receive?publication_id=1956910&post_id=150129223&isFreemail=true&r=kv486&triedRedirect=true

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Thanks janet !

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Can the humble natural chelators parsley, cilantro, garlic, onions be of assistance? There has to be an answer in nature, something or a combination that is so common it’s overlooked.

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Yeah, herbal works. Those you mention will neutralized heavy metals found in vaccines (toxin, i should say). I am using herbal concentrate (many kinds) a product found in indonesia where i live), and quite helpfull in clearing those toxin. And its good for my grandkids as well (2 yo and 6 yo).

The things is you need to find the correct dose for it before show some progress (detox)

I used also aromatheraphy esp thieves oil (its a blend of 5 oils), it helps as well.

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Methylene blue? So is zeolite harmful if you haven’t taken the shot?

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Thanks for the exhaustive observation. What about betonte?

Also, are the flaxseeds also enhancing the nanos or only the flaxseed oil?

What are the means left, beyond activated charcoal as pointed out by Dr David Nixon, to detox? Thanks again

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Sodium citrate check Karl's articles on this in archive, thieves oil too...modified version, take small doses to begin with too

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I love the fact you are trying to find something natural and I am sure there is something easy to use and it will work. Finding a needle in a haystack is hard. You are doing a great job and I am very grateful you are doing all this work.

We are in Mexico and people are just a lost as they are in America. They STILL offer the toxic shots in the clinics. I know so, because I was just there, Los Barriles, because of a major migraine. And in Mexico, people do not have that kind of money to heal themselves or trying to buy products like people are able to buy in America. So, if you find something natural it is good for everyone.

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